Labiaplasty Surgery vs Viveve Non-Surgical Labia Remodeling

Non-Surgical Labia Remodeling Instead of Labiaplasty –  

An important component of enjoying a sex life that is both happy and healthy is self-confidence in the bedroom. But for many women, insecurities about their body make that kind of confidence seem almost impossible. The root of such insecurities for many such women is an above-average sized labia, or a labia that is loose or wrinkled. In the past, the only way to correct such issues was through labiaplasty surgery. Today, however, Detroit area women now also have access to an innovative non-surgical labiaplasty alternative.

Thanks to recent technological developments in the field of gynecology, non-surgical labiaplasty is a noninvasive alternative to traditional labiaplasty surgery. Renowned Detroit area plastic surgeon is pleased to offer both labiaplasty and non-surgical Viveve radiofrequency labia remodeling.

Through Viveve non-surgical labiaplasty, our patients are able to improve the overall appearance of their labia, shrinking and tightening it to deliver results to rival surgical labiaplasty. In this article, board certified Detroit area plastic surgeon Dr. Ali discusses the difference between traditional labiaplasty surgery and Viveve non-surgical labiaplasty.

Labiaplasty Surgery

Also known as “labia edge excision,” surgical labiaplasty is performed by physically cutting excess skin off of the labia. Unlike non-surgical labiaplasty, traditional labiaplasty surgery requires our Detroit area patients to undergo anesthetic prior to their procedure. Even the largest of labias can be trimmed to a beautiful length with labiaplasty surgery.

Typically, labiaplasty surgery patients must allow for at least two full days of bed rest following treatment, something not required of our non-surgical labiaplasty patients. Traditional labiaplasty differs further from non-surgical labiaplasty in that, following surgery, at least a week of downtime is required. Following this, labiaplasty surgery patients must also avoid strenuous physical activity -as well as sexual intercourse- for at least 4 to 6 weeks.

During the healing process, pain medication will be prescribed as needed, to treat any discomfort.

Viveve Non-surgical Labiaplasty Alternative

At AMAE Plastic Surgery and Med Spa, we not only offer our Detroit area patients not only traditional labiaplasty, but also provide Viveve radiofrequency non-surgical labiaplasty alternative. Viveve is a perfect alternative to surgery for Detroit area women with mild to moderate labial distention – or wrinkled labia. Greater amounts of labial distention may, however, benefit more from traditional surgery, rather than this non-surgical labiaplasty alternative.

Using a slim device resembling a wand, Viveve non-surgical labiaplasty is capable of remodeling the labia on a deep, cellular level by emitting radiofrequency energy. Patients who choose Viveve non-surgical labiaplasty walk away from treatment with a labia that is smoother, smaller, and more youthful in appearance. And, as the effects develop over time, the l;abia will continue to become smaller, smoother and more youthful looking.

Radiofrequency (“RF”) – the technology used in Viveve –  has a long history of incredible skin tightening, toning, and contouring results. When used to treat the skin of the face, RF treatments are referred to as being a “non-surgical facelift.” The radiofrequency energy in Viveve offers the same level of skin tightening, and toning on the labia. So, in many ways,  Viveve non-surgical labiaplasty is like a “facelift for the labia.”

No Downtime With Viveve Non-surgical Labiaplasty

Our Detroit area Viveve non-surgical labiaplasty patients are not subject to the downtime that comes with traditional labiaplasty surgery, nor do they require pain medication to manage discomfort. And unlike traditional labiaplasty patients, Viveve non-surgical labiaplasty patients have the luxury of returning to their normal daily routine as soon as they leave their appointment. Following treatment, our Detroit area patients are free to engage in sexual intercourse and other strenuous physical activities the same day as their Viveve non-surgical labiaplasty!

Viveve non-surgical labiaplasty results in no scarring, no risk of infection, and no ongoing pain with this safe, effective non-surgical labiaplasty alternative.

Non-surgical Labiaplasty – Detroit Area

At AMAE Med Spa, board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali is one of the only physicians in the Detroit area to offer both labiaplasty surgery and non-surgical labia remodelling.

If you are suffering from the discomfort or embarrassment of a large, distended or wrinkled labia, contact us today for more information, and see if either of these life-changing treatments are right for your needs.

Non-surgical Labiaplasty Consultation – Detroit Area:  248-335-7200

vaginal rejuvenation gift cards

The Best Christmas Gift of 2021: Better Sex with Viveve!

The Most Intimate Christmas Gift: Better Sex with Vaginal Rejuvenation

Just as things were getting back to normal, another coronavirus variant is surfacing – making Christmas shopping in 2021 challenging! What if we told you we had the perfect gift that keeps on giving, is guaranteed to “fit” and that can be purchased online with a few clicks?

Why not give your partner AND yourself the gift of better sex and improved intimacy this holiday season with a  Gift Certificate for vaginal rejuvenation at AMAE in the Detroit area?

Improve Sexual Intimacy with Vaginal Rejuvenation

Sexual intimacy is an important part of any couple’s relationship! And, during 2021, many couples are spending more time at  home together during the pandemic – so an active and satisfying sex life has become even more important to couple. Revolutionary non-surgical, radiofrequency Viveve Vaginal Rejuvenation may be just what you both need to reinvigorate your love life.

What Is Vaginal Rejuvenation?

In the early days of romance or marriage, the couple’s sexual relationship is often the focal point of their time together. But as responsibilities such as children, careers, and mortgages take center stage, sexual relations can often get shifted to the back burner. Unfortunately, once the kids are older, careers are established, and a couple finally has more time for one another again, physiological changes in a woman’s body can make sexual intimacy less than satisfying for both partners. Even worse, in many cases, sexual intercourse actually becomes painful for many woman.

Childbirth, aging and post-menopausal hormone decrease all take their toll on the vagina. The vaginal lining can become loose, lax (lacking in tone), dry, and less sensitive. This results in painful sex for the woman, as well as less sensation and less satisfaction for both partners.

But the fantastic news is that a painless, one-time, non-surgical Viveve vaginal rejuvenation treatment can “turn back the clock” on female intimacy problems. Radiofrequency “vaginal rejuvenation” restores tightness, elasticity, lubrication and sensation to the vagina – in just one treatment, without surgery and without hormones and with no downtime.

Radiofrequency stimulates the vaginal tissue to produce more collagen and elastin, the building blocks of firm, thick, elastic skin. This promotes the regeneration of vaginal walls and helps restore and rejuvenate the vagina to a more youthful state. The vaginal becomes tighter, more toned and more lubricated – improving intimacy for the woman and her partner.

Cost of Vaginal Rejuvenation in Detroit

So what’s the catch? There really isn’t one! There are no side effects, no downtime and no complications from this safe and natural treatment. The only issue, for some women, is the “price tag” – since insurance does not currently cover vaginal rejuvenation. And, as we all know, many women are notorious for not spending money on themselves.

But what better gift can you give her (and yourself) this holiday season, than a  Gift Certificate for better sexual health and improved intimacy?

The average middle-class married couple spends more than $1000 every year on Christmas gifts alone! Couples also typically invest this much money in a good mattress set. And a new car payment alone can run from $2500 to $4500 or more per year. Isn’t your intimacy as a couple also worth a small investment as well?

Men: You can purchase a  Gift Certificate at our Detroit area medical office for the cost of vaginal rejuvenation treatment. You will be giving your wife or partner the gift of heightened sexual sensation and pain-free sex – while also giving yourself the present of more satisfying sex with the woman you love.

Women: Treat yourselves to more comfortable and satisfying sex – while giving the man you love the holiday gift of more frequent and pleasurable sexual intimacy! There is still time to schedule Viveve vaginal rejuvenation before Christmas. But hurry! Time is running out.

SHOP ONLINE for a Vaginal Rejuvenation Gift Certificates – Or Call: 248.335.7200

Viveve for a Beautiful Vagina

Viveve for a Beautiful Vagina – 

Women in their 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond often notice at some point that their appearance has changed “down there”.  In fact, hundreds of women have come to renowned Troy, MI area plastic surgeon Dr. with these cosmetic concerns about their genitalia – wanting a more youthful appearance back in their intimate areas.

The reality is that childbirth and delivery can really wreak havoc on the vagina and surrounding tissue. And, unfortunately, age and hormone changes affect the genital area similarly to what occurs on the face as we age: increased tissue laxity, loss of volume and even wrinkling.

As little as a decade ago women with cosmetic concerns about their feminine parts, were told that surgery was the only option. Now, thanks to state-of-the-art Viveve radiofrequency vaginal rejuvenation, many women can achieve the youthful vaginal and vulvar appearance they desire, without surgery, without pain, and without downtime.

Four Thing that Define a Beautiful Vagina

Because of the Internet, as well as women taking more control of their own bodies, there is an increased awareness of the appearance of the vaginal area – including the labia (wings or lips). Proportion, symmetry, smoothness and firmness define beauty anywhere in the body – and this includes the female genitalia.

In general, there are four things that bother women the most about the appearance of their feminine parts, all of which can be improved with a single in-office Viveve vaginal rejuvenation treatment.

1. A Labia that Doesn’t “Stick Out”

Generally speaking, most women don’t like a labia minora that “sticks out” too much. Not only can large labia appear unsightly, it can cause discomfort in tight pants or when riding a bicycle or exercising.

Viveve is sometimes called “non-surgical labiaplasty” because it is capable of remodeling the labia on a deep, cellular level with radiofrequency energy. Patients who choose Viveve can achieve reduction of the labia with smaller “lips” that are more attractive and youthful in appearance.

In some cases, the labia minora (inner labia) can be hidden and not protrude beyond the labia majora, or outer labia at all.

2. A Symmetrical Labia

It is very common for women to have two different shapes and lengths of their labia minora. One side may be bigger or longer than the other.

Viveve radiofrequency technology can be used to reduce one side of the labia, to achieve a more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing appearance of the female genital area.

3. A Smooth, Wrinkle Free Vaginal Area

Just as a wrinkled face adds years to your appearance, a wrinkled or “droopy” labia can make you look and feel much older “down there”.

But, as a woman’s labia skin ages, just like skin anywhere else on the body, the labia (and vagina) lose elasticity, fat and volume. This can cause wrinkling, sagging and an appearance of shriveling that is definitely not sexy.

When that same woman was in her 20s or 30s the vulva and labia majora appeared full and “plump”.  But Viveve stimulates the body to renew production of collagen and elastin – the building blocks of plump, healthy skin. Over time as the body regenerates it’s own tissue, the vaginal area will once again become smoother, “plumper” and younger looking.

4. A Smaller Vagina Opening

A large or “gaping” vaginal opening is usually the result of childbirth. And this problem can really impact a woman’s ability to be intimate with confidence. Additionally, a loose or lax vagina means less sensation – and there for less stimulation and enjoyment – for both the woman and her partner.

Non-Surgical Viveve is a treatment that uses gentle and painless radiofrequency energy to encourage tissue contraction, while also promoting collagen production within the vaginal tissues. The result is a tighter, stronger, healthier vagina – that is also more beautiful!

Viveve for a Beautiful Vagina – Troy, MI

At our Troy, Mi area Medical Practice we offer state-of-the-art the Geneveve radiofrequency vaginal rejuvenation. This procedure requires only one 30 minute treatment.

Through Viveve non-surgical radiofrequency treatment, our patients are able to improve the overall appearance of their labia and vagina shrinking and tightening the skin for a more beautiful and youthful appearance.

And, in extreme cases where more drastic intervention (such as surgery) is needed, board certified Troy, Mi area plastic surgeon Dr. Ali  Dr. Ali is one of the only physicians to offer both labiaplasty surgery and non-surgical Viveve vaginal remodeling.

Thanks to these innovative procedures, women can obtain a “beautiful vagina” at our Troy, MI area practice. Schedule an appointment to see how you can look and feel more confident with a more youthful and attractive labia and vagina!

Troy, MI Beautiful Vagina Treatments: 248-335-7200

Painful Sex Makes Increased Intimacy Difficult During Social Distancing

Viveve: Best Painful Sex Treatment

With everyone stuck at home during Covid-19 social distancing, the media is frequently noting that “intimate moments” between partners have increased exponentially in many quarantined households. And, while this is wonderful for many couples, for the thousands of woman suffering from painful sex an increase in intimacy is not an option.

After menopause, up to half of all women report having painful sex – with pain or discomfort before, during, and/or after intercourse. Sadly, this condition – known as genitourinary syndrome of menopause or “GSM” – is one that women often suffer with in silence.

Studies show that it takes a large percentage of women a long time to seek medical assistance for this common condition, and sadly many never do. This is usually either because they are embarrassed to discuss painful sex – or because they think there is simply nothing they can do. Unfortunately, many women think that painful intercourse is simply a natural part of aging that they should accept.

The good news is that Dr. Ali now offers a new, painless state-of-the-art treatment called Viveve that can eliminate painful sex with just one treatment – without hormones, without surgery and with no downtime

What Causes Painful Sex

A woman’s body changes throughout her lifetime. After menopause a women’s body discontinues producing the female hormones that it did during the child-bearing years. Dwindling estrogen, due to menopause, is the number one cause of painful sex during midlife and beyond.

As the woman’s body produces less female hormones, the tissues in the vagina become thinner, less “elastic” and drier. The dryness creates painful friction during sex. And, since the vagina also stretches less, it adds to the friction.

On top of that, the woman’s body also produces less collagen as she ages – so all of her skin begins to lose its firmness and vaginal walls become lax or loose feeling. Just as facial skin begins to sag and become less plump with age, so does vaginal skin. This laxity not only results in decreased sensation and lubrication – it can also lead to bladder leakage.

Best Treatment for Painful Sex

Viveve™ Vaginal Rejuvenation is a non-surgical procedure that can “rejuvenate” the vaginal tissue – to restore elasticity, lubrication and firmness in the vagina. With just a single treatment a woman can get much needed relief from painful sex – and improve her sexual sensation and satisfaction.

Viveve™ uses state-of-the-art radio-frequency energy with integrated cooling technology to stimulate collagen production in the vagina. Since collagen is responsible for skin strength and elasticity, increased collagen production will improve the vaginal tissue.

And, in addition to eliminating painful intercourse and improving sensation and functionality in the vagina, some women have also reported improved orgasm.

Most women report some immediate initial results, such as improved lubrication, less painful sex and reduced vaginal itching and dryness. After a few weeks most women report even greater effects including an increase in vaginal tightness and sensitivity, improved sexual sensation. And after approximately six to nine weeks, the collagen should be substantially restored and “rejuvenated” for the maximum improvement in sexual sensation, tightness and lubrication – with no more painful sex!

Birmingham, MI Painful Sex Treatment

Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women in the Detroit area treat painful sex & improve sexual intimacy with just a single 30 minute Viveve vaginal rejuvenation treatment. He would also be happy to schedule a video consultation to discuss the procedure with you during social distancing!

It is an affordable, painless, procedure performed in our Birmingham, MI (Detroit area) medical office. There is no downtime, and you will begin to notice vaginal improvement within just a few weeks.

Call us for a discreet, confidential vaginal rejuvenation consultation and see if Viveve is right for you – and enjoy those intimate moments once again!

Birmingham, MI Vaginal Rejuvenation Consultation: 248-335-7200

Give Her (or Him!) What They Really Want for Christmas: Better Sex!

Give Her (or Him!) What They Really Want for Christmas: Better Sex!

If you’re in the Detroit area and wish you could experience better sex, at AMAE, we just may have the answer. Thanks to the Viveve vaginal rejuvenation procedure we offer, both you and your partner will be able to enjoy better sex than you have for many years.

Better Sex with Vaginal Rejuvenation

Among the many components of a healthy romantic relationship is sexual intimacy. For many couples, their sexual relationship is the focal point of the early days of their partnership. But as time wears on, factors such as children and careers can force a couple’s sexual relationship onto the back burner. And the changes in a woman’s body due to childbirth and hormone decrease can negatively affect sexual enjoyment. At our Detroit area med spa, many of our vaginal rejuvenation patients come to us out of a desire for a better sex life.

By the time many couples find themselves with more time to devote to sexual intimacy, other factors may begin to present themselves that prevent them from doing so. Due to physical changes in a woman’s vagina (especially after menopause)  laxity, dryness, and pain during intercourse can dampen a woman’s sexual enjoyment, as well as that of her partner. Maturing women and their partners often wish they could experience better sex. But thanks to vaginal rejuvenation, that desire can become a reality.

Vaginal rejuvenation can help correct the laxity, dryness, loss of sensation, and even vaginal pain that often follows childbirth and aging. At our Detroit area med spa, we perform Viveve vaginal rejuvenation to improve the tightness, tone, moisture, and all-around sensitivity of the vagina. Through vaginal rejuvenation, women can also eliminate pain during intercourse, and enjoy greater sensation that results in all-around better sex for both partners.

The incredible non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation procedure is capable of reversing myriad problems of female intimacy. Using groundbreaking radiofrequency technology, vaginal rejuvenation is able to improve the tightness, elasticity, lubrication, and all-around sensation of the vagina. With just one treatment, our patients access better sex -without the need for hormones or surgery.

Vaginal rejuvenation is performed using gentle, non-surgical radiofrequency to stimulate the vaginal tissue. This triggers the regeneration of the cells of the vagina, and promotes the production of collagen. The end result is a restored, tighter, more lubricated and elastic, youthful vagina – and better sex for both the patient and her partner.

Cost of Vaginal Rejuvenation in Detroit

Vaginal rejuvenation has no side effects, no complications, and comes with no downtime. Vaginal rejuvenation provides better sex in a way that is completely safe and completely natural. And while vaginal rejuvenation is not covered by insurance providers, at AMAE Med Spa, we strive to provide the most affordable experience possible. That’s why we offer financing to all of our patients.

Additionally, individuals in the Detroit area have the option of giving their partner the gift of better sex and improved intimacy with a gift card to AMAE.

The road to better sex as a couple is well worth a small investment. By investing in vaginal rejuvenation, patients invest in their relationship’s health and longevity.

Vaginal Rejuvenation for Better Sex  – Detroit Area

Women in the Detroit area: You deserve a pain free, enjoyable and intimate sex life. By choosing vaginal rejuvenation, you’re choosing better sex for both you and the person you love.

Men in the Detroit area: with a gift certificate to AMAE Med Spa, you can show the special woman in your life how much you value the intimacy you share. Vaginal rejuvenation means better sex for both her and you.

For more information on how vaginal rejuvenation can lead to better sex for all parties involved, contact AMAE Med Spa for a consultation today.

Better Sex with Vaginal Rejuvenation: 248-335-7200

Natural Treatment for Low Sex Drive in Women

Natural Treatment for Low Sex Drive in Women –  

At some point in almost everyone’s life they will experience a decreased libido, also known as a “low sex drive”. Lack of sexual interest or motivation can stem from numerous causes – some of which are medical, while others are the product of temporary lifestyle factors. But whatever the cause, the sensitive and private nature of a low sex drive causes many women to suffer in silence, without ever seeking help with the situation.

But at AMAE Plastic Surgery and Med Spa in Birmingham, MI we offer the most effective, all natural, non-invasive low sex drive treatment available on the market. In this article, board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali outlines some of the most common causes of a low sex drive, and discusses the revolutionary new Viveve treatment we offer to rejuvenate your sex drive.

Common Causes of Low Sex Drive:

Lifestyle Causes of Low Sex Drive

For many women, a low sex drive is the result of high levels of stress. Many parents, for example, find that the stresses and responsibilities of child-rearing lead to both less time for and less interest in sex. Fortunately, a low sex drive caused by stress will typically be temporary, and can in some cases be managed by talking to a therapist as a means of alleviating stress and striking a better overall life balance. In doing so, the loss of time, energy, and interest responsible for their low sex drive may be restored.

Low Sex Drive Caused by Depression

For other women who are suffering from depression, every aspect of their lives -mental and physical- can fall victim to the effects of their condition. One’s libido is no exception to this, making depression one of the most common causes of a low sex drive. Fortunately, while depression is a devastating condition, various treatment options are available. Should one’s depression interfere with any aspect of their life whatsoever -including cause a low sex drive- they are encouraged to seek the help of a mental health care professional. Any of our patients who are suffering from depression are free to turn to Dr. Ali, who will gladly refer them to a therapist or psychiatrist.

Low Sex Drive Caused by Medication

While a low sex drive may sometimes be caused by depression, one somewhat ironic (if also unfair) reality is that some forms of depression treatment can also result in a decreased libido. Medications for depression of the SSRI class -which include Prozac, Lexapro, and Zoloft- come with the side effect of lowering one’s sex drive. However, while SSRI medications can cause a low sex drive, they only represent a fraction of all antidepressants available to patients. Wellbutrin and other non-SSRI antidepressants do not include a low sex drive as a side effect, so if a patient believes their low sex drive is the product of their medication, they should ask their psychiatrist about what alternatives are available to them.

And, SSRIs are not the only medication that can result in a low sex drive. Women taking birth control pills that contain progestin and estrogen also frequently experience a low sex drive. Anyone who thinks their low sex drive is the product of their birth control can talk to their gynecologist – who will typically be glad to discuss alternate methods of contraception. IUDs or low-hormone birth control pills are far less likely to result in a low sex drive.

Low Sex Drive Caused by Vaginal Conditions

During a woman’s life, her vagina is subject to the tolls of childbirth, aging, and hormonal changes (such as menopause), all of which can potentially lead to a low sex drive. Factors such as these can result in the vagina becoming lax, loose, or dry, which can make the feeling of penetrative sex less sensitive or even painful. Physical discomfort is one of the last things a person should have to worry about during sex, and women who experience it frequently find this leads to a loss of sexual interest or motivation.

Viveve Vaginal Rejuvenation for Low Sex Drive

The good news is that if vaginal and genital changes are the reason for a woman’s weakened libido, they now have the option of treating their low sex drive through Viveve Vaginal Rejuvenation at AMAE in Birmingham, MI. This innovative new procedure is fast, painless, minimally invasive, and comes with no downtime. Viveve can be implemented to rejuvenate the vaginal and genital tissues – and reverse the effects of vaginal conditions that have caused a low sex drive.

Viveve Vaginal Rejuvenation uses safe, comfortable radiofrequency energy to tighten and restore vaginal tissue -without the need for surgery. Viveve is capable of improving vaginal dryness and laxity, as well as reverse pain and improve all around sensation during sexual intercourse. With Viveve Vaginal Rejuvenation, Birmingham, MI women are provided with a safe, natural, non-invasive solution to their low sex drive.

The Viveve Vaginal Rejuvenation process only takes 15 minutes to perform. By inserting a slim, warm, wand-shaped device into the vagina, radiofrequency energy is used to increase circulation and stimulate collagen production within the vagina – while simultaneously tightening vaginal tissue and increasing lubrication. The end result is an improvement in sexual sensation that helps to restore the patient’s low sex drive to a healthy, functioning libido.

Our Birmingham, MI Viveve patients are able to treat their low sex drive without the need for anesthetic, downtime, or recovery period. All they must do after their treatment is enjoy the benefits of their newly restored libido – which will begin immediately and improve over time as the body begins to restore and rejuvenate the vaginal tissue.

And as further evidence of the procedure’s remarkable results, several noteworthy celebrities have taken to social media to exclaim their satisfaction with the effects of Vaginal Rejuvenation. Now, the same procedure chosen by Hollywood’s a-listers is now also available to anyone in the Birmingham, MI area.

Low Sex Drive Treatments – Birmingham, MI

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali is one of the only physicians in the Birmingham, MI area to offer these revolutionary treatments for low sex drive. If you are interested in reinvigorating your libido and saying goodbye to your low sex drive, call us today to schedule a consultation.

Natural Low Sex Drive Treatments – Birmingham, MI:  248-335-7200

Treating Painful Sex After Menopause (Part I)

Treating Painful Sex After Menopause (Part I) – 

Whenever the body experiences significant change to its production of hormones -such as those caused by menopause- a number of uncomfortable side effects may occur. Among the most frustrating examples is one faced by countless women in the Troy, MI area: experiencing painful sex after menopause.

More than 50% of all women report having experienced painful sex after menopause. This condition, called Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM), leaves many women feeling helpless. Sadly, may postmenopausal women feel as though they must simply accept painful sex after menopause as being simply a reality of getting older. Fortunately, thanks to recent breakthroughs in vaginal rejuvenation medicine, anyone suffering from GSM can visit our Troy, MI area medical spa to make painful sex after menopause a thing of the past!

In this two-part article, we will discuss some of the options available to Troy, MI area women suffering from painful sex after menopause, including those available at AMAE Med Spa.

Home Remedies for Painful Sex After Menopause

Perhaps one of the cruelest realities of menopause is that the symptoms of declining hormones do not, for the most part, subside on their own. Nonetheless, symptoms like painful sex after menopause (often the product of vaginal dryness) can be reduced by implementing a number of short-term treatments that can be performed within the comfort of one’s own Troy, MI area home.

Lubrication for Painful Sex After Menopause

After a Troy, MI area women undergoes childbirth, menopause, or another period of hormonal change, her vagina may no longer produce a sufficient level of lubrication. This is one of the main causes of painful sex after menopause or other hormonal changes, and as a result, has led to the creation of numerous commercial lubricants available for purchase. For a more natural alternative to such products, Troy, MI area women may consider using organic coconut oil.

Relaxation for Painful Sex After Menopause

The vagina is capable of regulating its own level of moisture based upon hormone spikes, such as those that occur during sexual arousal. If a women is experiencing painful sex after menopause, she should discuss it openly with her partner. This allows her to communicate the best way for her to experience arousal. By relaxing into the moment of intimacy, as well as by engaging in comprehensive foreplay, many women find they are able to experience a sufficient enough increase in moisture to avoid sexual pain or discomfort.

Painful Sex After Menopause: Things to Avoid

One of the body’s most remarkable organs, the vagina is capable of self-cleaning. And most methods used to clean the rest of one’s body – including soaps and body washes – can worsen the effect of painful sex after menopause. This is especially true of scented soaps, bath bombs, bubble baths, and lotions. The dryness that leads to painful sex after menopause can even be caused by certain douches, and should be avoided by those afflicted. Instead, Troy, MI area women should instead simply rely on their vagina’s ability to clean itself, and use only hypoallergenic products meant for sensitive skin while experiencing painful sex after menopause.

Viveve Vaginal Rejuvenation Stops Painful Sex

While Troy, MI area women may use the methods described above for temporary relief from painful sex after menopause, a life free completely from the impact of vaginal atrophy can only be guaranteed through medical treatment. When patients find home remedies to no longer provide sufficient relief from painful sex after menopause, they are encouraged to visit our Troy, MI area office.

CLICK HERE for Part 2 of Treating Painful Sex After Menopause to see how Viveve Vaginal rejuvenation can remedy painful sex – naturally, without hormones or medications.

Viveve For Painful Sex After Menopause – Troy, MI area

The impact of experiencing painful sex after menopause is not only physical, but can also be tremendously mentally and emotionally devastating. Fortunately, women no longer have to simply suffer in silence from painful sex after menopause. At AMAE Plastic Surgery & Med Spa in the Troy, MI area we are proud to be able to provide relief from painful sex with Viveve Vaginal Rejuvenation.

If you are in the Troy, MI area and are ready to reverse the effects of painful sex after menopause, contact us today for a consultation.

Painful Sex Treatment Consultation – Troy, MI Area:  248-335-7200

Get a “Designer Vagina” at AMAE in Birmingham, MI

Get a “Designer Vagina” at AMAE in Birmingham, MI (Part 1)

Recently, a cosmetic trend known as the “designer vagina” procedure has begun to be discussed by A-listers and social media influencers. Despite the sensitive nature of the subject, many celebrities have spoken candidly about having undergone designer vagina procedures.

But the designer vagina isn’t only for the Hollywood Elite. At AMAE Plastic Surgery, we offer our Birmingham, MI patients the same treatment their favorite celebrities have turned to in order to look and feel their best.

In this two part article, board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali explains the new “designer vagina” trend – and discusses procedures that are available to give women a more attractive and youthful labia and vagina at AMAE in Birmingham, MI.

What is a “Designer Vagina”?

In order to feel completely confident in one’s body, one must be comfortable in their own skin whether or not they are clothed. Most people have at least one “trouble spot” -such as the abdomen or thighs- that make this difficult. But for some, tackling those insecurities isn’t as simple as losing a few pounds. When a woman’s vagina or labia become her “trouble spot,” complete body confidence can feel like a complete impossibility. That is precisely why designer vagina procedures exist.

The effects of the aging process can be detrimental to a person’s skin, regardless of where on the body it is located. The labia and vagina are no exception, and are subject to the same laxity, looseness, sagginess, and wrinkles that can occur on a person’s face, or anywhere else. And for some women, these issues are only made worse by pregnancy and childbirth. But through a designer vagina treatment plan curated specially to meet their individual needs, Birmingham, MI women are able to stop the aging process dead in its tracks, and even set the clock back several years.

At AMAE Plastic Surgery, board certified Birmingham, MI plastic surgeon Dr. Ali offers a number of procedures to women dissatisfied with their bikini area. By tightening, shrinking, and generally improving the appearance of their “trouble spot,” patients are left with the tighter, youthful results characteristic of the infamous designer vagina.

Designer Vagina:  Labiaplasty

Since labiaplasty was recently named the fastest-growing type of cosmetic surgery in the world, it comes as no surprise that, for many Birmingham, MI women, the journey to their designer vagina begins with the procedure.

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure during which the inner folds of skin on either side of the vagina are reduced. Women with loose, wrinkled, or unusually large labia often come to us for a reprieve of the embarrassment they experience during sex. But the issues faced by such women are far from simply being cosmetic. Women with a large or protruding labia minor often suffer from pain during sex, as well as discomfort when engaged in physical activity or when wearing tight clothing. For such women, labiaplasty is an essential element of their designer vagina package.

With labiaplasty, Birmingham, MI women are afforded the designer vagina results they’re looking for with minimal downtime. And when performed alongside a hood surgery to expose the clitoris, patients are able to enjoy better orgasms and overall improvement in sexual sensation.

Designer Vagina:  Vaginal Rejuvenation

At AMAE Plastic Surgery in the Troy, MI area we also offer Viveve radiofrequency vaginal rejuvenation as part of the designer vagina process. Viveve is a safe and comfortable alternative to vaginoplasty for patients who do not wish to undergo surgery. Using incredible radiofrequency technology, Viveve is able to tighten and rejuvenate the vagina non-surgically. Designer vagina patients who chose Viveve experience incredible vaginal rejuvenation results without anesthetic, downtime, or difficult recovery period.

Our Birmingham, MI patients chose Viveve as part of their designer vagina treatment plan for its unprecedented ability to treat vaginal dryness, looseness, and laxity, all of which improve sexual sensation.

Additionally, as an added bonus, the Viveve vaginal rejuvenation procedure can also help treat urinary incontinence. To truly benefit from everything a designer vagina package can offer, our Birmingham, MI patients are encouraged to consider Viveve.

CLICK HERE for Part 2 of Designer Vagina Treatments

Designer Vagina Packages – Birmingham, MI

Thanks to these innovative procedures, women can obtain a “designer vagina” at our Birmingham, MI area practice. Schedule an appointment to see how you can look and feel more confident with a more youthful and attractive labia and vagina!

At AMAE Plastic Surgery, board certified Birmingham, MI plastic surgeon Dr. Ali offers a safe, comfortable, and discreet experience to all of his patients. To learn more about how the designer vagina trend can help you look and feel your best right down to your most intimate area, contact AMAE Plastic Surgery for a consultation today.

Designer Vagina Consultation – Birmingham, MI:  248-335-7200

Get a “Designer Vagina” at AMAE (Part 2)

Get a “Designer Vagina” at AMAE (Part 2)

A designer vagina isn’t only for Hollywood A-listers. At AMAE Plastic Surgery, in Birmingham, MI we offer patients the same treatment their favorite celebrities have turned to in order to look and feel their best.

In this two part article, board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali explains the new “designer vagina” trend – and discusses procedures that are available to give women a more attractive and youthful labia and vagina at AMAE in the Troy, MI area.

CLICK HERE for Part 1 of Designer Vagina Treatments

Designer Vagina:  Pubic Fat Loss

In addition to Viveve vaginal rejuvenation and labiaplasty, many of our designer vagina treatment plans also include permanent pubic fat loss. Using either CoolSculpting or liposuction, unwanted pubis fat can become a thing of the past. For many of our Birmingham, MI designer vagina patients, this is a major goal.

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive, nonsurgical way to remove stubborn pockets of fat from virtually any “trouble spot” on the body – including the area above the pubic bone. Thanks to the pain-free nature of the procedure, CoolSculpting remains a popular among our designer vagina patients.

Nonetheless, liposuction can be an equally satisfactory element of anyone’s designer vagina package. To ensure maximum comfort, our liposuction patients are given local anesthetic prior to treatment, which can safely be performed in the comfort of our Birmingham, MI office.

Whichever method our designer vagina patients choose, the results of both CoolSculpting and liposuction are completely permanent. Once the fat cells have been removed from the treatment area, it is impossible for them to return. This means that the confidence afforded to our designer vagina patients can literally last a lifetime.

Designer Vagina:  IPL Pubic Hair Removal

When included as part of a designer vagina package, our IPL laser hair removal treatment offers a permanent pubic hair removal alternative to shaving and waxing. The state-of-the-art technology we use is one of the only laser hair removal treatments available with FDA-approval for use on practically all skin types -including darker skin. No designer vagina package is complete without the incredible results offered by our IPL laser hair removal treatment.

Designer Vagina Packages – Troy, MI Area

Thanks to these innovative procedures, women can obtain a “designer vagina” at our Troy, MI area practice. Schedule an appointment to see how you can look and feel more confident with a more youthful and attractive labia and vagina!

At AMAE Plastic Surgery, board certified Troy, MI area plastic surgeon Dr. Ali offers a safe, comfortable, and discreet experience to all of his patients. To learn more about how the designer vagina trend can help you look and feel your best right down to your most intimate area, contact AMAE Plastic Surgery for a consultation today.

Designer Vagina Consultation – Troy, MI Area:  248-335-7200

Surgical vs. Nonsurgical Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedures

Surgical vs. Nonsurgical Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedures

Pregnancy and vaginal delivery, as well as aging, can result in vaginal laxity. This lack of vaginal tightness and elasticity can interfere with sexual intimacy – as well as lead to other personal problems such as bladders leaks. While surgical vaginal correction ue to be the only remedy for vaginal laxity, new non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation options can make painful vaginal surgery a thing of the past.

Old: Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginoplasty (also known as posterior colporrhaphy) is a surgical procedure that brings the separated vaginal muscles closer together, while the extra  skin from the back side of the vagina is removed.

Labiaplasty is another vaginal surgery in which small incisions are made and excess tissue from the labia removed.  Balance and conformity is restored to the labia, as the tissue is tightened and shaped.

Both procedures are typically performed using general anesthesia. Prescription and over-the-counter medications are typically needed to help to control the pain following labiaplasty and vaginoplasty surgery, and patients typically cannot return to work for a week or more . Patients are advised to refrain from exercising for two to three weeks and refrain from sexual intercourse for about a month after surgery.

As with any invasive surgery, risks from vaginoplasty and labiaplasty include infection, bleeding, and pain, along with the possibility of other surgical complications.

The results of both labiaplasty and vaginoplasty, however, are long lasting.

New: Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation

Nonsurgical vaginal rejuvenation is an alternative to surgery that provides the patient with a treatment that avoids painful surgery or downtime – and achieves results almost as quickly.

Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation is a treatment that uses highly focused energy – either laser or radiofrequency – to encourage tissue contraction, while also promoting collagen production within the vaginal tissues.

At our Troy, Mi area Medical Practice we offer state-of-the-art the Geneveve radiofrequency vaginal rejuvenation. This procedure requires only one 30 minute treatment.

Other radiofrequency procedures (such as ThermiVA) and laser treatments (such as MonaLisa Touch) require up to three treatments.

This nonsurgical vaginal rejuvenation treatment is non-invasive, with no pain and no downtime. The Geneveve radiofrequency vaginal rejuvenation also requires no incisions and no needles!

Benefits of Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation

Our non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation treatments can take less than 30 minutes and many patients report significant improvements within the first week following the treatment – which continue to improve over time.

This treatment can also improve vaginal dryness, pain during intercourse, stress urinary incontinence and sexual pleasure for both the patient and her partner.

The results of this non-surgical treatment can last up to a year, there is no downtime and the patient does not have to avoid sexual intercourse afterwards, as there is no recovery time.

When performed by a highly qualified board certified doctor like Dr. Ali, vaginal rejuvenation procedures can make a significant difference in the way a woman feels, increasing her confidence and enhancing life on many levels.

Vaginal Rejuvenation Doctor – Troy, Mi Area

Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women in Birmingham, Troy, Mi and across the Detroit area stop bladder leaks & improve sexual intimacy with just a single 30 minute Geneveve vaginal rejuvenation treatment.

It is an affordable, painless, procedure performed in our Birmingham, MI (Detroit area) medical office. There is no downtime, and you will begin to notice vaginal improvement within just a few weeks.

Call us for a discreet, confidential vaginal rejuvenation consultation and see if Geneveve is right for you!

Troy, MI area Vaginal Rejuvenation Consultation: 248-335-7200