What You Need to Know About Nose Jobs and Rhinoplasty

All About Nose Jobs & Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty – also called nose reshaping surgery or a “nose job” – is the third-most popular plastic surgery in the United States. And while early nose job techniques and technologies were far from perfect – today’s modern nose reshaping procedures result in beautiful, natural looking noses.

The nose is the focal point of our face – giving us character and symmetry – and is a distinguishing characteristic. However, for those dissatisfied with their noses, there are several plastic surgery options available.

What Can a Nose Job “Fix”

For people who are dissatisfied with their current nasal shape, here are some basic structures of the nose that are most often modified:

  • The bridge of the nose: This part of the nose, where glasses sit, can be altered or reshaped to remove any bumps or abnormalities.
  • The tip of the nose : The angle and shape of the tip can both be modified to best suit the patient’s goals.
  • The nasal ala and vestibule: The overall size of the nostrils (nares) can be altered by adding or subtracting from the ala and vestibule externally and internally.
  • The overall nose size or shape: Many people are more concerned with the size or shape of their nose than the particulars listed above, and just want an overall change.

Regardless of the type of surgical rhinoplasty you’re considering, it is critical to consult with a board certified plastic surgeon beforehand to outline your precise goals.

Bringing in photos of the type of nose you’d like is helpful, as is a detailed description. After deciding on the ideal outcome, each patient should talk to his or her surgeon to decide which type of rhinoplasty is better: open or closed.

Open Rhinoplasty

This technique involves an incision on the external space between the nostrils, an area also referred to as the columella. This incision can let the doctor see the overall internal nasal structure. The patient’s own tissue will be used in this procedure for skin grafting. The surgeon will place sutures carefully after reconstructing the nose, allowing for optimal results. Afterwards, the nose will appear a more balanced facial feature and can grow naturally, using the patient’s tissue as a scaffold.

The major benefit of open rhinoplasty is that it requires a small incision that allows the surgeon to see the entire nasal structure during this procedure, enabling the surgeon to creates an outcome that will likely be closely aligned to the patient’s goals.

Read More About Open Rhinoplasty HERE.

Closed Rhinoplasty

This form of rhinoplasty is performed through incisions inside the nose. While it is more difficult for the surgeon to see the internal nasal structures, this technique may leave behind no external scars. It all depends on what type of nose the patient has, as well as the goals she has in mind. Excellent results can be achieved by experienced board certified plastic surgeons like Dr. Ali, who have performed hundreds of rhinoplasties.

Read More About Closed Rhinoplasty HERE.

Detroit Area’s Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon

Whatever your appearance goals are, Dr. Ali will offer you a consultation so you can can understand what the best surgical options are for you so that you can achieve the nose you’ve always dreamed of.

Dr. M. Azhar Ali is a board-certified, Detroit area plastic surgeon who has performed more than 7,000 plastic surgery procedures. He and his team are experienced and knowledgeable aesthetic care professionals, skilled in providing treatments like rhinoplasty. The skilled team at  Dr. Ali’s Plastic Surgery Center offers state-of-the-art technologies and surgical techniques – coupled with comfortable & compassionate care – to all of their valued patients.

Schedule a Nose Job Consultation with a Detroit Area Rhinoplasty Surgeon: 248-335-7200


How Much Does Plastic Surgery Cost?

Bloomfield Hills, MI – Be it a friend, coworker, family member, or celebrity, most people know of someone who has had a tummy tuck, facelift, breast augmentation, or other procedure. Once reserved for the rich and famous, plastic surgery is much more available to the public today than ever before.

What are some common plastic surgeries, and just how much do they cost?

Surgeons today perform a vast amount of plastic surgeries. This broad scope encompasses everything from quick procedures like Botox injections to more complicated work like breast reconstruction. Then there are the “lifts” procedures: those for breasts, arms, butt, and thighs, all of which Detroit-area top surgeon Dr. Ali performs routinely. He is an expert at nearly two dozen different procedures and enjoys working with a variety of patients.

“When considering whether to undergo plastic surgery, there are many factors to take into account,” explains Dr. Ali. “Obviously, many people are concerned with the cost of each procedure, which can vary greatly. The price tag involves everything from the work being done to the surgeon’s qualifications to anesthesia to post-surgery medication and more.”

Cost for Breast Augmentation

Dr. Ali, who has completed more than 2,500 breast augmentation surgeries, gives an estimate. “The American Society of Plastic Surgeons puts the average procedure at about $3,700. However, this number does not include the actual operating room facilities, anesthesia, and several other costs. A better idea for the Detroit-area market is a price range from $3,700 to $8,500.” The complexity of work required, as well as whether patients prefer saline or silicone implants, factor into the final cost.

Average Prices for Other Procedures

For those uncertain about what surgery to pursue, Dr. Ali explains many of the common procedures he performs. Keeping in mind that each surgery has its own variables, the following list is a general guide to price ranges in the Detroit area:

  • Arm lift: $5,400 to $14,000; average: $9,800.
  • Botox: $200-$650; average: $375.
  • Brazilian butt lift: $4,500 to $10,500; average: $7,200.
  • Breast reduction: $300 to $14,000; average: $6,400.
  • CoolSculpting: $750 to $3,300; average: $1,800.
  • Eyelid surgery: $1, 100 to $6,500; average: $3,300.
  • A facelift: $7,500 to $15,00; average: $11,000.
  • Liposuction: $2,300 to $9,100; average: $5,200.
  • Rhinoplasty: $3,200 to $9,000; average: $6,100.
  • A tummy tuck: $4,000 to $12,000; average: $7,700.

Dr. Ali’s office also boasts the Botox Buddies Program, which saves a patient and a friend each $50 off the price.

The Bottom Line

“When it comes to deciding if plastic surgery is right for you, that’s ultimately a decision you need to make for yourself. However, I am happy to listen carefully to your desires to help improve your body image. Surgery is a wonderful option for many people, and I would be delighted to meet with you and determine how to meet your needs in the best way possible.”

To learn more about all the plastic surgery options available, contact Dr. Ali today to schedule an appointment at https://drali.com/make-an-appointment/.

About Us: With thousands of surgeries under his belt, board-certified Dr. Ali provides excellent services with a kind and compassionate touch to those in the Detroit, Michigan area.


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What Plastic Surgery Stigma?

Bloomfield Hills, MI – Over the years, millions of people have turned to plastic surgery to look and feel better, and have spent billions of dollars in the process. Once upon a time, these people would have stayed hidden from the public to hide their work. Today, however, more people are saying goodbye to the stigma formerly attached to plastic surgery and embracing their results.

“Years ago, people thought others only turned to plastic surgery to try to hold on to their youth,” says Bloomfield Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Ali. “Results of early nose jobs and other procedures were often a bit crude and cookie cutter, so it was obvious when someone had a procedure. Today, however, techniques have advanced so much that patients often leave others wondering if they’ve had work done.”

Today, we’re seeing more celebrities embracing the work they’ve had done, and even talking about it openly because they are proud of their results. Gone are the days of using fake names and going on extended vacations to hide their work. And every day people are following the lead, as they see the beautiful and natural results that can now be achieved.

“I often have patients coming to me for a facelift, tummy tuck, or a host of other procedures who aren’t trying to regain their youth, but simply trying to regain their vigor and self-confidence,” says Dr. Ali. “Good plastic surgery can be age appropriate and natural looking. The goal should always be to help our patients look and feel as great on the outside as they do on the inside. Today, we’re seeing patients who are so happy with their results, they can’t wait to shout them from the rooftops.”

We still see news of plastic surgery dominating tabloids. People love to guess “did they or didn’t they?” While there may still be people who think plastic surgery is bad, or fake, the negative opinions are starting to fall away to more positive, and empowered, ideas of what plastic surgery can do. And much of that has to do with how far plastic surgery has come over the years.

“In the early days of surgery, it’s true that many women turned to a surgeon to try to maintain their grasp on their youth,” says Dr. Ali. “This was especially true in the case of Hollywood starlets, who needed to stay youthful looking to continue their careers. Today, however, we’re seeing more women aging gracefully, and as strange as it may sound, plastic surgery can often help women do just that.”

Reasons for undergoing plastic surgery are deeply personal, and the experience can be very positive. When people feel good about the way they look, that confidence carries over into every aspect of their lives. They can gain back a renewed sense of self, and be more willing to tackle new goals and live life to the fullest.

And it seems that younger generations are more accepting of plastic surgery procedures. These younger generations feel it’s okay to be successful and look and feel your best, and know that plastic surgery procedures are often a great solution to that. With the popularity of Botox and fillers, people are getting introduced to the plastic surgery world at younger ages, and as they age, they are more willing to embrace more invasive procedures, if they feel they could benefit.

“I love what I do because I get to see how patients change from before their procedure to after,” says Dr. Ali. “The confidence I see in a woman who once again feels ready to tackle the world is a beautiful thing. Plastic surgery not only helps people look better, it helps them feel better, too. And I don’t think that is a bad thing at all.”

© 2016 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

portrait of beautiful young female face with bandage on her nose

Open Vs. Closed Rhinoplasty

Bloomfield Hills, MI – Are you interested in a nose job procedure, but aren’t sure what type will be best for you? Dr. Ali, a Michigan plastic surgeon, explains the type of procedures you may hear about at a consultation.

“Open and closed rhinoplasty procedures are two ways plastic surgeons reshape the nose,” says Dr. Ali. “Which one your surgeon uses will depend on the current shape of your nose, as well as the preference of your surgeon. Both types of surgery have advantages and disadvantages to them, so it is important you ask your surgeon which he or she is most comfortable with, and which is recommended for you.”

A closed rhinoplasty, also known as an endonasal rhinoplasty, leaves all of the incisions inside the nostrils. This is an advantage for the patient as no visible scars will be seen. However, there are some challenges to this type of procedure. The incisions in each nostril are disconnected, which can make it harder for the nasal skin to be repositioned.

Additionally, the incisions are very small, reducing visibility for the surgeon. This can make the surgery more difficult in complex nose jobs, such as changing the shape or position of the tip of the nose. However, this can be a great technique for bridge augmentation or minor refinements of the bridge. This procedure can also be used in correcting deviated septums, as long as there aren’t major cosmetic changes needed, as well.

An open rhinoplasty is also referred to as an external rhinoplasty. There are a few hidden, internal incisions, as well as an incision along the columella, the skin that attaches the right and left nostrils. This incision adds much greater visibility for the surgeon because it allows for the skin to be lifted back, allowing the surgeon better access to the structures of the nose.

An open procedure also allows for the cartilage of the nose to be less distorted during surgery, allowing the surgeon to see all aspects of the nasal cavity in a more undisturbed manner.

“While many patients may come to a consultation with a closed rhinoplasty in mind, it’s important to remember that the scar an open procedure will leave is tiny,” says Dr. Ali. “While I perform closed rhinoplasty procedures, it is hard to deny that better accuracy can come from an open procedure. The results would far outweigh a tiny scar. Open rhinoplasty has transformed how we are able to reshape noses, giving plastic surgeons better control and precision in treating more complex cases.”

When performed by a skilled and well-trained surgeon, such as Dr. Ali, an open rhinoplasty scar will heal excellently, making it practically invisible to the naked eye. Two layers of incisions will ensure the incision will close properly, allowing for healing that will make the incisions almost imperceptible to friends.

If you are ready to discuss a nose job procedure, call Dr. Ali today.

© 2015 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

Is Winter a Good Season for Cosmetic Procedures?

While it is safe to get cosmetic surgeries and procedures done at any time of the year, many people favor the winter and spring months. There are quite a few benefits to selecting the cooler months to take the steps to your best self!

Are you considering a surgery like breast augmentation or liposuction? The colder months may be the best time, as it’s easier to conceal swelling and wraps under bulkier clothing. Additionally as it’s typically a more sedentary time of year, it’s more conducive to resting and healing.

Perhaps you are doing something topical like a chemical peel? The winter months are perfect, as not only does this procedure allow you to get rid of the dry, dull winter skin but it also makes it easier to avoid direct sunlight during recovery. And, if you have kids, recovery is much easier if they’re still in school.

And finally, making improvements in the winter months insures you’re ready to go when spring arrives.


Is Social Media Driving a Trend?

In a recent survey of 753 plastic surgeons, doctors indicated they are seeing an increase in requests for plastic surgery and anti-aging procedures that is being driven by people’s desire to look good online and in social profiles. Some surgeons have speculated that this could be contributing to an increased demand for Botox, upper-arm lifts, nose re-shaping, and facelifts.

Of course, everyone wants to look good all the time, but plastic surgery is a very personal decision, and should only be undertaken to satisfy yourself, not others. In fact, there are many ways to improve your profile photo without plastic surgery.

First, make sure you have a great photo. Not surprisingly, photos taken by a professional photographer in a controlled and well lit setting are much higher quality and much more flattering than those “mug-shot” style photos taken against a white wall.

Also, an understanding of the application of cosmetics and your own physique can make a huge improvement in your profile pic. If you have a good side, make sure to get the shot from that side. If you’ve never had a professional makeup consultation, consider one.

There are many other ways to upgrade our profile photo. For a good article on this, visit check out Hello Gorgeous! 10 Tips to Look Great in Any Photo from Style Magazine.