Gynecomastia Surgery FAQs (Part 2)

Gynecomastia Surgery FAQs (Part 2) – 

Gynecomastia surgery – also called male breast reduction surgery – is a type of plastic surgery to remove excessive or overgrown glandular breast tissue from men and sometimes teenage boys.

In this two part article Detroit area board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali answers patients’ most frequently asked questions about Gynecomastia surgery.

CLICK HERE for Part 1 of Gynecomastia Surgery FAQs

What age can I get gynecomastia surgery?

Gynecomastia is actually very common among teenage boys, and generally resolves itself in time.  Therefore, it is best to postpone surgical discussions until around the age of 18 unless the case is extreme or is having a devastating effect on the teen’s health, wellbeing or self-esteem.

There is no upper age limit for gynecomastia surgery, as long as the patient is in good health and does not have any underlying bleeding disorders or other risk factors. Dr. Ali has helped many senior men regain a firm, masculine and youthful chest with gynecomastia surgery.

What is the goal of gynecomastia surgery?

The best outcome for a successful gynecomastia surgery is a chest that has a natural contour.  It is normal for there to be some glandular tissue beneath the areola.  Therefore, the surgeon will remove some of the fat and glandular tissue, but will retain enough so that the chest retains a nice shape.

If the surgeon were to remove too much fat, while the chest may look flat when the man’s arms are at his side, when he raises his arms there could actually be a depression underneath the areola.

One’s overall shape also needs to be taken into consideration.  For instance, if a man is overweight with a prominent abdomen, removing all or most of the fat from the chest will create a result that is completely out of proportion.

Will I have scars from gynecomastia surgery?

If glandular tissue is removed, scarring will occur on the lower perimeter of the areola. Dr. Ali is a skilled plastic surgeon, and is extremely careful in closing the incisions so that any scarring is minimal.  In time, these scars will fade, and will eventually be almost unnoticeable.

In the case of liposuction, scarring is limited to two incisions that are quite small and normally fade away almost completely.

Hair on their chest can help to conceal any scars that remain. However, men universally prefer to have a couple tiny scars, in exchange for getting rid of feminine or oversized breasts!

Can I have other procedures done at the same time as gynecomastia surgery?

Many men choose to address excess fat in the stomach area and/or “love handles” through liposuction at the same time they undergo gynecomastia surgery.  Dr. Ali can discuss these options with you at the time of your consultation, and decide what is best for you in terms of your goals and your overall health.

Does insurance cover gynecomastia?

Each insurance company has different policies and procedures, but in general, if gynecomastia is considered purely cosmetic, insurance companies most likely will not pay.  There are some instances where gynecomastia surgery may be covered if the condition is extremely disfiguring or contributes to or causes other health issues.

Is there downtime after gynecomastia surgery?

Gynecomastia surgery is normally performed as an outpatient procedure, which means that you will go home after your procedure.  You will need someone to drive you home, as you will have been under anesthesia; and Dr. Ali recommends that you have someone stay with you for the first day or two.  Most patients report that they feel up to returning to work after three days to a week, assuming their job duties are not too strenuous.  Dr. Ali will let you know when it is safe to resume your exercise regimen, but likely you will be ready after about 3-4 weeks.


CLICK HERE to Read More about Recovery after Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia Surgery – Detroit Area

If you are considering gynecomastia surgery, there are a lot of things to consider.  These articles are meant to provide general answers to many questions.  However, you no doubt want specific information about your unique situation.  Detroit area board certified plastic surgeon has performed hundreds of gynecomastia surgeries. He can answer whatever questions you have.

In addition to gynecomastia surgery, Dr. Ali offers liposuction and CoolSculpting, and can help you decide which male breast reduction procedure is best for you. If you live in or around the Detroit area, call Dr. Ali’s office to schedule your consultation today.

Gynecomastia Surgery Consultation – Detroit Area: 248-335-7200