How to Look Thinner on Zoom (Part 2)
8 Ways to Look Thinner on Zoom (Part 2) –
In Part 1 of this Article we revealed 5 camera “tricks” that can help you look thinner when on camera, whether in Zoom meetings, Facetiming or taking Selfies. But the reality is, camera angles can only go so far to disguise unwanted fat on the face and body. Fortunately, there are three fast, affordable and non-invasive or minimally invasive procedures offered at AMAE Med Spa in the Detroit area that can actually permanently get rid of unwanted fat on the face and the body.
With non-invasive CoolSculpting for body or double chin, Kybella double chin injections, and/or liposuction, you can permanently get rid of unwanted fat so that you look great on camera … and “IRL” when things get back to normal!
Aesthetic Treatments to Look Thinner on Zoom
#1. Kybella Double Chin Injections to Look Thinner on Zoom
Kybella eliminates a double chin through a series of injections under the jaw that “dissolve” the fat cells. The destroyed fat cells are then eliminated by the body’s natural metabolic processes.
Most Kybella patients see a 50 percent fat reduction after just two sessions, and a 70 percent reduction after four Kybella treatments – meaning your face can look 70% thinner in Zoom meetings with Kybella!
Kybella to Look Thinner on Zoom
#2. CoolSculpting Fat Loss to Look Thinner on Zoom
CoolSculpting is a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment that literally freezes away unwanted fat almost anywhere on the body – including the chin, for which it was recently FDA approved.
Once the fat cells are frozen and destroyed, they are gradually expelled from the body through natural elimination processes and can never come back.
Because it takes a while for the body to absorb and eliminate the frozen fat cells, CoolSculpting results take longer than liposuction to be visible – with results beginning to appear 4 to 5 weeks after treatment, and 3 to 5 months to deliver final results.
CoolSculpting to Look Thinner on Zoom
#3. Liposuction to Look Thinner on Zoom (and “IRL”!)
Liposuction offers the largest amount of fat loss with the most rapidly visible results. Liposuction can be used as a body contouring technique – safely removing up to 11 pounds of unwanted fat. It is also an ideal tool for sculpting the face, neck and double chin.
Only local anesthetic is required for modern liposuction, which is less invasive. And, unlike CoolSculpting or Kybella, liposuction requires only one treatment, and the results are visible as soon as swelling subsides!
While there is some downtime after liposuction, many patients have found that it’s an ideal time to come in for lipo – since thy can work-from-home while they are recovering … and no one will even know they had anything done.
Liposuction to Look Thinner on Zoom
Aesthetic Treatments to Look Thinner on Zoom
It’s proven that the camera does add 10 pounds to a person’s appearance! And, in addition to being more aware of our appearance on camera thanks to increased Zoom and Facetime, many of us have packed on the “quarantine 15” due to more time snacking a home and less time being active. But whether your motivation to look thinner is Zoom meetings or “real life” board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has the aesthetic fat loss treatments to make your face and body look thinner, younger and more well-proportioned.
Schedule a fat loss consultation with Dr. Ali, in person or via video chat, and see which fat loss treatments will make you look like a star every day!