Rhinoplasty FAQs (Part 3)
Rhinoplasty FAQs (Part 3)
Dr. Azhar Ali is a prominent Oakland County board certified plastic surgeon, with decades of experience and more than a thousand of satisfied patients.
In this third section of a three-part article, Dr. Ali further discusses questions you may have about a rhinoplasty procedure, including what you might expect in terms of recovery.
While this article answers some questions, no doubt you have more. Rhinoplasty is complicated, and the results will be evident for all to see. Therefore, it is important to select a surgeon in whom you have confidence, who will take the time needed to put you at ease, and with whom you feel completely comfortable. If you are in the Macomb or Oakland County area and are considering rhinoplasty, schedule a consultation with Dr. Ali to discuss your unique situation.
What follow-up care can I expect after my rhinoplasty?
A follow-up appointment will be scheduled for you for about a week after the surgery. Dr. Ali will evaluate your nose to ensure that it is healing properly. Assuming everything is as expected, your stitches will be removed at that time.
One of the most important things that we do is to carefully monitor the healing progress of each and every one of our patients. If you have any concerns at all as you recover, we are always available to answer questions.
How soon can I go back to work after my rhinoplasty surgery?
For at least the first week after your procedure, your job is to rest and relax in order to minimize bruising and swelling, and to encourage a speedy healing process. If you have a desk job or something fairly sedentary, you could return to work after the bandages are removed (usually a week after surgery).
However, if your job requires any type of physical exertion, you may need a minimum of two to three additional weeks of recovery. Whatever job you have, you should avoid exercise or physical exertion for at least a month after the procedure. Physical exertion tends to increase swelling, and thus makes the road to full recovery longer.
In terms of planning though, most patients feel comfortable returning to work after one to two weeks. Of course, every case is different, and everyone heals at a different rate. So it’s best to plan on the longer period of time just in case.
How long will it be before my nose is completely normal?
Complete healing takes time, and patience is required. For the most part, your nose will appear to be “normal” after a few weeks. However, it is not uncommon for some swelling to continue up to a year or even longer.
This residual swelling is caused by your body’s natural response to the surgery, and is called edema, where watery fluid collects in the tissues. This generally resolves itself in the first month, and in almost all cases it is resolved in about six months. The good news is, you are likely the only one who will notice the residual swelling should it occur.
One of the most gratifying comments we receive at our Oakland County plastic surgery practice is how much better our patients feel about themselves after rhinoplasty. They report increased self-confidence and enjoy the image they see in the mirror to a much greater extent.
Many report improved breathing function, and even that they sleep better now that their breathing is less constricted. In short, a rhinoplasty can be life changing. If you live in Oakland County or the greater Detroit area and are considering rhinoplasty, give us a call to schedule an appointment with Dr. Ali to discuss what options may be available to you.
Top Rhinoplasty Surgeon – Oakland County
Even small changes to your nose can make a large difference in how your nose looks, how it works, and how you feel about your overall appearance. Oakland County area board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali is committed to working closely with you from start to finish to get the results that you will be satisfied with.
When planning your nose job, Dr. Ali can evaluate your other facial features and tell you how any changes to your nose could enhance or affect your overall appearance. He will then work with you to customize a surgical plan that will best meet your appearance goals.
Oakland County Rhinoplasty Consultation: 248-335-7200