Breast Implants: Before & After Photos (Pt. 2)

Breast Implant Before & After Photos

Breast augmentation surgery – or breast implant surgery – is one of the most popular plastic surgery operations performed today. 

One of the decisions faced by women considering breast augmentation surgery is what size and shape is right for their appearance goals, and their body shape and proportions.

In this photo gallery we have put together some images of our actual patients who have undergone breast implant surgery at our Birmingham, Michigan plastic surgery enter. These photos show the beautiful results that Dr. Ali acheives for all of his patients. These pictures can also help you get a better understanding of how breast size and shape changes with different breast implants, on different body types.

Choosing Breast Implant Shape and Size

Breast augmentation looks best when the breast implants are full, while still being proportionate to the woman’s body. Your frame size, height, and weight will all be taken into consideration b y Dr. Ali as he helps you decide on the implants that will look best on you.

In addition to selecting size, there are various choices when it comes to breast implant shape. in addition to choosing between round and teardrop shaped implants, you will need to select the “projection” of the implant from your body.

Take a look at our gallery of recent breast implants, below, and then call us for consultation to discuss breast augmentation surgery can help you look and feel more beautiful and more confident!

Breast Implant Before & After Photos

breast implants birmingham mi
breast implants birmingham mi

breast implants birmingham mi

breast implants birmingham mi

breast implants birmingham mi

breast implants birmingham mi

breast implants birmingham mi

breast implants birmingham mi

breast implants birmingham mi

Click Here for More Breast Implant Before & After Photos

Top Birmingham, MI Breast Implant Surgery

Breast augmentation is the specialty of Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Ali. He will aid you in determining what size and shape of implant is right for you. If you’re thinking about getting breast augmentation surgery, call us today for a consultation.

Dr. Ali is a double board certified plastic surgeon, who has helped thousands of women get the beautiful breasts they want with breast implant surgery. He will offer you a consultation so you can understand what the best surgical options are for you. He will take the time to carefully answer all of your questions, and make sure that you have an understanding of the best size, shape and technique for achieving your appearance goals.

Birmingham Breast Implant Surgery Consultation: 248-335-7200

Breast Implant Revision Surgery

Breast Implant Revision Surgery:
Correcting Problems with Secondary Breast Augmentation

Breast implant surgery is a safe and common procedure with rare complications when performed by an experienced board certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali. However, breast implant “revision” surgery is occasionally required – typically as a result of older or outdated breast implant technologies, or because a less qualified surgeon did not achieve the best results.

Keep in mind that breast implant revision surgery is more complex and involved than original or “primary” breast implant surgery.

While it is always essential to select an experienced board certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali for breast implant surgery, it is even more crucial to have revision surgery done by a highly qualified plastic surgeon. Dr. Ali has considerable experience with the correction of breast augmentation problems, and will offer you a consultation to discuss how he can improve your results from a previous surgery.

Reasons for Breast Implant Revision Surgery

The six most common reasons for breast implant revision surgery that we see in our Detroit area surgical practice are:

#1. Changing breast implant size

Some women may feel that they went “too big” when they were younger, and now desire a less exaggerated figure. Others may have gained weight, and wish to increase their breast size for a more proportionate look.

Breast revision surgery strictly for size change must be carefully considered, to ensure that the patient is a suitable candidate for a second surgery.

#2. Correcting capsular contracture

Capsular contracture occurs when the body forms thick scar tissue around the breast implant(s) – causing shape change, discomfort, increased firmness and pain.

Revision surgery may be required to release the scar tissue in order to alleviate the pain and give the breast a softer feel and more natural shape.

#3. Problems with breast implant position

Inexperienced doctors sometimes do not have the expertise to naturally place the breast implants.

Breast implant asymmetry – with one implant higher than the other – is a common error. Additionally implants may be located too far apart. This results in an absence of cleavage, or even in the breasts falling into the armpits when laying down.

In the opposite situation “uniboob” or “breadloafing” can occur when the breasts are positioned too high and/or too close together on the chest.

Bottoming out – where implants are positioned too low on the chest in relation to the nipple position – is another problem that may require revision surgery.

#4. Problems with the patient’s breast tissue

Thinning of the breast tissue – resulting from aging, weight loss, pregnancy, or breastfeeding – may result in the implants becoming more visible and the appearance less natural.

An elongation of the skin and sagging of the breasts can also occur over time as tissue elasticity is lost as a result of aging, sun damage or smoking.

#5. Problems with the implants themselves

Deflation or rupture of a breast implant requires immediate revision surgery – ideally within a few weeks to keep the pocket from shrinking.

Ruptured saline implants are quite obvious because the augmentation is rapidly and completely lost over a day or two. Ruptured silicone implants may be less obvious and may require an ultrasound or MRI.

However, all breast implants used today have a full replacement warranty that will provide you with replacement implant(s) at no cost to you.

The Detroit Area’s Best Breast Implant Surgery

Dr. Ali is a Detroit Area double board certified plastic surgeon, who has helped thousands of women get the breasts they want with breast implant surgery. He will offer you a consultation so you can understand what the best surgical options are for you. He will take the time to carefully answer all of your questions, and make sure that you have an understanding of the best techniques for achieving your appearance goals.

Detroit Area Breast Implant Surgery Consultation: 248-335-7200

Breast Massage after Breast Implant Surgery

FAQs: Massaging Breasts after Breast Implant Surgery – 

Massaging your breasts after breast implant surgery has many benefits. However, when and how you should massage your breasts after implant surgery will depend upon a variety of factors – including the type of implants and the surgical technique used.

In this article we explain the “basics” of breast massage after implant surgery. However, Dr. Ali will review the specific massage techniques that are right for you during your first or second post-operative visit. You should not begin massage until instructed to do so by your surgeon.

Breast Implant Massage FAQs

Why do I need to massage my breasts after augmentation?

Massage your breast implants after your surgery keeps the soft tissue “pocket” around the breast implant open, soft and supple.

The goal of the massage is to keep the pocket and soft tissue “capsule” around the breast implant a little bigger than the implants. This allows the implants to keep moving freely and naturally with the breast.

Massage helps to keep the pocket while the muscle and skin are still relaxing and the implants are “settling”. This helps limit the risk of “capsular contracture” in which the soft tissue capsule shrinks and squeezes the implant.

When do I massage my breasts after breast augmentation?

Typically, patients are advised to perform implant self-massage twice daily, beginning about one week after breast implant surgery.

Dr. Ali will examine your tissue and incisions before instructing you to start massaging the breasts.

How do I massage my breasts after breast implant surgery?

You should be lying down when doing breast massage, so that the overlying muscles will be relaxed, and the implants will move around more easily.

Typically, you will be instructed to push down toward your ribs on the edge of the implant – displacing it. You will generally be instructed to hold the implant in a displaced position for about 15 seconds – and repeat this five times in all directions.

However, in some cases, Dr. Ali may recommend a certain pattern of massage based on your specific case and needs.

How long do I need to massage my breast implants?

Your surgeon will give you detailed instructions – but typically you should massage your implants until they have fully settled – usually for about three months.

However, it is not a bad idea to continue the implant massages, at least two or three times a week, for as long as you have the breast implants.

The Detroit Area’s Best Breast Implant Surgery

Dr. Ali is a Detroit Area double board certified plastic surgeon, who has helped thousands of women get the breasts they want with breast implant surgery. He will offer you a consultation so you can understand what the best surgical options are for you. He will take the time to carefully answer all of your questions, and make sure that you have an understanding of the best techniques for achieving your appearance goals.

Detroit Area Breast Implant Surgery Consultation: 248-335-7200

How Much Do Breast Implants Cost?

How Much Do Breast Implants Cost?

Asking how much breast implants cost is a bit like asking how much a new car costs – there are a lot of variables to consider that can affect the cost!

As the Detroit area’s top breast implant surgeon, Dr. Ali is often asked about the price of getting breast implants. When you come into our office for a consultation, Dr. Ali will explain the options that are best for you and give you firm price.

In the meantime, here are some factors to consider that affect the cost of breast implants.

Factors affecting breast augmentation cost:

#1. The type of breast implant

The type and size of breast implant you select will affect the cost. For example, saline breast implants are typically less expensive than silicone or “gummy bear” implants. Similarly, very large implants will cost more than more modestly sized breast implants.

#2. The method of breast implant surgery

There are different techniques for performing breast implant surgery. More complicated or involved procedures will cost a bit more than less extensive breast implant surgeries. For example, sub-muscular placement (having breast implants placed underneath the pectoral muscle) is a more complicated – an therefore more costly – procedure than breast implant placement above the muscle.

#3. The qualifications of the surgeon

As with any cosmetic procedure, price should not be the primary factor in choosing your breast implant surgeon. A more experienced and qualified plastic surgeon may be a bit more expensive than someone without extensive credentials – but the small added cost is more than worth it to achieve stellar results without any complications.

In other words, a Cadillac costs more than a Prius!

Make sure you select a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon like Dr. Ali who performs hundreds of breast augmentations each year.

#4. The facility

Also, it is important to have your breast implant surgery performed in an accredited and licensed surgical facility. While facility fees do add to the cost, you are much less likely to experience complications, such as infections, in a licensed medical facility.

#5. Anesthesiology

The administration of anesthetic also adds to the cost of any cosmetic surgery. Be sure that your anesthetic is administered by an MD Anesthesiologist. When improperly administered, anesthetic can cause serious and even fatal complications – so it is worth the cost to have an Anesthesiologist who is an M.D.

#6. Geographic Location

Just like houses, breast implants are more expensive in Beverly Hills, California than they are in Mobile, Alabama. Fortunately, Michigan is right about “in the middle” of the national cost scale for breast implants – while still offering the same celebrity-quality surgical procedures as those found in Hollywood.

Dr. Ali will offer you a consultation to assess your needs and explain any factors that affect the cost, including the type of implant, the method used, and any additional costs associated with breast implant surgery, including the operating room, anesthesia, and post-op appointments.

The Detroit Area’s Best Breast Implant Surgery

Dr. Ali is a Detroit Area double board certified plastic surgeon, who has helped thousands of women get the breasts they want with breast implant surgery. He will offer you a consultation so you can understand what the best surgical options are for you. He will take the time to carefully answer all of your questions, and make sure that you have an understanding of the best techniques for achieving your appearance goals. He will also explain the costs involved, and our caring staff can help you with available financing options.

Detroit Area Breast Implant Surgery Consultation: 248-335-7200

Breast Implant Incisions Types

Different Types of Breast Implant Incisions – 

The type of incision that will be made for the insertion of the implant during breast implant surgery is one of the most important decisions you will make with your surgeon. While your doctor will help you determine which type is right for you, it’s helpful to go in understanding the various types of breast implant incision options available to you. Here, we’ll take a look at the four most frequently performed breast implant incisions.

1: Transaxillary Breast Implant Incision

This method of breast implant incision is made through a canal placed in the natural fold of the armpit tissue, which leads into the breast, where the implant is then placed behind the nipple. This process is occasionally aided by the use of a small camera on a tube called an endoscope, which the doctor uses to more accurately see through the incision. One of the major advantages of this method is the significant lack of scarring, as the incision itself is performed at a distance from the breast.

2: Periareolar Breast Implant Incision

This method involves making the incision around the circumference of the areola (the pink or brown skin around the nipple). The surgeon will make the incision between the darker area of the areola and the skin surrounding it, resulting in minimal visibility of scarring. While a small amount of patients report a slight loss of sensation in the nipple following this method, under the care of a board certified plastic surgeon like Doctor Ali, such complications are highly unlikely. Additionally, the periareolar incision method allows your doctor significantly greater control over the positioning of the implant, resulting in significantly better accuracy in placing the implant exactly in its desired location, and keeping any scarring to a minimum.

3: TUBA Breast Incision

This breast implant incision type is performed on the rim of the belly button, through a channel of fatty tissue. Your doctor will use an endoscope to visually guide them from the incision point to the breast, where a pocket will then be created for the breast implant to be positioned behind the nipple. As this type of breast implant incision requires significant reliance on the endoscope, it can be more of a challenge to achieve perfect symmetry between breast implants, but the TUBA incision type also results in zero scarring of the breasts whatsoever, making it a popular choice for many patients.

4: Inframammary Breast Implant Incision

This method of breast implant incision is made underneath the breast, in the fold where the breast and skin attach. Your doctor makes a pocket in the skin, and slides the implant through the sight of the incision to set it behind the nipple. While the inframammary type of breast implant incision does result in a slightly more pronounced scar than other methods, its position underneath the breast makes it completely invisible underneath a bra. Additionally, the inframammary incision allows for perfect visibility for your doctor, allowing them to work as closely and accurately as possible.

The Detroit Area’s Best Breast Implant Surgery

Each different type of breast implant incision offers its own set of advantages. Detroit are double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali will offer you a consultation to discuss the various types of breast implant incisions – to determine which one is best for you.

Dr. Ali has helped thousands of women get the breasts they want with breast implant surgery. He will offer you a consultation so you can understand what the best surgical options are for you. He will take the time to carefully answer all of your questions, and make sure that you have an understanding of the best techniques for achieving your appearance goals.

Detroit Area Breast Implant Surgery Consultation: 248-335-7200

Surgeon’s Tips for Preparing for Breast Implant Surgery (Part 1)

Plastic Surgeons’ Top Ten Tips for
Preparing for Breast Implant Surgery (Part 1)

You’re all set: you and board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali have chosen the type of implant you’ll use and the size that you want. You’ve gone over all your options, and now it’s time to prepare for your breast implant surgery.

Your surgeon will go over everything you need to do beforehand to ensure a safe and comfortable procedure, but here are a few additional tips offered by top surgeons to ensure the best results.

#1. Understand the Breast Implant Surgeon’s Instructions

Make sure you and your surgeon are on the same page about everything you need to do beforehand. Read your pre-op instructions before the big day! Ask your surgeon any questions you may have beforehand. Remember there’s no such thing as a silly question.

You’ll also want to have all of your prescriptions filled before the procedure, so they’ll be available to you as soon as you start your recovery period.

#2. Stop taking Blood Thinners before Breast Implant Surgery

You’ll want to avoid any kind of blood-thinning medication for about two weeks or so prior to surgery. This includes any Vitamin E, as well as anti-inflammatories such as aspirin.

#3. Do NOT Smoke before Breast Implant Surgery

Ideally, it is in the best interest of your health to stop smoking altogether. But it is essential that, if nothing else, you don’t smoke for at least the two weeks leading up to your breast implant surgery.

Nicotine hinders the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the site of the surgery, so smoking immediately beforehand or during your recovery period will exacerbate swelling, pain, side effects & potential complications associated with surgical procedures.

#4. Move All Essential Home Items to an Easy-to-Reach Location

Following your procedure, you don’t want to raise your arms above your head. Make sure you have easy access to everything you need, or arrange for someone to help reach things for you as you recover.

#5 . Get the Right Bra before Breast Implant Surgery

As you recover from your breast implant surgery, you’ll want to wear the most comfortable bra possible. A very supportive, cotton bra without underwire is the ideal choice!

You will experience some drainage during your recovery, so having a few bras on hand can keep you feeling clean and fresh, without needing to do luandry after your breast implant surgery.

Your surgeon’s instructions will indicate how long you will be wrapped or bandaged after your surgery, as well as when you should resume wearing a bra.

CLICK HERE to read Part 2 of Surgeons’ Top Ten Tips for Preparing for Breast Implant Surgery.

The Detroit Area’s Best Breast Implant Surgeon

Dr. Ali is a double board certified plastic surgeon, who has helped thousands of women get the breasts they want with breast implant surgery. He will offer you a consultation so you can understand what the best surgical options are for you. He will take the time to carefully answer all of your questions, and make sure that you have an understanding of the best techniques for achieving your appearance goals.

Consultation with a Detroit Area Breast Implant Surgeon: 248-335-7200

Surgeon’s Tips for Preparing for Breast Implant Surgery (Part 2)

Plastic Surgeons’ Top Ten Tips for
Preparing for Breast Implant Surgery (Part 2)

As the Detroit area’s top breast implant surgeon, Dr. Mazhar Ali has performed hundreds of breast augmentation surgeries, with beautiful results. It is always his goal to make the surgery and recovery as comfortable as possible! In this two part article, Dr. Ali shares tips from the world’s best breast implant surgeons for preparing for your breast augmentation surgery.

CLICK HERE to read Part 1 of Surgeons’ Top Ten Tips for Preparing for Breast Implant Surgery.

#6. Employ the Buddy System before Breast Implant Surgery

Make sure to arrange for a friend to drive you to your surgery and to take you home after, as well as to stay with you the first night of your recovery.

You’ll also need someone to help you around the house for the first few days while your rest up and recover from your breast implant surgery.

#7. Buy the Right Groceries before Breast Implant Surgery

Purchase foods that don’t upset your digestive system. Foods like crackers, applesauce, soup, and Jell-O are some of the easiest on your stomach while recovering from surgery.

You’ll also want a good stock of foods to keep you regular with a high fiber content. If you tend toward constipation, stool softeners, prune juice, or mild laxatives are good to have in the house – as some pain medications result in mild constipation.

#8. Arrange Your Bed before Breast Implant Surgery

After your breast implant surgery, in order to keep your implant in position – and minimize swelling – your surgeon will likely asvise you to sleep with your body elevated for at least a few days.

Arrange your bed before your surgery, so you can prop yourself up (with plenty of pillows or a wedge). Or, even consider sleeping upright in a comfortable reclining chair.

#9. Wear Soft Comfortable Clothes

As you recover from breast implant surgery, you’ll want to dress in comfy, loose-fitting clothing. While your board certified surgeon will prescribe you all the necessary medication to alleviate pain, you’ll want to do everything you can to make yourself feel as comfortable as possible as you recover.

Front opening cotton pajamas or sweatshirts are ideal, since you don’t have to raise your arms to put these on. Since you will have some leakage after implant surgery, having several clean comfoirtable lounging outfits or pajama sets ready will keep you feeling fresh and alleviate the need to do laundry during the initial recovery.

#10. Staying  Cool

As with any surgical procedure, you will most likely experience some mild swelling following your breast implant surgery. Purchase some ice packs (or perhaps a package of frozen peas) to place on yourself if you experience any swelling.

Under the care of board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali, you are sure to have a safe and comfortable breast implant surgery. He will be happy to consult with you on any additional questions you may have about how to prepare for your procedure, and will guide your through every step of your recovery process.

The Detroit Area’s Best Breast Implant Surgeon

Dr. Ali is a double board certified plastic surgeon, who has helped thousands of women get the breasts they want with breast implant surgery. He will offer you a consultation so you can understand what the best surgical options are for you. He will take the time to carefully answer all of your questions, and make sure that you have an understanding of the best techniques for achieving your appearance goals.

Consultation with a Detroit Area Breast Implant Surgeon: 248-335-7200

Answers to Breast Implant Post-surgery FAQs

Breast Implant FAQS: What Happens after the Surgery?

In this article, top Troy, Michigan area breast augmentation surgeon Dr. Ali answers your Frequently Asked Questions about what happens after breast implant surgery.

How long does it take to recover from breast implant surgery?

One factor that may impact the speed of your recovery is whether or not you’ve had your implants under or over the muscle, however, this typically only impacts your recovery time by a day or two. Whichever procedure you’ve had, our breast augmentation patients all enjoy a swift recovery period and are typically able to return to work usually within a week or so, and are able to return to their usual day to day activities within 7 to 10 days.

Is it normal for my breasts to make noises after breast implant surgery?

In the days following your breast implant surgery, some noise emanating from your breasts is perfectly normal. Bubbles of air or fluids in the space surrounding the implants can result in a faint sloshing sound, but a few weeks following your surgery, the fluid and air will be completely absorbed, and you shouldn’t experience any further noises.

Will my breasts still move like normal breasts after breast implant surgery?

There are several factors to take into account for breast movement following breast implant surgery. The natural size and shape of your breasts will play a role, as will the type of breast implant you’ve opted to receive. Most breast implants move naturally, as they are fluid and soft. That said, the smaller the breast implant and the tighter the skin, the implants will most likely remain relatively firm, and slightly less mobile than a larger breast.

Will I eventually need to replace my breast implants?

There is a common misconception that all breast implants need to be replaced every ten or so years. This simply not the case. The only reason to replace your breast implants is if you are experiencing any issues with them, but this is not a common occurrence, particularly under the care of Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Ali. If anything, the most common cause of women opting to replace their breast implants is to change their size.

If I have breast implants, do I need antibiotics before dental procedures?

Yes, women with breast implants should be administered standard antibiotics prior to any surgical or invasive medical procedure. These can easily be prescribed to you by your doctor or dentist.

How long before my breast implants drop?

For a short period following your breast implant surgery, your breasts will typically rest slightly high on your chest, and then drop down into a more normal position within a few weeks or so. There are several factors for how long it will take your breast implants to drop, including your breast size prior to surgery, the size of your implants, the placement of your implants, the implant surface type, and your muscle tone. Massaging your breasts can help speed up the process, and it takes less time for a smooth breast implant to drop than it does for a textured implant.

Implants placed above the chest muscle will also drop faster than implants placed under the muscle. If you began with smaller breasts and increased your size substantially, the tightness of your skin can cause a slightly longer delay in the time it takes for them to drop. In some cases, one breast will drop before the other.

You may speed up the process by massaging your breasts shortly after your breast augmentation surgery. You may also wear a wide elastic band around the top of your chest, which will help push them down. The longest it should take for your implants to drop is about six to nine months.

Is it normal for my breasts to appear sunburned and red or look shiny after breast implant surgery?

Yes, as your skin has been stretched out to make room for your breast implants, some redness or a sensation similar to a mild sunburn is a perfectly normal component of the healing process. Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Ali will inform you what your best option is in terms of treating your skin as it heals (shea butter moisturizers are a popular and affective choice.)

Following your breast augmentation surgery, your skin may appear slightly more shiny than usual. This is also a result of the skin being stretched and will dissipate as your skin continues to relax.

How long after my breast implant surgery will my breasts soften up?

The time it takes for your breast implants to soften up is contingent on a variety of factors: your muscle tone, the type of filler, your implants’ surface type, the placement of the implant, and the fullness of the implant. During the short period of post-surgery swelling, your implants will remain firm. Silicone implants, as a general rule, are softer than saline implants, and smoother implants often feel softer than textured ones.

Top Troy Area Breast Implant Surgery

Dr. Ali is a double board certified plastic surgeon, who has helped thousands of women get the beautiful breasts they want with breast implant surgery. He will offer you a consultation so you can understand what the best surgical options are for you. He will take the time to carefully answer all of your questions, and make sure that you have an understanding of the best techniques for achieving your appearance goals.

Troy Area Breast Implant Surgery Consultation: 248-335-7200

Breast Implant Surgery Terms and Definitions

Considering Breast Implant Surgery?
Here are Some Breast Augmentation Terms You Should Know –

When you begin researching breast implant surgery, some of the medical terms can be unfamiliar

Dr. M. Azhar Ali is a double board-certified, Detroit area plastic surgeon who has performed more than 7,000 plastic surgery procedures. He and his team offer the highest standards in breast implant technologies and breast augmentation surgical techniques – coupled with comfortable & compassionate care – to all of our valued patients. In this article we set forth some of the medical terms you may hear or read about when considering breast implant surgery.

However, the best way to understand these terms – and how they apply to your situation – is to schedule a consultation with Dr, Ali in his state-of-the-art Detroit area Medical Facility.

Breast Implant Terminology A – E

Areola: the disc of pink, brown or darker skin around the nipple

Asymmetrical: unequal, not matching, or different in size, shape or placement.

Axilla: the armpit.

Axillary: related to the armpit.

Bilateral: occurring on both the right and left sides. A bilateral mastectomy is the removal of both breasts.

Breast envelope: the skin and tissue that covers the breast.

Capsular Contracture: a complication of breast implant surgery where scar tissue forms around the breast implant, resulting in breast stiffness, pain and in some case leaking of the fluid inside the breast implant.

Capsule: the fibrous tissue around the breast implant.

Dropping: when a breast implant drops into its final, slightly lower, more natural position – this occurs once the swelling has gone down and the skin and muscle have completely relaxed during healing.

Endoscopic surgery: surgery that uses a very small incision, to insert a tiny camera (endoscope) and special small surgical tools. Endoscopic surgery has fewer risks and shorter recovery time than traditional surgery.

Expander implant: a temporary breast implant used to gradually stretch the tissue by filling it with saline over time – to expand the area for a permanent breast implant.

Breast Implant Terminology F – L

Fascia: a sheet of connective tissue covering or binding muscles or organs.

Fluffing: when a breast implant drops into its final, slightly lower, more natural position – this occurs once the swelling has gone down and the skin and muscle have completely relaxed during healing.

Fold incision: an incision made in the inframammary crease to place the breast implants. Also called an Inframammary incision.

Form stable breast implants: (aka “gummy bear” breast implants) breast implants that are filled with a viscous gel that won’t leak in the event of a rupture.

General anesthesia: the type of anesthesia typically used for breast implant surgery, in which the patient is completely “asleep” or “under”.

Gummy bear implants: nickname for “form stable breast implants” which are filled with highly cohesive silicone gel, so if the implant ruptures the gel won’t migrate or “leak”.

Highly cohesive breast implants: another term for Gummy Bear Breast Implants or Form Stable Breast Implants.

Inframammary crease: the crease below the breasts where the breast meets the skin over the rib cage.

Inframammary incision: an incision made in the inframammary crease to place the breast implants. Also called the “crease” or “fold” incision.

Intracapsular rupture: a type of breast implant rupture in which a silicone-filled breast implant breaks, but the silicone is contained within the capsule.

Lobules: the part of the breast where milk is produced. These lobules are gathered into lobes – with up to 20 lobes per breast.

Local anesthesia: the type of anesthesia that only numbs a small part of the body, and is typically not used for breast implant surgery.

Breast Implant Terminology M – Z

Mastectomy: surgical removal of a breast (or both breasts) and associated breast tissue.

Mastopexy: technical term for a breast lift.

Micromastia: abnormally small breasts.

Pectoralis major: the two large, fan-shaped chest muscles on the chest that a breast implant is placed underneath in submuscular or subpectoral placement.

Pectoralis minor: the small chest muscles which are targeted with a Botox breast lift.

Periareolar incision: an incision made directly below the areola for inserting the breast implant – usually on the lower semi-circle of the areola. Scars here are less noticeable because of the darker skin and curve of the areola.

Pocket: the cavity made in the body in breast augmentation, in which the space is created for the breast implant.

Pole: the upper half or lower half of the breast or breast implant. The upper pole is the top half of the breast or breast implant – when the upper pole is fuller there is more roundness and cleavage.

Ptosis: the medical term for sagging – often used to describe dropping breasts.

Saline: is a mixture of salt (sodium chloride) in water. Saline is used to fill certain breast implants, however silicone is more widely used to fill breast implants at this time.

Sternum: the breast bone between the two breasts.

Submuscular and full submuscular: placing breast implants beneath the muscle. Full submuscular placement is placing the breast implant entirely under the muscle.

Symmastia: is a condition when the two breast implants are placed to closely and touch in the middle of the chest – also called kissing implants or a “uniboob.”

Transaxillary incision: a transaxillary incision is created through a channel from the armpit (axilla) to the breast and then the breast implant is placed behind the nipple.

Transumbilical breast augmentation (TUBA): a procedure in which breast implants are inserted via the belly button.

The Detroit Area’s Best Breast Implant Surgery

Dr. Ali is a double board certified plastic surgeon, who has helped throusands of women get the breasts they want with breast implant surgery. He will offer you a consultation so you can can understand what the best surgical options are for you. He will take the time to carefully explain all medical terms to you, and make sure that you have an understanding of the best techniques for achieving your appearance goals.

Schedule a Breast Implant Surgery Consultation: 248-335-7200

Tips for Breast Augmentation Surgery Recovery

Tips for Recovery from Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation surgery is very routine – and extremely safe when performed by a board certified plastic surgeon such as Dr. Ali. However, it goes without saying that one of the key components of a successful surgical procedure is a successful healing process. Before you elect to undergo surgery, it’s important to understand all the necessary steps toward a swift and speedy recovery. In this article we’ll discuss some of the basics you need to know about recovering from your breast augmentation procedure to have you feeling your best after your surgery.

The Day of Your Breast Augmentation Surgery

The day of your surgery, when you awaken from your anesthesia, you will most likely experience some fatigue. Be sure to arrange for someone to pick you up following the procedure, as it is unsafe to drive after having received anesthetic.

Once you arrive home, you’ll want to get some rest. Be sure to sleep in an inclined position (at about a 30 degree angle) to help reduce swelling.

During your recovery period, you’ll wear a special medical compression bra that fits over your bandages. This not only helps to keep from putting stress on your stitches, but also aids in reducing swelling. You may experience tightness in your chest during the first few days, but this will diminish as you continue to heal.

Recovery from Breast Augmentation Surgery

After about two to three weeks, your stitches will be removed during a follow-up visi. By this time the discomfort should have subsided and you should start to feel almost “as good as new”.

At this time, you can typically resume physical activities such as light exercise, but it is important to avoid any kind of strenuous exercise for the first six weeks following your procedure. Your doctor will advise you what activities you can resume.

Breast augmentation has one of the speediest recovery periods of any serious cosmetic procedure, but it is still crucial to take the necessary precautions for a safe and comfortable recovery. For the fastest, safest experience, be sure that your incisions don’t undergo too much stress with slow, careful movement. Refrain from oopening heavy doors or lifting even moderately heavy objects – such as milk gallons or laundry baskets.

Too much heat can also aggravate swelling, so for the first few weeks, stay out of the sun, and avoid taking showers that are too hot.

As with any medical procedure, a healthy diet and lifestyle will add significantly to your recovery. Keep your daily salt consumption to a minimum, and to reduce swelling, eat foods with high vitamin K content, such as yogurt and eggs. And, of course, it is imperative to avoid smoking or alcohol consumption for at least the first several weeks following your procedure.

The rapid recovery period of breast augmentation helps assure spectacular results while minimizing downtime, so there is no reason to hesitate to get the body you’ve always dreamed of having.

Detroit’s Best Breast Augmentation Surgery

If you live in the Detroit area, call all top rated, board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali for a consultation today.

Dr. Ali has performed breast augmentation on thousands of women in the metro Detroit area, and across Oakland County. He will answer your questions and take the time to explain what to expect before, during and after breast augmentation surgery in your unique situation.

Feel beautiful inside and out, with breast augmentation surgery. And remember, financing options are also available!