rf microneedling

Radiofrequency Microneedling

Face & Body Remodeling & Contouring

AMAE is proud to offer the latest technology in face and body rejuvenation: revolutionary Morpheus8 Radiofrequency Microneedling. This natural, minimally-invasive skin remodeling procedure minimizes fine lines & wrinkles, acne sun damage, dark spots, unwanted pigmentation, rough skin texture, and other signs of aging. UV sun exposure, genetics, normal aging, hormone decline, and lifestyle factors like smoking, stress and diet, all contribute to skin discoloration and the loss of the skin’s collagen and elastin over the years. But radiofrequency microneedling stimulates renewed production of collagen and elastin on a deep cellular level – rebuilding firmer, smoother, clearer and younger looking skin.

In addition to treating the face and neck, radiofrequency microneedling can be performed anywhere on the body that you desire smoother, clearer, younger skin, including: the chest (cleavage), abdomen, hands, legs, arms and back. In addition to smoothing and tightening skin, Morpheus8 microneedling can help make scars and stretchmarks anywhere on the body disappear.

Morpheus8 RF Microneedling is safe for all skin types and tones. Dramatic results can be achieved with just a single treatment, but severe skin damage will benefit from multiple treatments 3 to 4 weeks apart. And there is only mild redness following the treatment, offering the added advantage of no downtime!