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What’s the Ideal Age for a Facelift?

With age, nearly everyone’s face develops cheek folds and loose skin around the neck. Many men and women alike choose to have a facelift because it removes loose skin and tightens the tissue around the facial muscles, resulting in a younger and rejuvenated appearance. But when is the ideal age to have this procedure? While […]

The Cosmetic Effects of Smoking

Did you know that the World Health Organization just recently predicted that within the next 20 years the number of people diagnosed with cancer will increase to 22 million? To give you some perspective, the number of new cancer cases as of right now (2014) is 14 million. The number one killer around the globe? […]

Can Areola Size Be Reduced?

Are you embarrassed or unhappy with the size of your areolas? You’re not alone. In fact, many women feel insecure with the aesthetics of their breasts. Often times, areola or nipple size can appear disproportionately large on one’s breast as a result of genetics, pregnancy, or increasing age. For those experiencing proportion issues, asymmetry between […]

Can “Bat Ears” Be Corrected With Surgery?

Rewind back to your elementary school days… do you recall anyone being called “bat ears” or being poked fun at because of their prominent ears? Prominent ears, or “ears that stick out” are one of the most common types of ear deformities. Although they don’t pose a threat to one’s health, they directly affect many […]

Juvederm Voluma™ XC Facial Filler

Amae Plastic Surgery Center is currently evaluating Voluma™, a new facial filler from Allergan. Voluma is an injectable gel that adds volume in the check area. This filler provides a subtle lift, which give the face a more youthful profile. Results have been shown to last up to two years. Voluma is different from Juvederm® […]

Anti-Aging Regimen: Strategies and Techniques

Injectables, fillers, Botox®, creams, treatments…what is all of this and how does it work? Anti-aging is not a one-shot solution. Battling the signs of aging is a multi-stage, multi-level effort. As we age, environmental factors cause skin damage; sunlight, airborne pollution, cosmetics and other factors all take a toll on skin. The basis of an […]

Does Insurance Cover Breast Reconstruction for Cancer Patients?

Many breast cancer patients are not aware that breast reconstruction is a viable option–both financially and physically–after a mastectomy. Since 1998, the Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act (WHCRA) has helped women with breast cancer who wish to have breast reconstruction surgery following a mastectomy. The WHCRA mandates that insurance companies that offer mastectomy coverage […]