
Does Plastic Surgery Leave Scars?

Bloomfield Hills, MI – Does the thought of plastic surgery scars keep you from saying “Yes!” to life-improving surgery? It shouldn’t. While other surgical procedures may leave scars, cosmetic surgery scarring is almost unheard of – sort of.

Think about it. Celebrities engage in plastic surgery all the time. These stars and starlets even go so far as to keep their procedures a secret, even when they look nothing like their former selves.

If cosmetic surgery left glaring scars, these A-list celebs wouldn’t be so successful at keeping their procedures under wraps.

So how come regular surgery procedures, such as those used to repair the heart, lungs or other organs, leave scars, but plastic surgeons are able to avoid them (almost) completely?
Here are the answers you seek. Hopefully after reading them, you’ll finally schedule those procedures that could immeasurably improve your life.

All Surgeries Leave Scars

First, let’s face facts: Cosmetic surgery does involve cutting into the skin, so it does leave scars. Anytime you are performing surgery on the skin, a scar is going to result.

Don’t let that fact cause you to avoid bettering your life through a life changing operation, however.

While scars are unavoidable, they may not be as bad as you imagine.

Cosmetic surgeons are using very precise instruments, so they are able to place incisions strategically so that any scars left behind aren’t very noticeable.

Your doctor can also use techniques like layered closures, which involve deeply-embedded, dissolving stitches that are placed in regions of the body with greater tension and thicker skin. The increased pressure prevents the scar from widening during the body’s natural healing process.

Your surgeon can also use techniques like following natural skin creases to hide scars. Natural skin creases are parallel to wrinkle lines and act as camouflage to make the scar nearly invisible.

Common Surgeries and the Resulting Scars

Now let’s look at some examples using one or more procedures you may be considering.

If you are thinking about a breast augmentation, you’ll be happy to know that scars are a non-issue. During this type of procedure, your surgeon will place the implant through a tiny incision around the areola border or in the fold below the breast.

Considering a facelift? Here’s another procedure with minimal scars. These small lines can also be hidden behind the ear, along the junction between the cheek and ear, or around the posterior hairline.

For a chin implant, the incision is made inside the mouth or within the natural crease of the chin fold, leaving no visible scarring behind.

Unavoidable Visible Scars

There are some procedures, such as those involving the back, where unsightly scars are inevitable. But a skilled plastic surgeon can help to minimize these scars so that they aren’t so obvious.

What do the Scars Look Like?

Immediately after surgery and possibly for a few months afterward, the scars left behind from surgery will appear red and raised. Given enough time, they will eventually fade to minuscule white lines.

Keloid Scars

If you have darker skin, you may be prone to keloid scars, which are thicker and appear raised outside of the circumference of a standard scar. This doesn’t mean that you are destined to live with them, however. Your surgeon will just have to be more aggressive at treating them.

Post-Surgery Scar Care

Even if a scar is unavoidable, plastic surgeons are trained body artists. Using their skill and years of training, they are often able to diminish visible scars using a variety of techniques.

Your surgeon may avoid your skin from scarring by removing stitches at certain times post-procedure. For example, removing facelift sutures 6 days after the procedure lowers the risk of developing permanent marks, also referred as “track marks”, along the line of incision.
Scars can also be treated post-surgery using a Vitamin E solution, silicone spray or steroid injections.

How You Can Help to Minimize Scarring

To help your scars heal properly, your surgeon will give you specific instructions on how to care for the body part that has been operated on. If you don’t want scars to last, you should follow those instructions exactly as described.

You may have to change out silicone pads, which are designed to shrink plastic surgery scars. Your surgeon may even suggest that you take Vitamin C and Zinc orally, which can help to reduce the appearance of scars.

You should also use a sunscreen of at least SPF 30 for a year post-surgery as the scars mature. That’s because scars may become darker or lighter than the adjacent skin (hypopigmentation) if they are immature and exposed to significant UV rays. This is true even on otherwise cloudy days.

With a skilled surgeon and the right treatment after surgery, even scars left behind post-surgery can be faded to appear next to nothing. What you’re left with is the ideal nose, tummy or pair of breasts without a single scar to show for it.

With your fears abated, it’s now time to schedule those procedures you’ve been putting off for so long. Call Dr. Ali for a consultation.

© 2016 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.


Can One Liposuction Session Treat All Areas At Once?

Bloomfield Hills, MI – For many of us, we may notice excess fat in a few areas of the body as we age. No matter how hard we exercise or how much we diet, some areas of our body just seem to retain stubborn pockets of fat. Liposuction is an excellent solution to help get rid of that fat that just seems to linger no matter what we do.

But if you have multiple areas that you’d like targeted, can you target them all in just one liposuction session? The answer is yes, and no.

“Liposuction is a very individualized procedure,” says Dr. Ali, a Bloomfield Hills plastic surgeon. “The number of procedures each patient will need to meet his or her desired goals is determined on a patient by patient basis. However, it is possible in many cases to target multiple areas at once.”

The deciding factor of whether multiple areas can safely be targeted during one liposuction procedure comes down to the patient. While there isn’t a maximum number of areas that can be target during one session, there is a maximum on the quantity of fat that can be removed in one session. The general rule of thumb is that surgeons should stay at or below five liters of fat removed.

Patients with smaller builds may be able to safely have multiple areas targeted in one session, while those who are larger in stature may require more than one session to safely and effectively remove the desired quantities of fat.

“One of the greatest benefits of liposuction is that we can use it pretty much anywhere on the body,” says Dr. Ali. “The technique has been perfected so that it causes much less trauma than ever before, however, it is important to remember that there will be swelling and slight soreness at the location of any liposuction. Recovery following liposuction of multiple areas could be longer and more uncomfortable.”

When combining liposuction procedures, it is ideal to keep them to what is termed “aesthetic units.” For instance, one session can easily target the stomach, thighs and hips, and even the bra area.

During your consultation, Dr. Ali will discuss with you your goals following the procedure. Then, he can create a customized treatment plan that will ensure the best results for you.

It is important to note that liposuction should not be used as a weight loss method. Patients should be at or near their ideal weight, but with stubborn pockets of fat that just don’t respond to traditional diet or exercise. If you are interested in reducing fat across your entire body, it would be wise to first begin a weight loss program. Once you reach your desired weight, if you find you have areas that still retain localized pockets of fat, schedule a consultation to learn about the benefits of liposuction.

© 2016 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.


How Exactly Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Bloomfield Hills, MI – Laser hair removal is a popular procedure, but how exactly does it work?

With summer in full swing, more people are turning to the non-invasive cosmetic procedure to be pool or vacation ready. Let’s take a closer look at how the procedure works to remove the hair, without painful waxing or annoying shaving every day.

Laser hair removal uses light wavelengths and pulses to target the melanin, destroying the hair follicle to stop hair from growing in the targeted area. The combination of pulse and light is adjusted for your hair type and skin tone to properly target the hair follicle, without damaging the skin and tissue that surrounds it.

There are two types of melanin. Those with blonde or red hair have pheomelanin, while those with brown or black hair have eumelanin. Your hair color and skin color and type will determine which laser will be used to remove your hair.

“It is important to note that laser hair removal is a medical procedure and to avoid potential risks, you should seek out only a well-trained and qualified doctor or technician,” says Dr. Ali, a plastic surgeon in Michigan whose clinic offers the procedure. “Using the wrong combination of laser and pulse can permanently damage your skin.

Before undergoing laser hair removal, it is important to limit plucking, waxing or electrolysis for six weeks prior to treatment. The laser will need to target the hair at its root, and plucking and waxing will remove this.

You should also take care to avoid sun exposure both before and after treatment. Sun can make complications after the procedure more likely.

Before the procedure, the hair that will be targeted will be trimmed very short. Then, the specially trained technician will adjust the laser to account for your specific color, thickness and location of your hair, as well as your skin tone.

“Each pulse of the laser takes less than a fraction of second,” says Dr. Ali. “A special cooling gel will be applied to protect the outer layers of your skin and help the laser penetrate the skin to target the hair follicle.”

It will take multiple treatment to fully remove the hair. The underarms, for example, can take about six sessions to ensure the hair follicles were all properly targeted. The procedure only takes a few minutes.

Pain will be minimal, but your technician can apply a numbing cream prior to treatment to relieve any burning, itching or pain that may occur.

For a few days following the procedure, you may feel as if you have a sunburn. You can use cool compresses and moisturizers to help with any irritation. Over the course of the following month, your hair will begin to fall out.

Be careful to avoid sun exposure for about six weeks following the procedure, and wear sunscreen to prevent changes in the color of the treated skin. People with darker skin may be more prone to blisters. Some patients may also experience swelling or redness, but this should subside in a few days.

If you are tired of having to shave every day, or no longer want to go through the hassle of waxing, laser hair removal is your answer. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Ali and his team today.

© 2016 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

sensual woman in bra and jeans - darkness

Types of Tummy Tucks Explained

Bloomfield Hills, MI – For people who are concerned about loose skin around their middle, a tummy tuck is a wonderful plastic surgery option. It is also a great solution for women who have weakened abdominal muscles after pregnancy. It can provide a beautifully contoured figure, but there is more than one type of tummy tuck.

“An abdominoplasty removes loose skin, tightens muscles and removes stubborn pockets of fat,” says Bloomfield Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Ali. “Each patient has different needs and different post-surgery goals, so we tailor our approach to meet those needs. At your initial consultation, your plastic surgeon can explain the main approaches and help you choose the one that is best for you.”

The Mini
The mini tummy tuck removes a smaller portion of skin and requires a smaller incision. They are ideal for patients who are healthy and at or near their ideal weight, but have a stubborn pouch of fat around their mid-section.

The surgeon makes an incision in the lower abdominal wall to the belly button. Then, excess skin will be removed, muscles will be tightened, and the skin will be pulled tight to close the incision. Recovery times vary, but most patients can return to normal daily activities in about a week.

The Traditional
The traditional tummy tuck is ideal for patients who are healthy, but who have a more substantial amount of loose skin to be removed. It is typically used on patients who have lost a significant amount of weight, or women who have excess fat or weak abdominal muscles following a pregnancy.

The incision will be slightly larger than with a mini tummy tuck, and is typically a straight line running from hip bone to hip bone. The surgeon may use liposuction to remove excess fat. Excess skin will be removed and abdominal muscles will be tightened before closing the incision.

Because a larger portion of extra skin is removed, the belly button will most likely be repositioned. The average recovery time is about four weeks.

The Extended
An extended tummy tuck is for patients who have a significant amount of loose, sagging skin in their midsection, as well as their hips and lower back. Excess fat in these areas will also be removed during the procedure.

A long incision is made that reaches around the hips to the lower back. Liposuction will remove excess fat and drain an excess fluid in the area. The muscles will be tightened in both the abdomen and around the hips, and loose skin will be removed before closing the incision. The belly button will also be repositioned.

Recovery typically involves a short stay in the hospital, followed by about a month of at-home recovery. Before beginning activities that require physical exertion, patients must be cleared by their surgeon.

At your initial consultation with Dr. Ali, he will discuss what procedure will be best for you. He’ll take into account the amount of skin that needs to be removed, as well as the integrity of the abdominal muscles.

If you are interested in removing excess fat and sculpting your mid-section, schedule a consultation with Dr. Ali.

© 2016 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

Plastic Surgeon Birmingham MI

My breasts are perfect!

PATIENT TESTIMONIAL: Breast Augmentation

I’ve always had a small chest and have always wanted bigger breasts. After 3 kids, I couldn’t even fit into an A cup. After many years of contemplating, I did it, I had a Breast Augmentation and have no regrets! My experience with surgery and healing has been amazing. I didn’t really experience any pain, it was more discomfort more than anything. More importantly – my breasts are perfect! I feel & look great! Thanks Dr. Ali!

Elise G. 
Breast Augmentation

PATIENT TESTIMONIAL: Breast Augmentation

I’ve always had a small chest and was self conscious about it. I avoided buying low cut tops, and I envied woman that could fill out a bra and have cleavage. Spoiler alert: I bought bras that were too big for me just to give me shape. My cousin recommended I go see Dr. Ali after having a breast reduction done by him, several years back. She was very happy. I set up a consultation and after meeting Dr. Ali and his staff I knew I was in good hands. Dr. Ali answered all of my questions. I could tell his goal was to make me happy and create a look that was natural for my body. I had the surgery three weeks ago, and each day I am happier and happier with my results! I look natural, I get compliments from all of my friends, and I feel more confident than ever! Dr. Ali is down to earth, caring, kind, smart, and knowledgeable. He is the BEST in Metro Detroit, hands down!

Breast Augmentation

Woman in red underwear

Could You Benefit from a Labiaplasty?

Bloomfield Hills, MI – Are you embarrassed by an enlarged labia minora that leaves you self-conscious with your significant other? Do you experience pain during intercourse, and want to enjoy your life again? An enlarged labia minora can be the results of genetics, hormonal changes, or aging, but there is no reason to let it interfere with your life.

“We’re seeing an increase in women seeking out plastic surgery to reduce their enlarged labia,” says Dr. Ali, a Bloomfield Hills plastic surgeon. “Some women may experience discomfort throughout their daily lives, and some embarrassment in the bedroom, due to the size of their labia. But a labiaplasty is a great way to help them gain back confidence, and enjoy life both in and out of the bedroom.”

A labiaplasty, also referred to as vaginal rejuvenation, reduces the size of the labia minora so that is will be flush or hidden within the outer lips of the vagina, knowns as the labia majora.

The type of labiaplasty procedure performed will depend on the patient’s preferences. Some women have a labia that is darker in color and want a reduction that can also correct the color. In this case, a labial flap reduction can provide a lighter, more youthful looking labia.

Some women want to keep the darker color on the margins of the labia, while reducing the size. For these patients, Dr. Ali performs a reduction procedure that provides the ideal reduction in size, while preserving the color.

Dr. Ali typically performs the procedure under general anesthesia, and it takes about one hour. Patients can go home the same day. Patients should remain on bed rest for one week following the procedure. There can be significant swelling for the first week, but it should begin to go away by the second week. Patients will wear a dressing similar to a pad worn during menstruation, and can apply cool compresses to help reduce swelling. There may also be slight bleeding and bruising.

Daily activities can be resumed after one week, but taking care not to strain themselves. Strenuous activity, including sexual intercourse, should be avoided for four to six weeks.

Do you experience discomfort wearing tight fitting clothing, during sexual intercourse or exercise? No matter your age or stage in life, if you suffer embarrassment or pain due to the size of your labia, Dr. Ali can help. Schedule a consultation today.

© 2016 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

healthy young woman

What Causes a Doublie Chin?

Bloomfield Hills, MI – When you look in the mirror, are you embarrassed by what looks like a double chin? Do you try to find ways to hide it in pictures? Before discussing how to get rid of your double chin, it’s important to understand what causes it.

“While a double chin may make your face look heavier, a double chin isn’t an indication that you are fat,” says Dr. Ali, a Bloomfield Hills plastic surgeon. “Gaining weight doesn’t always mean you’ll get a double chin, and likewise, losing weight doesn’t necessarily mean your double chin will go away. Weight gain can lead to the appearance of a double chin, but there are other factors, as well.”

A double chin is caused when excess fat and loose skin gather in the neck area, leading to the appearance of a fuller, almost second chin.

Aging can lead to the onset of a double chin. Our muscles weaken as we age, which allows for the fat deposits to hang lower than they otherwise would.

For some people, their double chin is simply the result of their genetics, and therefore almost impossible to avoid. And some people just may have more fat cells in their chin region, causing a double chin even though they may be younger and on the slimmer side.

The way your bones and muscles form can also lead to the appearance of a double chin, along with facial expressions we make. Some facial movements can actually lead to structural changes in our appearance over time, leading to the appearance of a double chin.

But if you are embarrassed by your double chin, there are great ways to minimize the appearance and bring your face to proper proportions.

Liposuction is one of the most commonly performed plastic surgery procedures, and can be a great way to remove the appearance of a double chin, if you don’t also have excess skin involved. Because the neck doesn’t really respond to exercise, no amount of dieting or working out may be able to remove those stubborn fat deposits of the double chin.

Liposuction can be used to remove the excess fat deposits, and contour the chin to provide the patient the desired look.

If your double chin is accompanied by sagging, loose skin and/or thick neck bands, a neck lift will be a better option for you.

Incisions will be placed under the chin and around the ears. The excess skin will be removed, and liposuction can also be used to remove the fatty deposits. Dr. Ali will tighten the neck muscles to ensure the most beautiful and natural looking result.

“Neck lifts are a wonderful way to get rid of double chins, and provide patients with the look they want,” says Dr. Ali. “The patient will be on bedrest for about 2 days following the procedure, and will have a bit of swelling and bruising in the first week. But by six weeks out, normal activities can be resumed, and patients love to show off their news, slimmer looking neck.”

If you have a stubborn double chin that you’d like to get rid of, schedule a consultation with Dr. Ali today.

© 2016 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

Acne in women

What is Micro Needling?

Bloomfield Hills, MI – Micro needling is a minimally invasive skin rejuvenation procedure that is taking the cosmetic world by storm. Fine needles puncture the skin to create deliberate and controlled injuries that then lead the body to produce new collagen and elastin.

“The theory behind micro needling has been around for some years, taking various forms,” says Dr. Ali, a plastic surgeon in Michigan. “In the 1990s, a Canadian plastic surgeon played around with the idea of using ink-less tattoo guns to help treat scars after surgery. In 1996, a South African plastic surgeon introduced the idea of skin needling using a roller to treat wrinkles, and this is the form of micro needling we recognize today.”

Micro needling, also known as skin needling or dermarolling, has been used to minimize acne scars, fine lines, brown spots and even stretch marks and cellulite.

Depending on the area to be treating, micro needling can take anywhere between a few minutes to an hour. The day of treatment, patients will need to avoid using any make-up or lotions on the area to be treated.

Before the procedure, the technician will apply a topical numbing cream to the area to be treated to make the procedure as comfortable as possible. Then, the skin needling device will be rolled over the area in a specific pattern to generate the most collagen and elastin production.

Each fine needle in the device creates a miniscule puncture wound in the skin, which then stimulates cell regeneration. It can then take about six weeks for the new collagen to fully form.

There are many benefits to skin needling. First, it is often a much more cost-effective solution for minimizing lines and reducing the appearance of scars. Most patients are good candidates for the procedure, including those with thin or sensitive skin. And patients with darker skin are also good candidates, as it has a lower risk of hyperpigmentation or scarring than other procedures.

Some procedures, such as laser resurfacing, create a clear difference in appearance between the skin that was treated, and the skin that wasn’t. This means the treatment needs to be blended to minimize the appearance of the treatment itself. But with micro needling, there will be no difference between the treated and untreated skin.

Following the procedure, patients may experience dryness, scaling, redness and slight swelling. This may last a few days, depending on the length of needles used during treatment. Patients will need to take special care to avoid sun exposure for several weeks following the procedure.

In as little as two weeks, patients will have noticeable skin rejuvenation, and the effects can last up to eight months. The procedure can be repeated as needed to reach the desired results.

There are now a host of products and devices on the market that allow home use, however, Dr. Ali advises against home use. Because a micro needling device does puncture the skin, the treatment should only be performed by a someone skilled in the procedure who can control the depth at which the needles enter the skin.

Because there are many products on the market, people who opt for at-home treatment should pay close attention to the brand and quality of the product they choose. The quality of the needle is essential, and many less expensive products can result in needles breaking off, sometimes even in the skin.

Cleanliness and sterilization are also crucial to the micro needling process. Using needles that are not clean can introduce harmful agents to the skin, and cause damage.

When in skilled hands, micro needling is a safe and effective way to improve the texture and tone of skin, and reduce the appearance of surface scars and fine lines.

© 2016 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

Beauty treatment of the young beautiful female face, doctor's ha

What Plastic Surgery Stigma?

Bloomfield Hills, MI – Over the years, millions of people have turned to plastic surgery to look and feel better, and have spent billions of dollars in the process. Once upon a time, these people would have stayed hidden from the public to hide their work. Today, however, more people are saying goodbye to the stigma formerly attached to plastic surgery and embracing their results.

“Years ago, people thought others only turned to plastic surgery to try to hold on to their youth,” says Bloomfield Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Ali. “Results of early nose jobs and other procedures were often a bit crude and cookie cutter, so it was obvious when someone had a procedure. Today, however, techniques have advanced so much that patients often leave others wondering if they’ve had work done.”

Today, we’re seeing more celebrities embracing the work they’ve had done, and even talking about it openly because they are proud of their results. Gone are the days of using fake names and going on extended vacations to hide their work. And every day people are following the lead, as they see the beautiful and natural results that can now be achieved.

“I often have patients coming to me for a facelift, tummy tuck, or a host of other procedures who aren’t trying to regain their youth, but simply trying to regain their vigor and self-confidence,” says Dr. Ali. “Good plastic surgery can be age appropriate and natural looking. The goal should always be to help our patients look and feel as great on the outside as they do on the inside. Today, we’re seeing patients who are so happy with their results, they can’t wait to shout them from the rooftops.”

We still see news of plastic surgery dominating tabloids. People love to guess “did they or didn’t they?” While there may still be people who think plastic surgery is bad, or fake, the negative opinions are starting to fall away to more positive, and empowered, ideas of what plastic surgery can do. And much of that has to do with how far plastic surgery has come over the years.

“In the early days of surgery, it’s true that many women turned to a surgeon to try to maintain their grasp on their youth,” says Dr. Ali. “This was especially true in the case of Hollywood starlets, who needed to stay youthful looking to continue their careers. Today, however, we’re seeing more women aging gracefully, and as strange as it may sound, plastic surgery can often help women do just that.”

Reasons for undergoing plastic surgery are deeply personal, and the experience can be very positive. When people feel good about the way they look, that confidence carries over into every aspect of their lives. They can gain back a renewed sense of self, and be more willing to tackle new goals and live life to the fullest.

And it seems that younger generations are more accepting of plastic surgery procedures. These younger generations feel it’s okay to be successful and look and feel your best, and know that plastic surgery procedures are often a great solution to that. With the popularity of Botox and fillers, people are getting introduced to the plastic surgery world at younger ages, and as they age, they are more willing to embrace more invasive procedures, if they feel they could benefit.

“I love what I do because I get to see how patients change from before their procedure to after,” says Dr. Ali. “The confidence I see in a woman who once again feels ready to tackle the world is a beautiful thing. Plastic surgery not only helps people look better, it helps them feel better, too. And I don’t think that is a bad thing at all.”

© 2016 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

Breast lift

Breast Reconstruction Following Mastectomy

Bloomfield Hills, MI – If you are a breast cancer survivor, you’ve already been through so much, and having to feel self-conscious about your body is not something you should have to worry about. While breast cancer treatment has advanced tremendously, and in many cases mastectomy is no longer needed, there are still many women in the U.S. who undergo total mastectomies each year. And for these women, breast reconstruction can provide relief and healing.

In most instances, breast reconstruction will need to be done in stages. Together with her plastic surgeon, the patient will decide which type of reconstruction procedure is right for her – breast implants, flap surgery, or a combination of both. You may be able to combine your reconstruction with your mastectomy, or you may choose to wait until you have healed from the mastectomy to move forward.

In the first stage of the procedure, the surgeon will place a tissue expander under the chest muscle. The expander will be gradually filled with saline to stretch the muscle and create a pocket for the implant to be placed. After reaching the desired size, the expander will stay in place for several weeks to ensure the scar tissue has a chance to heal.

The next step for the patient is to choose the type of implant that will be ideal. Silicone implants are more natural and softer feeling than saline implants. During the procedure, the expander will be removed and replaced with the implant. The surgeon will then reconstruct the nipple, and an areola will be tattooed to give the reconstructed breast the most natural look possible.

Some patients may not desire a breast implant, but would still like to undergo breast reconstruction. For these patients, flap surgery may be an option. A TRAM flap uses muscle, fat and skin from the patient’s own abdomen to reconstruct a breast. Depending on your surgeon’s preferences and ability, the flap can remain attached to its original blood supply and then moved up through the chest wall, or it can be removed and formed into a breast-shaped mound. In some cases, patients require both flap surgery and breast implants, if there isn’t enough tissue to create a full breast mound.

Patients will be required to wear an elastic bandage and/or support bra to minimize swelling and provide support for the newly reconstructed breast. A draining tube will be inserted under the skin to remove any excess fluid or blood, but will be removed within a few days following surgery. You will be given a prescription for pain medication to help with discomfort.

Over the following weeks, as the swelling subsides, patients will see their newly reconstructed breasts taking shape.

“Breast reconstruction surgery is one of the most rewarding things I do,” says Dr. Ali, a Michigan plastic surgeon. “A cancer diagnosis can be devastating, and then to have to worry about your physical appearance after can just put added stress on patients. Being able to provide patients with natural looking breasts after a mastectomy can help them gain back some confidence that may have been lost after their diagnosis, and I am so humbled to be able to be a part of their journey back to health.”

To learn more about breast reconstruction, schedule a consultation with Dr. Ali today.

© 2016 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.