Turn Back Time with New Co2RE Laser Anti Aging Treatments
Anti Aging with the New Co2RE Laser –
Wanting to look younger isn’t just about being more attractive. A more youthful appearance has been proven to help men and women remain competitive in the workplace, as well as in the fields of sports and politics. Anti Aging treatments also help you look on the outside the youthful way that you feel on the inside – so that you aren’t perceived or treated like a “senior citizen” when you feel like a thirty-year-old!
AMAE Plastic Surgery is one of the first and only providers in the greater Detroit area to offer the amazing new Co2re Laser. This state-of-the-art anti aging technology actually treats 7 different signs of aging with a single innovative laser device.
What Is “Anti Aging”?
The sun’s damaging UV rays, inflamed blemishes, smoking, alcohol consumption, dehydration, medications, pregnancy, and heredity all contribute to lines, wrinkles, discoloration and other signs of aging.
But while wearing SPF 50 on your face every day can help prevent sun damage, it does not slow down the skin’s natural aging process. And, while a good diet and adequate sleep can help as well, the skin continues to age, no matter how healthy your lifestyle. In fact, a person’s first wrinkles start to get etched as soon as they begin to make facial expressions in the womb!
Many women (and men!) rely on a variety of treatments and medical grade skincare products to turn back time. These can help delay or minimize some of the signs of aging, as well. But true “anti aging” treatments do more than just hydrate and/or slough off the outer layer of skin. To actually reverse aging involves rejuvenating the skin on a cellular level.
Anti Aging on a Cellular Level
New, state-of-the-art Co2re laser technology does not just remove or reduce signs of aging – it actually regenerates new, healthy skin on a deep cellular level.
Collagen and elastin are the building blocks of healthy skin. These essential proteins form the “matrix” or “scaffolding” of cells that keep the skin firm and elastic and keep it from wrinkling and sagging. But as we age the body produces less and less collagen and elastin.
The CO2RE laser is a state-of-the-art anti aging fractional CO2 laser treatment, now available in the Troy, MI area at AMAE Med Spa. It is unique in that it incorporates two laser technologies that simultaneously treat both the top layer (epidermis) and the deep layers (dermis) of the skin.
Superficially, CO2RE performs “ablative” resurfacing by removing the top layer of aging or damaged skin – revealing the new, healthy skin cells below. These results are almost immediately visible once the skin has healed.
But, unlike other treatments, CO2RE also delivers fractional laser waves that create microscopic channels far below the skins surface. This re-activates the body’s collagen production and cell renewal processes. The skin then begins to produce collagen and elastin again, like it did when it was younger – naturally repairing skin damaging, tightening & plumping skin, and “filling in” lines and wrinkles.
Co2RE Laser Anti Aging – Troy, MI Area
Because CO2RE laser anti aging treatments don’t just treat the skin’s surface – but actually stimulate the skin cells to behave like younger skin – it is truly a revolutionary anti aging treatment. And, because it is anti-aging on a deep cellular level, a one-time treatment can last up to 15 years!
Troy, MI area board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali offers the most advanced, state-of-the-art technologies in anti aging, skin resurfacing, and wrinkle and line reduction.
Each CO2RE laser anti aging appointment begins with a professional skin consultation, so that the treatment can be customized to meet the specific aesthetic needs of each patient.
Schedule a CO2RE laser anti aging treatment – and then relax in our Troy, MI area Med Spa, while we make you look and feel younger and even more attractive!