How a Brow Lift is Performed
There are two techniques most often used: the classic or “open” method, or the most common, an “endoscopic” forehead lift. Your surgeon will recommend which technique is the best for you. The surgery takes about two to three hours to perform and you will go home the same day.
Make sure you understand the technique that your surgeon recommends and why he or she feels it is best for you. If your hair is very short, you may wish to let it grow out before surgery, so that it is long enough to hide the scars while they heal. You should arrange for someone to drive you home after your surgery, and to help you out for a day or two.
What to Expect After Brow Lift Surgery
Patients may experience some numbness and temporary discomfort around the incision, which can be controlled with prescription medication. Patients who are prone to headaches may be treated with an additional longer-acting local anesthesia during surgery as a preventive measure. Most of the visible signs of surgery should fade completely within about three weeks. Minor swelling and bruising can be concealed with special camouflage makeup.
Downtime After Brow Lift Surgery
Although you should be up and about in a day or two, plan on taking it easy for at least the first week after surgery. You should be able to shower and shampoo your hair within two days, or as soon as the bandage is removed.
Most patients are back to work or school in a week to 10 days. Vigorous physical activity should be limited for several weeks, including jogging, bending, heavy housework, sex, or any activity that increases your blood pressure. Prolonged exposure to heat or sun should be limited for the first several months.