Should I Get a Tummy Tuck or Liposuction?

Which is Better for Me: Tummy Tuck or Liposuction?

Tummy tuck surgery and less-invasive liposuctions can both help a man or woman get the flat, toned mid-section they want. But they are very different procedures, and each has pros and cons. Understanding these differences can help patients understand which is right for them.

In this article, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali, at AMAE Plastic Surgery in the Troy, MI area outlines some of the difference, as well as the advantages and disadvantages, of tummy tuck surgery and liposuction.

Tummy Tuck vs. Liposuction: Anesthetic

Since liposuction is far less invasive, it can typically be performed under local anesthetic. This means the specific treatment area can be numbed and the procedure performed while the patient is awake, but mildly sedated with relaxing medication.

Alternatively, a tummy tuck is a much more extensive surgical procedure that must be performed under general anesthesia. Patients are “put under” for a tummy tuck and are not awake.

Of course, any procedure performed under general anesthesia will always carry more risk than one done under local anesthesia. But choosing an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon helps to reduce risks associated with a general anesthesia – so complications are very rare.

Tummy Tuck vs. Liposuction: Surgery

Liposuction removes stubborn, excess fat that is stored between the muscle and skin. But there is no change or tightening to the skin at all. Depending on the amount of fat removed during liposuction, the skin will need to tighten on its own. Additionally, liposuction does not tighten the abdominal muscles.

On the other hand, a tummy tuck not only removes unwanted fat, but also excises excess skin and tightens abdominal muscles.

Tummy Tuck vs. Liposuction: Scars

Liposuction will only leave very tiny scars that are typically barely visible and will fade with time.

There are a few options when it comes to a tummy tuck – full or mini – that determine the degree of scarring. The full tummy tuck, with removal of excess skin and muscle tightening, means a larger incision is necessary. A skilled board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali will typically place the scar strategically over the bikini line, where it is less visible.

The mini tuck – which does not require muscle repair or substantial skin removal – has less scaring than a full means a larger incision typically placed over the bikini line. This larger incision allows for. But is still more scarring than liposuction.

Tummy Tuck vs. Liposuction: Downtime

Downtime is dependent on the type of Tummy Tuck (full or mini) a patient selects. But in general, after about two weeks, most patients can return to light exercise and driving. Depending on the type of employment, patients can expect to turn to work within 2-3 weeks. It’s important to consider how demanding duties are before determining the best time to resume work.

Liposuction downtime is far less, ranging from only 2 to 7 days. Since liposuction involves much less discomfort and swelling, some patients may even return to light activity in as soon as 2-3 days. They can also expect to resume normal activities shortly after.

Recovery periods should be evaluated by the plastic surgeon, to ensure the best decision is made for the patient’s specific case. At AMAE Plastic Surgery in the Troy, MI area, Dr. Ali works closely with patients to develop a specific post procedure recovery plan.

Is a Tummy Tuck or Liposuction Better for Me?

Liposuction is a procedure for patients within 30% of their ideal weight who need help getting rid of pockets of stubborn fat. Candidates for this procedure tend to have healthy skin and muscle and expect skin to firm up following removal of fat.

However, a tummy tuck is the best procedure for individuals with excess fat and loose or excess skin in their midsection, and/or weak or stretched abdominal muscles.

Liposuction & Tummy Tuck Surgery | Troy, MI Area

At AMAE Med Spa in the Troy, MI area, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has helped many patients get the body of their dreams. If you would like to set up a consultation to further understand which procedure is right for you, contact us today! Dr. Ali and his staff will help you make the best choice for your needs. And financing options are available!

Liposuction & Tummy Tuck Surgery | Troy, MI Area: 248-335-7200

Deciding if You Should Get Liposuction

Is Liposuction Right for Me?

Liposuction is truly the gold-standard in fat reduction and body contouring. While non-invasive fat removal procedures like CoolSculpting are less invasive with shorter recovery times, nothing truly compares to the fat removal capabilities of liposuction.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali at AMAE Plastic Surgery Center has helped many people in the Troy, MI area get the body of their dreams with the help of liposuction.

Liposuction is a great option for patients who want to get rid of stubborn fat- but we also understand that it is a big decision in terms of time and finances.

Scheduling a liposuction consultation is the best way to help determine if liposuction is the best fit for your fat loss and body sculpting needs. But before you come in, this article can help you examine some factors to decide if liposuction may be right for you.

Areas That Liposuction Can Treat

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that improves body shape by removing excessive fat stored between the muscles and the skin.  Lipo is especially effective at removing stubborn fat pockets that are often unresponsive to a patient’s diet and training efforts.

Liposuction offers many benefits – one of which is that it can be used to remove unwanted fat almost anywhere on the body including belly, flanks (‘muffin tops’), back, butt, thighs, arms and even the chin.

Liposuction can be performed on both men and women. But there are differences in the most frequently treated areas. For women, liposuction is typically performed on the chin and neck, arms, thighs and buttocks, love handles, and tummy.  While men tend to receive lipo on the waist, love handles and neck.

Good Candidates for Liposuction

Healthy adults within 30% of their ideal weight are the best candidates for liposuction. Having firm, elastic skin and good muscle tone is also recommended – so that the skin “bounces back” after the fat is removed.

Lipo is also excellent for patients who have already achieved a healthy weight but wish to contour the body and remove the final pockets of stubborn fat.

Liposuction is not a surgical modality for obesity or extreme weight lost. If a patient is aiming to lose excessive amounts of weight, even if it is stubborn fat, they will not be an ideal candidate for liposuction.

Individuals with certain serious illnesses or medical conditions that can impair healing are not good candidates for liposuction. So be sure to discuss any underlying health issues with Dr. Ali during your liposuction consultation.

Affording Liposuction

The cost of liposuction will vary based on the number and location of treatment areas. Remember, while a surgeon with less experience may charge lower rates than an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon you get what you pay for.  So cost alone should not be the motivating factor when selecting a liposuction surgeon. Cheap lipo should raise red flags about the surgeon’s skill and standard.

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali at AMAE Plastic Surgery in the Troy, MI area has performed several hundred liposuctions,  and offers competitive rates and easy financing options.

Risks of Liposuction

When performed by a skilled and experienced board-certified surgeon, liposuction is a very safe procedure, with fewer risks than most surgical procedures. However, it is important for patients to understand that – as with any surgical procedure – some bruising, swelling, and bleeding will occur.

The best way to ensure the safety of your liposuction procedure is to select a board-certified plastic surgeon who is experienced, such as Dr. Ali in the Troy, MI area.

Pain after Liposuction Surgery

Some pain and discomfort are normal after liposuction. Everyone heals differently, so the level of pain is dependent upon the individual patient, the location of the procedure, and their unique body. Typically, in the first 2 – 4 days after lipo the patient will be most sore, but discomfort will significantly decrease soon after. Soreness may be present for up to 8 weeks.

Dr. Ali will prescribe the necessary pain management medication, as needed. However, many patients only require over the counter pain medications such as Tylenol. Our Troy, Mi area liposuction patients universally agree that the amazing fat loss results outweigh the temporary pain and discomfort.

Recovery Time after Liposuction

Liposuction performed with a local anesthetic will allow a patient to go home almost immediately. For patients who receive liposuction under general anesthesia, longer observation times are required. But patients still typically go home the same day. Patients will need a family member or friend to take them home following the procedure.

Total recovery time depends on the extent of the procedure, quantity of fat removed, age, and overall health of the patient. Patients can typically return to light activity in 2 – 3 days.

Dr. Ali at AMAE Plastic Surgery in the Troy, MI area gives patients specific instructions for returning to normal activity based on their specific case.

Top Liposuction Doctor | Troy, MI Area

At AMAE Plastic Surgery, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of people get the fat loss and body contouring results they want with liposuction. If you are a patient in the Troy, MI area, schedule a liposuction consultation today and let Dr. Ali help you feel and look your best!!

Top Liposuction Doctor | Troy, MI Area: 248-335-7200



Liposuction for Black / African American Women

Liposuction for Black / African American Women

Liposuction is becoming increasingly popular among people of all races and sizes – as a means of permanently removing unwanted fat for a more toned and shapely body.

Thankfully, minority women now have more financial independence than ever before – giving them the means to make the changes to their bodies that will make them happier and more confident. Today, approximately half of all liposuction procedures are performed on African Americans!

But there are some important differences in liposuction beauty goals for women of different ethnic backgrounds. If you are a Black women who is considering liposuction, it is important to choose a plastic surgeon who understands your unique body type and appearance desires.

Liposuction & African American Culture

Black women have long celebrated their gorgeous curves – recognizing the beauty of the natural feminine shape. For many Black women undergoing liposuction, the emphasis is on a toned, proportionate, curvaceous feminine shape – and not a desire to look “stick skinny.”

Having performed several hundred liposuction procedures on women of all ethnicities, Dr. Ali understands that African American women often differ from Caucasian or Asian women in their goals for liposuction. If you are a Black women, it is important to find a liposuction surgeon who understands your own unique cultural ideals.

As one Black liposuction patient explained, she wanted to “Lose the gut, but not the butt!”

Liposuction to Enhance You – Not Change You!

Dr. Ali artistically performs liposuction to sculpt the body in a way that accentuates a woman’s curves. He can give you a toned and sleek body – sculpting the perfect proportions for your body type – without sacrificing your personal or cultural identity.

We feel strongly that liposuction is NOT about giving in to society’s norms and changing who you are to fit other culture’s ideals. Rather, our approach to liposuction is about enhancement: enhancing the beauty that Black women already have.

Whether your ideal shape is anywhere from slim and trim like Hale Berry, more curvy like Beyoncé, or big and beautiful like Lizzo, in the hands of a skilled plastic surgeon Dr. Ali, you will simply look like the best version of yourself!

Many of our patients are African American attorneys, physicians and business professionals who simply want to look and feel their best – for their career, for their partner, and most importantly for themselves.

Best Detroit Area Liposuction for Black Women

If you are a woman of  color, or any ethnicity, call us today for a liposuction consultation. We will listen to your unique beauty goals, and help you become the very best version of already-beautiful you! Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women and men in Birmingham and the Detroit area love their bodies with liposuction.

He will be happy to offer you a consultation to answer your questions, listen to your personal aesthetic desires, and help you understand your body sculpting options.

Dr. Ali will consider all aspects of your body proportions, the amount of fat, your lifestyle, your age, and your appearance desires – to ensure the best liposuction results for you. And for patients with larger amounts of fat, loose skin, or stretched abdominal muscles, we also offer tummy tuck surgery. And remember, liposuction financing options are also available!

Detroit Area Liposuction Consultation: 248-335-7200

Fat Transfer for Natural Butt Lift & Breast Enhancement

Liposuction with Fat Transfer for Butt Lift & Breast Enhancement

When liposuction is combined with fat transfer, patients can lose fat where they don’t want it – and add volume where they need it. Called “autologous fat transfer” Dr. Ali can slim the waist, hips, back, and thighs, while adding shape, lift and volume to other areas of the body – such as the breasts and buttocks.

By removing fat from one area of the body and transferring it to another, autologous fat transfer combines traditional liposuction with breast augmentation and buttocks lift using natural, minimally-invasive means.

In this article, renowned Troy, Mi area plastic surgeon Dr. Ali will discuss how Liposuction with Fat Transfer has revolutionized the way Butt Lifts and Breast Augmentation are naturally performed.

How Liposuction with Autologous Fat Transfer Works

The liposuction procedure removes the fat from the treatment area via gentle suction through small incisions, under local anesthetic. The removed, “living” fat cells are then purified and strategically injected into the breast, buttocks, or face to add volume to other areas of the body.

Once the fat has been carefully transplanted, it will remain in the treated area. When added to the breast or buttocks, the transferred fat cells provide the area with permanent volume, that is 100% natural.

Liposuction with autologous fat transfer can remove fat from virtually any part of the body. Areas commonly treated with the liposuction include the waist, flanks (love handles) and back. Liposuction can also be performed to treat ‘gynecomastia’ (fat deposits in the male breast area). Following their removal, the fat cells are then purified and injected into areas such as the breast augmentation or buttocks.

Autologous fat transfer is a fast, convenient way for patients to lose volume from one area of the body while increasing it in another. Since the procedure does not require general anesthesia or large incisions, patients are able to return to their daily routine within a few days – which is much faster than the recovery time for a surgical butt lift or breast enhancement.

Autologous Fat Transfer for Natural Non-Surgical Breast Augmentation

Board certified Troy, MI area plastic surgeon Dr. Ali uses liposuction with autologous fat transfer to provide patients with a minimally-invasive, non-surgical alternative to traditional breast implant surgery. By carefully transferring “living” fat cells from one area of the body into the breasts, Dr. Ali can increase breast volume without inserting a synthetic object into the body.

And, as an added bonus, Liposuction with Fat Transfer does not leave women with scars from their procedure, unlike breast implant surgery patients.

Autologous Fat Transfer for Natural-Non Surgical Butt Lift

Some women are born with a “flat butt”. For other women, age, gravity, and weight loss, can contribute to loss of volume experienced in the buttocks over time. Liposuction with autologous fat transfer is a 100% method of adding shape, lift and volume to the buttocks without surgery.  By transferring unwanted belly or back fat from another area of the body into the buttocks, board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali provides patients with beautiful results that are 100% natural.

Liposuction with Fat Transfer | Troy, MI Area

People often wish that they could wave a magic wand and move unwanted fat from one part of their body to another. Now, thanks to liposuction with autologous fat transfer, that dream can come true. Board certified Troy, MI area plastic surgeon Dr. Ali is one of only a few skilled plastic surgeons in the Detroit area to offer this amazing procedure.

For more information about how liposuction with autologous fat transfer can give you the body you’ve always wanted, , schedule a consultation with Dr. Ali today.

Fat Transfer for Butt Lift & Breast Enhancement | Troy, MI Area:  248-335-7200

3 Ways to Get Flat Abs (Without Working Out)

Lipo, CoolSculpting & Tummy Tucks for Firm, Flat Abs (Without Working Out)!

Always wanted flat abs – but tired of endless dieting and exercise without results? Oakland County plastic surgeon Dr. Ali offers three different ways to lose the fat, and get tight trim abs. And with easy financing options, you can get started right away with no money down.

Are you frustrated with putting in the work and not seeing results?  You’re not alone. Every year the number one resolution in America is to diet and exercise. Yet every year the vast majority of people give up their plans to improve their bodies, because it’s just too hard to get results.

But in most cases the lack of progress you are seeing is not your fault! How and where your body deposits fat is largely hereditary. And once your body has developed fat cells they will never completely go away. Weight loss can cause the fat cells to get smaller. However, all the exercise and diet in the world cannot remove them.

That is why many people experience stubborn fat that they can’t get rid of no matter what they eat (or don’t eat!) and how much they work out. The good news is that Dr. Ali offers three techniques that can get rid of the persistent fat: CoolSculpting, Liposuction & Tummy Tucks.

#1. CoolSculpting for Flat Abs

CoolSculpting uses a handheld applicator to apply cold temperatures to unwanted fat. Mild suction pulls the fat bulges into the applicator, where the fat cells are “frozen” or “crystalized”. This literally “kills” the fat cells. Then your body naturally eliminates the dead fat cells over time.

Once the fat cells are gone, they are gone for good! They never come back. And this is something that all of the diet and exercise in the world cannot accomplish. And because CoolSculpting is non-invasive and non-surgical there is absolutely no downtime!

Spring is the perfect time to consider CoolSculpting – because your results will begin to be visible by the time swimsuit season starts to roll around. It takes a little time for the body to eliminate the dead fat cells, so CoolSculpting results start to be visible after 2 to 4 weeks. It takes about 2 months for dramatic results and about 3 months to deliver more complete results . . . just in time to be bathing-suit ready by June!

#2. Liposuction for Flat Abs

Dr. Ali is also one of the most talented liposuction surgeons in Oakland County. Liposuction is a minimally-invasive surgical technique that removes excess fat deposits located between the skin and muscle. With liposuction, Dr. Ali literally “sculpts” the body’s contours by “sucking out” the stubborn pockets of fat cells that are resistant to exercise and dieting.

Liposuction can remove fat on your abs and ‘love handles’, as well as the thighs, hips, arms and even your face and chin! And, just like CoolSculpting, the fat cells removed by liposuction are permanently gone and will never come back.

Tumescent liposuction is newer generation liposuction procedure, which uses a “micro-cannula” (tiny tube) to suck out the fat – resulting in significantly less swelling, less discomfort, and less “downtime” than older liposuction techniques.

Liposuction shows results faster than other body sculpting procedures, because the fat cells are immediately removed from the body. However, lipo does have a little more downtime than CoolSculpting (which has none).  As the swelling goes down after the first week or two results begin to be visible. And after 4 to 6 weeks, more complete liposuction results become visible.

Because the fat has been “sucked out” (and doesn’t have to be eliminated by the body) the results are immediate – though only visible post-swelling.

#3. Tummy Tuck for Flat Abs

Liposuction and CoolSculpting are ideal for removing excess fat – but they do not remove excess skin or repair sagging muscles. A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that removes “flabby” loose skin, tightens and also tightens and/or repairs stretched-out, torn or splayed abdominal muscles.

A tummy tuck (also called abdominoplasty) is a much more invasive procedure than liposuction or CoolSculpting, and typically requires general anesthesia. An incision is made across the lower abdomen in order to remove excess skin and tighten the abdominal muscles. It is carefully placed within the ‘bikini line’ by Dr. Ali to make and scar the least visible as possible.

A tummy tuck does result in a longer recovery time and more intense discomfort than lipo or CoolSculpting. Most people should plan on a minimum of 10 to 14 days before returning to work, or normal activities. However, our Oakland County Tummy Tuck patients universally report that the amazing results of tummy tuck surgery are 100% worth the downtime and discomfort.

There are also a few variations to the tummy tuck procedure, depending on how much extra fat and loose skin you have to get rid of, and whether the abdominal muscles also need to be repaired. For example, a “mini” tummy tuck is less invasive and results in a much smaller scar than a “full” tummy tuck.

Oakland County CoolSculpting, Liposuction & Tummy Tuck Surgery

This year finally get the toned, trim abs you want once and for all, without crash diets and endless exercising.

Oakland County board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women and men lose inches and get the toned, trim abs they have always wanted with CoolSculpting, Liposuction, or a Tummy Tuck surgery. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Ali, and he will take the time to help you decide which procedure is right for you!

Get Flat Abs with CoolSculpting, Lipo or Tummy Tuck: 248-335-7200

Get Rid of Stubborn Back Fat with Liposuction

Liposuction: The Best Way to Get Rid of Back Fat!

Spring has sprung and it’s almost summer in the Troy, Mi area. But post-pandemic, as we pull out our sundresses and bathing suits again, many of us are facing fat deposits in new places. Pandemic weight gain – sometimes called the “Quarantine 15” – is a very real phenomenon. And one place where fat often accumulates on a women’s body is the upper back area.

Why Back Fat is Hard to Get Rid of

Back fat – sometimes called “bra bulge” or “bra rolls” – are particularly difficult to get rid of. And when a woman’s body stores fat on the back, it typically does not respond to diet or exercise. This is because back fat is comprised of a layer of adipose tissue stored under the skin (subcutaneous fat) that is “hard fat”. This is very different – and harder to get rid of – than the “soft fat” (visceral fat) that occurs around the waist, belly and ‘love handles’.

To reduce visceral “soft” fat that has collected on the upper or lower back, the most effective treatment for its removal is typically liposuction.

Liposuction can permanently eliminate back rolls, bra bulges, and other fatty deposits on the back. Liposuction performed at our Troy, Mi area medical office can remove up to 11 pounds of fat from the body in a single session. Renowned Troy, Mi area plastic surgeon Dr. Ali can use liposuction to slim, smooth and sculpt the back into smooth, sexy proportions.

With back liposuction, sun dresses, tank tops, swim suits and even backless evening gowns will look amazing – giving you renewed self-esteem and confidence no matter what you are wearing.

Good Candidates for Back Fat Liposuction

Back liposuction is the preferred treatment for patients who have stubborn pockets of back fat that are not responding to diet or exercise. For many women, back fat deposits are hereditary. If your mom or sisters store fat on their back, it’s likely that you do too! For other women back fat has simply accumulated over the years with age, weight gain or inactivity.

Aging often causes back fat issues as a woman’s spine compresses over time. Women “shrink” about a quarter to a third of an inch every decade after age 40 – meaning most women will lose up to 2 inches by the age of 70. And as the back shortens, it can result in “rolls” of fat. Further, as the skin also becomes less elastic with age, these rolls become even more pronounced.

But whatever the cause of your back fat, liposuction can be the “miracle treatment” that finally gets rid of unattractive back fat once and for all. Back liposuction is an effective “inch loss” method that can take several inches of unwanted bulges off of the back and body! Most women will lose several pounds of fat with lipo. But keep in mind that back liposuction is an “inch loss” not a weight loss method. Lipo is also not safe or effective for obese people.

How Back Fat Liposuction is Performed

The back is one of the best parts of the body for liposuction, because there is generally less lose or excess skin on the back. The skin on the back is also less sensitive than in other body parts, so it can be more aggressively treated than more delicate body areas like the abdomen or thighs.

During back liposuction in our Troy, Mi area medical office, Dr. Ali gently inserts a very fine tube called a cannula through a tiny incision into the fat layer of the back. Typically, only local anesthetic is needed so patients do not need to be “knocked out”. And state-of-the-art tumescent liposuction technology means that smaller incisions are needed, so the tiny scars are barely visible and usually fade quickly – with less swelling, bruising and discomfort, and faster recovery than traditional types of lipo.

Dr. Ali is a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon who will ‘artistically’ remove and sculpt the fatty tissue in the back from multiple angles, to assure beautiful, proportionate, smooth, consistent, natural-looking results.

Advantages of Back Fat Liposuction

Because the human body can never produce new fat cells, once the back fat is removed during liposuction, the back cells can never come back. So – unlike the roller coaster of dieting and exercising – back fat removal using liposuction is permanent.

As an added bonus, during liposuction in our Troy, Mi area office, Dr. Ali can retrieve some of the removed back fat and use it to add volume to other parts of the face or body. This process is called autologous fat transfer.

The fat cells removed from the back via liposuction can be used add roundness, shape and volume to the buttocks or breasts. Autologous fat transfer can also be used to fill hollows, wrinkles and lines in the face. “Autologous fat injection” not only looks and feels more natural than synthetic fillers, it also lasts much longer.

Back Fat Liposuction | Troy, MI Area

Troy, Mi area plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women and men get rid of back fat, as well as fat almost anywhere on the body. He will assess your body’s fat distribution, your skin’s elasticity, and the proportions of your body, to help you achieve your appearance goals.

Get rid of back fat – and look and feel better in your clothes and out of them – with liposuction!

Troy, MI Area Back Fat Liposuction: 248-335-7200

New Years Resolution: Lose Fat with Lipo or CoolSculpting

Choose Lipo or CoolSculpting to Lose Fat in 2022!

Well, we ALL deserve a pat on the back for making it through 2021 – a year that will go down in the history books as one that nobody want to revisit. And now that 2022 is here it’s that time of year again for New Years Resolutions. Losing weight and getting in better shape is always the top New Years Resolution in the United States, year after year. And this year that more people than ever are concerned about their physiques after the weight gain caused by the sedentary lifestyle of the pandemic.

If you gained unwanted fat during the past two years, you are not alone! A survey by the American Psychological Association has reported that 42 percent of U.S. adults said they gained too much weight during quarantine. And popular website Statistica reports that 50% of Americans want to get in better shape in 2022 as their New Years Resolution! But, as we all know, that is much easier said than done.

The good news is that there are two highly effective ways to get rid of unwanted fat – without diet or exercise – now available at AMAE in Birmingham, MI. In fact, Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women and men in the Birmingham area – and across Wayne, Oakland & Macomb County – get the body they want with either Lipo or CoolSculpting!

But with two great fat-loss treatments, how do you know which procedure is right for you? In this article the fat loss experts at AMAE in Birmingham, MI discuss the general differences between Lipo and CoolSculpting. Remember every patient is unique, and what is the best procedure for one person may not be right for someone else. Take a look at the the details below and then schedule a consultation with Dr. Ali to see which fat loss method is best for you. He provides each patient with an evaluation and detailed answers to their questions, so that you can choose the best fat loss procedure to help you achieve your personal New Years Resolution!

Lipo Facts

Liposuction – commonly called  “Lipo” – is a minimally invasive surgical technique that removes excess fat deposits located between the skin and muscle. Lipo improves the body’s shape by surgically getting rid of stubborn “bulges” of fat that are resistant to exercise and dieting.

While lipo is a “fat loss” treatment, and not a weight loss method per se, up to 11 pounds of unwanted fat can safely be removed in a single lip procedure. In most cases Lipo can be performed under local anesthesia, and the patient can go home within a half hour after the procedure. The incision(s) made during Lipo are very small (less than 3mm) so there are no stitches and little to no visible scars.

The recovery time after Lipo is from 2 to 7 days before normal activity can be resumed – and there is both swelling and discomfort that gradually subsides over a period of 2 to 8 weeks.

Liposuction is very appealing to many people as a fat loss solution, because results are “immediate” – because the fat has been surgically and permanently “sucked out”. Once the swelling goes down, the fat loss is completely visible and while it is possible to gain weight after lipo, the fat cells in the treated are will never come back.

In addition to being performed on the “tummy” (abdomen, waist) Lipo can also  be used on many other parts of the body including the flanks (love handles), arms, thighs and butt, male breast area, and even the chin!

Lipo also generally works best for people who have good skin elasticity and muscle tone – and who do not have excess skin or loose abdominal muscles. Patients with mild to moderate loose skin may want to combine lipo with one of our state-of-the-art, non-surgical, laser or radiofrequency skin tightening treatments. And patients with excessive loose skin or stretched abdominal muscles may wish to consider surgical skin tightening (like a tummy tuck or arm lift).

CoolSculpting Facts

One of the easiest ways to lose fat in the New Year – without diet, exercise or downtime – is revolutionary CoolSculpting.

Like Lipo, CoolSculpting is primarily used to remove stubborn areas of fat that resist diet and exercise.  And, like Lipo, CoolSculpting is not a weight loss tool for obesity. However, CoolSculpting can reduce fat by up to 25% in the treated area – with no surgery and no downtime.

CoolSculpting is non-surgical and non-invasive – so there is no incision and no local anesthetic. This also means that there is virtually no recovery period! While lipo is generally done in one treatment, CoolSculpting typically involves multiple treatments – depending on the area(s) being treated and the amount of fat being removed.  CoolSculpting freezes the fat cells, which are then eliminated naturally by the body – so it takes a little more time to see results than with lipo. Most patients begin to see results within 4 weeks, and it may take 3 to 5 months to observe final results.

As an added benefit, CoolSculpting does have some skin tightening properties. It can also be combined with one of our advanced, non-surgical, laser or radiofrequency skin tightening treatments. Like lipo, however, CoolSculpting does not remedy loose abdominal muscles – which are better treated with a surgical tummy tuck.

Beware of Lipo or CoolSculpting Clinics With Only One Choice

The best way to determine whether Lipo or CoolSculpting treatment is best for you is to discuss your goals with a board certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali who offers BOTH Lipo AND CoolSculpting. AMAE Plastic Surgery & Med Spa in Birmingham, MI offers both fat loss procedures. We will examine your skin, muscles, body, lifestyle and goals to help you choose the best procedure for your unique needs.

Always be very wary of doctors, clinic that only offer one type of fat loss or skin tightening procedure. They will likely steer or pressure you into the procedure they offer – even if another procedure would be better for your body, your goals or your lifestyle. Only a surgeon who offers BOTH procedures can give you the choices you need, so that you can choose the fat loss treatment that is best for you.

Best Lipo in Birmingham, MI

In sum, CoolSculpting is less invasive, and less uncomfortable than Lipo, with less downtime. But the CoolSculpting results take more treatments than Lipo – and the results of CoolSculpting take longer to be visible than Lipo. For patients with moderate skin laxity in the treated area AMAE also offers advanced, non-surgical skin tightening technologies. And, for patients with excess loose skin and/or stretched or torn abdominal muscles, Dr. Ali also offers surgical treatments that can tighten skin and muscles – such as tummy tucks and arm lifts.

Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women and men in the Birmingham, MI area and across Wayne, Oakland & Macomb County get the body they want with Lipo and CoolSculpting. He will be happy to offer you a consultation to help you understand your options and decide if Lipo or CoolSculpting is right for you.

And remember, financing options are also available!

Lipo & CoolSculpting | Birmingham, MI: 248-335-7200

New Year, New You – with a Mommy Makeover!

Mommy Makeover: New Year, New You!

For most moms, the kids and everyone else comes first during the holidays. And while you love all of that family time, you’re probably a little exhausted! Now that the holiday hustle and bustle is over, the gifts are put away, and the kids are going back to school it’s time to do something FOR YOU – so why not consider a Mommy Makeover?

We know you wouldn’t trade being a mom for anything! But, many mom’s would like to trade-in their ‘mom-bod’ for a tight, toned , sexy new beach-bod. Well, now you CAN with a customized Mommy Makeover at AMAE Plastic Surgery & Med Spa.

What is a Mommy Makeover?

Having children drastically changes most women’s bodies. Lax stomach muscles, sagging abdominal skin, drooping breasts, and even a looser vagina are just a few of the unwanted “side effects” of childbirth. Not to mention the unwanted deposits of “baby weight” fat that won’t go away no – matter how much you diet or exercise.

But a Mommy Makeover is a custom combination of procedures that remedies any or all of these problems, and enables any Mommy to get her pre-baby body back – and love the way she looks!

A mommy makeover typically consists of three procedures: a tummy tuck; a breast lift and/or breast implants; and liposuction.  However, every Mom’s post pregnancy body changes are different – so we can customize a Mommy Makeover plan just for you with the exact procedures you need to get a body that looks as great (or even better!) than it did before pregnancy.

Mommy Makeover: Tummy Tuck

After pregnancy, excess skin in the belly area is often left. The stretching from carrying a child may cause the abdominal skin to lose its elasticity and not “bounce back” after delivery. Additionally, the abdominal muscles may also have become loose, stretched or even separated.

During the Mommy Makeover, a tummy tuck can pull the loose skin taut – and surgically tighten and repair abdominal muscles if necessary – to achieve a taught, flat stomach. In fact, many of our Detroit area patients report having the best “abs” of their life after a tummy tuck!

Mommy Makeover: Breast Lift and/or Implants

Many mothers, especially those who have breastfed, notice that their breasts lose volume and/or sag after pregnancy and breastfeeding. Women who have had multiple children typically notice an even more pronounced effect on breast size, shape and tone.

During a Mommy Makeover, a breast lift can decrease sagginess, giving women higher, firmer, ‘perkier’, more youthful breasts. If desired, breast implants can be used to add volume and firmness to replace breast tissue lost after childbirth – or simply to give you the larger, rounder breasts that you never had.

Mommy Makeover: Liposuction

Liposuction can permanently get rid of those stubborn areas of fat that you just can’t get rid of – no matter how much you diet or exercise. During a Mommy Makeover, liposuction is used to suck out fat and smooth, flatten, and contour the body – especially the midsection.

For women who have less fat to lose or who prefer to lose fat without surgery, we also offer CoolSculpting fat loss.

Mommy Makeover: Vaginal Rejuvenation

Due to pregnancy, hormone loss or the aging process, 40% of women will experience looseness in the vagina (laxity) that can result in a loss of sexual sensation. And, after menopause, up to 50% of women experience vaginal pain, dryness and irritation.

But an exciting new, non-invasive radiofrequency vaginal rejuvenation treatment called Viveve can remedy all of these problems with just one 30 minute treatment! Viveve™ is a state-of-the-art vaginal tightening procedure recently approved by the FDA for use in the United States. It is a one-time treatment that uses radiofrequency (CMRF) to rejuvenate vaginal tissue and muscles.

Because Viveve™ is a nonsurgical treatment, it is painless and there is no downtime. You can even return to your normal activities – including exercise and sexual intimacy – immediately following your appointment. Additionally, Viveve can help remodel a distended or wrinkled labia, for a more attractive vaginal area.

And, for women with more extreme vaginal laxity and/or labia distention, surgical options such as vaginoplasty and/or labiaplasty can be incorporated into your Mommy Make Over at AMAE in the Detroit area.

Detroit Area’s Best Mommy Makeover

Busy mothers love a Mommy Makeover, because it’s “one and done” – and the recovery time for multiple procedures is condensed into one single timeframe. With a Mommy Makeover at AMAE Plastic Surgery & Med Spa, Detroit area women CAN “have it all” with just a single appointment!

If you are a Mommy – or any woman – who would like to experience a “new you” in the New Year call today to schedule a Mommy Makeover Consultation.

Detroit Area Mommy Makeover Consultation: 248-335-7200

Buried Penis Treatment (Supra-Pubic Fat Removal)

Men: Permanently Get Rid of Supra Pubic Fat

As a man gets older, or when he gains substantial weight, he may notice that his penis seems smaller – or has become “harder to find” during sex. Obviously, this can have a very negative effect on man’s self-esteem and sexual confidence.

During sexually intimacy “penis fat” – medically called “supra pubic fat” – can make a man feel unattractive and even sexually inadequate. Excessive fat that obscures a man’s penis can also interfere with his ability to perform sexually. Other problems caused by supra pubic fat can include: difficulty urinating; urinary tract infections (UTI); and problems achieving a firm erection.

Fat placement on the body is generally hereditary, and “penis fat” is no exception. And fat in the pubic area is even more frustrating because it is an area that generally does not respond to dieting or exercise. Unfortunately, many men with supra-pubic fat just “live with it” and don’t realize they can seek medical help for this debilitating condition.

The good news is that Birmingham, MI board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali offers revolutionary new treatments that can permanently reduce or remove suprapubic fat from around a “buried penis” – and restore sexual sensation, confidence and performance.

Causes of Men’s Supra Pubic Fat (“Buried Penis”)

A small number of males are born with an unusually small (“retractile”) penis. But, in most cases, a penis that appears “buried” is a condition that occurs later in life when a perfectly normal size penis has been engulfed in an enlarged ‘supra pubic’ pad of surrounding fat.

Unwanted bulges of fat in the genital area (medically called the ‘suprapubic region’) that are caused by substantial weight gain or obesity are the most common cause of “buried penis”.

But, in addition to excessive weight gain, a hidden penis can result from other medical conditions. Hidradenitis suppurativa is a very painful skin condition that results in abscesses and scarring that can obscure or “bury” a man’s penis. Certain infections, as well as the chronic skin condition called ‘lichen sclerosis’ can also “bury” a man’s penis. And, less commonly, a lymphatic system disorder called penoscrotal lymphedema can lead to fluid retention and tissue swelling that hides the shaft of the penis.

Surgical Treatment for Supra Pubic Fat (“Buried Penis”)

The traditional treatment for a buried penis involves surgery to remove excess fat and tissue and make the penis more prominent. Depending upon the amount and placement of the pubic fat, a board certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali can usually remove the unwanted fat with lipectomy surgery, or with targeted liposuction. These procedures flatten the suprapubic area, which results in the penis being more visible and accessible – even though the penis itself is not directly involved in the surgical procedure.

Like any surgery, both lipectomy or liposuction require anesthetic, small incisions, and a recovery period. Typically, lipectomy patients must take at least a week off of work and need approximately six weeks to fully recover. Liposuction patients only need a few days off work and are typically back to normal activities within a few weeks.

The biggest advantage to surgical removal of men’s suprapubic fat is that, once the swelling subsides, the results are both immediately visible and are permanent. The body cannot make new fat cells – so the removed fat cells can never come back in the treated area!

Non-Surgical Treatment for Supra Pubic Fat (“Buried Penis”)

Board certified Birmingham plastic surgeon Dr. Ali also offers non-surgical men’s supra pubic fat removal solutions.  A combination of non-surgical fat removal and radiofrequency skin tightening procedures can also effectively get rid of embarrassing supra pubic fat in some men! These revolutionary fat removal treatments are comfortable, affordable and permanently get rid of unwanted fat around the penis – but with the added advantage of no downtime.

Depending on the amount and placement of the fat around the pubic area, some men may be good candidates for CoolSculpting to remove suprapubic fat. CoolSculpting treatments freeze and permanently destroy unwanted fat cells, which are then naturally eliminated from the body.  There are no incisions, no anesthetic needed, and zero downtime with CoolSculpting.

Morpheus8 is another advanced treatment for treating suprapubic fat without surgery. Morpheus8 combines the regenerative power of microneedling with radiofrequency thermal energy to tighten and remodel tissue. In addition to offering all of the rejuvenating benefits of microneedling, Morpheus8 is a “Subdermal Adipose Remodeling Device” (SARD) that uses radiofrequency heat energy to melt and mold to flatten the pubic area.

These nonsurgical treatments enable Dr. Ali to contour unwanted fat away from around the penis – while simultaneously tightening any excess skin – with accuracy and precision. So, even though the penis itself is never touched during the procedure, the shaft becomes much more visible and accessible. The result is a much more virile and attractive appearance as well as improved sexual performance.

Benefits of Supra Pubic Fat Removal

Removing supra pubic fat around the penis offers substantial psychological, physical, and sexual benefits for men, including:

  • Visibility of the entire penis
  • A penis that appears larger
  • Improved erections
  • Reduced skin irritation
  • Fewer UTIs & urinary tract issues
  • Increased sexual sensation
  • Increased self-esteem & confidence

Men’s Supra Pubic Fat Removal – Birmingham, MI

If you are a man living with the embarrassment and discomfort of supra pubic fat, you do NOT have to suffer in silence. Schedule a discreet and confidential consultation with Dr. Ali at AMAE Plastic Surgery & Med Spa in Birmingham, MI. He will explain your options and put together a supra pubic fat removal treatment plan that is right for you. Call today and take the first step toward regaining your self-confidence and restoring your sexual performance!

SupraPubic Fat Removal | Birmingham, MI: 248-335-7200

Get Slimmer Arms in 2022 with Liposuction!

Liposuction for Arms

Dieting and exercise is on everybody’s mind as we start the New Year. But, unfortunately, when a woman’s body deposits fat in the arms – due to heredity, weight gain or age – no amount of exercise or diet seems to reduce it.  Additionally, as we age gravity takes its toll on many areas of the body – and our upper arms are no exception. If there is excess fat in the upper arm, it will often drop and become flabby.

For women with excess fat in their upper arms, tumescent liposuction can be a godsend that takes years off of their appearance. Dr. Ali is an Oakland County board certified plastic surgeon who has helped hundreds of women in Oakland County love their arms again with affordable tumescent liposuction of the upper arms. And, to combat any remaining loose skin, AMAE also offers the newest and most advanced treatments in skin tightening, including revolutionary Profound radiofrequency microneedling.

Not only can arm liposuction make your arms smaller, it can give them a slimmer, smoother, sexier shape – so you no longer have to constantly hide beneath long sleeves!

How Arm Liposuction is Performed

A very thin tube (micro-cannula) is inserted into the fatty area through a tiny incision. Only local anesthetic is used, and the patient is not “knocked out” – which makes the procedure very safe.  No stitches are needed and there is no scarring. The surgeon gently and skillfully moves the cannula slowly back and forth to break up the unwanted fat cells. Then the fat cells are sucked through the cannula and out of the body.

The entire arm liposuction typically takes under an hour. However, if additional areas of the body are also done, the liposuction process will take longer. Patients are allowed to go home shortly after the procedure.

You will be given specific instructions about wearing a compression sleeve afterwards – as well as what medications you can take for any pain. However, many women find that the discomfort is minimal and pain medication is not even needed after arm liposuction.

The actual results are “immediate” (because the fat has been sucked out) – but you may not be able to see the complete results of the slimming and contouring until the swelling gradually subsides over the next few days up to a month or so.

Upper Arm Liposuction Benefits

Liposuction can remove inches from your arms. After arm liposuction you will also have a more proportionate appearance in your arms – so your upper arms will be closer in size to your forearms. Both the loss of inches, and the better proportions, will make your arms look longer, smoother and more slender.

You will finally feel more comfortable with your arms, so you can enjoy wearing sleeveless tops and dresses – and even bathing suits! And, because the body has a fixed number of fat cells, liposuction fat removal is permanent – and the removed fat cells will never return in the treated areas.

NonSurgical Arm Fat Reduction

For patients with less arm fat to remove, non-invasive CoolSculpting can be an effective alternative to liposuction. CoolSculpting freezes the fat in the upper arms, destroying the fat cell. Once the fat cells are killed they are eliminated by the body over time through natural processes.

CoolSculpting results are also permanent – and can result in fat reduction of up to 25% in the treated area – all with no exercise, no dieting and no downtime. While CoolSculpting has some moderate skin tightening benefits, it can also be combined with our advanced radiofrequency skin tightening procedures.

Surgical Arm Fat Reduction

For patients with more substantial amounts of arm fat or sagging arm skin, a surgical arm lift (brachioplasty surgery) may be the best treatment. Brachioplasty surgery involves an incision under the armpit that may extend down the length of the arm. The circumference of the upper arm is reduced, fat is removed and (if necessary) excess skin is cut off. The area is then closed with stitches. While arm lift surgery is more invasive, requires anesthetic, and does leave some scarring, it offers exceptional skin tightness and definition.

Arm Liposuction Considerations

If you have excess arm fat in your twenties or thirties, it tends to get worse in your fifties or sixties. Catching it before the skin has gotten to loose is important. So, if you are considering liposuction or an arm lift it is wise to see an experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali as soon as possible, rather than waiting.

Additionally, the accumulation of upper arm fat is usually accompanied by “back fat” or “bra rolls”. When performing upper arm liposuction, Dr. Ali will also examine the area just behind your armpits, as well. To ensure a smooth contour and better proportions from the woman’s back to her arm, he may also recommend some lipo in the back area.

Arm Liposuction – Birmingham & Troy Michigan Area

Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women in Troy, Birmingham, West Bloomfield, Southfield and across Oakland County look younger and feel better about their appearance with tumescent arm liposuction. He will be happy to offer you a consultation to help you understand your options. Dr. Ali will consider all aspects of your body proportions, the amount of fat, your lifestyle, your age and your goals in order to recommend the best arm fat removal treatment for you.

Look slimmer and younger – and enjoy sleeveless clothing again – with tumescent arm liposuction or one of our other fat removal or skin tightening procedures. And remember, liposuction financing options are also available!

Arm Liposuction Consultation: 248-335-7200