Transgender Breast Augmentation Surgery
Transgender Breast Augmentation Surgery
As one of the metro-Detroit area’s preeminent breast augmentation surgeons, Dr. Ali has spent over twenty years aiding transgender women with breast enlargement. He is fully committed to providing beautiful, natural-looking breasts to all patients undergoing gender affirming breast augmentation.
Physical appearance plays a huge role in the gender transition process. We understand that our transgender patients can have more authentic and fulfilling lives when their body is aligned with their gender.
During augmentation mammoplasty (the medical term for transgender breast augmentation), the chest size and/or shape of transfeminine patients is enlarged during implants. With over two decades of experience in the field of breast implant surgery, Dr. Ali urges anyone considering transgender breast augmentation surgery to schedule a consultation, during which they can discuss how to meet all the desired outcomes of this crucial stage of their transition.
Candidates for Transgender Breast Augmentation Surgery
If you have clear-cut goals in place of how you’d like to look following your procedure, and are in good physical health, you may be an ideal candidate for transgender breast augmentation surgery. As every individual’s transition process entails different forms of therapy, it is recommended to pursue breast augmentation after having completed hormonal therapy and have attended professional counseling for at least three months (verifiable by our staff via a letter of recommendation from a licensed health professional). Additionally, candidates for transgender breast augmentation surgery must have discontinued use of medications that cause excessive bleeding (such as heparin or aspirin), or can result in any other negative side effects during surgery.
Choosing Your Breasts
Breast augmentation surgery to become your authentic self, offers you the opportunity to choose the size, shape, position and even the texture of your new breasts! We offer many wonder breast augmentation articles in our blog that can give you information on making this important decision.
When you schedule an appointment with Dr. Ali in our Detroit area office, you will be treated with dignity and respect, as he helps you select the perfect breast implants for your new body!
Transgender Breast Augmentation Results & Recovery
Transgender breast augmentation surgery patients will, in most cases, experience some soreness and bruising for a period of about two weeks following their procedure. It is recommended that patients take off at least one week of work following their transgender breast augmentation surgery. Dr. Ali takes great care to provide all transgender breast augmentation patients with specific, customized instructions on how to best care for themselves during their healing process, ensuring a swift and comfortable recovery.
Transgender Breast Augmentation – Detroit
The breast enlargement process can be one of the defining moments in an individual’s transition journey. As one of the human body’s physical attributes most closely associated with femininity, breasts provide a person with the option of wearing whichever type of clothing they like, looking naturally feminine without the requirement of padded bras. And while gender identity may be on the inside, Dr. Ali can help all transitioning patients match with their outward appearance, helping them look like the person they’ve always been.