Top Reasons People Choose Blepharoplasty Surgery

The Many Benefits of Blepharoplasty Surgery

Blepharoplasty, commonly known as eyelid surgery, is a cosmetic procedure designed to enhance the appearance of the upper and lower eyelids. Blepharoplasty addresses various concerns related to the eyes, from improving vision to helping individuals achieve a more youthful, refreshed, and beautiful appearance.

In this article, top Troy, MI area board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali explores some of the most common reasons people opt for blepharoplasty surgery.

Blepharoplasty Surgery to Improve Vision

Ptosis, commonly called ‘droopy eyelids’, is a very common concern that can be caused by aging, genetics, or certain medical conditions. Excess skin and weakened muscles can lead the eyelids to sag – not only creating a tired or sad appearance but interfering with vision.

Blepharoplasty can effectively correct ptosis by removing excess skin, tightening muscles, and restoring a more alert and youthful eye appearance. By addressing this issue, blepharoplasty surgery not only enhances appearance but can also improve eyesight and peripheral vision.

Blepharoplasty Surgery to Look Younger

Under-eye bags are another prevalent concern, often associated with aging and genetics. These puffy areas can make individuals appear fatigued or older than they feel.

Most non-surgical treatments for undereye bags – like creams and serums – only provide limited and temporary improvement. Blepharoplasty surgery offers a more definitive, long-lasting solution. Blepharoplasty can remove or reposition fat deposits and excess skin, reducing the appearance of under-eye bags.

Wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes, such as crow’s feet, can be a source of frustration for many, adding years to one’s appearance. While Botox is an excellent option for treating crow’s feet around the eyes, it is only a temporary solution. Blepharoplasty can provide longer-lasting results by addressing the underlying causes of these wrinkles.

Blepharoplasty surgery can help reduce the appearance of these lines by tightening the skin and tissues around the eyes, creating a smoother and more youthful look.

Blepharoplasty for Overall Facial Harmony

Older patients are not the only patients who turn to blepharoplasty surgery to improve their appearance. The eyes are a focal point of the face, and imbalances, asymmetry or other discrepancies in the eyes can affect overall facial harmony. Blepharoplasty can bring balance to the face, ensuring that the eyes look youthful and in proportion with other facial features.

Many Asian men and women choose to have blepharoplasty surgery to create a double eyelid crease in order to make their eyes look larger and more open – imparting depth and definition to the eyes, and also making it easier to apply and wear makeup.

Patients also often choose blepharoplasty as part of a broader facial rejuvenation strategy, combining it with other procedures like facelifts or brow lifts to achieve comprehensive aesthetic and/or anti-aging results.

Blepharoplasty Surgery for Other Medical Conditions

Some medical conditions, such as thyroid disease, myasthenia gravis (MG), and even chronic allergies, can cause sagginess or puffiness and swelling around the eyes. Blepharoplasty surgery can help to improve the appearance of the eyes in many of these cases.

Blepharoplasty surgery can also improve the drainage of fluids from the eyelids, which can further reduce puffiness and swelling.

Blepharoplasty Surgery Troy, MI Area

Blepharoplasty Surgery can provide a significant psychological and emotional lift by helping individuals look as youthful, vibrant and energetic as they feel. Blepharoplasty surgery can also remove excess skin and improve vision.

There are many reasons why people choose to have blepharoplasty surgery. Whether you are choosing blepharoplasty to improve your eyesight – or to look younger, boost your self-confidence, and feel better about your appearance, Dr. Ali at AMAE Plastic Surgery in the Troy, MI area is here to help.

If you are considering blepharoplasty surgery, it is important to talk to a skilled and experienced board-certified plastic surgeon, like Dr. Ali, in the Troy, MI area. Blepharoplasty surgery is a safe and effective procedure that can yield beautiful, life-changing results in the hands of a skilled plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali in the Troy, MI area – who combines anatomy, artistry, and experience to help you become the most beautiful version of you! Schedule your blepharoplasty surgery consultation today!

Blepharoplasty Surgery Troy, MI Area: 248.335.7200


Asian Eyelid Lift Surgery – Improving Vision, Enhancing Beauty

Eyelid Lift Surgery for Asian Men & Women

Troy, Michigan is truly a melting pot of beautiful cultures. And Troy’s second largest ethnic group is Asians – comprising more than 25% of Troy’s varied and diverse population.

The beauty of diversity lies in the unique features that distinguish individuals from various ethnic backgrounds. Every ethnicity has their own distinctive beauty. Asian men and women, for example, possess distinct eyelid structures that contribute to their allure. However, the beautiful almond shaped eyes that are characteristic of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and other Asian heritage have their own unique medical and cosmetic issues – from vision impairment to aesthetic concerns.

As a result, many Asian men and women consider eyelid lift surgery, also known as Asian blepharoplasty or double eyelid surgery, for an array of reasons that aim to enhance their natural beauty, and improve vision, while maintaining their unique characteristics. At AMAE plastic surgery, skilled and experienced board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of Asian patients become more satisfied and confident in the appearance of their eyes, while still respecting and maintaining their exquisite Asian heritage.

What Is Asian Eyelid Lift Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

Asian eyelid structure is unique in many ways. One of the most common features is the ‘monolid’, which is an eyelid without a crease. Asian eyes also tend to be smaller and rounder than Western eyes. These unique features can be beautiful, but they can also lead to some concerns about appearance.

Many Asian men and women consider eyelid lift surgery to improve the appearance of their eyes. Eyelid lift surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the upper and lower eyelids. It can also tighten the muscles around the eyes.

There are many reasons why Asian men and women may choose to have eyelid lift surgery. Below we discuss a few of the most common reasons.

Asian Eyelid Lift Surgery to Correct Ptosis

Ptosis is a condition where the upper eyelid partially covers the pupil, thereby impairing vision. This condition can affect individuals of all ethnicities, but it’s often more pronounced in Asians due to their unique eyelid structure.

Eyelid lift surgery can correct ptosis, restoring optimal vision and improving the aesthetic appearance of the eyes. By addressing ptosis through surgery, patients not only enjoy a more youthful and refreshed look but also experience functional benefits like improved sight and peripheral vision.

Asian Eyelid Lift Surgery to Create a Double Eyelid Crease

A double eyelid crease is a fold of skin that runs across the upper eyelid. It is a common feature of Western eyes, but it is not as common in Asian eyes – which often have a “monolid”. Many Asian men and women choose to have eyelid lift surgery to create a double eyelid crease in order to make their eyes look larger and more open.

An eyelid lift can introduce a crease, imparting depth and definition to the eyes. A defined eyelid crease can make the eyes appear larger, brighter, and more expressive. It enhances the overall facial aesthetics by accentuating the eyes, which are often considered the windows to the soul.

Additionally, many Asian women appreciate makeup as a form of self-expression and creativity. An eyelid lift can provide a more defined canvas for makeup application, allowing eyeshadows, eyeliners, and mascaras to be showcased more effectively. With an enhanced eyelid crease, makeup can be applied more precisely, and colors can pop, leading to endless possibilities for artistic and glamorous looks.

Asian Eyelid Lift Surgery to Look Younger

People of all ethnicities experience drooping of the eyelids and/or ‘bags’ under the eyes as the skin ages and loses elasticity. This causes a person to look tired and older than they are (or feel). But due to the distinctive structure of typical Asian eyes, sagging skin can be particularly troublesome.

Eyelid lift surgery can remove excess skin from the upper eyelids, as well as remove puffy bags under the eyes, for a younger and more refreshed appearance. By eliminating excess skin, reducing wrinkles and bags, and rejuvenating the eye area, eyelid lift surgery can help Asian individuals look as young as they feel.

Choosing a Plastic Surgeon for Asian Eyelid Lift Surgery

If you are considering eyelid lift surgery, it is important to select an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon who understands the unique eyelid anatomy of Asian patients. Dr. Ali is a board-certified plastic surgeon in the Troy, MI area who has extensive experience performing eyelid lift surgery on Asian patients. Dr. Ali understands the unique challenges of Asian eyelid surgery and can help you achieve the results you desire, without compromising your identity or ethnic heritage.

Asian Eyelid Lift Surgery | Troy, MI

Eyelid lift surgery can be a life-changing procedure for Asian men and women. By choosing an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali, you can ensure that you receive the best possible care and achieve the aesthetic results you desire, without sacrificing your beautiful Asian identity.

Dr. Ali combines artistry with medical precision to deliver beautiful and harmonious outcomes for a younger and more beautiful version of you! Schedule your Asian Eyelid Lift Surgery at AMAE Plastic Surgery in the Troy, MI area today.

Asian Eyelid Lift Surgery | Troy, MI: 248.335.7200



Breast Augmentation Frequently Asked Questions

Plastic Surgeon Dr. Ali Answers Breast Augmentation FAQs

Breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic procedure that can enhance breast size, shape, position, and overall appearance. AT AMAE Plastic Surgery in the Troy, MI area, Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women get the beautiful bustline they have always wanted with breast augmentation surgery.

If you’re considering this transformative surgery, you likely have several questions. In this article we answer some of our patients’ most frequently asked questions about breast augmentation with informative answers to guide you through the process.

Of course, the best way to get your personal breast augmentation surgery questions answered is by scheduling a consultation with skilled and experienced board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali at AMAE Plastic Surgery in the Troy, MI area.

What are the different types of breast implants?

There are two main types of breast implants: saline and silicone. Saline implants are filled with sterile saline (salt water) solution and have a rounder more projecting appearance. Silicone implants – sometimes called gummy bear implants – are filled with silicone gel and have a more natural “teardrop appearance.

Both types of implants have their own advantages and disadvantages. You can read more about the differences HERE.

Which type of breast implant is right for me?

The best way to decide which type of breast implant is right for you is to talk to a skilled and experienced board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali at AMAE Plastic Surgery in the Troy, MI area. He will take into account your individual needs, body type, budget, lifestyle, and aesthetic preferences when making a recommendation.

Where is the incision made for breast augmentation surgery?

There are three main incision sites for breast augmentation surgery:

  • Inframammary fold incision: This incision is made in the crease below the breast.
  • Periareolar incision: This incision is made around the edge of the areola (nipple).
  • Transaxillary incision: This incision is made in the armpit.

The incision site that board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali will choose will depend on a number of factors, including the type of implant you choose, your breast shape, and your personal preferences.

Additionally, the implants can be placed over or under the chest muscle. Placement depends on factors such as the patient’s anatomy, implant type, and desired outcome.

Will my breasts look natural after breast augmentation surgery?

Yes, your breasts should look and feel natural after breast augmentation surgery. Dr. Ali will work with you to choose the right implant size and shape for your body. He will also place the implants in a way that will create a natural-looking appearance.

With many breast augmentation surgeons you have to guess or ‘imagine’ what your new breasts will look like. But at AMAE Plastic Surgery in the Troy, MI area DR. Ali offers MAE state-of-the-art Vectra 3D imaging. This revolutionary technology provides a three-dimensional computerized image of your breast enhancement results from every angle – so that Dr. Ali can show you your expected outcomes before your breast augmentation surgery.

Will breast augmentation surgery leave scars?

Scarring is inevitable with any surgery – but skilled and experienced board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali ensures that scars are kept to a minimum, and placed in the least visible location possible.

What is the recovery time for breast augmentation surgery?

Most women are able to return to work and light activities within a week of breast augmentation surgery. However, it is important to avoid strenuous activity for several weeks after surgery.

The surgical team at AMAE Plastic Surgery in the Troy, MI area will provide you with detailed post-operative instructions for your recovery.

How much does breast augmentation surgery cost?

The cost of breast augmentation surgery varies depending on a number of factors, including the type of implant you choose. Generally, saline implants are less expensive that silicone breast implants.

Remember, like anything else in life, you get what you pay for. You are also paying for the surgical center, the anesthesiologist, and your surgeon’s skill and experience. So, while it is important to find a fair price, you shouldn’t simply select a breast augmentation surgeon by who is cheapest. A Corvette costs more than a KIA.

If you are considering breast augmentation surgery, it is important to schedule a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon (not just a ‘cosmetic surgeon’ or ‘general surgeon’) to learn more about the procedure as it applies to you – and to discuss your individual needs, expectations, and costs. Make sure to ask to see the plastic surgeons portfolio of before and after photos, too, to ensure that he or she is capable of delivering safe and beautiful results at a fair price.

Is breast augmentation surgery safe?

Yes, breast augmentation surgery is an extremely safe procedure when performed by an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon. Remember not all doctors who call themselves ‘surgeons’ or ‘cosmetic surgeons’ are actually board-certified plastic surgeons like Dr. Ali.

As with any surgery, there are some risks associated with breast augmentation surgery. These risks are relatively low, and include issues like infection, but it is important to be aware of them before making a decision about surgery. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali will discuss all potential surgical risks with you during your consultation, based on your age, overall health, lifestyle, and type of surgery.

Will breast augmentation surgery affect my ability to breastfeed?

Breast augmentation surgery may affect your ability to breastfeed. This is because the surgery can damage the milk ducts and nerves in the breast. However, many women who have had breast augmentation surgery are still able to breastfeed. If you are considering breast augmentation surgery and you plan to breastfeed in the future, it is important to talk to your plastic surgeon about the risks and benefits of surgery.

How long will my breast implants last?

It’s important to note that breast implants do not come with an expiration date or a shelf life. While breast implants are not designed to last forever, they can last for decades – depending on the type of implant, the patients health and lifestyle, and other factors.

Today’s breast implants last on average anywhere between 10 to 20 years, with many women having their implants beyond 20 years and even for the rest of their life. If you are considering breast augmentation surgery, it is important to talk to Dr. Ali about the risks, benefits, and life expectancy of your breast implant surgery, to discuss your individual needs and expectations.

Top Breast Augmentation Surgery | Troy, MI Area

These are just a few of the many questions asked by our Troy, MI area patients about breast augmentation.

If you would like to know more about the “FAQs” of breast augmentation surgery as it would affect you, schedule a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali in the Troy, MI area – and take the first step to having the beautiful bustline you have always wanted.

Breast Augmentation Surgery | Troy, MI Area: 248.335.7200

arm lift surgery detroit

How to Get Rid of Flabby Arms & Loose Arm Skin

How to Get Rid of Saggy, Flabby Arms & Loose Arm Skin

The first day of summer has finally arrived in the Detroit area! And as men and women pull out their bathing suits and tank tops for some summer fun, they can often be disheartened by the appearance of their flabby arms and saggy, hanging loose arm skin.

Unfortunately even rigorous exercise typically won’t tighten and tone the annoying skin that hangs down from the upper arm. But the good news is that Detroit area board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali can permanently tone and tighten even the saggiest arms with routine and affordable arm lift surgery.

What Causes Flabby Arms & Loose Arm Skin?

Sometimes unkindly called “bat wings” or “bingo wings” loose skin on the arms can be the result of significant weight gain and/or loss, or simply caused by the aging process, gravity, or just a genetic predisposition to saggy arm skin.

In other words, if you have lost a lot of weight, or if you are over 50, or if your mom had loose arm skin, there’s a good chance you will end up with flabby arms.

Whatever the cause of loose arm skin, it simply can’t be remedied with exercise because it is the skin (and not the muscle) that is “loose”. While exercise can tighten muscles, it does not tone skin.

How to Get Rid of Flabby Arms & Loose Arm Skin

Fortunately, new technologies and advancements in surgical techniques have now made it faster, easier and safer to get rid of loose, flabby upper arm skin with routine arm lift surgery.

These new arm lift surgeries enable Detroit area board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali to surgically get rid of flabby arms with better results, less discomfort and substantially less downtime.

In fact there has been an astounding 5000% increase in arm lift surgeries in the last twenty years, according to statistics released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Their 2018 report indicates that there were 338 arm lifts performed in the year 2000, more than 15, 000 performed in 2012, and 18,033 arm lift surgeries in the US in 2018!

How Arm Lift Surgery (Brachioplasty) Is Performed

Arm Lift Surgery (Brachioplasty) is a fairly “routine” and safe surgical intervention for individuals who have experienced significant weight loss, natural aging, or genetics that have left them with excess skin and a lack of arm contour.

The brachioplasty procedure typically begins with the patient under general anesthesia to ensure comfort throughout the surgery. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali, will then make an incision on the inner aspect of the upper arm. The length and pattern of the incision will vary depending on the extent of skin laxity and the patient’s unique anatomy. Dr. Ali will skillfully remove the excess skin and fat, reshaping the underlying tissues to create a smoother, more toned appearance.

One of the key advantages of entrusting your arm lift surgery to a  skilled and certified board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali is the ability to achieve beautiful results with minimal scarring. Dr. Ali’s expertise allows for precise incision placement and closure techniques that promote faster healing and the most discreet scars possible. Following the procedure, patients typically experience a relatively fast recovery period, and any post-operative discomfort is managed with prescribed medications. As the treated area heals and swelling subsides, a sculpted, contoured arm is revealed that enhances one’s overall appearance, makes them look younger, and boosts confidence.

Arm Lifts Permanently Get Rid of Loose Arm Skin

One of the best things about an arm lift for loose or flabby arm skin is that the results are permanent, as long as the patient does not gain or lose a significant amount of weight after. Of course, the body will still undergo the normal aging process, but once the loose arm skin is removed, it’s gone for good.

And, for patients with excess upper arm fat, in addition to loose arm skin, arm lift surgery can also be combined with liposuction. Liposuction is also a permanent procedure that “sucks out” excess fat through a small tube – and once the fat cells are removed they will never return in that area!

Arm Lift Before And After Photos

arm lift beforearm lift after
arm lift birmingham miarm lift birmingham mi


Get Rid of Loose, Flabby Arms this Summer

If you have loose, flabby arm skin, there is no need to keep hiding under long sleeves at the pool or beach, and on hot Detroit summer days! Schedule an arm lift consultation with board certified Detroit area plastic surgeon Dr. Ali today – and get toned, tight arms you’ll love to show off in a sleeveless dress, tank top or bathing suit!

Detroit Area’s Top Best Arm Lift Doctor

Birmingham double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women and men get the firm arms that they have always wanted with Arm Lift Surgery. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Ali, and he will take the time to discuss your appearance goals and help you decide if brachioplasty is right for you!

And, we also offer easy financing options through Care Credit and MLend – so you can get the arm lift surgery you want, without waiting another summer.

Call for a Detroit Area Arm Lift Consultation & Get Rid of Saggy, Flabby Arms for Good: 248-335-7200

A Flat Belly with Less Downtime: the Mini Tummy Tuck

The Revolutionary “Mini Tummy Tuck”

The results of tummy tuck surgery can be amazing – providing one’s abdominal area with a toned, firm appearance. Tummy tucks are especially popular among women after childbirth, but the effects of a tummy tuck can be reaped by anyone. A tummy tuck is also a great way to tighten up one’s physique after significant weight loss. But since the traditional tummy tuck surgery is relatively invasive, many patients ask if similar results be attained through something less invasive.

In this article, board certified Troy, MI area plastic surgeon Dr. Ali discusses what is known as the Mini Tummy Tuck: a procedure that provides comparable skin tightening results, while being less invasive than traditional tummy tuck surgery.

Traditional Tummy Tuck Surgery

To understand what makes the Mini Tummy Tuck so remarkable, we must first understand its traditional, more invasive predecessor. Tummy tuck surgery generally involves creating an incision in the abdomen area that runs all the way from one side to the other. This allows for the removal of excess skin. The abdominal skin is then pulled tight to create a smooth, toned stomach area.

In addition to removing and tightening loose skin, tummy tuck surgery may also include the removal of some unwanted fat. A traditional tummy tuck is also capable of repairing and restructuring the muscles of the treatment area, something especially beneficial from women whose abdominal muscles have separated following pregnancy.

At AMAE Plastic Surgery, we believe it is important for our patients to have an equal understanding of both the traditional tummy tuck surgery procedure as well as a Mini Tummy Tuck. While there are a number of similarities between the two, they are ultimately two very different procedures. Board certified Troy, MI area plastic surgeon will gladly help you determine which procedure is right for you during your consultation.

How a Mini Tummy Tuck Works

A full tummy tuck is performed to rejuvenate the entire upper and lower abdominal area. However, a Mini Tummy Tuck is performed to surgically tighten just the lower abdomen – through a less extensive procedure than a traditional tummy tuck. A Mini Tummy Tuck is ideal for correcting loose skin as well as stretch marks below the belly button. Patients at our Troy, MI area area plastic surgery practice regularly chose the Mini Tummy Tuck to get rid of what is sometimes called a “pouch” or “paunch” … that stubborn, saggy, lower belly.

During a Mini Tummy Tuck, loose abdominal muscles may be tightened through a single small incision, made just above the pubic mound. Then, after then removing any excess skin, the abdominal wall will be restored to a flat, smooth appearance. When completely healed, the scar from a Mini Tummy Tuck will be incredibly small, appearing as simply a thin, horizontal line, no longer than a few inches in length. So, any scarring is much smaller in a Mini Tummy Tuck.

While a great many people have left our Troy, MI area area practice thrilled with the results of their Mini Tummy Tuck, we must reiterate that the procedure is not right for everyone. The results of a Mini Tummy Tuck are not identical to traditional tummy tuck surgery. Excess skin, fat, or stretch marks located above the belly button cannot be treated with a Mini Tummy Tuck. Furthermore, as the name suggests, a Mini Tummy Tuck is capable of removing a much smaller amount of skin or fat than a full tummy tuck.

Benefits of a Mini Tummy Tuck

With that in mind, the less invasive nature of the Mini Tummy Tuck makes the procedure highly desirable among patients visiting our Troy, MI area facility. While offering a small size of incision, the Mini Tummy Tuck is capable of producing some truly impressive results. And when a patient chooses to include liposuction in their Mini Tummy Tuck treatment plan, select areas of unwanted fat can be removed as well!

A Mini Tummy Tuck takes less time to perform than full tummy tuck surgery, and is an all-around less invasive procedure. Mini Tummy Tuck patients also enjoy a shorter and easier period of recovery, in addition to the smaller scar. And since a Mini Tummy Tuck entails physically removing excess abdominal skin as well as fat, the results of the procedure are frequently much more pronounced than those of non-surgical treatments like CoolSculpting.

Mini Tummy Tuck – Troy, MI area

In addition to full traditional tummy tuck surgery and mini tummy tucks, we also offer several less invasive procedures for getting a flatter, toned tummy, including liposuction, CoolSculpting and amazing new Profound skin tightening.

To learn more about the Mini Tummy Tuck, or other tummy toning procedures, contact AMAE Plastic Surgery for a consultation. Then come and relax in our Troy, MI area office while we help you look and feel better than ever.

Mini Tummy Tuck – Troy, MI area: 248-335-7200

Rhinoplasty Surgery: How to Select the Perfect Nose Shape

Choosing the Best Nose Shape for Rhinoplasty Surgery

Rhinoplasty, also known as a “nose job,” is a surgical procedure that alters the shape, structure, and appearance of the nose. This change is achieved by modifying the bone, cartilage, or both. Rhinoplasty can be performed for aesthetic reasons, such as refining the nose’s shape or size to enhance facial harmony. Alternatively, it can be performed for medical reasons, such as correcting breathing difficulties or repairing deformities resulting from trauma or birth defects.

In many cases rhinoplasty surgery combines an improvement in appearance with functional benefits – such as better breathing.

The decision to undergo rhinoplasty surgery should not be taken lightly. It requires an in-depth understanding of the procedure, its benefits, and potential risks. And one of the most important considerations is deciding on the perfect nose shape for you.

In this article renowned Detroit area rhinoplasty surgeon Dr. Ali provides comprehensive information about selecting the perfect nose shape.

The Art of Selecting the Perfect Nose Shape

Selecting the perfect nose shape is a critical aspect of rhinoplasty. However, “perfect” does not mean a universally ideal shape, but rather, the right shape that complements the patient’s unique facial features. Many factors influence this decision, including facial balance, proportions, and the patient’s ethnic heritage.

Each individual’s facial features are unique, and the perfect nose shape for one person might not be suitable for another. Therefore, the goal of rhinoplasty is not to achieve a “one-size-fits-all” nose but to create a nose that harmonizes with the patient’s other facial features.

Facial Balance & Proportions in Rhinoplasty

In rhinoplasty, the importance of considering facial balance and proportions cannot be overstated. The nose is a central feature of the face, and its size and shape can significantly impact overall facial harmony. Therefore, a rhinoplasty surgeon must have a keen understanding of facial anatomy and aesthetics.

A well-proportioned nose is one that is in harmony with the rest of the facial features. For instance, a larger nose might be more suitable for a person with larger facial features, while a smaller nose might be more fitting for a person with more delicate features.

Respecting Ethnic Heritage in Rhinoplasty

In the field of rhinoplasty, respecting the patient’s ethnic heritage is also of paramount importance. Unfortunately, many cosmetic surgeons simply churn out small, Caucasian noses in every rhinoplasty. Every ethnicity has distinct nasal characteristics, and preserving these characteristics is essential to maintain the individual’s unique identity and avoiding an incongruous or homogenized look.

A skilled rhinoplasty surgeon will take into account the patient’s ethnic background when planning the procedure. This ensures that the resulting nose shape is not only aesthetically pleasing but also aligns with the patient’s ethnic features, preserving their individuality and cultural identity.

Celebrity Noses May Not Be Right for Your Unique Face

While it’s not uncommon for patients to bring photos of celebrities as a reference for their desired nose shape, it’s essential to remember that what works for one person (celebrity or not) may not be suitable for another. Each person’s facial structure is unique, and the perfect nose for someone else may not be the best fit for you.

A skilled rhinoplasty surgeon will guide the patient towards a nose shape that enhances their unique facial features rather than attempting to replicate a celebrity’s nose. The ultimate goal of rhinoplasty is to enhance the patient’s natural beauty and increase their confidence, not to create a carbon copy of someone else’s features.

Vectra 3D Imaging: See Your Nose Before Your Rhinoplasty

The use of advanced technology such as Vectra 3D imaging has revolutionized the field of rhinoplasty. This technology allows patients to visualize their potential results before the surgery. It provides a realistic representation of how the nose will look post-surgery, helping to manage expectations and facilitate communication between the patient and the surgeon.

At AMAE Plastic Surgery in the Detroit area we offer Vectra 3D facial imaging that lets you see how your new nose shape will look BEFORE you undergo rhinoplasty surgery.

Alternatives to Surgical Rhinoplasty: “Liquid Nose Job”

For those who are hesitant about undergoing surgical rhinoplasty, there are alternative procedures available, such as the so-called “liquid nose job”. This non-surgical procedure involves the use of dermal fillers to alter the nose’s shape, providing a temporary solution for minor cosmetic concerns.

While fillers cannot make a nose smaller, they can be used to even-out, smooth or reduce the appearance of bumps, dents, or ‘hooks’ in the nasal structure. They can also be used to create symmetry or create a more defined or sculpted ‘tip’ of the nose.

Is Rhinoplasty Right for Me?

Deciding to undergo rhinoplasty is a personal decision that should be made after careful consideration and consultation with a trusted and experienced board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali. Rhinoplasty can offer many benefits, from enhancing facial harmony to improving breathing function. However, it’s essential to have realistic expectations and understand that the goal of rhinoplasty is not to achieve a universally ideal nose shape but a shape that complements your unique facial features. At AMAE Plastic Surgery in the Detroit area, Dr. M. Azar Ali and his team are ready to guide you on your rhinoplasty journey, ensuring you receive the care you deserve – and a nose you will love for the rest of your life.

Top Rhinoplasty Surgeon | Detroit Area

For patients considering rhinoplasty in the Detroit area, AMAE Plastic Surgery offers expert surgical procedures performed by one of Detroit’s top, board certified plastic surgeons. Dr. Ali combines his exceptional surgical skills with a keen aesthetic eye to deliver outstanding results that honor the patient’s unique facial features and ethnic heritage.

Remember, not all doctors who claim to be ‘cosmetic surgeons’ are actually board-certified plastic surgeons. So always check your surgeon’s board-certifications and other credentials carefully.

At AMAE Plastic Surgery in the Detroit area, our team is committed to providing the highest standard of care, ensuring each patient receives a personalized treatment plan tailored to their individual needs and aesthetic goals. If you live in the Detroit area, schedule a consultation at AMAE Plastic Surgery to discuss your options, view your potential rhinoplasty results with our Vectra 3D imaging, and embark on your journey toward enhanced self-confidence and well-being.

Rhinoplasty Surgery | Detroit Area: 248.335.7200


Rhinoplasty Surgery Offers Benefits Beyond Aesthetics

The Many Advantages of Rhinoplasty Surgery

Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a ‘nose job,’ is more than a mere cosmetic procedure. It holds the potential to transform lives by improving not just physical aesthetics but also functionality and self-confidence.

In this article the rhinoplasty we delve into some of the advantages of rhinoplasty surgery, exploring its benefits beyond aesthetics and introducing you to the expert team at AMAE Plastic Surgery in West Bloomfield.

What is Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that reshapes the nose to enhance its appearance or improve breathing function. It can alter the size, shape, and proportion of the nose – it can also correct congenital problems, deformity due to injuries, or issues that affect breathing. It’s a common but fairly complex plastic surgery procedure that requires great skill, meticulous planning, and a thorough understanding of the intricate structures and functions of the nose.

Rhinoplasty surgery can be classified into two types: cosmetic and functional. Cosmetic rhinoplasty focuses on changing the nose’s appearance to suit the patient’s aesthetic preferences. On the other hand, functional rhinoplasty is concerned with improving the nose’s function, often addressing issues like a deviated septum that hampers breathing. It’s not uncommon for both cosmetic and functional procedures to be performed simultaneously to achieve a balance of form and function.

The Art & Science Behind Rhinoplasty Surgery

Rhinoplasty is considered the most artistic of all plastic surgeries, requiring a blend of surgical precision and aesthetic skill. The plastic surgeon needs to understand the complex anatomy of the nose, including the skin, cartilage, bone, and the delicate balance between these elements. The surgeon must also consider the patient’s facial proportions and features to create a natural-looking result that enhances overall facial harmony.

The science behind rhinoplasty involves advanced surgical techniques and tools, such as computer imaging software that helps visualize potential outcomes – like Vectra 3D pre-surgical imaging available at AMAE Plastic Surgery in the West Bloomfield area. This technology allows surgeons to communicate effectively with patients, ensuring their expectations align with what can be realistically achieved.

Benefits of Rhinoplasty Surgery Beyond Aesthetics

While rhinoplasty is often associated with improving one’s appearance, its benefits extend far beyond aesthetics. For one, it can significantly improve breathing difficulties caused by structural abnormalities, such as a deviated septum. This can result in better sleep, increased energy levels, and even enhanced athletic performance.

Rhinoplasty can also foster improved self-esteem and confidence. As the nose is a central and prominent feature of the face, any perceived imperfections can cause feelings of self-consciousness. By addressing these concerns, rhinoplasty can help individuals feel more comfortable in their skin, positively impacting their social, personal, and professional lives.

The Role of the Plastic Surgeon in Rhinoplasty

The plastic surgeon’s role in rhinoplasty surgery is crucial. They must possess the surgical skill to perform the procedure effectively and the aesthetic judgment to create a result that complements the patient’s facial features. They also need to guide patients throughout the process, from initial consultation through post-operative care, ensuring their safety, comfort, and satisfaction.

AMAE Plastic Surgery is a premier destination for rhinoplasty surgery for patients in the West Bloomfield area. AMAE Plastic Surgery is dedicated to delivering personalized care and exceptional rhinoplasty results. We combine cutting-edge technology with the latest surgical techniques, and Dr. Ali’s experienced artistry to provide patients with the best possible outcome.

At the helm of AMAE Plastic Surgery is Dr. Ali, a board-certified plastic surgeon renowned for his expertise in rhinoplasty. With a keen eye for aesthetics and an unwavering commitment to patient care, Dr. Ali has helped countless individuals achieve their desired results. His deep understanding of the art and science behind rhinoplasty, coupled with his meticulous attention to detail, ensures that every procedure he performs is tailored to the patient’s unique needs and goals.

Rhinoplasty Surgery | West Bloomfield Area

Deciding on rhinoplasty surgery is a deeply personal decision that should not be taken lightly. It requires careful consideration and thorough research to ensure it’s the right choice for you. Understanding the procedure, its benefits beyond aesthetics, and the role of the plastic surgeon can help you make an informed decision.

When considering rhinoplasty, it’s vital to choose a reputable board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali, who can guide you through the process with expertise and care. Remember, not all doctors who claim to be ‘cosmetic surgeons’ are actually board-certified plastic surgeons. So always check your surgeon’s credentials carefully.

Rhinoplasty can be a transformative procedure that goes beyond improving physical appearance. It can enhance your quality of life by improving breathing, boosting self-confidence, and fostering a positive self-image. If you’re considering rhinoplasty, schedule a consultation at AMAE Plastic Surgery to discuss your options, view your potential results with our Vectra 3D imaging software, and embark on your journey toward enhanced self-confidence and well-being.

Rhinoplasty Surgery | West Bloomfield Area: 248.335.7200

Top 10 Tips for the Best Breast Augmentation Results

Plastic Surgeons Share Tips for the Best Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure that enhances the size, shape, and position of a woman’s breasts. This procedure involves the insertion of breast implants under the breast tissue or chest muscles – to increase the fullness and projection of the breasts, lift their position when necessary, and improve the balance and proportions of the woman’s figure.

A well-done breast augmentation can enhance a woman’s self-image, improve her confidence, and make her comfortable in clothes, bathing suits, lingerie – or when undressed.

The popularity of breast augmentation has grown significantly in the last decade, primarily due to advancements in surgical techniques and implant technology. More and more women are exploring breast augmentation as a means to improve their physical appearance and boost their self-esteem – with an estimated 365,000 women getting breast augmentation surgery in 2021.

However, like any surgical procedure, breast augmentation comes with its own set of considerations. Understanding the pre-planning, recovery, and maintenance process, along with having realistic expectations, can help patients enjoy safer, more beautiful, and longer lasting results.

In this article the Detroit area breast augmentation specialist at AMAE Plastic Surgery in Birmingham, MI share their tips for ensuring you get the best results from your breast augmentation surgery.

Common Misconceptions About Breast Augmentation

There are several misconceptions surrounding breast augmentation that can cloud a prospective patient’s judgement. One of the most common fallacies is that breast augmentation is a simple and straightforward procedure. In reality, it is a complex surgery that requires precise surgical skills, in-depth understanding of the female anatomy, and an artistic eye for detail.

Another misconception is that breast augmentation results in an unnatural look. This is far from the truth. A well-performed breast augmentation by a board-certified plastic surgeon can yield very natural-looking results. The key lies in choosing the right surgeon and the right size and type of implant that complements the patient’s body shape and size.

Lastly, many people believe that breast implants need to be replaced every 10 years. In reality, breast implants do not have an expiration date. They only need to be replaced if there are complications or if the patient desires a change in size or shape. At AMAE Plastic Surgery we have many patients with the same implants that were put in more than 20 years ago!

Top 10 Tips for Optimal Breast Augmentation Results

Achieving optimal results from a breast augmentation surgery depends on several factors. Here are our top 10 tips for the best outcome after breast augmentation surgery.

#1. Have Realistic Breast Augmentation Expectations

Understanding that breast augmentation can enhance your figure – but will not make you perfect – is key. Remember, nobody is perfect. Not even celebrities. Your proportions will be more balanced, and your breasts will be bigger and more beautiful, after breast augmentation – but you will still be you!

#2. Choose the Right Breast Augmentation Right Surgeon

Select a board-certified plastic surgeon with skill and experience in breast augmentation. They should have hundreds of before and after pictures of breast augmentation, so you can see their results.

It is important to keep in mind that not all doctors who are ‘cosmetic surgeons’ are actually board-certified plastic surgeons. So always check your surgeon’s board-certifications and other credentials carefully.

#3. Communicate Your Breast Augmentation Goals Clearly

Be clear and specific about your desired Breast Augmentation outcome. A good plastic surgeon will take the time to ask you questions and listen to your appearance goals. Do you want to go big and bold like Cardi B or moderate and natural like Kelly Cuoco (both had had breast augmentation).

#4. Select the Right Breast Implant Size & Shape for Your Body

Dr. Ali can guide you in choosing the best breast implant based on your body type and goals. See some of the guidelines HERE.

Round breast implants are more dramatic while teardrop shaped implants mirror natural breasts more closely. And a medium sized implant may look very large on a woman with a petite frame – but be too small for a larger person.

You need the implants that are just right for your body type and size, and your aesthetic goals.

#5. Choose a Breast Augmentation Surgeon with Vectra 3D Imaging

AMAE plastic surgery is one of the first practices in the Detroit area to offer amazing Vectra 3D computer imaging. This allows you to visualize your expected breast implant results before the surgery, giving you a better idea of how the chosen implants will look in your body.

This technology can help you make the best decision about the ideal breast implants for your body.

#6. Follow Pre-Surgery Breast Augmentation Instructions

Adhering to your surgeon’s pre-operative instructions can help ensure a successful surgery. Our breast augmentation team will give you a list of steps to take leading up to surgery to prepare your body for surgery.

This includes quitting smoking – as tobacco use can interfere with healing, prolonging recovery time, and increasing the risk of complications.

#7. Prepare for Post-Surgery Recovery

Arrange for help with household chores and daily activities post-surgery. You will need to take time off from work, housecleaning, working-out, driving, and other strenuous activities to enable your body to heal.

We will provide you with  a timeline for resuming these activities after your breast augmentation surgery.

And remember, patience is key.  Healing takes time. Be patient and give your body the time it needs to recover and adapt to the new changes.

#8. Follow Post Surgery Instructions

Adhere closely to the post-operative instructions that our breast augmentation team will give you. This is essential to prevent complications and ensure optimal healing. It will include not smoking, avoiding alcohol, wearing your post-surgical garments, changing dressings, etc.

#9. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle after Breast Augmentation

Once you have recovered, regular exercise, a balanced diet, and healthy habits (no smoking, moderate alcohol, etc.) can help maintain the results of your breast augmentation for decades to come. These steps keep your skin and tissues healthy, support your immune system, and stave off inflammation in the body – all of which can help keep you and your breasts in excellent health.

#10. Schedule Regular Follow-Up Visits

Be sure to schedule regular check-ups with Dr. Ali after your breast augmentation surgery to monitor your progress., and ensuring you are healing well.

Top Breast Augmentation Surgeon | Detroit Area

Remember, your journey to breast augmentation excellence is a collaborative effort between you and your surgeon. Following these tips can help ensure the best surgical results, the fastest recovery, and the most beautiful appearance after your breast augmentation surgery.

As a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Ali has the knowledge, skills, and experience to deliver outstanding breast augmentation results. His commitment to patient safety, satisfaction, and care sets him apart in the field of breast augmentation surgery. Dr. Ali takes the time to understand his patients’ goals and desires, creating a personalized treatment plan to meet each individual’s needs. His meticulous surgical technique, artistic eye, and attention to detail ensure beautiful and natural-looking results.

If you live in, or can travel to, the Detroit area, schedule a consultation today and see what breast augmentation surgery at AMAE Plastic Surgery can do for you.

Breast Augmentation | Detroit Area: 248.335.7200



Breast Implants: The Ideal Size & Shape for Your Unique Body

What is the Best Breast Implant Size & Shape for Me?

Thanks to medical advancements in breast augmentation technology, breast implants have become increasingly popular in recent years. Thanks to safer and more natural implants, as well as less invasive surgeries with shorter recovery time, more women than ever see breast implants as the right choice for them. In fact, in 2021, more than 365,000 women received breast implants – representing a 44% increase from the year before.

Women choose breast implant surgery as a solution for many reasons: some women have always desired a fuller bust, while others want to improve a sagging appearance after child birth or weight loss or aging. Other patients simply seek a more balanced or proportionate physique, or a restored breast appearance following mastectomy or other surgeries.

The decision to get breast implants involves many factors – one of the most important of which is choosing the ideal size and shape for your unique body. But this can be a daunting task, especially with the numerous options available.

However, with the right information and guidance, a woman can make an informed decision and achieve their desired results. In this article the breast implant experts at AMAE Plastic Surgery in the Detroit area discuss  the different sizes and shapes available, and how to determine the ideal implant for your body.

Understanding the Basics of Breast Implant Surgery

Breast implant surgery, often referred to as breast augmentation, is a procedure that involves inserting implants into the breasts to enhance their size and shape. This surgery is performed under general anesthesia and usually takes about one to two hours. The operation involves making an incision, creating a pocket to house the implant, inserting the implant, and closing the incision with stitches.

The type of incision and its location, as well as the placement of the implant, can vary depending on the patient’s anatomy, the type of implant used, and the surgeon’s preferences. Common incision sites include under the breast, around the nipple, or in the armpit. Implants can be placed either directly under the breast tissue or beneath the chest muscle.

Breast Implant Materials

Breast implants come in various sizes and shapes to suit different body types and aesthetic preferences. The two main types of implants are saline and silicone. Saline implants are filled with a sterile saltwater solution, while silicone implants contain a thick silicone gel. Both types have their benefits, and the choice between them depends on individual preferences and the surgeon’s advice.

You can learn more about the different breast implant materials HERE.

Breast Implant Shape

In terms of shape, breast implants can be round or teardrop shaped. Round implants are symmetrical and can give the breast a fuller all-around appearance – and also create more dramatic cleavage.

Teardrop implants, also known as anatomical implants, have a slightly sloping shape that mimics the natural breast contour. These are generally considered to be more natural and less ‘dramatic’ looking.

Breast Implant Profile Size

The size of breast implants is measured in cubic centimeters (cc), NOT “cup size.” This determines the volume or how much the breast will be augmented. Choosing the right size of breast implant is crucial for achieving a natural and proportionate look. This choice should be guided by the patient’s body frame, existing breast tissue, skin elasticity, and personal aesthetic goals.

When deciding on breast implants, it’s essential to understand the difference between CCs, breast implant profile, and and a bra cup size. The implant profile refers to how far the implant projects from the chest wall when standing. A higher profile implant will project more, giving a fuller appearance, while a lower profile implant will project less, resulting in a more natural look.

On the other hand, CCs refers to the volume of the implant, not to be confused with the bra cup size. A larger CC number means a larger implant, but it does not necessarily translate to a larger cup size, as this also depends on other factors such as the existing breast tissue and the patient’s chest wall size.

Understanding these concepts is crucial in determining the ideal size and shape of breast implants for your body. It’s not simply a matter of choosing a desired cup size, but also considering the implant profile and CCs that will complement your body shape and size.

The Ideal Breast Implant Size & Shape for Your Body

Deciding on the ideal size and shape for your breast implants is a highly personal decision that should take into account your unique body shape, lifestyle, and aesthetic goals. It’s crucial to communicate these factors clearly to your surgeon during the consultation.

Your body’s frame and existing breast tissue will significantly influence the choice of implant size and shape. A larger frame can typically accommodate larger implants, while a smaller frame might require smaller implants for a balanced look. Similarly, the amount and quality of your existing breast tissue will affect how the implant will sit and look in your body.

Your lifestyle is another essential factor to consider. If you lead an active lifestyle, participate in sports or physical activities, smaller or moderate-sized implants may be more suitable. On the other hand, if you want a more dramatic change in your breast size, larger implants may be the way to go. However, it’s crucial to remember that bigger implants may come with increased risks and complications.

Why Bigger Breast Implants Aren’t Always Better

While it might be tempting to go for larger breast implants for a more dramatic transformation, bigger isn’t always better. Oversized implants can lead to various issues, such as an unnatural appearance, discomfort, back pain, and in some cases an increased risk of complications. They can also put more strain on the breast tissue, leading to sagging over time.

Moreover, larger implants may not be suitable for everyone. For women with a smaller frame or less existing breast tissue, oversized implants might not fit properly and could result in an unbalanced or unnatural look. It’s essential to choose a size that complements your body shape and size for a natural and proportionate result.

For example a 250 cc breast implant may look too big on a petite woman, but may not be big enough to ‘stand out’ on a woman with a larger frame.

Therefore, when deciding on the size of your breast implants, it’s crucial to consider both aesthetics and long-term comfort and health.  Renowned board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali had helped thousands of women choose the breast shape and size that they love. He can guide you in making an informed decision that will lead to satisfactory and safe results.

The Role of a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon in Breast Implant Surgery

A skilled and experienced board-certified plastic surgeon plays a vital role in the success of your breast implant surgery. They possess the necessary skills, knowledge, and experience to perform the procedure safely and effectively. In the Detroit area, Dr. Ali is a renowned board-certified plastic surgeon known for his meticulous work and patient-centered approach.

Choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon ensures that your surgeon has undergone rigorous training and examinations and adheres to high ethical and professional standards. They are well-versed in the latest surgical techniques and technologies and are committed to patient safety and satisfaction. It is important to keep in mind that not all doctors who are ‘cosmetic surgeons’ are actually board-certified plastic surgeons. So always check your surgeon’s board-certifications and other credentials carefully.

See Your Breast Implant Results Before Surgery with Vectra 3D Imaging

One of the most exciting advancements in breast implant surgery is the use of pre-surgical Vectra 3D imaging. AMAE plastic surgery is one of the first practices in the Detroit area to offer this amazing technology. Vectra 3D computer imaging allows you to visualize your expected breast implant results before the surgery, giving you a better idea of how the chosen implants will look in your body.

During your consultation with Dr. Ali, he will use Vectra 3D imaging to create a three-dimensional model of your body. He will then virtually place different sizes and shapes of implants, allowing you to see how each option would alter your appearance. This technology can help you and Dr. Ali make a more informed decision about the ideal breast implants for your body.

Top Breast Implant Surgery |Detroit Area

Deciding to undergo breast implant surgery is a significant decision that requires careful consideration and planning. From understanding the basics of the surgery to choosing the ideal size and shape of your implants, it’s crucial to be

Remember, the decision to get breast implants is a personal one. It’s crucial to choose a size and shape that will not only enhance your appearance but also fit your lifestyle and maintain your comfort and health in the long run. If you are considering breast implants, take the next step and schedule a personalized consultation with Dr. Ali. During this consultation, you can discuss your aesthetic goals, ask any questions, and even see your expected results with Vectra 3D imaging – to ensure you get the breast shape and size that you will love!

Top Breast Implants |Detroit Area: 248.335.7200

The Fascinating History of Breast Augmentation Surgery

How Breast Augmentation Surgery Has Evolved

From the first-ever attempt at breast augmentation in the 1800s to the technologically advanced procedures of the 21st century, the journey of breast implant surgery has been fascinating.

Today, breast implants are safe and natural looking – and breast augmentation surgery requires less invasive techniques with a more rapid recovery! But this wasn’t always the case.

In this article, the breast augmentation experts at AMAE Plastic Surgery in the Troy, MI area take a look at the interesting past, the current scenario, and the future prospects of breast implants.

The Earliest Breast Augmentation Surgery

The concept of breast augmentation originated in the 1800s, with the first recorded attempt being made by German surgeon Vincenz Czerny in 1895. He transferred a benign fatty lump, also known as a lipoma, from a patient’s back to her breast, aiming to correct asymmetry after removing a breast tumor. Surprisingly, this procedure was relatively successful!

The Early 20th Century Experiments with Breast Augmentation

Shortly thereafter, various substances were experimented with for breast augmentation. In the 1890s, paraffin (a soft wax derived from petroleum or coal), was injected into breasts, but this method led to severe complications, including inflammation and tissue necrosis.

In the 1920s and 1930s, fat from other parts of the body was transferred to the breasts, but the body eventually reabsorbed the fat, rendering the procedure ineffective. In the 1950s, several foreign materials, including polyurethane, sponges, cartilage, and even wood and glass balls were tried as breast implants. These methods, however, were soon abandoned due to the not surprising unfavorable outcomes and complications they produced.

The Advent of Silicone Implants in Breast Augmentation

The era of contemporary breast implant surgery began in the early 1960s when Drs. Frank Gerow and Thomas Cronin invented silicone breast implants. The idea was reportedly inspired when Dr. Gerow squeezed a plastic bag filled with blood and commented on its similarity to the feel of a woman’s breast.

In 1962, a woman named Timmie Jean Lindsey became the first recipient of silicone breast implants. The surgery, performed in Houston, Texas, enhanced her breast size from a B cup to a C cup. The result thrilled Lindsey, who later commented that her augmented breasts felt soft and natural.

The 1980s and 1990s saw a wave of concern about the safety of silicone implants. Critics claimed that the silicone used in the implants was causing autoimmune diseases – although it is now recognized that the studies on this were flawed. However, in response to these concerns, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned the use of silicone implants in primary breast augmentation surgery in 1992. (They were still permitted for breast reconstruction following mastectomy and for replacing existing silicone implants.)

So, during the ban, saline implants filled with a sterile saltwater solution became the only FDA-approved option for breast augmentation. However, after extensive clinical studies conducted over several years, implant manufacturers disproved the theory that silicone causes autoimmune diseases. Consequently, the FDA lifted the ban in 2006, allowing silicone implants back on the market for patients over 22 years old. These implants continue to be popular due to their close resemblance to the look and feel of natural breasts.

While saline implants are “round” or “globe” shaped, silicone implants can be formed into a teardrop shape like that of a human breast – for a more natural appearance.

21st Century Breast Augmentation Advancements

Today, patients have a wide range of choices when it comes to Breast Augmentation. Along with saline and traditional silicone breast implants, there is a new generation of “gummy bear” silicone breast implants. These are a highly cohesive and form-stable silicone implants. The filling material of these implants stays intact even when squeezed or twisted, providing a more natural feel – in addition to preventing leakage!

Today, improved breast implant surface textures have contributed to reduced risks of complications like capsular contracture, enhancing the long-term safety and satisfaction of breast augmentation procedures. And, advancements in surgical techniques, like the use of smaller incisions and precise placement of implants, have led to quicker recovery times and minimized scarring.

Additionally, the technique of autologous fat transfer has been perfected, making “natural breast augmentation” a viable option. This procedure involves enhancing the breasts with the patient’s own fat taken from another part of the body, providing a natural enhancement of about one cup size.

And, the emergence of 3D imaging – such as Vectra 3D computer imaging available in the Troy area at AMAE Plastic Surgery – has revolutionized the breast augmentation process. Surgeons and patients can now visualize the potential outcomes of breast implant surgery BEFORE breast augmentation – aiding in selecting the most beautiful implant size and shape.

Breast Augmentation Surgery |Troy, MI Area

Breast augmentation has come a long way since its inception – in terms of safety and natural looking results. Thanks to e continuous advancements in this field, breast augmentation surgery remains the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure worldwide.

Renowned Troy, MI area plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has helped thousands of women achieve their desired breast size and shape. If you live in the greater Troy, MI area, schedule a consultation today and see what breast augmentation surgery at AMAE Plastic Surgery can do for you.

Breast Augmentation |Troy, MI Area: 248.335.7200