Comparing Treatments for Painful Sex
What is the Best Treatment for Painful Sex?
After menopause, more than 50% of women report having painful sex. Sadly, this condition – known as genitourinary syndrome of menopause or “GSM” – is one that women often suffer with in silence, because they are two embarrassed to seek help – or they think pain during intercourse is a ‘normal’ part of aging. But painful intercourse does NOT have to be a part of aging that women must accept! There are new, state-of-the-art treatments that can eliminate painful sex.
In this article we compare the newest, most innovative and effective treatments for painful sex.
Treatments for Painful Sex: Hormones
Estrogen is necessary for maintaining thick, healthy, elastic, lubricated vaginal walls and tissues. But the hormone decline of menopause can wreak havoc on a woman’s sex life by causing thinning and laxity of the vaginal walls – resulting in: pain during intercourse; decreased vaginal lubrication; vaginal itching, pain and dryness; reduced sexual sensation; vaginal laxity; and, less frequent or less intense orgasms.
In the past, doctors treated women who suffered from painful sex with either vaginal or oral hormone replacement therapy (HRT). But estrogen that is delivered using a cream, a “ring,” or a vaginally inserted tablet is not only messy and inconvenient – but must be continued daily or multiple times weekly. Previously, if vaginal estrogen insertion treatment was not effective to remedy painful sex, women were then typically put on oral Estrogen hormone pills. But oral hormone therapy offers the disadvantage of a roller coaster effect with hormone surges in the morning that then wear off completely by the end of the day. And, patients also have to remember to take pills every day at the same time.
However a new form of HRT – bioidentical subcutaneous pellets – more naturally and effectively addresses the underlying causes of pain during intercourse. Many physicians believe that this is most effective, safest, and most natural method of replacing female hormones. Time-released, subdermal (under the skin) hormone pellets deliver missing hormones consistently and evenly – when they are needed – just like the body itself.
A single hormone pellet implant consistently releases low doses of hormones for several months with just one single insertion. And, unlike the synthetic hormones that are created in a laboratory, bioidentical hormone replacement pellets are derived from 100% natural plant-based sources – making them safer, and more easily and effectively used by the female body.
Treatments for Painful Sex: Viveve® Vaginal Rejuvenation
Viveve® Vaginal Rejuvenation treatment for painful sex uses radio-frequency heat energy with integrated cooling technology to help restore the vaginal tissue naturally. Collagen is the substance in the skin (including the vagina) that is responsible for skin strength and elasticity. Radiofrequency treatments stimulate the body’s own collagen production in the vagina – and the cooling technology component ensures that the procedure is more comfortable than other types of vaginal rejuvenation treatments.
This natural, safe, non-surgical technology improves the vaginal tissues’ texture, lubrication, suppleness, tightness and elasticity without hormones and without surgery. In multiple clinical studies that were approved by the FDA, Viveve® has been clinically proven to be a safe and effective treatment for painful sex – without reported side effects or complications.
Viveve® is the ONLY vaginal rejuvenation that only requires a single treatment to treat painful sex. Additionally, unlike laser vaginal treatments, Viveve® has patented cryo-cooling technology incorporated into the treatment to offset the heat of the treatment, for a relaxing and pain free experience.
Why Viveve RF is Better Than Lasers for Painful Sex
Laser vaginal rejuvenation treatments for painful sex uses “ablation” in which the laser creates microscopic incisions or “cuts” in the vaginal tissue. The body’s healing response to these tiny cuts, stimulates collagen production, thickening the vaginal skin over time – as well as increasing lubrication and elasticity. This makes them much more uncomfortable than pain-free Viveve® radiofrequency vaginal rejuvenation
Additionally, all laser treatments on the market for painful sex (DiVa, MonaLisa Touch, FemiLift ) currently require 3 treatments, spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart. However, Viveve® radiofrequency vaginal rejuvenation only requires a SINGLE treatment to eliminate pain during intercourse.
Painful Sex Treatments – Oakland County
Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women in Oakland County and across the Detroit area stop bladder leaks & improve sexual intimacy with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) and/or just a single 30 minute Viveve® vaginal rejuvenation treatment!
Both painful sex treatments are affordable, painless, procedures performed in our Oakland County medical office. There is no downtime, and you will begin to notice vaginal improvement within just a few weeks.
Call us for a discreet, confidential vaginal rejuvenation consultation and see if BHRT or Viveve® is right for you!