Total Body Contouring: Breast Augmentation Plus Liposuction

Complete Body Contouring: Combining Breast Augmentation & Liposuction

If you are dissatisfied, and even frustrated, with your body you are NOT alone. Recent studies have shown that more than 90% of women are unhappy with their bodies. As a result, research reveals that up to 40% of people would consider plastic surgery to get the body they want.

If you are one of the millions of American who are seeking comprehensive body contouring solutions, combining breast augmentation surgery with liposuction can offer transformative results, removing unwanted fat, while enhancing your breasts, and improving your overall body silhouette and proportions.

Dr. Ali is a renowned board-certified plastic surgeon in Birmingham, MI who specializes in both of these life-changing procedures, providing personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique body contouring goals. In this article, He explains the benefits of combining breast augmentation surgery with liposuction, who is a good candidate for each procedure, and how this combination ensures the most beautiful contours for your body.

Understanding Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation surgery, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, can increase the size, as well as improve the shape and symmetry of the breasts. This surgery involves the placement of implants to increase breast volume and improve overall breast aesthetics.

Ideal candidates for breast augmentation surgery include women seeking increased breast volume, improved breast shape, or enhanced breast symmetry. Whether you have naturally small breasts, asymmetry, or have experienced volume loss or sagging due to pregnancy or weight loss, breast augmentation surgery can help you achieve your desired breast size and shape. Dr. Ali conducts thorough consultations with each patient to understand their body contouring desires and to determine if they are a suitable candidate for breast augmentation surgery.

Understanding Liposuction

Liposuction is a minimally invasive body contouring surgery that permanently removes stubborn fat deposits, to sculpt and reshape specific areas of the body. Liposuction typically targets areas such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, arms, and neck, helping patients achieve a slimmer and more contoured physique.

Good candidates for liposuction are individuals who have a BMI less than 30 and are within 30% of their ideal weight -but who have localized areas of excess fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. Whether you struggle with stubborn fat pockets in the abdomen, thighs, flanks, or other areas, liposuction can help you achieve a more sculpted and proportionate physique.

Unlike diet and exercise, liposuction enables women to “spot reduce” their trouble spots. And for patients with lax or sagging skin after liposuction, we can combine the procedure with one of our highly effective skin tightening treatments at AMAE Plastic Surgery in Birmingham, MI.

Combining Breast Augmentation with Liposuction

Breast augmentation surgery and Liposuction can be performed as a single procedure or be combined into a comprehensive treatment plan to address multiple aesthetic concerns. By combining these procedures, patients can achieve comprehensive body contouring results, enhancing both their breast appearance and overall body silhouette. Dr. Ali develops personalized treatment plans that may include a combination of breast augmentation with liposuction to ensure optimal aesthetic outcomes.

Combining breast augmentation with liposuction ensures the best contours for your body by addressing both breast volume and body fat distribution. Achieving harmonious proportions between the breasts and surrounding body areas is essential for a balanced and beautiful body silhouette. Dr. Ali’s expertise in both breast augmentation surgery and liposuction allows him to customize treatment plans that enhance your natural curves and contours, creating a more sculpted and proportionate appearance.

Pre-Surgery Vectra 3D Computer Imaging

Dr. Ali also offers pre-surgery Vectra 3D computer imaging at AMAE Plastic Surgery in Birmingham, MI. This advanced imaging technology allows patients to what their “new body” will look like before they undergo surgery! By simulating the size, shape, projection, and profile of breast implants, as well as the fat loss and contouring from liposuction, patients can make informed choices and have realistic expectations about what their results will be.

Breast Augmentation + Liposuction |Birmingham, MI

Combining breast augmentation surgery with liposuction offers a comprehensive approach to body contouring, allowing patients to achieve their desired body proportions and overall body silhouette. Dr. Ali is a leading plastic surgeon in Birmingham, MI, who specializes in both of these body enhancing procedures – providing personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique appearance goals. By understanding who is a good candidate for each procedure, and by utilizing advanced techniques, and pre-surgery Vectra 3D imaging, Dr. Ali ensures that each patient achieves beautiful and balanced results with confidence and satisfaction.

Breast Augmentation Consultation | Birmingham, MI Area: 248.335.7200