Cosmetic injection of botox

Which Facial Filler is Right for You?

Bloomfield Hills, MI – Are you looking for a way to erase the signs of aging in your face, without having to undergo an extensive plastic surgery procedure? Dermal fillers may be a great solution for you, but there are so many on the market, how do you know which one is the best to treat your issue?

There are numerous types of fillers on the market today. You’ve know doubt heard many of the names – Botox, Juvederm, Restylane, but what is the difference? Which one should you ask your plastic surgeon about? Michigan plastic surgeon Dr. Ali breaks down the different types of facial fillers on the market today.

  1. Botox, or botulinum toxin type A, is probably the most well-known type of filler, and it’s probably the one you think of when you think of facial injections. It is most commonly used to smooth the wrinkles in the forehead and brow, and crow’s feet lines around the eyes. It can also be injected in the underarms to stop excessive sweating. It typically lasts three to four months, and is best used to treat deeper lines and wrinkles. If you have more fine lines, Botox may not be the ideal option for you.
  2. Restylane, or hyaluronic acid, is used to treat the nasolabial folds, smile and brow lines, and for lips and beneath the eyes. It typically lasts between six and eight months, but like Botox, it is best to treat deeper folds.
  3. Juvederm is a 3D hyaluronic acid matrix filler. It is most often used to plump lips and to treat nasolabial folds. It can last up to one year, and offers a great and natural look for patients.
  4. Radiesse is calcium hydroxyapatite particles that are suspended in a hyaluronic gel. It treats smile lines, broader folds and cheeks. It lasts 12 to 18 months. Unlike other fillers, until it dissipates on its own, it cannot be reversed.
  5. Belotero is monophasic double cross-linked hyaluronic acid. It is great to treat the deep furrows of the brow, for lip augmentations, facial outlines, nasolabial folds, and facial depressions. It generally lasts for six to nine months, and because there is minimal risk of lumpiness, it is safe to use in most locations.
  6. Sculptra is a poly-L-lactic acid that can last up to two years. It is used to treat the deep folds between the nose and mouth, folds in the corners of the mouth, sunken cheeks, and deeper wrinkles or scars. It works to stimulate production of your body’s natural collagen.
  7. Fat fillers are your own fat cells that have been removed from another part of your body, and then treated before being injected back in the desired location. Fat transfer can be used to treat sunken cheeks, thin lips, lines below the eyes, or to fill out buttocks and breasts. The results are permanent for the fat cells that survive the transfer, but it can be unpredictable.

“The best type of filler for you will depend on the areas you are hoping to treat, and the look you desire,” says Dr. Ali. “In the hands of the right plastic surgeon, all facial fillers should have natural-looking and beautiful results. They can turn back the hands of time and have you looking and feeling your best.”

If you are interested in learning more about how facial fillers can erase fine lines and wrinkles, without undergoing surgery, schedule a consultation with Dr. Ali today.

© 2016 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

Permanent Makeup MI

Is Permanent Makeup Right for You?

Bloomfield Hills, MI – Do you get tired of having to reapply your eyeliner, or making it through the day and realizing it was smudged? With permanent makeup, you no longer have to spend time applying and reapplying eyeliner, lip line, or trying to sculpt your eyebrows.

“Permanent makeup is gaining a lot of popularity,” says Michigan plastic surgeon Dr. Ali. “Through tattoos, women can have the benefit of permanent color enhancement on the eyes, lips, eyebrows and other areas of the face. We also can use tattoos to restore or enhance the areola following breast reconstructive surgery.”

Patients in Dr. Ali’s office can enjoy the benefits of permanently enhanced eyebrows, permanent eyeliner and permanent lip liner.

Do you spend a lot of time trying to shape the perfect eyebrow? Or are you missing fullness in your eyebrows, due to aging, chemotherapy or another issue? Permanent makeup is a great way to enhance and beautifully shape your eyebrows.

A medical aesthetician will work with you to determine the best look for you, and use the technique to either simply fill in areas that are missing hair, or two create dramatically colored brows that can add new expression and definition to your face.

All women know that good eyeliner can dramatically alter the appearance of one’s eyes. But bad eyeliner can leave you looking like a clown or a raccoon. And if you suffer from allergies or limited dexterity, applying eyeliner can be a nightmare. But with permanent eyeliner, you never have to worry about it again. Your aesthetician will work with you to create a look that is natural and that will bring out the beauty of your eyes. Permanent eyeliner can be applied above or below the eye, or both.

Permanent lip liner can improve the definition of your lips by making them appear fuller. The tattoed pigment can make subtle corrections in the shape of the lip, or restore color that has been lost over time. Your aesthetician will work to help you find the ideal color and shape to give you beautiful, natural-looking and fuller lips.

Permanent makeup is like any other tattoo – while it is long lasting, it can fade over time, especially when proper care isn’t taken to protect from the elements. Patients may want to touch up their makeup periodically.

Having permanent makeup applied can be mildly painful, as any tattoo can be. Your aesthetician can use topical anesthetics and analgesics to minimize your discomfort.

Dr. Ali’s team follows the strictest sanitation and safety standards, so you can always be sure receiving permanent makeup at Amae Plastic Surgery Center is safe. Always do proper research before having permanent makeup applied to be sure you receive your treatment from only those with the highest care standards.

If you’d like to learn more about permanent makeup, call Dr. Ali’s office today.

© 2016 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

How to Avoid Botched Botox

Bloomfield Hills, MI – We’ve all seen it – in fact, it can be hard to look away. Bad Botox can happen to even the best of us. So how can you be sure you avoid bad Botox? By researching and choosing a certified plastic surgeon, you can safeguard your chances of having a beautiful outcome.

“Unfortunately, no one is immune to bad Botox, even celebrities,” says MI plastic surgery expert Dr. Ali. “In some cases it is subtle, but clear something just isn’t quite right. In other cases, it’s obvious something has gone terribly wrong. It is important to remember that as with anything, when it comes to Botox, not all providers are created equally.”

Today, Botox has become incredibly common. That means it’s no longer relegated just to your plastic surgeon’s office and you can find it in a variety of locations. But that isn’t always a good thing.

“Just because someone has the ability to inject Botox, doesn’t mean they have the skill required to give you the look you want,” says Dr. Ali. “Botox and other fillers take skill and artistry to ensure a natural-looking and functioning face after. It should be customized to each individual patient, based on their individual face.”

Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case, and if you aren’t careful, you may end up with a look you didn’t anticipate. Not only that, there are very real side effects that can happen when in the hands of a less skilled Botox provider.

If your Botox injector isn’t as skilled, you can end up with bruising. This happens when a provider fails to take the time to carefully look at the patient to assess his or her anatomy and location of facial veins. If Botox is injected into a superficial skin vein, bruising will appear. This can also be minimized by pre-treating the area with ice.

When having Botox injected near the lower eyelid, you’ll want to ensure it’s being done by a steady and skilled hand, otherwise you may be seeing double vision. While rare, this can happen if the injection happens too close to the eyelid.

Botox is not one size fits all. A provider cannot simply inject it into the same locations on each patient because each face and how the muscles work are different. And, each patient will desire a slightly different outcome.

To ensure your best result after Botox, be sure your provider is skilled and experienced in treating a variety of patients, and is dedicated to treating each patient like an individual. It should not be considered a cookie-cutter procedure. In the hands of the right plastic surgeon, Botox can leave you looking and feeling naturally refreshed.

© 2016 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

Surgery concept.

Preparing for Plastic Surgery

Bloomfield Hills, MI – So you’ve made the decision to undergo plastic surgery. Congratulations! Plastic surgery can improve your life by helping you look and feel your best, but it is important to remember that any surgery is a serious procedure. There are several things you should do to prepare.

“I like to make sure that all of my patients are well-prepared, both mentally and physically, prior to their surgery,” says Dr. Ali, a Michigan plastic surgeon. “We want to ensure the best results following your procedure, so there are a few things you should do beforehand for that to happen.”

Three weeks before your surgery

  1. Stop smoking. Smoking can cause serious complications because it constricts blood flow. Serious complications can happen during your procedure, and smoking following your procedure can impede healing. Do not resume smoking until your surgeon gives you permission. This will ensure your incision heals correctly.
  2. Stop drinking. Drinking, like smoking, can slow down your body’s ability to heal and can also lower your immune system. Alcohol can also thin the blood, making you more likely to bleed excessively during your procedure.
  3. Make a list of any medications you take, including over-the-counter and herbal remedies. Some medications can interfere with proper blood clotting, or anesthesia. Providing a complete list of medications will prevent negative interactions.
  4. Be sure you are eating a healthy diet. Salicylates can be found in many foods, and can affect the blood and lead to excessive bruising. Cut out foods such as tea, coffee, dried herbs, black pepper, strawberries, cherries, tomatoes, and fruit juices.

Two weeks before your surgery

  1. Stop taking any medications that could lead to excessive bleeding. These include aspirin and ibuprofen, anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-coagulants, and internally ingested vitamin E.
  2. Increase your vitamin intake. Vitamin A can boost your immune system, while vitamin C can boost wound healing properties. Bromelain can help reduce swelling. If you have any questions, ask your surgeon which vitamins will be most helpful.

One week before your surgery

  1. Limit your sodium intake. Sodium can lead to swelling, and may prevent your body from healing as quickly as it otherwise would.
  2. Eat a healthy diet, rich in fruits, vegetables and protein. What you eat can be a great help in your healing process.
  3. Fill all prescriptions. This can be helpful, and prevent you from having to run to the pharmacy while recovering from a tummy tuck or other procedure. You may experience pain after your surgery, and will want all medications ready right away.
  4. Buy any post-surgical garments you may need. Some procedures require special garments to aid in healing. If your surgeon’s office doesn’t provide those, be sure you purchase them before the day of your surgery.
  5. If you are having a facelift or other facial procedure and color your hair, you may want to schedule a touch-up appointment as close to your surgery date as possible. You won’t be able to visit the salon until your incision has completely healed, so it may be a while until you can have your hair touched up.

In the days leading up to your surgery, be sure you are using a plain soap to clean the surgical area well. If you are having a breast augmentation, do not shave under your arms in the days leading up to your surgery to limit your risk of developing an infection.

The night before your surgery, be sure to get plenty of rest. You won’t be able to eat or drink anything for 12 hours before your procedure to avoid risks with your anesthesia. If you are having facial surgery, you may wash your hair the night before, but avoid putting any hair spray or other product in.

Be sure you’ve made arrangements for someone to drive you home following your procedure.

The day of your surgery you may brush your teeth as normal. Do not use make-up, deodorant, lotions, or other beauty products. Remove all jewelry. If you wear contacts, take them out and wear your glasses for the day. Loose fitting clothing will be the most comfortable following your procedure. If you are having a facial procedure, you may wish to have a scarf and/or dark glasses to wear after.

If you have any questions about how to prepare for your surgery, don’t hesitate to ask your surgeon. Failing to follow your surgeon’s instructions can impede your body’s ability to heal, and may impact your results.

© 2016 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

Young female touches her neck, white background

How To Get Rid of Your Double Chin

Bloomfield Hills, MI – When you look in the mirror, are you embarrassed by the sagging, wrinkled appearance of your neck? Even without other changes to our bodies, our necks can make us look older or even heavier than we actually are. But a neck contouring procedure can correct that, shaving years and even pounds off of your look.

“A double chin is the result of excess fat and loose skin that builds up on the neck,” says Dr. Ali, a Michigan plastic surgeon. “It can happen as we age, or after we gain and lose weight, or due to stress. A neck lift and contouring is a great way to remove the fullness associated with a double chin, especially in patients who aren’t ready for a full facelift yet.”

When your neck simply doesn’t match the rest of your appearance, a neck lift is a great solution. During the procedure, your surgeon will remove excess skin, alter and tighten the neck muscles, remove excess fat, and for some patients use Botox or other injections to address additional issues.

If your problem is that your neck looks more like a turkey’s waddle, your surgeon will cut under your chin or behind your ears to access the platysma muscle. Some of the muscle may be removed to achieve the ideal look. Botox injections can be used in conjunction with the procedure to relax the parts of the muscle that create a banded or full look in your neck.

If you also have liposuction performed, your surgeon will make a small incision just below your chin, and use the cannula to remove excess fat.

Excess skin can be trimmed and lifted into a more ideal place, and then secured with either tissue glue or stitches.

Some patients may only require one of the above mentioned procedures to achieve their desired look, while others may require multiple. It’s important to discuss your aesthetic goals with your plastic surgeon before your procedure so he can provide you with the look you desire.

Younger patients, those in their 20s to 50s, may only need liposuction to get their desired look/ If you have good skin elasticity, your skin will contract smoothly, providing a beautiful result following the liposuction.

If you have a more extensive neck lift surgery, you’ll need about two weeks to fully recover, however an exact recovery time depends on the individual. Your neck will feel tight and there will be some bruising and swelling. This is all normal and the after-effects of surgery will subside within a few weeks.

It is important to follow all of your surgeon’s after-care instructions to ensure the best result.

Neck lift surgery can reduce sagging skin, remove excess skin, smooth out wrinkles and creases, and improve the appearance of neck bands. Best of all, the results will look natural and will age well with the patient.

If you’re tired of looking older than you are because of your double chin, schedule a consultation with Dr. Ali today.

© 2016 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

Plastic Surgery Trends to Expect in 2016

Bloomfield Hills, MI – What can we expect in the world of plastic surgery this year? As the number of people seeking out procedures continues to rise, Dr. Ali discusses what procedures he thinks will lead the way.

“More people continue to discover the advantages of plastic surgery,” says the Michigan plastic surgeon. “It’s not just for older patients – there is a procedure for everyone. I think one of the biggest areas we’ll see as a trend this year is an increase in the number of millennials seeking out the plastic surgeon’s office.”

Currently, this generation makes up approximately 20 percent of the population seeking out plastic surgery, but with social media continuing to be a vital part of their lives, millennials will most likely make up a bigger piece of the pie soon.

“The younger generations live their lives out via social media,” says Dr. Ali. “I think we’ll see more young people looking for ways to perfect their looks to portray their best selves online.”

In the same vein, Dr. Ali believes we’ll continue to see an increase in the number of men who visit plastic surgeons.

“Women aren’t the only ones who want to erase the signs of aging,” says Dr. Ali. “Men are finding that to be competitive in the work place, it can help to look younger and more vigorous. It’s not uncommon to find men asking about blepharoplasty, or eyelid procedures, to erase the lines around their eyes that can prematurely age them.”

Dr. Ali expects men to continue to seek out procedures, especially for the face and chest.

The last several years have seen an increase in procedures to enhance the buttocks area. With Beyonce and Kim Kardashian-West dominating magazine covers, the buttocks are a popular area for augmentation, and Dr. Ali expects this to continue, as well.

“Women love procedures such as the Brazilian butt lift to give them the same shape Kim and Beyonce have,” says Dr. Ali. “While I think this will continue, I do think we will see an increase in women wanting a more natural looking shape that is in proper proportion with their bodies. Bigger might be better, but natural-looking is best.”

The natural look also spills over to another area of the body – the breasts. Breast augmentations continue to dominate the plastic surgery world, but surgeons are seeing women opt for smaller, more natural looking sizes.
Dr. Ali thinks there will also continue to be an increase in the number of minimally invasive procedures performed.

“People are realizing that with the amazing array of fillers on the plastic surgery market, they don’t have to go under the knife to look young and refreshed,” says Dr. Ali. “A few simple and virtually pain-free injections can reverse the signs of aging, and it can be done on your lunch break. Fillers fit in to busy lifestyles, where people want to look and feel their best, but don’t want to be out of commission for long.”

One thing is certain, Americans want to look younger and feel their best, and are discovering that a trip to the plastic surgeon can do that. In 2014, we saw the biggest increase in spending on plastic surgery since 2008, with Americans spending more than $12 billion. In 2016, Dr. Ali thinks that figure will be even higher.

© 2016 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

Cellulite - bad skin condition

Areas You Never Knew Could Look So Good

Bloomfield Hills, MI – Most people have a problem area or two that they’d love to get rid of. If the idea of plastic surgery or a tummy tuck doesn’t sound appealing, there might be another solution. There are several areas of the body that liposuction can have a big impact on.

“Liposuction is a great option for many patients who don’t need a more invasive procedure, or who just have a small area to correct,” says Dr. Ali, a plastic surgeon in Michigan. “From your face, to your belly, to even your ankles, we can remove excess fat and have you looking and feeling better than ever in no time.”

Do you suffer from what is known as “cankles?” When you wear shorts, if you don’t have a clear, beautiful and elegant transition from your calf to your ankles, you may have cankles. And that can be a source of embarrassment for some. But liposuction is a great way to trim out the excess fat, and give you back graceful lines and shapelier legs.

Even with the best workout routine and attention to diet, we can develop stubborn areas of fat the refuse to go away. And as we age, we may notice that happening more around our midsections. If you have a small area, often known as a muffin top, that just doesn’t respond to diet or exercise, liposuction can help.

Liposuction is also a great option for your upper torso or back. Do you have areas of fat that bulge out from your bra? Liposuction can target those areas, removing the fat and making a smooth, beautifully contoured look.

Do you see a double chin when you look in the mirror. Liposuction can slim the jawline and neck area, making you look both thinner and younger.

Are you interested in a breast reduction, but aren’t excited about a serious surgery and scars? Liposuction may be able to sculpt away fatty tissue, leaving you with a more manageable profile. However, liposuction cannot be used for large reductions, only smaller reshaping procedures.

If you are a male who is embarrassed to take your shirt off at the pool because of enlarged breasts, known as gynecomastia, liposuction is a great solution for you. It can give you the appearance of a firmer and more muscular looking chest.

Another area that is gaining popularity for liposuction is the calf. Skinny jeans are all the rage, and many women don’t like the way their calves look in them. A little liposuction can contour the calf, creating a beautifully sculpted leg.

To achieve your desired look, it’s important to follow all after care instructions provided by your plastic surgeon. Compression garments will be worn to control swelling and ensure the skin compresses to the new contours the liposuction created.

Recovery time will depend on the specific area you had liposuction performed on, but it can take a few months for the swelling to completely go away. But as the swelling disappears, you’ll be thrilled with your new look and can confidently take on the world.

© 2016 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

Plastic surgery doctor draw line patient breast

How To Choose the Right Breast Implants for You

Bloomfield Hills, MI – Once you decide to undergo a breast augmentation, there are many other questions to consider. What size breast implant is right for you? Should you choose silicone or saline implants? Should the incision be under the arm, underneath the breast or at the bottom of the areola?

Luckily, Dr. Ali, a plastic surgeon in MI, can walk you through everything you need to know to ensure you have the most beautiful and natural looking result.

“Many people assume that when having their breasts done, bigger is better,” says Dr. Ali. “But that isn’t always the case. Most women don’t just want bigger breasts, they want breasts that look in proportion to the rest of their figure and that look and feel natural. And that’s where the experience of the plastic surgeon comes in.”

Your plastic surgeon should be able to walk you through everything you need to know to make the best decision for you. The first decision many women have to make is whether to choose saline or silicone filled implants. Both have advantages, and disadvantages, that will depend on the look you desire.

Silicone implants are made of a durable, elastic silicone shell and filled with a medical grade silicone gel. The consistency is close to that of a natural breast, and these can come in a variety of sizes, shapes and surface textures.

Silicone implants tend to be ideal on women who are very thin, or those who have little to no fat to hide the implant. Silicone implants are softer and often ripple less.

Silicone implants have been safely used for more than 50 years. From 1992-2006, the FDA restricted the use of silicone implants to only mastectomy patients. However, no reliable studies found any cause for concern with the use of silicone, and the FDA lifted their restrictions in 2006. Extensive clinical studies are continually done to ensure the safety of these implants.

Saline implants are also made from a durable, elastic silicone shell, but the shell is filled with a highly sterile saline solution. During a saline breast implant procedure, the implant is placed under the breast pocket while it is still empty, and then filled to the pre-determined size. That means the patient requires a smaller incision to insert the implant in the chest.

Saline implants are adjustable, meaning your surgeon can adjust their volume during surgery to ensure ideal size and symmetry. Each implant has a recommended fill level as determined by the manufacturer. This is to limit the rippling and wrinkling that can occur from an under-filled implant, and the firmness that would occur from an over-filled implant. Saline implants are more prone to rippling because the saline can shift depending on the position of the women.

One disadvantage of saline implants is that they can rupture or deflate. The solution is harmless if it should leak into the body, however, leaks are not common.

When determining the size of the implant, the patient will discuss their goals with the plastic surgeon. There are several factors that go into a surgeon’s recommendation for implant size.

  1. Current body shape and size
  2. Natural breast shape and size
  3. If the patient desires a natural or fake look
  4. If the breasts currently sag or droop
  5. The amount and health of natural breast tissue that exists
  6. Physical activity and lifestyle of the patient.

You’ll then discuss with the surgeon the profile you’d like to achieve following surgery. Do you want a lower profile implant that, while producing a fuller breast, lays flatter to the body? Or would you prefer a higher profile implant that will create a more prominent looking breast?

Many women go back and forth on what size implant they desire. In fact, this is often the most difficult question the patient faces. Your surgeon will allow you plenty of time to make the right decision for you. This will include trying on sizers so you can see firsthand how the different sized implants look on your body.

Determining where the implant should be placed, either under the subcutaneous breast itself or under the chest muscle, will be informed by your desired look and the current anatomy of your breast to determine which placement will be most successful.

Placement under the muscle offers a more natural look, less visible rippling and allows your natural breast tissue to be more easily read in a mammogram.

Placing above the muscle offers a less painful and quicker recovery time, and a more rounded looking result. However, it increases the chances for capsular contraction, makes the implant more visible and easier to feel, and increases the risk of visible rippling.

The placement of your incision will largely depend on the type and size of implant you’ve chosen, as well as the skill of your surgeon. While an incision will be visible, a skilled surgeon will place the incision in an inconspicuous location and ensure it is barely visible.

Undergoing a breast augmentation is a personal decision, and should be informed by the expertise of a well-trained plastic surgeon. Together, patient and doctor can ensure the most beautiful outcome.

© 2016 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

hands in blue gloves hold attractive young male face

Top Cosmetic Surgery Procedures for Men

Bloomfield Hills, MI – Plastic surgery used to be thought of as only for women. If a male had plastic surgery, he often hid it and often chalked his new look to a better diet or exercise. But today, more men are opting for cosmetic procedures and don’t feel the need to hide it.

“I have many male patients coming to me who want to look great, and don’t believe plastic surgery should be relegated to only women,” says Dr. Ali. “I think that’s wonderful! We all want to look and feel our best, so why not have a procedure done if it makes you feel better?”

What procedures are men opting for? While the results for 2015 are still being calculated, the top five cosmetic surgeries for men in 2014 were:

1. Eyelid surgery
The eyes are often considered the window to the face. As we age, our eyes are often the first place to show it. Loose, furrowed eyebrows can make us look older than we actually are, and in some cases can give a patient an angry or tired look.

An eyelid procedure can remove the excess fatty tissue and tighten the skin and muscles around the eye, giving you a refreshed appearance.

2. Liposuction
Women aren’t the only ones plagued by stubborn deposits of fat that don’t respond to diet and exercise. Men find as they age, they fall prey to the dreaded “spare tire,” or deposits of fat that settle around their mid-section. If you’ve tried diet and exercise, yet you still can’t seem to get rid of that fat, liposuction may be the ideal solution for you.

Liposuction should not be used as a weight loss tool, but rather to contour the body. Once you’ve seen everything you can accomplish through diet and exercise, a consultation with Dr. Ali can show you what liposuction can add. A smoother, sleeker frame can be achieved, with final results taking between six weeks and two months following the procedure.

3. Rhinoplasty
Nose surgery is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries performed. You want to have a proportionate and symmetrical look to your face, and if you don’t like what you see in the mirror, a nose job may be able to correct that.

Rhinoplasty can alter the size, shape and/or function of the nose. Some patients find that the surgery alleviates breathing problems because it can correct a deviated septum or offer better support to other areas of the nose.

4. Male breast reduction
Gynecomastia is a male breast reduction procedure. While some men have enlarged breast tissue due to disease or a metabolic condition, other men may notice excess tissue as they age.

If you’re embarrassed to remove your shirt because you’ve noticed your chest seems to have accumulated excess fat and tissue, a male breast reduction may be right for you. Men in their late 40s and 50s often turn to Dr. Ali to restore chest tone they’ve lost over the years.

5. Facelift
Women aren’t the only ones who want their face to reflect how they feel on the inside. If you feel refreshed and vigorous on the inside, but your face is telling a different story, a facelift can be the answer you’re looking for.

As we age, our face can lose skin elasticity and the fatty deposits that provide a full, youthful look can begin to disappear. The result can be hollow cheeks, drooping eyes, and jowls.

A facelift can correct that, and when combined with other procedures, such as an eyelid surgery or brow lift, the result can be a youthful, refreshed look.

6. Injectables and fillers
It’s not just women who want to restore a youthful appearance to their face. Men, too, want to turn back the hands of time, and love the results a liquid facelift can provide. Fillers and injectables can provide plumping, smoothing and contouring that restore a youthful appearance. It’s a great non-invasive, but temporary, way to camouflage the effects of aging.

In 2014, men had more than a million cosmetic procedures performed. Dr. Ali expects to see the number of men opting for plastic surgery procedures to update their looks to continue to rise. If you are interested in what Dr. Ali can do for you, schedule a consultation today.

© 2016 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

Top Cosmetic Surgery procedures

Make 2016 Your Most Confident Yet

Bloomfield Hills, MI – Are you sick of looking in the mirror and not loving the reflection that
stares back? Do you wish you could shave a few years off your tired face, or lose the extra weight that just doesn’t seem to go away? Make one of your New Year’s resolutions to love your reflection again with a visit to your Michigan cosmetic surgeon.

“One of the things I love most about my job is the ability to transform my patient’s lives,” says Dr. Ali. “Through both surgical procedures and minimally invasive procedures like Botox, I can help people gain back confidence they may have lost. There is no better time than the New Year to create a new outlook on life. Plastic surgery may be your answer.”

If you’ve tried diet and exercise and just can’t seem to lose those few extra pounds, a liposuction procedure may be able to help. Liposuction is one of the procedures Dr. Ali performs most often.

As we age, fatty deposits begin to appear in the lower abdomen, hips and outer thighs. We’ve all heard the terms muffin top and saddle bags, and many times, these areas just don’t respond to even the healthiest diet and exercise routines. But liposuction can help.

Do you feel young, but your face tells a different story? The New Year may be the ideal time to
undergo a mini-facelift or blepharoplasty procedure.

“Many patients come to me because they don’t like the reflection they see starting back in the
mirror,” says Dr. Ali. “They still feel young and energetic, but their face tells a different story. As we age, our eyes and jowls can become droopy, aging us in the process.”

A successful blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, can treat the following:

  • Excess fatty deposits that make the eyelids appear puffy
  • Undereye bags
  • Drooping eyelids
  • Excess wrinkles and fine lines
  • Loose, sagging skin

Some patients may opt for a more complete rejuvenation of the face, choosing a facelift
procedure. If you have sagging in the middle of your face, deep creases along your nose, fat
deposits that have fallen or disappeared, loss of skin tone, or loose skin and extra fatty deposits, a facelift might be ideal for you.

“Our face is what we use to greet the world,” says Dr. Ali. “When we begin to use the youthful look that gave us our beautiful facial contours, we can begin to feel self-conscious. The majority of facelifts I perform are on patients between the ages of 40 and 60, and they have beautiful results.”

Dr. Ali also offers what is known as a “liquid facelift.” As we age, our face can begin to lose its fullness. This loss of fat and skin laxity results in cheek folds and jowls. Facial fillers can be used to correct this problem, giving patients a fuller, more youthful-looking face.

A liquid facelift is an ideal procedure for patients who want to reduce the appearance of jowls and cheek folds, but will not correct drooping eyelids or very heavy jowls.

Botox and other injectables are a great way to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles without undergoing a major surgery. Once injected into the muscle, these injectables can temporarily improve the look of crow’s feet, frown lines, and other wrinkles in the face.

Repeated muscle contractions from frowning and squinting over the years can result in fine lines and crow’s feet around the eyes and between the brows. Botox targets these muscles to reduce their activity, thereby smoothing out the skin. You’ll see the results in 24-48 hours and the results will last several months.

Dr. Ali and his trained staff provide a host of treatments in their Bloomfield Hills office. From minimally invasive treatments such as microdermabrasion, skin peels and Rejuvapen, to surgical procedures such as facelifts, breast augmentation and tummy tucks, there is a procedure for everyone.

What are you waiting for? Make 2016 your most confident year yet and schedule a consultation
with Dr. Ali today.

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