Buried Penis Treatment (Supra-Pubic Fat Removal)

Men: Permanently Get Rid of Supra Pubic Fat

As a man gets older, or when he gains substantial weight, he may notice that his penis seems smaller – or has become “harder to find” during sex. Obviously, this can have a very negative effect on man’s self-esteem and sexual confidence.

During sexually intimacy “penis fat” – medically called “supra pubic fat” – can make a man feel unattractive and even sexually inadequate. Excessive fat that obscures a man’s penis can also interfere with his ability to perform sexually. Other problems caused by supra pubic fat can include: difficulty urinating; urinary tract infections (UTI); and problems achieving a firm erection.

Fat placement on the body is generally hereditary, and “penis fat” is no exception. And fat in the pubic area is even more frustrating because it is an area that generally does not respond to dieting or exercise. Unfortunately, many men with supra-pubic fat just “live with it” and don’t realize they can seek medical help for this debilitating condition.

The good news is that Birmingham, MI board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali offers revolutionary new treatments that can permanently reduce or remove suprapubic fat from around a “buried penis” – and restore sexual sensation, confidence and performance.

Causes of Men’s Supra Pubic Fat (“Buried Penis”)

A small number of males are born with an unusually small (“retractile”) penis. But, in most cases, a penis that appears “buried” is a condition that occurs later in life when a perfectly normal size penis has been engulfed in an enlarged ‘supra pubic’ pad of surrounding fat.

Unwanted bulges of fat in the genital area (medically called the ‘suprapubic region’) that are caused by substantial weight gain or obesity are the most common cause of “buried penis”.

But, in addition to excessive weight gain, a hidden penis can result from other medical conditions. Hidradenitis suppurativa is a very painful skin condition that results in abscesses and scarring that can obscure or “bury” a man’s penis. Certain infections, as well as the chronic skin condition called ‘lichen sclerosis’ can also “bury” a man’s penis. And, less commonly, a lymphatic system disorder called penoscrotal lymphedema can lead to fluid retention and tissue swelling that hides the shaft of the penis.

Surgical Treatment for Supra Pubic Fat (“Buried Penis”)

The traditional treatment for a buried penis involves surgery to remove excess fat and tissue and make the penis more prominent. Depending upon the amount and placement of the pubic fat, a board certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali can usually remove the unwanted fat with lipectomy surgery, or with targeted liposuction. These procedures flatten the suprapubic area, which results in the penis being more visible and accessible – even though the penis itself is not directly involved in the surgical procedure.

Like any surgery, both lipectomy or liposuction require anesthetic, small incisions, and a recovery period. Typically, lipectomy patients must take at least a week off of work and need approximately six weeks to fully recover. Liposuction patients only need a few days off work and are typically back to normal activities within a few weeks.

The biggest advantage to surgical removal of men’s suprapubic fat is that, once the swelling subsides, the results are both immediately visible and are permanent. The body cannot make new fat cells – so the removed fat cells can never come back in the treated area!

Non-Surgical Treatment for Supra Pubic Fat (“Buried Penis”)

Board certified Birmingham plastic surgeon Dr. Ali also offers non-surgical men’s supra pubic fat removal solutions.  A combination of non-surgical fat removal and radiofrequency skin tightening procedures can also effectively get rid of embarrassing supra pubic fat in some men! These revolutionary fat removal treatments are comfortable, affordable and permanently get rid of unwanted fat around the penis – but with the added advantage of no downtime.

Depending on the amount and placement of the fat around the pubic area, some men may be good candidates for CoolSculpting to remove suprapubic fat. CoolSculpting treatments freeze and permanently destroy unwanted fat cells, which are then naturally eliminated from the body.  There are no incisions, no anesthetic needed, and zero downtime with CoolSculpting.

Morpheus8 is another advanced treatment for treating suprapubic fat without surgery. Morpheus8 combines the regenerative power of microneedling with radiofrequency thermal energy to tighten and remodel tissue. In addition to offering all of the rejuvenating benefits of microneedling, Morpheus8 is a “Subdermal Adipose Remodeling Device” (SARD) that uses radiofrequency heat energy to melt and mold to flatten the pubic area.

These nonsurgical treatments enable Dr. Ali to contour unwanted fat away from around the penis – while simultaneously tightening any excess skin – with accuracy and precision. So, even though the penis itself is never touched during the procedure, the shaft becomes much more visible and accessible. The result is a much more virile and attractive appearance as well as improved sexual performance.

Benefits of Supra Pubic Fat Removal

Removing supra pubic fat around the penis offers substantial psychological, physical, and sexual benefits for men, including:

  • Visibility of the entire penis
  • A penis that appears larger
  • Improved erections
  • Reduced skin irritation
  • Fewer UTIs & urinary tract issues
  • Increased sexual sensation
  • Increased self-esteem & confidence

Men’s Supra Pubic Fat Removal – Birmingham, MI

If you are a man living with the embarrassment and discomfort of supra pubic fat, you do NOT have to suffer in silence. Schedule a discreet and confidential consultation with Dr. Ali at AMAE Plastic Surgery & Med Spa in Birmingham, MI. He will explain your options and put together a supra pubic fat removal treatment plan that is right for you. Call today and take the first step toward regaining your self-confidence and restoring your sexual performance!

SupraPubic Fat Removal | Birmingham, MI: 248-335-7200