breast Lift

Breast Lift Vs. Breast Reduction – What’s the Difference?

Bloomfield Hills, Detroit, MI – When people think of breast surgeries, breast augmentation is typically the first procedure that comes to mind. And for good reason. Breast enhancement happens to be one of the most popular plastic surgeries the world over. Other breast surgeries may not get as much press, yet more women are opting for them than ever before. Breast lifts and breast reductions are becoming increasingly popular, and it’s important to learn the difference between the two before going under the knife.

Why Breast Surgery?

Many women see breasts as symbols of femininity. Furthermore, the size, shape and general appearance of her breasts can affect a woman’s self-esteem either positively or negatively. Many women choose breast surgery – either a breast lift or breast reduction – because age has taken its toll, or following childbirth. Some women seek out breast surgery during or after menopause and following significant weight loss.

Michigan plastic surgeon, Dr. M. Azhar Ali, regularly performs breast surgeries at Amae Plastic Surgery Center in Bloomfield Hills, a subsection of Detroit. According to Dr. Ali, breast lifts and breast reductions are both gaining in popularity, but the final decision of which surgery to choose should only come after a consultation and careful examination.

What is a Breast Lift?

A breast lift is recommended when a woman’s breast has lost its youthful shape and appearance due to age, childbirth or other factors. During the procedure, excess and loose skin are removed, and the nipple is repositioned to a higher level. For breasts that also lack volume, breast implants may be added. The after-effects include youthful and self-supporting breasts that help a woman’s confidence surge.

Following surgery, the woman will be required to wear a support bra around the clock for around two to four weeks. The bra helps to support the breasts while they heal. Activities should be limited so that the woman doesn’t overexert herself for at least four weeks, but she should be able to return to work after a week or so.

What is a Breast Reduction?

A woman’s breasts can swell during pregnancy or after weight gain, and some women have overly large breasts that are passed down through their family histories.

A breast reduction is recommended when the breasts have become so large that the woman experiences back, neck or shoulder pain. Oversized breasts can also make it uncomfortable to wear bras and, in some cases, exercise becomes next to impossible.

During the procedure, and in most cases, a three-part incision is made around the areola. This is also known as the “anchor” technique. Since the anchor technique can tend to produce a vertical scar around the nipple and down the fold of the breast, another procedure known as the “lollypop” method may be used. The lollypop eliminates the horizontal scar but is not always called for. The type of procedure performed is chosen by the plastic surgeon only after careful examination.

Dr. Ali notes that, “Depending on the size and shape of the breast, I will perform the type of surgery that produces the best outcome for the patient’s well-being and self-esteem.”
Following a breast lift, the patient should refrain from engaging in strenuous activity for at least six weeks. A support bra will also be used for a breast reduction, and normal activity should resume after a few weeks.

Other Breast Surgery Differences

A breast lift can cost as much as $5,000, and a breast reduction can run between $6,500 and $7,500. Both procedures offer about the same amount of downtime, and both can considerably enhance a woman’s self-esteem. One glaring difference between the two procedures is insurance. While a breast lift is rarely covered by insurance, breast reductions are often included. That’s because a breast reduction can alleviate pain and increase the woman’s quality of life.

Both a breast lift and breast reduction can also be part of a mommy makeover procedure, which is intended to give women a new lease on life following childbirth.

For more information regarding the breast lift or breast reduction procedure, call or visit Amae Plastic Surgery Center and schedule a consultation with Detroit’s own Dr. Ali.

About Us: Dr. M. Azhar Ali performs breast lifts, reductions, augmentations and other plastic surgical procedures at Amae Plastic Surgery Center in Bloomfield Hills, Detroit, Michigan. Dr. Ali was recently named Top Doc by Hour-Detroit magazine and enjoys a 99% patient approval rating, making him one of the top plastic surgeons in the country.

© 2017 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

Cosmetic Surgery recovery

What to Do While You’re Recovering from Plastic Surgery

Bloomfield Hills, MI – Plastic surgery can yield amazing results, especially when performed by an award-winning plastic surgeon like Michigan’s Dr. Ali. Whether you’re undergoing breast augmentation, liposuction, face contouring, or any other surgery, your body will still need to heal after the procedure. So what can you do while recovering? How can you get the best possible results?

“First and foremost, you’ll need to follow your surgeon’s recovery plan,” advises Dr. Ali. “Before the surgery, you will have consulted with your doctor to discuss the entire process from start to finish. You should receive a plan for the aftercare of your procedure. It’s in your best interest to follow it for optimal results.”

Additionally, be sure to disclose any and all medications you’re taking, as some (even natural remedies and supplements) can have adverse side effects before, during or after the surgery.

Your aftercare plan will likely include information on what to expect, helpful options to control pain and swelling, how long the recovery period will be and when to consult your physician.

To care for swelling, you can ice and elevate the affected area, in addition to using over-the-counter or prescribed medication. After some procedures, like breast surgery or liposuction, tubes may be inserted initially to help drain excess fluid. Be sure to follow your doctor’s directions.

Allowing your body to heal is also crucial. “Many times, patients try to be too active too soon after a surgery,” notes Dr. Ali. “Be sure to give your body time to rest and recover, so the healing process can go as smoothly and quickly as possible.” If you try to go back to routine work or exercise too quickly, you are putting yourself at risk for more swelling, bleeding, and breakdown of incisions.

How to Make the Best of Your Downtime

If you’re normally an active person, resting for weeks or months might sound more like torture than productivity. While you know your body needs time to repair itself, you might find yourself going stir-crazy while you wait. What can you do in the meantime to keep busy and productive? Consider these tips:

  • Cook healthy meals for yourself. Increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables can ensure you get the vitamins and minerals necessary for healing. Try creating new and different meals. You can find many easy recipes online or through cooking apps.
  • Catch up on some reading. Whether you prefer newspapers, magazines, non-fiction or novels, there are plenty of ways to get reading. With e-readers and associated apps, you can enjoy your favorite writing on everything from your phone to your tablet or computer. You could visit your local library to get books (or movies) for free. Most libraries now offer free e-books as well.
  • Enjoy your favorite visual or audio media. Services like Netflix, Sling, Amazon Prime, and Hulu allow you to watch your favorite TV shows and movies any time, virtually anywhere. You can also employ these services to listen to your favorite music. As with e-reading apps, you can watch or listen on your phone, tablet, laptop, desktop, or TV. It’s the perfect way to make the healing process go faster.
  • Get in touch with friends and family. A busy lifestyle may mean less time for communication with loved ones. You finally have a few moments to talk to those you care about the most. Why not call a family member and see how she’s been? Why not email a friend and get back in touch? Taking it easy physically can give you time to maintain your social circles in a new way.
  • Try to relish the downtime. You’ve probably heard that deep breathing and quiet time can be beneficial, but maybe you’ve never had the opportunity to really try it out. Now is the perfect time to make the most of your recovery.

Dr. Ali advises, “Taking care of yourself immediately after plastic surgery will really pay out dividends in the future. Use this time to heal properly, and your outcome will be truly wonderful.”

To learn more about various plastic surgery procedures, schedule an appointment with Dr. Ali today!

About Us: Based near Detroit, Michigan, board-certified surgeon Dr. Ali provides superb services with a kind, skilled and compassionate touch.

© 2017 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

What to Expect While You’re Recovering from Liposuction

Bloomfield Hills, MI – A fast and dramatic procedure, liposuction is gaining popularity worldwide. And it’s no wonder: you can lose the fat that diet and exercise alone weren’t able to eliminate. But what happens when you get home? How do you achieve the best possible outcome from your procedure? Award-winning plastic surgeon, Dr. Ali, of Amae Plastic Surgery Center, sheds some light on the matter.

“First and foremost, before you have liposuction, be sure to consult with your doctor about the post-operative care you’ll need,” advises the Detroit-based surgeon. “Be sure to ask any and all questions you have, including whether or not you’ll have stitches, where to get the appropriate compression garments, and how long your recovery is expected to take. As always, communication is key.”

What are the first steps after my liposuction?

Depending on whether you’ve had general or local anesthesia, you’ll likely be out of the medical center 30 minutes to a few hours after your procedure. You’ll want someone who can drive you home, and then you’ll need time to rest in a comfortable environment. Expect to be sore and swollen after the anesthesia wears off.

Sometimes, you will be given pain medication for comfort and possibly antibiotics to prevent infection. It’s also important to walk as soon as you can after the surgery, as this will help prevent blood clots in your legs and lungs. While you should avoid vigorous exercise for a few weeks still, it’s important to keep your circulation going strong.

How long does it take to heal?

“If you’ve had just a small area treated, you should be feeling all right in a day or two. The bruising can last for a little while, usually a few days, and swelling sometimes lasts several weeks or months,” says Dr. Ali. “Luckily, most people can go back to work or school very soon after surgery.”

Of course, recovery times vary significantly from patient to patient. Although bruising and swelling are common at first, you will likely be back to your routine activities within a week or two. You may be surprised that you can jog, golf, and do light exercise fairly shortly after liposuction. After a month or so, you should be feeling back to normal. You can expect to see your final results in one to six months after liposuction after your body has adapted to your slimmer shape.

If at any time in your recovery you feel extreme pain or discomfort, have difficulty breathing or swallowing, or notice any signs of infection like fever or excessive swelling, it’s important to contact your doctor right away. “Though liposuction is now a common procedure, it is still a surgery, and all surgeries have risks,” says Dr. Ali. “It’s important that you communicate any problems to your surgeon immediately so that you receive the best care possible.”

Compression Garments

For the short-term, you’ll need to wear a compression garment to maintain the new contour created by your doctor. This clothing helps your body adapt to its new tissue and reduces looseness in your skin. Such compression also helps reduce swelling, which will speed up your healing process. Expect to wear your garment at least a month after surgery.

Long-Term Care

In the months and years to come, you’ll want to maintain your new body weight as best as you can. While liposuction removes existing fat, it cannot prevent you from gaining new fat cells. Thus, it’s crucial to keep a healthy lifestyle with consistent exercise and a good diet.

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons has an entire area of their website devoted to liposuction. You can also consult the Food and Drug Administration for more information.

The Final Word on Healing Properly from Liposuction

With liposuction, you can have great control over how your body looks and feels. Since this procedure is very commonly done, you can have a good idea of what to expect after talking with your doctor.

To learn more about liposuction or any other plastic surgery procedure, schedule an appointment with Bloomfield Hills Plastic Surgeon Dr. M. Azhar Ali today.

© 2017 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

10 Factors That Ensure You’ll Be Happy With Your Plastic Surgery Results

Bloomfield Hills, MI – So you’ve decided it’s time: you’re going to have plastic surgery. Be it for reconstruction, augmentation, or a confidence boost, you want to make sure the procedure is done perfectly. But how do you know you’ll be happy with the results?

Dr. Ali of Amae Plastic Surgery Center in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, explains, “When you’re searching for the right surgeon for you, it can be overwhelming. Luckily, you as the patient ultimately have the final say in who helps you attain your desired results. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, and make sure you have each one answered to your full satisfaction.”

Part of Dr. Ali’s professional philosophy is dedicated to patients’ education. “I want to be sure that each patient understands exactly what his or her procedure entails. I approach each case as a unique set of circumstances, and always strive for the best possible outcome.” In addition to Dr. Ali’s advice, read on to find a few more points to help you enjoy the best experience possible.

How to Ensure You’ll Be Happy with Your Plastic Surgery Results

  1. Board Certification. First and foremost, make sure your doctor is board-certified; not all plastic surgeons are. Board-certified surgeons complete rigorous training and participate in ongoing education. If you really want to do your homework, you can even verify your doctor’s certification.
  2. Experience. Be sure your doctor has his or her own before and after photos. Ask for testimonials from former patients. Is the surgeon an expert in the procedure(s) you’re having done?
  3. Records and reviews. With the marvels of the internet, you can now read reviews of your doctor, find the office’s hours and location, and look for any records filed by state medical boards.
  4. Anesthesia, if applicable. If your procedure requires anesthesia, where will it be performed? Who will administer the anesthesia? Make sure the anesthesiologists are board-certified, and that you will be in a facility with proper monitoring devices and emergency equipment.
  5. Hospital admitting privileges. Should you need to go to a hospital for your plastic surgery, make sure your surgeon is able to admit you into an accredited hospital. You can always call the hospital to check if you’re unsure. Otherwise, be sure that your doctor’s in-office operating suite is accredited properly. You can check the American Association for Accreditation for Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF) for more details.
  6. Information. Be certain your surgeon completely answers all questions. You might ask questions proposed by the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery. Examples include: “What did your training for this procedure entail?” or “How many times have you performed this surgery?”
  7. Customer service. Bedside manner matters, and so does your experience with every member of the surgeon’s office. Make sure you’re treated respectfully and professionally. You should feel comfortable with the surgeon, and trust is essential.
  8. Know the difference. Cosmetic surgery is a branch of plastic surgery, so knowing what kind of procedure you want can help you decide what kind of surgeon you want. Plastic surgery focuses on fixing defects to restore or enhance function and appearance. Examples are breast reconstruction, cleft palate repair, and scar revision surgery. Cosmetic surgery, on the other hand, aims solely to enhance overall appearance (and not function). Examples include chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and Botox injections.
  9. Cost. Is your procedure all-inclusive, taxes and all? Does it include post-op care? What is the cost for additional surgeries, if needed? The American Board of Cosmetic Surgery’s pricing calculator can help you understand what prices to expect.
  10. Expectations. What are you expecting from your plastic surgery procedure? Dr. Ali ensures that all patients have realistic expectations by discussing all possibilities during the initial consultation. While the acclaimed surgeon does do his best to manage expectations, he still strives to provide all his patients with true life changing results.

To learn more about all the plastic surgery options available and to ensure you have the best experience possible, contact Dr. Ali today to schedule an appointment.

© 2017 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

plastic surgery MI

How to Preserve Your Plastic Surgery As You Age

Bloomfield Hills, MI – Plastic surgery is a rapidly growing field; there are millions of procedures performed annually in the U.S. alone. But as most techniques have been established just in the past 50 years, effects down the line may still be uncertain for many who’ve gone under the knife.

How can you best maintain the work you’ve had done? Detroit-area plastic surgeon Dr. M. Azhar Ali gives his take. “First things first: You should really do your homework when choosing a surgeon. Is he or she board-certified? Experienced? Easily accessible? Patient when answering your questions? What follow-up work, if any, will you need? What is the long-term outlook for your procedure?” Assuming you’ve already had surgery, read on to see what you can do and expect in the years to come.

Talk with Your Doctor

Depending on what you’ve had done, be sure you know how long the results are expected to last. Dr. Ali explains, “Gravity and time always take their tolls on everyone. Be sure you have a long-term care plan to determine what steps you want to take when inevitable changes happen. Ask your surgeon what to expect, and how to best deal with the aftermath of your procedure. For example, facelifts can easily be augmented later on with fillers.”

Results Vary by Type

Just as each patient is unique, so is each plastic surgery procedure. Breast implants typically last 10-20 years, depending on the materials used and the specific location of the insertions. A properly done rhinoplasty (nose job) should last a lifetime, though the skin on the nose still needs to be taken care of. After a facelift, touch-ups are common after about 7-10 years. Your outcome will depend on a variety of factors, including age, overall health, and the type of procedures done.

Care for Yourself Properly

Whether you’ve had breast augmentation, a facelift, liposuction, or other work, it’s crucial to take care of yourself after surgery. “Though it sounds cliché, it really is important to eat well, drink lots of water, and exercise when you’ve recovered from your procedure,” advises Dr. Ali.

Many people assume liposuction is a permanent fix, but it requires maintenance. “After liposuction of the abdomen or thighs, it’s not uncommon for patients to gain weight elsewhere, like the arms or back,” Dr. Ali notes. “It’s best to consult with your surgeon about post-care plans, in order to keep your new self in the best shape possible. Good skin care and weight regulation go a long way in post-surgery preservation.” Keeping your weight stable after fat-reducing surgeries can prevent further stretching and sagging; it will allow your skin to stay elastic and healthy for a long time to come.

Smoking has a detrimental effect on the body, and can even cancel some of the benefits of cosmetic surgery. For smokers, the skin won’t heal as well, and cells will have difficulty repairing themselves in the presence of nicotine. Quitting smoking can dramatically increase the positive results of any procedure.

Your amount of exposure to the sun is another way to change the outcome of your surgery—for better or worse. Using sunscreen and covering exposed areas with clothing can keep your skin in great shape for years to come. You’ll help to avoid extra marks, burns and other abnormalities by limiting your time in the sun.

Adequate sleep is also key. “People sometimes underestimate the importance of a good night’s sleep,” says Dr. Ali, “but it is critical to recovery. By resting and sleeping well, you’re absolutely helping your body heal and restore itself. Basically, just make sure you take care of yourself as much as possible.”

To find out more about the long-term effects of plastic surgery, or to schedule a consultation, contact Dr. Ali at Amae Plastic Surgery Center in Detroit, Michigan today!

© 2017 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

plastic surgery Detroit

How to Choose the Right Plastic Surgeon

Bloomfield Hills, MI– Choosing a plastic surgeon is a decision that will affect you for years to come, perhaps even for your entire life. A successful procedure will not only make you look better, but it will also give you greater confidence and boost your quality of life. If you instead make the mistake of choosing an inexperienced or unethical surgeon, you are at risk of having poor results, additional costs, or – worse of all – serious injury.

Most patients believe that as long as their plastic surgeon is certified by the state medical boards, they are a safe choice. It is important to realize the government does not require a plastic surgeon to be specifically trained and certified in every procedure he or she offers. This problem is even more common in cosmetic surgery since many general surgeons begin offering additional cosmetic procedures in hopes of generated more profit.
Things to ask and look for:

  • Are you certified by the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery?
  • How much experience do you have performing my specific procedure?
  • What training did you undergo as it relates to the procedure I am interested in?
  • Or you could ask the doctor to perform the operation in a hospital, as hospitals don’t allow unqualified surgeons to perform surgery.

Experience In the Your Desired Procedure

It’s best to choose a surgeon who is specialized and board certified in plastic surgery, but it’s also important to realize that plastic surgeons can have also have subspecialties within any given field. Not all procedures are created equal. Each type of procedure requires a different skill set. For example, operating on a breast (which is mostly made up of soft and glandular tissue) is quite different than operating on an area with bone or cartilage.

To find the right doctor, you need to choose a board certified plastic surgeon. Second, be sure the surgeon has plenty of experience in the specific procedure you plan to have.

Other things to look for:

Once you’ve narrowed down your list, be sure to compare each doctor’s results. Look through the surgeons’ before and after photos for patients with features resembling your own. For example, if you want a facial procedure, look for patients with similar facial characteristics as your own. Do their results reflect what you want to look like following your procedure? Think hard about whether the pictured results appeal to you personally. If they don’t, look somewhere else for the ideal plastic surgeon.

Comfort and Care

Undergoing plastic surgery is an extremely personal matter. You should feel completely comfortable with your surgeon and his or her team.

You should also judge the level of care you receive. Are you being served and treated well? Is the staff helpful and friendly? Do you feel that you are completely prepared and informed of the risks and realities of surgery and recovery? Are your questions and concerns always promptly and respectfully addressed?

It’s a big decision to have plastic surgery. Do your homework, and you’re sure to find the perfect plastic surgeon for you.

If you are looking for the ideal plastic surgeon, look no further than Hour-Detroit magazine’s Top Doc 2016 winner Dr. M. Azhar Ali. Call or visit Amae Plastic Surgery Center today to book your consultation.

© 2017 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

Micro needling MI

How to Radically Rejuvenate Your Skin

Bloomfield Hills, MI – Long gone are the days when the only options for better skin were vast amounts of makeup or painful, time-consuming procedures. While a healthy lifestyle goes a long way, sometimes it’s just not enough to keep skin youthful, even, and smooth. Luckily, there are more options now than ever before for getting –and maintaining– perfection.

“We have so many ways to help people have the appearance they’ve always dreamed of,” says top Michigan surgeon, Dr. Ali. The board-certified doctor, with more than 6,000 plastic surgeries to his credit, continues, “Contrary to popular belief, facial treatments don’t have to be painful or expensive, and they may take less time than most people think. For some procedures, patients can come in during the morning and return to work after lunch.” Below are some of the newest offerings from Dr. Ali’s Amae Plastic Surgery Center.

Non-ablative Laser Facial Treatments

This popular procedure is ideal for treating age spots, scars, wrinkles, and sun-damaged skin. As it doesn’t damage the skin’s surface, healing is relatively fast. Also called fractional resurfacing, non-ablative treatments can give the skin a more even tone with a very minimal amount of pain. What’s better, this type of procedure can have pronounced results for even those under 50 with non-sagging skin.

Photo Facials

Depending on the patient’s goals, photo facials are used for everything from reducing brown spots, acne, spider veins, and redness, to boosting the body’s production of collagen. “There are several different versions of this treatment, so it’s important to talk with your doctor to best match your needs,” advises Dr. Ali. The two main types of photo facials utilize light-emitting diodes (LEDs) or intense pulsed light (IPL). “Since these treatments have different modalities and outcomes, I carefully consult with each patient to decide which will yield the best results possible.”

While prices can vary on photo facials, it’s still a fairly inexpensive way to revitalize skin.

Micro Needling

Micro needling is a fast, simple and nearly painless procedure that doesn’t use chemicals or abrasives. Instead, it uses a series of tiny needles that stimulate the body’s production of collagen and skin repair mechanisms. “What’s great about micro needling,” notes Dr. Ali, “is that it can be done easily and on any area of the body. You can return to work immediately following treatment, and the outcome is fantastic.” Drastic improvements are noticeable within a few weeks, though multiple visits are usually recommended for optimal benefits.

Micro needling can treat fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, stretch marks, scars, aging hands, and loosening skin. It can also be effective as a way to fill in acne scars and improve overall skin tone.

The cost of this procedure can vary, so a conversation with a doctor is crucial. “The treatment can include a numbing agent or not, growth factor serum or not, aftercare or not, so I’m happy to discuss options with each patient,” says Dr. Ali, noting that such customization is key to attaining lasting results.

Using a Combination of Cosmetic Surgery Treatments

“When trying to achieve your ideal skin, it’s often best to use a combination of treatments,” notes Dr. Ali. “Using multiple methods can get you the desired results in a timely and sustainable manner.” Since many of these procedures may require several repetitions, it’s important to keep in mind your ultimate goals.

“Of course,” Dr. Ali adds, “taking care of yourself is also paramount. A good diet, regular exercise, good sleep, and at-home skincare all contribute to having a healthy life. However, there are now other ways we can improve upon your physique, so why not take advantage of that as well?”

Dr. Ali is happy to consult with patients to develop a detailed care plan perfectly suited to their desires.

To find out more about the various options available, and to get a detailed consultation, contact Dr. Ali at Amae Plastic Surgery Center in Blomfield Hills, Michigan today to schedule an appointment.

© 2017 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

How Much Does Plastic Surgery Cost?

Bloomfield Hills, MI – Be it a friend, coworker, family member, or celebrity, most people know of someone who has had a tummy tuck, facelift, breast augmentation, or other procedure. Once reserved for the rich and famous, plastic surgery is much more available to the public today than ever before.

What are some common plastic surgeries, and just how much do they cost?

Surgeons today perform a vast amount of plastic surgeries. This broad scope encompasses everything from quick procedures like Botox injections to more complicated work like breast reconstruction. Then there are the “lifts” procedures: those for breasts, arms, butt, and thighs, all of which Detroit-area top surgeon Dr. Ali performs routinely. He is an expert at nearly two dozen different procedures and enjoys working with a variety of patients.

“When considering whether to undergo plastic surgery, there are many factors to take into account,” explains Dr. Ali. “Obviously, many people are concerned with the cost of each procedure, which can vary greatly. The price tag involves everything from the work being done to the surgeon’s qualifications to anesthesia to post-surgery medication and more.”

Cost for Breast Augmentation

Dr. Ali, who has completed more than 2,500 breast augmentation surgeries, gives an estimate. “The American Society of Plastic Surgeons puts the average procedure at about $3,700. However, this number does not include the actual operating room facilities, anesthesia, and several other costs. A better idea for the Detroit-area market is a price range from $3,700 to $8,500.” The complexity of work required, as well as whether patients prefer saline or silicone implants, factor into the final cost.

Average Prices for Other Procedures

For those uncertain about what surgery to pursue, Dr. Ali explains many of the common procedures he performs. Keeping in mind that each surgery has its own variables, the following list is a general guide to price ranges in the Detroit area:

  • Arm lift: $5,400 to $14,000; average: $9,800.
  • Botox: $200-$650; average: $375.
  • Brazilian butt lift: $4,500 to $10,500; average: $7,200.
  • Breast reduction: $300 to $14,000; average: $6,400.
  • CoolSculpting: $750 to $3,300; average: $1,800.
  • Eyelid surgery: $1, 100 to $6,500; average: $3,300.
  • A facelift: $7,500 to $15,00; average: $11,000.
  • Liposuction: $2,300 to $9,100; average: $5,200.
  • Rhinoplasty: $3,200 to $9,000; average: $6,100.
  • A tummy tuck: $4,000 to $12,000; average: $7,700.

Dr. Ali’s office also boasts the Botox Buddies Program, which saves a patient and a friend each $50 off the price.

The Bottom Line

“When it comes to deciding if plastic surgery is right for you, that’s ultimately a decision you need to make for yourself. However, I am happy to listen carefully to your desires to help improve your body image. Surgery is a wonderful option for many people, and I would be delighted to meet with you and determine how to meet your needs in the best way possible.”

To learn more about all the plastic surgery options available, contact Dr. Ali today to schedule an appointment at

About Us: With thousands of surgeries under his belt, board-certified Dr. Ali provides excellent services with a kind and compassionate touch to those in the Detroit, Michigan area.


Plastic Surgery

8 Plastic Surgery Procedures That Can Make Your Face Look Years Younger

Bloomfield Hills, MI – Are you watching the years pass by every time you look in the mirror? Do fine lines and wrinkles have you looking way past your used by date? Maybe it’s time for a new, younger looking you in the new year.

Dr. Ali offers eight facial plastic surgery procedures at Amae Plastic Surgery Center that can help you look as young as you feel.

From your forehead and neck to your ears and nose, Dr. Ali can transform your appearance to one that is more aesthetically pleasing to every eye.

Here are the eight surgeries Dr. Ali recommends if you don’t quite like one or more aspects of your facial appearance.

Brow Lift

Droopy eyebrows and deep forehead lines can easily be corrected with a brow lift. During the treatment, Dr. Ali will remove some of the muscle and tissue, then raise your eyebrows. This has the effect of smoothing the forehead while minimizing frown lines.

In the past, this procedure involved a large incision across the scalp. Thanks to more advanced techniques in modern plastic surgery, Dr. Ali will only need to make two tiny incisions behind the hair line. These scars are completely invisible once healed.

In some cases, this procedure is performed in conjunction with eyelid surgery.

Eyelid Surgery

Are your eyelids beginning to bulge or wrinkle? Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, can correct excess skin and fat, which contributes to the effect known as bags under the eyes.

During treatment, Dr. Ali will tighten your eyelid skin while preserving and redistributing the fat around your eyes to achieve a more natural appearance.


Age can wreak havoc on our faces. We develop cheek folds, saggy cheeks (jowls), and a wrinkled neck. To erase years from your face, Dr. Ali recommends a facelift.

A facelift involves the removal of excess tissue and the tightening of your facial skin. In some cases, your face can be repositioned without external scarring. Most patients who receive facelifts are between 40 and 60 years of age, however even those in their 70s and 80s have experienced excellent results.


Age affects the face negatively, but our necks get it the worst. A wrinkled neck is hardly attractive. To achieve a smoother, more defined neck area, Dr. Ali suggests a necklift.
During a necklift procedure, excess fatty deposits will be removed and the skin stretched to create a smoother, more defined neck area.

In many cases a necklift will be performed in conjunction with a facelift. The procedure takes around 2.5 hours and you’ll be home the same day.

Facial Reconstruction

For the correction of large, unsightly scars or facial wounds, Dr. Ali recommends scar revision or skin grafting.

Skin revision involves the meticulous practice of changing the direction of the scar so that it blends with your normal skin crease.

Skin grafting is one of the most common reconstructive procedures. The treatment can cover large wounds, which would otherwise take months to heal.

Dr. Ali will harvest skin from another area of your body (called the donor site) and will then apply that tissue to the wound (recipient site). The newly applied tissue will reestablish blood supply by stimulating the growth of fine blood vessels also known as capillaries. The process takes about a week to complete and can help you heal much quicker with a focus on aesthetics.

Nose Reshaping

Rhinoplasty also referred to as a “nose job” can alter the size, shape, and, in some cases, the function of your nose. In other words, not only can Dr. Ali make you happier with your nose, but he can correct breathing problems caused by a deviated septum or by providing support to certain areas of your nose.

Dr. Ali will either make incisions inside of the nose (called “closed rhinoplasty”) or across the columella, the strip of tissue separating the nostrils (called “open rhinoplasty”). The nose will then be built up to achieve a more aesthetically-pleasing form and, in some cases, improve your breathing.

Cheek Implants

With more aesthetic facial contours, you can look like a whole new person. Dr. Ali uses facial implants to provide your face with a more harmonious balance. Cheek implants are safe, effective, and can help you finally feel great about the way you look.

Ear Surgery

Deformed ears can detract from your appearance. Otoplasty or ear surgery can make your ears appear more symmetrical and balanced, leading to improved aesthetics without affecting your hearing one bit.

It’s a new year. Don’t you think it’s also time for a new, younger looking you? Contact Dr. Ali today at Amae Plastic Surgery Center and ask about one or more of the above procedures to turn back the clock in the new year.

© 2017 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.


Looking Younger With a Facelift vs. Liquid Facelift, What’s the Difference?

Bloomfield Hills, MI – When the goal is to look years younger, a facelift is the way to go. What facelift, then, should one choose?

It’s not common knowledge that there are two types of facelifts. There’s the traditional facelift, and then there’s the less known liquid facelift. What’s the difference?

Top Michigan plastic surgeon Dr. M. Azhar Ali explains the advantages and disadvantages of these two image-enhancing treatments.

Liquid Facelift

The liquid facelift isn’t much of a lift at all. It’s a cosmetic surgical procedure that involves the use of transdermal fillers.

Dr. Ali performs liquid facelifts in his Bloomfield Hills, Detroit office, and says that many patients remain unaware that liquid facelifts, while they are able to turn back time on the face, aren’t permanent.

Liquid facelifts make use of injectable fillers that are comprised of biocompatible materials. The fillers provide volume to areas of the face that have become sunken and misshapen due to age. The fillers smooth wrinkles and create a more youthful appearance.

According to Dr. Ali, the dermal fillers will eventually become absorbed by the body, prompting the patient to undergo a follow-up procedure to lengthen the effects.

Dr. Ali points to a myriad of benefits to liquid facelifts, however. In addition to giving the patient a more youthful appearance, there is little to no discomfort and almost no downtime.

The cost of a liquid facelift is also very affordable. Though the cost of the procedure is one area Dr. Ali hopes that patients will analyze carefully before making a decision to undergo this life-enhancing procedure.

“Any doctor can take a weekend course and call themselves a cosmetic surgeon,” says Dr. Ali. The Hour-Detroit magazine’s top doc 2016 award winner says that many patients may turn to subpar cosmetic surgeons in an effort to save money, but patient beware.

Dr. Ali says that only a plastic surgeon who has undergone years of intensive study after medical school can perform liquid facelifts, in addition to traditional facelifts, with the care and precision patients expect.

Dr. Ali says that cost should never be a factor when it comes to one’s appearance. As with most things in life, you get what you pay for. Dr. Ali advises patients to research the procedure and doctor heavily before signing up for liquid facelifts or any other cosmetic procedure.

Traditional Facelift

The traditional facelift is a surgical treatment that involves the drawing back and tightening of the face. This also smooths out wrinkles and can do away with sagging cheeks (jowls). Unlike liquid facelifts, however, the effects are permanent and more natural-looking when done well.

Dr. Ali has performed dozens of facelifts in his years at Amae Plastic Surgery Center and says that while the cost may be higher, and there may be some downtime following the procedure, patients are typically happier with the long-lasting effects of a facelift when compared to the temporary effects of a liquid facelift.

Both the liquid facelift and facelift can erase the years and give an ample boost to your self-esteem. Dr. Ali says that if budget is a concern, a liquid facelift is a perfectly viable alternative to the traditional facelift. However, only the facelift can provide the longevity and youthfulness that is sought out by most plastic surgery patients.

To learn more about the facelift or liquid facelift, visit the website of Amae Plastic Surgery Center in Bloomfield Hills, also serving Clarkston and Richmond Hills, Detroit

© 2017 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.