How to Get a Movie Star Pout

Bloomfield Hills, MI – Many celebrities are famous for their full lips and pouts, recently highlighted by Kylie Jenner in her #kyliejennerlipchallenge, encouraging people to highlight their favorite features. It also helped many feel more comfortable talking about augmentation out in the open, proudly owning up to any enhancements they may have had.

“Lip augmentation is more popular now than ever,” says American Society of Plastic Surgeons member Dr. Ali. “With injectable treatments like Botox or hyaluronic acids, full and luscious lips are very easy to attain.”

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons estimates that less than every 20 minutes, someone in the U.S. opts for lip implant procedures. There were over 27,000 such treatments completed in 2015, and that number is only expected to rise.

Part of the popularity, opines Dr. Ali, is the ease of lip enhancements. “It’s a very straightforward process,” the Michigan plastic surgeon says, “involving just a local anesthetic and then injections with a tiny needle to fill out areas where you desire volume and rejuvenation. Injectables are a safe and easy procedure that can produce wonderful results.”

What’s more is that you’ll notice results almost instantly and can get back to work right after the injections. Depending on the filler type used, there may be some initial bruising and/or swelling, but that will subside within a few days, leaving fuller, more supple skin behind.

You can expect results to last six months or even years, depending on which type of filler you choose. And the treatments themselves are fast and simple. “Depending on what kind of results you want,” says Dr. Ali, “your actual procedure time can be just 15-20 minutes!”

Hyaluronic Acid-Based Treatments

Hyaluronic acid naturally occurs in our bodies. It’s a water-soluble substance that allows skin cells to retain more water, keeping the treated areas plump and firm.

  • Restylane is one option and lasts about six months. Regular treatments with Restylane can increase your body’s ability to produce collagen, helping to counter the effects of aging naturally.
  • Juvederm boasts the longest lasting results on the market today; patients can expect to see results for up to a year and will notice a change immediately, unlike botulin-based products.

Other Options

While hyaluronic compounds are increasingly popular, there are other choices available not just for lip augmentation, but for the surrounding areas as well.

  • Botox is comprised of the botulinum toxin, which sounds alarming, but when used in small doses, the results can be fantastic. It functions by reducing muscle contractions in your face, causing wrinkles to disappear.
  • Radiesse is a dermal filler also made from naturally-occurring substances. This treatment works by filling in the skin gaps that we know as wrinkles. Over time, Radiesse adds volume to your skin, diminishing the lines. The best part of this option is that Radiesse helps your body produce new cells after a few months, meaning the results can last for up to two years!

With these fast, simple, and safe procedures widely available, now is a wonderful time to plump up your smile for the perfect pout! All of the treatments listed above are FDA approved non-surgical treatments that can help you easily achieve the look you want.

If you’re interested in getting a facial filler or any other type of enhancement procedure, schedule a consultation with award-winning Detroit area plastic surgeon Dr. Ali.

© 2017 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

bikini season

Get Bikini Ready This Summer with a Mommy Makeover

Bloomfield Hills, MI– With the abundance of plastic and cosmetic surgery options available today, it’s easier than ever for mothers to become just as beach-ready as they were before children drastically changed their bodies. While there is no doubt an elegance and beauty that goes along with motherhood, there can also be less-than-desirable effects on one’s physique.

Dr. Ali, a Detroit plastic surgeon, says, “With the joy of parenthood can come some unwanted consequences, like extra body fat or sagging skin. Fortunately, there’s now a combination of procedures that are together called the mommy makeover. This can allow women to reap all the benefits of motherhood while still being happy with how they look in a swimsuit.”

What Is a Mommy Makeover, Exactly?

The mommy makeover usually consists of three parts: a tummy tuck, breast lift and/or augmentation, and liposuction. The combination of these procedures is ideal for mothers who’ve seen their bodies change in ways they may not like.

Tummy Tuck

Once mothers have their children, excess skin may be left over in the belly area. This skin may sag and the abs may loosen over time. A tummy tuck pulls the loose skin taut, and abdominal muscles may be tightened or repaired to give a flatter stomach.

Breast Lift and/or Augmentation

Mothers, especially those who have breastfed, may notice that their breasts lose some volume after pregnancy, or droop more than they did in years prior. Women who have had multiple children may notice an even more pronounced difference in breast size and consistency.

A breast lift can greatly decrease sagginess, giving women perkier breasts. Augmentation can add volume and firmness that can help recover tissue lost after childbirth. Together these procedures can help women restore their breasts to the way they were before pregnancy, correcting any other imperfections along the way. This can include reconstruction, reduction, and/or nipple correction.


Finally, for stubborn fat that just won’t leave a mother’s body, liposuction can rid of these deposits permanently. Liposuction is an option that helps smooth, flatten, and contour areas to the mother’s specifications.

Why Get a Mommy Makeover?

“Most women love the fact that their recovery time is condensed into one timeframe, instead of multiple surgeries requiring multiple recoveries,” says Dr. Ali.

Furthermore, the consultation between surgeon and patient is paramount to achieving a desired, lasting outcome.

“The more I know about what you want, the more I can help you get the look you really want,” explains Dr. Ali. “And the beautiful thing about a mommy makeover is that you can get everything done at once.”
To get started on your mommy makeover, make an appointment with Dr. Ali today! You can also call 855-335-7200 to speak with the office directly.

© 2017 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

No Smoking

Why Your Plastic Surgeon Urges You Not to Smoke

Bloomfield Hills, MI – We know by now that smoking is bad. It wreaks havoc on our body’s systems. Yet despite all this knowledge, about 15% of Americans still light up on a regular basis. If you’re considering getting plastic surgery, there are so many reasons you should quit smoking once and for all.

“From a plastic surgeon’s perspective, I can say that nonsmokers will have a more successful outcome after their procedures,” says Michigan doctor Dr. M. Azhar Ali, a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. “Many patients don’t consider the effects their tobacco use will have on their face lift of breast augmentation, but this is a topic worth discussing.”

What Does Smoking Do to the Body?

For many decades, the science has been clear: Smoking very much harms our bodies in many ways. Here are some:

  • Altered blood vessel size and efficiency: Smoking damages blood vessels by thickening their walls, causing them to narrow inside. This makes it much harder for the body to pump blood and thus life-giving oxygen. This usually results in elevated pulse and blood pressure, as well as a build-up of dangerous plaque and blood clots.
  • Higher risk of heart and brain problems: Coronary heart disease and stroke are directly caused by smoking. For the reasons listed above, many body systems cannot cope with the combination of ingested nicotine and tar.
  • Lung problems: While it sounds obvious, smoking very quickly and efficiently kills lung tissue. When problems like emphysema arise, some lung function may never fully recover, causing many to feel like they can’t ever get enough air.
  • Cosmetic effects: If these aren’t enough problems to consider, then think about the cosmetic effects. Smoking causes yellowed fingertips from holding cigarettes and can blacken fingernails as well. Teeth are tinged with the tar from cigarettes, tongues can develop a hair-like overgrowth of taste buds (try Googling black hairy tongue for fun), and breath will have a distinctive smoker’s smell. A smoker’s skin will wrinkle more and age faster than a nonsmoker’s. And don’t forget the smell that lingers on hair, clothing, and furniture.

How Does Smoking Affect Plastic Surgery Results?

Your entire body relies on oxygen for survival. While this may sound basic, consider that your skin, muscles, and fat cells also need oxygen. When plastic surgery procedures like tummy tucks or face lifts are done, the remaining tissue needs an oxygen supply to repair properly.

“Smoking greatly reduces the size of blood vessels, depriving cells of oxygen,” says Dr. Ali. “Oxygen is so important to good recovery after plastic surgery; without it, skin will not rejuvenate as well as it normally could.”

Other risks of smokers undergoing plastic surgery include:

  • Delayed healing of surgical wounds
  • Thicker or wider scarring
  • Increased pain after the procedure
  • Fat necrosis (death of fat cells), which can cause hard lumps in surrounding areas
  • Increased risk of infections
  • Blood clots, which can become deadly
  • Permanent small blood vessel damage
  • Loss of or damage to remaining skin and fat cells, making breast surgery much less successful

Are e-Cigarettes, Vaping, Nicotine Patches/Gum, and Smokeless Tobacco Good Alternatives?

In a word: No. These alternatives, while better for your lungs, will still have detrimental effects on your body after any surgery or medical procedure. As these alternatives still contain nicotine, they will affect your vascular system the same way as cigarettes, making recovery after surgery much more difficult and less successful.

“While it’s hard to quit, there are options available,” notes Dr. Ali. “You can consider calling a quitline, getting a phone app, or seeking counseling. Trust me: quitting smoking now will make so many aspects of life your life much better.”

If you’re interested in getting any type of plastic surgery done or to learn more about the use of nicotine and its effects on your health, schedule a consultation with award-winning Detroit area plastic surgeon Dr. Ali.

labiaplasty procedure

Detroit Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Ali, Discusses the Increasing Popularity of Labiaplasty

Detroit, MI – From a young age, women are told that they should love every bit of themselves, including their most intimate of parts. Yet many women feel self-conscious about the appearance of their vaginas, or more specifically their labia. Labiaplasty, which reduces the appearance of the labia minora while rejuvenating the area, has increased by 39% in the last year alone according to the ASPS. That represents about 12,000 labiaplasty procedures since 2015.

Detroit-based plastic surgeon, Dr. M. Azhar Ali, has seen a strong upsurge in women requesting the labiaplasty procedure, especially those considering “mommy makeovers.”

“As plastic and cosmetic surgery becomes more mainstream and accepted, many women feel more comfortable discussing all areas of their body where they may not feel as confident. We used to see patients every seven or ten years for major procedures. Lately, however, I see some of my patients on an ongoing basis as they seek to rejuvenate various areas of their body, and Labiaplasty is a procedure that is being opted for in record numbers.”

What Does Labiaplasty Consist Of?

Labiaplasty (labial reduction) is a cosmetic surgery procedure for women who are unhappy with the size of their labia minora (inner lips). Women with larger labia minora frequently experience irritation, discomfort during exercise and personal hygiene problems. Some women even experience problems with sexual intercourse.

Even if a woman doesn’t experience any of the above problems, her oversized labia can still become a source of embarrassment when faced with the prospect of introducing her parts to a new sexual partner. Then there comes with the embarrassment of having the labia show when wearing snug shorts or swimsuits.

What Causes Enlarged Labia?

For many women, enlarged labia occurs at birth as a result of genetics. For others, the labia grows as the woman gets older. Childbirth can be another factor that contributes to prominent labia.

Whatever the reasons, labiaplasty can allow women to feel good about their intimate parts once more. The procedure makes the labia minora appear flush or even with the labia majora so that they’re more hidden. The woman can wear what she wants, exercise with complete abandon and feel good that she looks her best when becoming intimate between the sheets.

Important Factors to Consider

According to Dr. Ali, women who come to see him for labiaplasty wonder if they are allowed to choose the size of their labia. In cases like these, Dr. Ali states that proper education is extremely important.

During the initial consultation, I do my best to educate the patient about the procedure and the various options available. For labiaplasty, it is important to recognize not only the appearance of the labia but also the function. The labia protects the vaginal orifice when the thighs are spread, so it is important not to go too small when choosing the proper resizing of the labia minora,” Dr. Ali said.

Healing and Downtime

Depending upon the patient’s comfort level the surgery could be performed in the office under local anesthesia. Labiaplasty requires minimal downtime, with most patients returning to their daily routines within a week. Still, Dr. Ali recommends that women exercise caution when returning to their normal, busy lives. Strenuous activity and sexual intercourse should be avoided for at least 4 to 6 weeks.

While healing, the woman will be required to wear a pad similar to one worn during menstruation and some bed rest may be required. There may also be some bleeding and bruising, but those symptoms typically only last a few days.

“Labiaplasty and mommy makeovers, which seeks to restore women’s pre-pregnancy bodies, are becoming increasingly popular as women continue to feel more empowered and realize that they don’t have to live with any parts of themselves they may dislike,” Dr. Ali said.

He added, “For women who feel less-than-confident about their lady parts, schedule a consultation with Dr. Ali today and let’s discuss options. It may only take one cosmetic procedure, or several as part of a mommy makeover package, to help a woman look and feel her best.”

To learn more about labiaplasty, a rapidly-growing field of cosmetic surgery, call or email Dr. Ali to schedule an appointment.

© 2017 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

noninvasive cosmetic procedure

Non-Invasive Cosmetic Treatments Can Make You Look and Feel Years Younger

Bloomfield Hills, Detroit, MI – Non-invasive cosmetic treatments, such as Latisse (the only FDA approved gel treatment for sparse eyelashes); Xeomin (which improves frown lines via injection); and Juvederm (an injection that helps reduce wrinkles and folds); are all viable options for improving your appearance. Each treatment provides a non-surgical alternative to traditional plastic surgery that can make you look years younger than your actual age.

Latisse, Xeomin and Juvederm Right Here in Detroit

Dr. M. Azhar Ali, of Amae Plastic Surgery Center in Bloomfield Hills, offers Latisse treatments as well as Xeomin and Juvederm injections, in addition to world-renowned plastic surgery. Dr. Ali says, “For patients who want to look as young as they feel, we offer a range of cosmetic treatments and injectables here at Amae Plastic Surgery Center. These treatments are non-invasive, offer few side effects, and last quite a long time.”

How Do Injectable Cosmetics Work?


Latisse will be prescribed by Dr. Ali and applied to your eyelashes, by you! There is no need to revisit Dr. Ali until you have finished the treatment process, which spans about 16 weeks, or if an allergic reaction occurs (which is rare).

The treatments will be applied each day with an applicator that is included with your prescription. After thoroughly washing your face, you apply Latisse the same way you would apply mascara: by moving the applicator from the inner to the outer baseline of your eyelashes. A new applicator will be used for the other eye.

According to Dr. Ali, there could be a few side effects with Latisse, such as irritation of the eyes, and redness or darkening of the eyelids, but these effects generally correct themselves over time.


Xeomin, often called “the New Botox” is an FDA approved treatment for the improvement of frown or laugh lines (depending on how you view them). The treatment is similar to both Botox and Dysport; but unlike those two injections, Xeomin does not need to be refrigerated. Additionally, there are several other advantages to using Xeomin rather than Botox or Dysport.

Botox was approved by the FDA in 1989 to treat two types of muscular eye disorders. However, the injectable treatment was expanded for use in 2002 (also with FDA approval) for use to treat significantly deep wrinkles between the eyes and aid migraines, among several other uses.

When Botox stopped working for many patients due to a tolerance buildup, Dysport was created. The FDA approved Dysport in 2009 to treat cosmetic issues similar to Botox.

In 2010, the FDA approved Xeomin to help patients get rid of unwanted wrinkles while also creating much smoother skin. The treatment works a bit differently than its two predecessors in that it was developed to reduce muscle spasms as well as aid in getting rid of undesirable cosmetic issues such as deep lines and severe wrinkles.

According to Dr. Ali, Xeomin is an excellent alternative to Botox as it is “additive-free, which means that the chances of an allergic reaction are greatly diminished.” Additionally, Dr. Ali has found that Xeomin treatments work in as little as five days and last for approximately six months.


Juvederm is an FDA-approved injection with a variety of uses. The name Juvederm actually represents a line of top-selling hyaluronic acid fillers. Each product in the line of fillers adds volume to a different section of the face. For example, the treatment can be used to lift cheeks, smooth parentheses lines, or plump the lips. The results are subtle and long-lasting.

These Non-Invasive Treatments are Just a Consultation Away

Are you tired of looking at a tired, ragged you in the mirror each morning? Are you ready to look and feel younger? Today could be the day when everything changes.

If you’re ready to start looking as young as you feel, call or contact Dr. M. Azhar Ali at Amae Plastic Surgery Center in Bloomfield Hills for a consultation. In some cases, cosmetic treatments, such as injectables, can be completed during the same initial consultation appointment.

© 2017 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

coolsculping and Lipo

Be Swimsuit Season Ready This Year with CoolSculpting or Lipo!

Bloomfield Hills, MI– With warmer weather comes more outdoor activity, including trips to the beach or pool. While the word swimsuit may strike fear in the hearts of some, Detroit-area plastic surgeon Dr. Ali is prepared.

“We are lucky to live in a time where many people can attain their ideal body results relatively quickly. With procedures like CoolSculpting and liposuction, virtually anyone can be ready for swimsuit season in very little time,” notes the surgeon.


Developed by Harvard University Scientists, CoolSculpting is the only non-surgical fat treatment option approved by the FDA.

“I love offering this treatment to patients, as there is little to no downtime and no surgical procedure is required,” says Dr. Ali. “The best part is, patients experience amazing results that they could not otherwise achieve.”

Candidates for CoolSculpting are those who would like to lose fat in the following areas: flanks, thighs, abdomen, back, and/or under the chin. Those interested in the procedure should be at or near their ideal body weight and have a body mass index (BMI) under 30.

This procedure can be done quickly in a doctor’s office and patients can resume their daily activities immediately after treatment. During the procedure, patients are conscious and can read, use electronic devices, or rest.

Since CoolSculpting freezes fat cells, the body will take a few weeks to break down and expel the dead tissue. This means that though patients may not see results in the minutes and hours after their procedure, a dramatic difference will likely be noticed in the upcoming weeks. Fat cells will continue to leave the body for up to six months after the initial treatment.


For those seeking to get rid of stubborn fat that is too difficult to get rid of by diet or exercise, liposuction is another option.

A much more dramatic and invasive procedure than CoolSculpting, liposuction is a surgery that removes deep fat tissue using a device to literally suck the fat out of the body. Any area with fat cells may be targeted, though areas commonly treated are: the abdomen, thighs, back, and upper arms. Performed under general or intravenous sedation, liposuction must be done by an experienced professional for safe and lasting results.

“Liposuction is the most commonly utilized plastic surgery today,” Dr. Ali explains. “Patients generally love the long-lasting results achieved by this technique, and most are able to return to work within a day or two.”

Liposuction results can take up to nine months to fully show, but patients note dramatic changes within a few weeks to months after surgery.

Seeking Professional Care

With summer drawing ever nearer, Dr. Ali reminds patients, “The earlier you consult with a plastic surgeon, the sooner you will achieve your desired results. Remember, some of these procedures can take a few months to give you the body you want.”

To get started immediately, schedule an appointment with Dr. Ali and his team in Michigan today! You can also call 855-335-7200 to speak with the office directly.

About Us: Detroit area plastic surgeon Dr. M. Azhar Ali and his team are skilled and knowledgeable aesthetic care professionals well-versed in procedures like CoolSculpting and liposuction. Board-certified Dr. Ali has won numerous awards and has thousands of surgeries under his belt. He and his team offer competent, experienced and compassionate care to all patients.

© 2017 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

Chemical Peel Healing Time

How Long Do Skin Peels Take to Heal?

Bloomfield Hills, MI– Wrinkles. Acne scars. Sun damage. Pigment changes or irregularities. These and other problems are common reasons for getting a chemical peel done.

“Chemical peels are a great solution for evening out your skin and revitalizing it overall,” says Detroit-area plastic surgeon Dr. Ali. “While destroying old skin cells, this process allows new, healthy cells to emerge and grow.”

Healing Time: It Depends

Since there are several kinds of chemical peels used for skin treatment, recovery times also vary. All in all, depending on the type of peel used, skin usually heals itself in anywhere from one day to several months.

Dr. Ali explains, “There are three main classes of chemical peels: superficial, medium, and deep. Each one uses different chemicals and application lengths, and each affects the skin differently. We at Amae Medspa very much customize our treatments; we offer nine types of chemical peels and devise a care plan unique to each person.”

Superficial Peels

In superficial peels, the target is removing only the outermost layer of skin, called the epidermis. First, the skin is cleaned and then a combination of mild acids is used to expose younger, healthier skin beneath the surface.

The acid is left on the skin for a few minutes and then neutralized with alcohol or water, which stops the chemical reaction. While the chemicals are on the skin, many people report feeling a burning sensation, which can easily be relieved using a handheld fan.

Immediately afterwards, the skin will peel a bit and will likely turn pink. Though it might take redness a little while to subside, it is still safe to wear makeup after the procedure. Typical healing time is just a few days.

Medium Peels

Medium peels typically use similar chemicals to those in a superficial peel, but the mixture is kept on the skin longer: up to about 30-40 minutes, depending on the skin’s condition and desired results.

These peels are more painful, as the targeted areas are both the epidermis and top portion of the dermis. Pain relievers and oral sedatives are sometimes offered to help with the discomfort. A fan or cool compress may also alleviate any burning sensations.

Due to the nature of this treatment, a longer healing time should be anticipated. After a few days, skin will likely begin to crust and peel, only fully healing after a week or so. It’s best not to wear makeup for the first week after treatment, as this can slow the healing process. Typical healing time is approximately 5-7 days.

Deep Peels

As the name implies, deep peels target the deepest layer of the dermis possible without causing long-term damage. While it’s the most aggressive and painful treatment, it also provides the most dramatic and long-lasting results. With this procedure, it’s best to wait two weeks or more before using makeup again. Skin will likely take a few months to completely heal and repair, so antibiotics and/or antivirals may be prescribed to keep infections at bay. Typical healing time is anywhere from three weeks to two months.

Achieving Optimal Results

Pre- and post-peel care is crucial for achieving healthy, lasting results. Preparation for a chemical peel should be done two to three weeks beforehand and consists of washing the face twice daily, applying a special moisturizing cream once or twice each day, using sunscreen, and avoiding direct sunlight. These measures will ensure more even results and allow skin to heal faster after treatment.

After a peel, the acne medication Retin-A (tretinoin) is sometimes used to promote healing. To prevent viral infections, acyclovir or a similar prescription may be given especially to those who have had cold sores and had a chemical peel near the eyes or mouth.

Like pre-peel care, it’s also important to liberally apply sunscreen and limit sun exposure after a peel. Moisturizers should also be used for several weeks afterwards. This course of action keeps skin healthy and able to heal itself more efficiently.

To get started on your way to smoother skin, schedule an appointment with Dr. Ali today! You can also call 855-335-7200 to speak with the office directly.

© 2017 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

Tummy tuck surgery Oakland COunty

How Long Do Tummy Tuck Results Last?

Bloomfield Hills, MI– A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures today. This outpatient surgery consists of making an incision just above the pubic hairline, taking out undesired skin and fat, possibly tightening abdominal muscles and tightening up the abdominal wall, then suturing up the cut. While results will be seen immediately, many patients wonder about the long-term outcome of this procedure.

Preparing for Success

As with any surgery, preparation will help you achieve optimal results. Detroit-area plastic surgeon Dr. Ali notes, “To obtain the best outcome possible for a tummy tuck, I strongly urge that patients get ready beforehand. While aftercare is also crucial in maintaining long-term results, pre-operative preparation is key.”

For those preparing to undergo an abdominoplasty, here are some ways to prepare:

  • Smokers should stop smoking prior to surgery, ideally at least a few days beforehand.
  • Those taking aspirin or other blood-thinning or anti-inflammatory medications should avoid them before surgery, as these might lead to excessive bleeding or hemorrhaging during the procedure.
  • Patients should be within about 10% of their ideal weight before the surgery. This weight should be maintained as long as possible following the surgery (months, if possible).
  • Patients should maintain a healthy diet immediately before and after the procedure for the best results.

Furthermore, a tummy tuck is not for everyone. Those still planning to have children should wait until they are done, as pregnancy can drastically disrupt healing after abdominoplasty. Those looking to lose a massive amount of weight should delay a tummy tuck until they are closer to their ideal weight.

“As always,” reminds Dr. Ali, “consulting with your plastic surgeon is absolutely necessary for attaining your ideal body. Your doctor will develop a care plan for you tailored exactly to your needs as well as unique anatomy and physiology.”

Short-term Recovery

Since a tummy tuck requires a substantial incision and much tissue removal, patients should expect to be in recovery for about 6 weeks after surgery. Depending on what type of abdominoplasty was done, healing time and results will vary from person to person. It’s possible that final results will only be seen 6-8 months after the procedure.

During recovery, a healthy diet is essential to healing. “Please be sure to rest and drink water. Eat well, and include plenty of vegetables and fruits in your diet to aid your body in achieving lasting results,” Dr. Ali asks of his patients.

Patients should also avoid strenuous activity – particularly of the abdominal area- for several weeks following surgery. It may help to elevate the abdomen when lying in bed.

Long-term Results

“As long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle post-procedure, there’s no reason a tummy tuck can’t last you the rest of your life,” says Dr. Ali.

There will be scarring, as the incisions made during tummy tucks are generally substantial. The good news is that these scars are usually quite low on the body, and can be easily hidden by undergarments and bathing suits.

The important thing is to keep new weight off. “Although fat tissue has been removed,” Dr. Ali explains, “the leftover adipose tissue can still grow with weight gain. This can happen to males and females alike and should be avoided.”

During follow-up visits with the plastic surgeon, periodic evaluations will be done to determine the success of the procedure.

While gravity and the aging process are ongoing adversaries for those who have had tummy tucks, patients can always undergo another procedure later on. “You can have your body contour reshaped throughout your life to keep the shape you love,” says Dr. Ali. “We’re happy to consult with you on these and any other aesthetic concerns you may have.”

To get started on your flatter stomach, schedule an appointment with Dr. Ali today! You can also call 855-335-7200 to speak with the office directly.
About Us: Dr. M. Azhar Ali is a Board-certified, Detroit area plastic surgeon who has won many awards. He and his team are experienced and knowledgeable aesthetic care professionals who are skilled in providing treatments like tummy tucks. The team at Amae Plastic Surgery Center offer competent and compassionate care to all patients.

© 2017 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

Breast Lift Michigan

Give Your Breasts a Lift This Spring

Bloomfield Hills, MI – Spring is the season for rebirth, renewal, and rejuvenation. As flowers bloom and trees regain the leaves lost in winter, so too can you add a bit of revitalization to your figure.

We all fall victim to gravity over time. Whether from pregnancy, genetics, or other causes, the effects on breast tissue can be less than desirable. You might notice gravity causing inevitable sagging and loss of definition.

However, one of the most popular procedures in breast surgery is none other than the breast lift. Whether done as a procedure in its own right or as part of a mommy makeover, a breast lift can help give you the body you’ve been longing for. If you want to have a perkier, firmer bust, this might just be the right option for you!

What Does a Breast Lift Entail?

This procedure, undergone by an ever-increasing number of women, involves a few steps:

  • Incisions: Depending on the degree to which breast tissue will be lifted, incisions can be made around the areola or nipple, under the breast fold, vertically from the nipple to the fold, or any combination of these methods.
  • Excision of tissue: Again, as each woman is different, so too is the amount of tissue removed. Whatever the case, excess skin tissue will be taken away, allowing the breasts to regain their firmness. If necessary, your surgeon may also remove some breast tissue to increase perkiness.
  • Nipple modification: To create an aesthetic appearance, nipples and areola may be resized, repositioned, or both. This allows the entire breast’s appearance to be entirely enhanced.
  • Sutures: Sutures, placed underneath the skin, help the body adapt to and support the newly shaped breast tissue.
  • Implants: For optimal results, implants are sometimes necessary in addition to the breast lift. This allows for the supple fullness that keep the breasts looking young, firm, and healthy.

Tips for Your Breast Lift

  • Research your doctor. A good plastic surgeon will have before and after photos of work he or she has done and will be happy to share the prior results.
  • Research the procedure. Being an educated patient and knowing exactly what you do –and don’t—want can help you explain the precise outcome you want to your doctor.
  • Expect some downtime. Depending on the degree of droopiness and amount of breast tissue added and/or augmented, recovery can take a few weeks or longer.
  • Be as healthy as possible before the surgery. Eat well, drink plenty of water, and be sure to get as much sleep as you can. If you’re a smoker, stop smoking a few weeks before the surgery. This last tip can help you improve your recovery rate and also prevent infection post-surgery.
  • Wait until you’re done having children first. For the best breast lift results, it’s advised that you only have the procedure done after having all of your children. This will prevent additional drooping in the future.
  • Anticipate some scarring. Generally, the more dramatic the breast lift, the larger the scars will be. While these will diminish in appearance over time, talk to your doctor to see if she or he can prescribe you any creams (such as those containing steroids) to reduce inflammation from the procedure.
  • Get ready for some compliments! As a breast lift can greatly enhance your figure, you may notice people trying not to offend you by (delicately) complimenting on your surgery. Hopefully, with your newfound confidence, you’ll be able to take all these compliments with a broad smile on your face!

If you’re deciding what breast enhancement procedures are right for you, schedule a consultation with award-winning Detroit area plastic surgeon Dr. Ali.

To find out more about how to get rid of stretch marks, or to get your own detailed surgical consultation, contact Dr. Ali’s office today!

© 2017 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

stretch mark removal

Is It Possible to Get Rid of Abdominal Stretch Marks?

Bloomfield Hills, MI – Be it from weight fluctuation, pregnancy, or other lifestyle changes, it can be difficult to deal with stretch marks in the abdominal area. Since stretch marks reach down to deeper layers of skin, they are difficult to rid of and may be bothersome or unsightly. Luckily, there is some help available.

Topical Remedies

Certain creams and other topical treatments can help reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Here are some that can work for you:

  • Moisturize! Topical moisturizers hydrate your skin and can minimize wear and tear if your skin needs to stretch further.
  • Lotion on old stretch marks can help minimize their appearance but works best on new marks.
  • Vitamin A: Tretinoin (Retin-A) is derived from vitamin A and is prescribed by a doctor. It can increase your skin’s production of elastin and collagen, proteins that help your skin maintain its vitality. Note: This should not be used if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant soon.
  • Glycolic wash/pads: These products can help increase production of collagen due to their alpha hydroxyl content. Ask your doctor for the most effective versions available.

Lifestyle Remedies

You’re likely sick of hearing the advice to “eat well and exercise,” but these words of wisdom have their place in skin repair as well. Try these tricks to reduce the appearance of stretch marks:

  • Eat your vitamins. Fruits and vegetables are high in the nutrients your skin needs to rejuvenate itself. Avoid refined sugar and foods with a high glycemic index; regulating hormones in this way can keep your skin looking healthier. Foods with antioxidants, like blueberries, pomegranates, and green tea can help boost your skin’s hydration.
  • Hydrate. Water’s importance cannot be understated in its role of keeping skin smooth and supple. Try to drink 6-8 glasses of water per day.
  • Hit the gym. Doing strength training and weight-bearing exercise can firm up skin. Target your approach to the abdominal area, balancing the exercise with back-strengthening activities as well. By firming your skin, you can reduce the look of stretch marks.


Laser Options

In cases of severe discoloration or skin distortion, surgery may be the best option. Here are some options that can work well:

  • Vascular laser treatment (also called a pulsed dye laser): This treatment is best used on new stretch marks. It can decrease redness in the marks’ initial stages.
  • Laser resurfacing (also called fractional laser treatment): For small areas with older stretch marks, this procedure can smooth over edges and improve overall skin tone.


Surgical Options

Sometimes, if no other alternative has proven effective, surgery may be the only option. Here are two to be considered:

  • Tummy tuck (also called abdominoplasty): This procedure literally cuts the stretch marks from your body, leaving you with a flatter, smoother abdomen. While there will be a new scar from hip to hip, it can easily be covered by undergarments or a bathing suit.
  • Mommy makeover: This is a combination of plastic surgeries, suited to the new mother. This series of treatments, all done at once, can instantly reduce the visibility of stretch marks.


No matter how you decide to diminish the appearance of your stretch marks, you can schedule a consultation with award-winning Detroit area plastic surgeon Dr. Ali.

To find out more about how to get rid of stretch marks, or to get your own detailed surgical consultation, contact Dr. Ali’s office today!

© 2017 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.