Vaginal Tightening & Rejuvenation FAQs (Part 2)

Vaginal Tightening & Rejuvenation FAQs (Part 2)
Gentle, affordable Geneveve radiofrequency vaginal rejuvenation can stop bladder leaks & improve sexual intimacy with just one 30 minute treatment! It is a non-surgical vaginal tightening procedure that rejuvenates vaginal tissue, nerves & muscles. It is an affordable, painless, procedure performed in our Detroit Area medical office. There is no downtime, and you will see vaginal improvement within just a few weeks.
In this article we answer your Frequently Asked Questions about Vaginal Tightening.
Do all vagina’s really age?
Yes, just like all body tissues, vaginas are not immune to the effects of age, stress, gravity and normal “wear and tear”. However, aging in the vagina is not just a cosmetic issue! It can lead to serious issues for women that can disrupt their daily lives- including bladder leaks and painful or unsatisfying intercourse.
Signs of an aging vagina can include: dryness, bladder leakage, pain during intercourse, decreased orgasm, looseness during sexual intimacy.
Geneveve vaginal tightening treats all of these very common effects of vaginal aging. In fact some people refer to it as the equivalent of a “vaginal face lift”.
What technology does Geneveve® vaginal tightening use?
Geneveve® vaginal tightening utilizes a clinically-proven, FDA approved cryogen-cooled monopolar radiofrequency (CMRF) system. A small wand inserted into the vagina uniformly delivers gentle “volumetric heating” with radio waves, while also cooling the delicate vaginal surface tissue for comfort.
This radiofrequency heat stimulates the body’s natural cellular rejuvenation process, cuasing collagen to be produced and vaginal walls to thicken. This gives the soft tissue in the vagina a renewed youthful tone and texture. Read More HERE.
Is the VIVEVE Geneveve® vaginal tightening procedure safe?
Geneveve® vaginal tightening has been extensively clinically studied and tested. Absolutely no risks, side effects or interactions have been rported or identified.
As a result Geneveve® vaginal tightening is FDA approved for vaginal rejuvenation and the reduction of urinary stress incontinenece.
What is the Satisfaction Rate for Geneveve Vaginal Tightening?
Proven clinical studies have shown that Geneveve® vaginal tightening has an extremely high 98% satisfaction rate!
Why is Geneveve® Better than other Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatments?
Geneveve® is the only treatment option offering this patented radiofrequency technology. Viveve, their parent company, is a world leader in breakthrough vaginal treatments.
Geneveve® vaginal tightening requires only a single treatment, while other vaginal treatment methods require multiple or a series of treatments.
Because Geneveve® vaginal tightening is energy driven, the treatment reaches deeper into the vaginal tissue for longer sustainable results. Additionally, results can be seen much more quickly after Geneveve® vaginal tightening than other devices that take a longer amount of time to rebuild the tissue.
What does Geneveve vaginal tightening feel like?
Most of our patients report experiencing a sensation of heating and cooling during the treatment. It is infinitely more comfortable than a gynecological exam, and there is no pain nor even discomfort.
How long after Geneveve vaginal tightening can I have vaginal intercourse?
In most cases, Dr. Ali recommends that you only wait 24 hours after your treatment before having any type vaginal penetration. This will allow your vaginal tissue to begin the collagen restoration process.
How long does Geneveve vaginal tightening last?
Geneveve vaginal tightening is designed to last at least a year and for some women, it lasts much longer. Because the process stimulates the body’s own collagen production, Geneveve vaginal tightening really “turns back the clock” by producing more youthful vaginal tissue.
Vaginal Rejuvenation – Birmingham | Detroit Area
Dr. Ali has already helped hundreds of women in the Detroit area stop bladder leaks & improve sexual intimacy with just a single 30 minute Geneveve vaginal tightening treatment!
Geneveve is an affordable, painless, discreet, one-time procedure performed in our Detroit area, Birmingham medical office. There is no downtime, and you will begin to notice vaginal improvement – including fewer bladder leaks & improved intimacy – within just a few weeks.
If you live in the Detroit area, call us for a discreet, confidential vaginal tightening consultation and see if Geneveve is right for you!