Tummy Tucks After Pregnancy

Tummy Tuck and Pregnancy

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women in Oakland County “get their body back” after pregnancy. In this article he discusses the pros and cons of a tummy tuck after pregnancy – and what a woman can expect when she undergoes this procedure.

Perhaps no experience in life is more wonderful and rewarding than having a child. But the nine months of carrying a child can take its toll on a woman’s abdominal area. And the negative effects on a woman’s belly area can be even more pronounced after multiple pregnancies. For many women, a tummy tuck is the answer to restoring a flat and youthful appearance to their stomach.

Am I a Candidate for a Tummy Tuck After Pregnancy?

If stubborn pockets of fat are the only problem after pregnancy, a less invasive procedure such as CoolSculpting or Liposuction may be all that is needed. These procedures are less expensive, have fewer risks, and a much shorter recovery time.

However, if your abdominal skin is loose or lax – and/or if your muscle tone has been compromised – then you may need a tummy tuck. When you have a droopy, saggy or baggy stomach area – no amount or diet or exercise is going to tighten your skin and muscles and get rid of the so-called “pouch,” “paunch,” or “pooch.” And simply removing the fat underneath is not enough, either.

Tightening Stomach Area Muscles after Pregnancy

Diastasis recti is a condition in which the right and left halves of the abdominal muscles spread apart. This condition is commonly caused by pregnancy, when the tissue that connects the two halves of the “ab” muscles stretches as your baby grows and your uterus expands. And, pregnancy hormones can also add to the thinning of this tissue.

A small amount of muscle stretching is normal in any pregnancy. But a muscle separation of more than about 2 centimeters –which occurs in about 30% of pregnancies – is when this becomes a problem. This results in the appearance of a drooping pot belly.

Genetics can be big factor in developing the condition. Women who have carried more than one child at a time, petite women, and women with poor abdominal muscle tone have the highest risk of Diastasis recti.

C-Sections and Tummy Tucks

After a C-section, women are often left with a “C-section shelf” comprised of puffy, unevenly-healed scar tissue. Others are left with a caterpillar-like red, ridged scar, while still others end up with a low-hanging belly “shelf”. A skilled plastic surgeon can remove this distressing are of the belly – and sculpt it into a flatter and tighter abdomen.

Typically, a tummy tuck incision is made in the lower abdomen, which can completely remove a C-section scar. And in most cases, any stretch marks are also eliminated!

When to Schedule your Tummy Tuck after Pregnancy

The best time to schedule your tummy tuck is when you are finished having any more children – and at least six months after the last time you give birth. It takes the body at least six months to heal the deep tissues in your abdomen have been stretched and ripped as a result of carrying a child. And after six months, most of the stretching will have healed, and the pregnancy hormones that soften the tissue should no longer be in your system. Once this has happened, the ripped tissue will hold together better and heal more efficiently after the procedure.

Additionally, waiting until six months after childbirth is recommended because new mothers have to lift their babies constantly – which can put excess stress on a healing tummy tuck.

Also, if you are breast feeding, you should wait until at least six months after you stop.  A woman transfers whatever is in the breastmilk to the nursing child – and breastfeeding influences your hormone production, as well.

Getting Pregnant after a Tummy Tuck

You can safely get pregnant and carry a child to term after a tummy tuck. However, pregnancy subsequent to a tummy tuck can “undo” to a certain extent the benefits of your tummy tuck. So, if you are planning to get pregnant again, most reputable plastic surgeons will suggest delaying your tummy tuck.

Oakland County’s Best Tummy Tuck Surgeon

Oakland County board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women “get their body back” post-pregnancy with a Tummy Tuck. In fact, many women get abs that even look better than they did before their pregnancies! When you schedule a consultation with Dr. Ali, he will answer all of your questions – and help you decide if a Tummy Tuck is the right procedure for you.

Call Dr. Ali for a Tummy Tuck Consultation: 248-335-7200

What Happens During Tummy Tuck Surgery?

The Tummy Tuck Process

Board Certified Birmingham plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of men and women get the abdomen they desire with a “Tummy Tuck” or abdominoplasty. In this article he walks you through the Tummy Tuck process from start to finish, so you know what to expect.

How a Tummy Tuck is Done:

Every patient has uniquely different needs when it comes to a tummy tuck. In your initial consultation, your plastic surgeon should take a great deal of time to examine your abdominal area, listen to your goals and answer your questions.

A variety of techniques can be used, and will depend upon whether you have a lot or little loose, excess skin, loose abdomen muscles, or both. Together you will decide which type of tummy tuck is best for your needs (see different types of tummy tucks HERE).

Tummy Tuck Preparation

Before your tummy tuck procedure, pictures will be taken, and surgical markings will be made on your abdomen with a special marker. Then you will typically be taken to the operating or surgery room in a medical gurney.

Tummy Tuck Anesthesia

Tummy tucks are almost always performed under general anesthesia (sometimes called being “knocked out”). However, in some cases intravenous sedation may be used.

In cases of a tummy tuck involving suturing the muscles together to tighten them, the rectus abdominus muscle needs to be completely paralyzed – and so the patient must undergo general anesthesia.

Once you are fully asleep, your skin will be sterilized with a solution.

Tummy Tuck Incision

A full tummy tuck requires a long horizontal (lengthwise) incision in the area between the pubic hairline and belly button. It is typically made in the “bikini area” to minimize the visibility of any scars.

The shape and the length of the patient’s incision will be determined by the amount of excess skin that needs to be removed. In some case a second incision around the navel may be necessary, to also remove the excess skin from the upper abdomen.

Tummy Tuck Tightening

After the incision is made, if muscle tightening is needed, the skin is lifted to reveal the abdominal muscles. Dr. Ali will carefully “stitch” (suture) the muscles together to make them taut.

If there is excess or loose skin, it is trimmed off. Then the skin is pulled down to be tightened, like a window shade, and the skin is sutured together.

If necessary, a new opening for the navel may need to be created. The belly button is then “popped through” the hole to the surface, and held in place with stiches.

Tummy Tuck Closing the Incision(s)

Finally, the plastic surgeon will use sutures (“stitches”), and possibly skin adhesives, tapes or clips, to close the skin incisions.

On average, the tummy tuck should take between three to five hours to complete. The length of time will depend on which procedure you require, as well as how much skin must be removed, as well as how much muscle tightening is needed.

If other procedures are being performed at the same time, such as repairing an abdominal wall hernias, liposuction or breast procedures, the surgical process will take longer to complete.

After you are fully awake, you will be monitored for another hour or to. You will need someone to drive you home, and help care for you for at least the first few days. You will also be given specific aftercare instructions by your plastic surgeon which you must follow carefully, in order to heal properly, as well as prevent infection. The healing time and recovery process will depend upon which type of Tummy Tuck was performed.

Oakland County’s Best Tummy Tuck Surgeon

Birmingham board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women and men obtain the firm flat abdomen they have always desired with a Tummy Tuck. When you schedule a consultation with Dr. Ali, he will answer all of your questions – and explain what to expect before, during and after a Tummy Tuck in your unique situation.

Call Dr. Ali for a Tummy Tuck Consultation: 248-335-7200

What’s the Difference Between a Tummy Tuck & Liposuction?

Tummy Tuck vs. Liposuction

Board Certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has performed liposuction and tummy tucks on hundreds of men and women. In this article he discusses the differences between these two procedures – and the advantages and disadvantages of both.

Tummy Tuck vs. Liposuction: Anesthetic

Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure, performed under local (numbing) anesthetic – while a Tummy Tuck is a more serious surgical procedure typically performed under general (unconscious) anesthetic.

Because a patient is awake during liposuction, there is not the risks associated with general anesthetic, as there are with a tummy tuck. However, when performed by a board certified plastic surgeon, the risks from anesthetic during a tummy tuck are extremely rare.

Tummy Tuck vs. Liposuction: Procedure

A tummy tuck (also called abdominoplasty) is a surgical procedure that in order to remove excess abdominal skin and tighten the abdominal muscles. This does result in some scaring, and a longer recovery time and more intense discomfort and soreness than liposuction.

Liposuction is a minimally invasive technique that only removes excess fat deposits located between the skin and muscle. In a liposuction procedure, excess skin is not removed – and the skin must tighten up on its own over the area of removed fat. Additionally, the liposuction procedure does not tighten the abdominal muscles.

Tummy Tuck vs. Liposuction: Scarring

A full tummy tuck typically requires a larger incision across the lower abdomen (bikini line), in order to enable the plastic surgeon to remove excess abdominal skin, and suture the muscles to tighten them.

Liposuction, however, only results in extremely tiny scars less than 3 mm long – which are barely noticeable and typically face away over time.

An endoscopic tummy tuck, or a mini tummy tuck, result in less scarring than a full tummy tuck – but are still surgical procedures that leave more scarring than liposuction.

See the different types of abdominal scars from a tummy tuck HERE.

Tummy Tuck vs. Liposuction: Which is Better for Me?

Liposuction is an excellent procedure for people who are at or near a healthy weight, with specific stubborn areas of fat that they wish to remove. Liposuction works best for people who have both good skin elasticity and muscle tone in the abdominal area.

Additionally, Lipo be performed on many other parts of the body including the love handles (flanks), arms, chin, thighs and buttocks.

A tummy tuck, however, is the best procedure for individuals with loose or excess skin in their midsection, or those who loose and weakened abdominal muscles.

There are a variety of different tummy tuck procedures – including a full tummy tuck, a partial tummy tuck (dermolipectomy) an endoscopic tummy tuck, and even a “mini-tummy tuck”. Which procedure will be best for you will depend upon whether you have just loose or excess skin, just poor abdominal muscle tone, or both.

Troy Area’s Best Tummy Tuck Surgeon

When performed by a board certified plastic surgeon, both liposuction and tummy tuck are excellent procedures for getting the “Abs” you want.  Dr. Ali will carefully assess your skin, muscles and overall body to help you determine the best procedure for your body.

Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women and men across Oakland County get the body they want with liposuction and tummy tucks. He will be happy to offer you a consultation to help you understand your options and decide if liposuction or a tummy tuck is right for you.

And remember, financing options are also available!

Call Dr. Ali for a Tummy Tuck Consultation:  248-335-7200

What are the Different Types of Tummy Tucks?

Different Types of Tummy Tuck Techniques

There are several different types of abdominoplasty – or Tummy Tuck – procedures that can be performed by a plastic surgeon. The type of tummy tuck that is best for a person depends upon whether they need to have muscles tightened, skin tightened, fat removed, or any combination of those factors.

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali will offer you a consultation to carefully assess your needs, before recommending a specific type tummy tuck to achieve your appearance goals. In this article we discuss some of the different types of tummy tucks – but only an experienced and knowledgeable plastic surgeon can advise the best type of tummy tuck procedure for you.

Endoscopic Abdominoplasty

An endoscopic abdominoplasty is often performed on people having weakened muscles of the lower abdomen, and excess abdominal fat, but who still have fairly tight abdominal skin. But an endoscopic tummy tuck does not tighten loose skin on the stomach area.

Endoscopic tummy tuck surgery is performed using a small camera, and several tiny surgical instruments, that are inserted through small incisions. The surgeon tightens the abdominal muscles with sutures – and often liposuction is done to remove fat at the same time.

This procedure is not as invasive as a full abdominoplasty, and is best for people who you have generally taut skin, but loose muscles and fascia.

Mini-Tummy Tuck

A “mini-tummy tuck” (technically called a partial or modified abdominoplasty) removes excess skin and fat, but does not tighten muscles. A person is a candidate for a mini-tummy tuck if they do not need muscle tightening and the navel does not need to be repositioned. A mini-tummy tuck will typically leave a much shorter scar than a full abdominoplasty or dermolipectomy.

Dermolipectomy Tummy Tuck

During dermolipectomy, excess skin and fat is removed and the belly button is repositioned. However, there is no muscle tightening. Typically, a dermolipectomy is recommended for patients who have a higher degree of skin laxity than mini-tummy tuck candidates.

This procedure is often performed on people who are left with a lot of excess skin after a large weight loss, such as those who have had bariatric surgery or “stomach stapling”.

Full Abdominoplasty Tummy Tuck

Full Abdominoplasty is the most invasive type of tummy tuck surgery. It is generally used on people with very lax muscles plus excess amounts of loose skin.

In a full tummy tuck, skin and fat are loosened away from the abdominal muscles up to the bottom of the rib cage, and typically all the skin and fat below the belly button is removed. The fascia and rectus abdominus muscles are then tightened by bringing the separated muscles together. Finally, the skin above the belly button is pulled down toward the pubic bone and sutured into place. A new hole is made in the skin and the skin is sutured around the belly button – giving the patient a beautiful new navel.

Other Types of Tummy Tucks

Less commonly performed is a reverse abdominoplasty, for people who have a lot of loose skin above the navel. An incision is made just under the breasts – and instead of being pulled down, the skin is pulled up.

A Vertical Scar Abdominoplasty; or Fleur-de-lis Tummy tuck is another rare procedure in which an incision across the lower abdomen is combined with a vertical incision up the center of the abdomen. This technique is only for people who need substantial amounts of skin removed, as well as an extreme amount of tightening around the waist.

West Bloomfield Area’s Best Tummy Tuck Surgeon

Oakland County board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women and men in Birmingham, West Bloomfield, Troy and Southwest Michigan obtain the firm flat abdomen they have always desired with a Tummy Tuck. When you schedule a consultation with Dr. Ali, he will answer all of your questions – and help you decide which Tummy Tuck procedure will offer the most beautiful results in your unique situation.

Call Dr. Ali for a Tummy Tuck Consultation: 248-335-7200

What are the risks of a Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty)?

Are There Possible Complications of Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty)?

A tummy tuck – or abdominoplasty – is a common and routine procedure. However, unlike non-surgical CoolSculpting, or mildly-invasive liposuction, a tummy tuck is a full surgical procedure, and therefore it carries the same risks as any surgery. However, when performed by a Board Certified Plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali who has done hundreds of tummy tucks, any risks are greatly minimized.

In this article we discuss the risks of which you should be aware. But you should not be “worried” – as complications are extremely rare.

Anesthesia Risks with Tummy Tuck

The main risk with a tummy tuck is from the anesthesia, there are risks that primarily due to the anesthetic. While the risks of anesthetic are very rare, you should still know about them. But you do not need to worry too much about them, in the hands of a skilled board certified physician.

Most cases of anesthesia-related problems are linked to the respiratory (breathing) system.  Improperly administered anesthetic, or an allergic reaction, can cause difficulty breathing. In addition to causing the airways of the lungs to tighten up, allergic reactions to anesthetics, can cause a heart attack –or shut down.

Pre-existing heart conditions or liver or kidneys problems can also affect how your body will react to anesthetics, so be sure to tell your doctor about any pre-existing conditions. Smokers are also more likely to have lungs and bronchial tubes that are irritable and susceptible to spasm – which can increase the risk of complications from anesthesia.

Some antidepressants in the drug category monoamine oxidase inhibitors (also known as MAOI can intensify the effects of anesthesia. Always tell your doctor if you take an MAO inhibitor, or have taken one in the last few months, so they can make adjustments to your anesthetic.

Necrosis Risks with Tummy Tuck

Because a patients skin, fat, and other tissue are being loosened and rearranged, there is a very slim risk that something may inadvertently detached from the blood supply – which causes tissue death called necrosis. It is actually normal for small amounts of fat to become necrotic during a tummy tuck – in which case it becomes a clear orange-ish liquid that drains from the incision.

But if too much fat, or other tissue, becomes necrotic, infection can develop. Left untreated the necrosis can possibly become gangrene. Like all complications, this is extremely rare!  But taking precautions against it helps considerably, such as: not smoking, proper wound after-care, and alerting your doctor immediately to any excess or unusual pain, drainage or sign of infection.

Thromboembolus Risks with Tummy Tuck

Another extremely rare risk of abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) is a thromboembolus – or blood clot – that can cause a blockage in the circulatory system.

In the rare event of a blood clot, it will most likely happen within 72 hours after surgery. However, in even rarer cases, a thromboembolus can occur up to 3 weeks after surgery. The symptoms of pulmonary (lung) thromboembolus are typically shortness of breath and fatigue.

While thromboemboli are very, very rare after a tummy tuck, getting up and walking around as often as possible after your surgery will substantially reduce the risk of a blood clot!

Avoid Tummy Tuck Complications with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

The vast majority of tummy tuck patients will NOT experience any of these serious complications. For most patients the only “side effects” will be some fluid accumulation beneath the skin (seroma) that can be removed with drainage tubes that are left in place after surgery for a short while.

And, as with any surgery, there will be some swelling, bruising and manageable pain during the healing process.

But in the skilled and experienced hands of Board Certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali, you should not be overly concerned about highly unlikely complications.

Birmingham’s Best Tummy Tuck Surgeon

Birmingham board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women and men in Southwest Michigan obtain a firm flat abdomen with a Tummy Tuck, without complications. When you schedule a consultation with Dr. Ali, he will answer all of your questions – and help you decide if a Tummy Tuck is the right procedure for your unique body, lifestyle and appearance goals.

Call Dr. Ali for a Tummy Tuck Consultation: 248-335-7200

How Long is Tummy Tuck Recovery Time?

Tummy Tuck Recovery Time: What You Can & Can’t Do 

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women and men in Oakland County obtain the firm flat abdomen they have always wanted with a Tummy Tuck. One of his patient’s primary concerns is what they can and cannot do after having a Tummy Tuck.

A Tummy Tuck (also called “abdominoplasty”) is a surgery that involves incisions made under anesthetic. As with any surgery, the body will need time to heal.

There are several different types of Tummy Tuck procedures that can be performed – depending upon whether the patient needs muscles tightened, skin tightened, fat removed, or any combination of these. The healing time and recovery process will depend upon which type of Tummy Tuck was performed.

Additionally, a person’s ability to heal will depend upon their age, overall level of health and certain genetic factors.

The information in this article is general in nature – but people vary enormously in their recovery period. Dr. Ali and his medical staff will explain exactly what to expect in your unique situation. Always follow your plastic surgeon’s specific post-operative instructions regarding activity after a Tummy Tuck!

Daily Activities after a Tummy Tuck

Walking after a Tummy Tuck

A person is usually able to walk right after Tummy Tuck surgery, although it may be uncomfortable or even painful. Typically they will be instructed to take a short walk for a few minutes, three or four or more times per day, to help prevent the development of blood clots (Deep Vein Thrombosis or Pulmonary Embolism).

Driving after a Tummy Tuck

Most patients who have had a full tummy tuck (with muscle repair) are generally able to drive a car within a week. Patients who have had an endoscopic or Mini-Tummy Tuck may even be able to drive sooner.

Your plastic surgeon will advise you when it is safe to drive. And, of course, never drive when you are taking narcotic pain medication that may impair you.

Working after a Tummy Tuck

Most people can take phone calls at home after only two or three days. In our experience, self-employed or work-from-home employees sometimes feel up to working at least part time at home after a just a week.  Most people generally do not return to the workplace for 2 or 3 weeks post-surgery.

Of course, the type of work you do and how strenuous your duties are will also affect how soon you can return to work. For example, an office worker may be able to return to work after two weeks, while a delivery driver would need much more recovery time before they were able to lift boxes.

Exercise after a Tummy Tuck

About two weeks after a tummy tuck, most patients regain a lot of your energy and can begin to resume some light exercise (e.g. slowly peddling a stationary bike). Avoid doing exercises that specifically target the abdominal muscles to prevent straining the surgical area.

By 6-8 weeks, most patients consider themselves fully or nearly fully recovered, and can resume normal exercise activities in moderation – still taking care not to strain the abdominal area.

Always follow the specific instructions of your plastic surgeon when resuming any exercise activities.

Sex after a Tummy Tuck

If a Tummy Tuck recovery goes smoothly, without complications, sexual activity can generally be resumed in three to four weeks after a tummy tuck. However, the ability to safely have sex after a Tummy Tuck will depend upon muscle repair, incision healing, the presence of drains, etc. Always get specific clearance from your plastic surgeon before you resume normal sexual activity. Even then, patients should avoid putting weight on their abdomen until completely healed.

Flying after a Tummy Tuck

Typically, plastic surgeons recommend waiting at least six weeks after a Tummy Tuck before flying. Not only is air travel (and luggage handling) strenuous – you do not want to be in a different state or country just in case of the unlikely event of a complication or medical issue while you are still healing.  Additionally, avoiding flying will help minimize the risk of developing blood clots in the post-operative period.

Oakland County Tummy Tuck Surgeon

Since all Tummy Tucks are different, recovery times can vary greatly. Always follow the specific instructions of your plastic surgeon when resuming any activities.

Oakland County’s board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women and men obtain the firm flat abdomen they have always wanted with a Tummy Tuck. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Ali, and he will answer all of your questions – including what recovery period to expect in your unique situation.

Call Dr. Ali for a Tummy Tuck Consultation: 248-335-7200

Are There Scars from Tummy Tuck Surgery?

About Tummy Tuck Surgery Scars

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women and men in Oakland County obtain the firm flat abdomen they have always wanted with a Tummy Tuck. One of his patient’s primary concerns is what scarring can result from a Tummy Tuck.

A Tummy Tuck (also called “abdominoplasty”) is a surgery, and as with any incision some scarring will occur. The scar can be extremely small – or much larger depending upon the amount of skin removed as well as the patient’s capacity to heal or scar. However, patients can expect any scars to fade and become less noticeable with time.

Tummy Tuck Incision Placement and Scars (new image created)

The type of Tummy Tuck and the size of the incision required will determine the length of the scar. Dr. Ali will choose the best tummy tuck technique for a patient that uses the smallest incision possible for the procedure. In most cases, the remaining scar is in a location that will be covered by a bikini bottom.

Endoscopic Tummy Tuck Scars

Sometimes, the Tummy Tuck surgery can be performed using endoscopic techniques, which involves one or multiple very short incisions.

Mini-Tummy Tuck Scars

If the navel does not need to be repositioned, a Mini-Tummy Tuck may be able to be performed – which typically has a shorter.

Dermolipectomy Tummy Tuck Scars

When a dermolipectomy Tummy Tuck is performed, excess skin and fat are removed, and the naval (belly button) is also repositioned – but there is no muscle tightening. So scarring is a bit more than a mini-tummy-tuck but still less than a full abdominoplasty.

Full Abdominoplasty Scars

A Full Abdominoplasty is more invasive, and is performed on patients with very lax muscles and large excess amounts of skin.  In this technique the surgeon makes an incision across the lower abdomen (just above your pubic bone), usually from hip to hip. While most of the scar will still be below the “bikini line” it can be a long scar.
tummy tuck surgery oakland county

Tummy Tuck Healing and Scars

Different people scar differently. In most people, the scars are typically healed by 6 to 8 weeks.  The scars will generally mature for up to a year, by which time they should fade considerably and be only a thin, fine, inconspicuous line. In some people, after several years, the scars eventually become almost undetectable.

However, a very small percentage of individuals have a hereditary predisposition toward scarring. Individuals who have a history of hypertrophic or keloid scarring should discuss this with their doctor.

Reducing Appearance of Tummy Tuck Scars

Many things can be done to reduce the appearance of scars, including post-surgical taping and specially prescribed oils or lotions containing silicone, vitamin E, and more. In more severe cases of scarring, silicone sheeting, low level lasers and other treatments can reduce scars.

Dr. Ali will advise you as to the best treatment for scars and when you may begin treating them. Do not “self-treat” your scars without guidance from your plastic surgeon.

Finally, remember that scars are less resistant to ultraviolet rays and much more prone to sunburn than normal skin. Sun exposure can actually permanently darken a scar, so keep your scar covered and do not try to “heal” your scar with sunlight.

Oakland County’s Best Tummy Tuck Surgery

Oakland County board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women and men obtain the firm flat abdomen they have always wanted with a Tummy Tuck. His skill and experience enable him to leave the smallest scar possible for your specific procedure – whiler obtaining optimal results.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Ali, and he will answer all of your questions – including what Tummy Tuck technique is best for you scarring (if any) to expect in your unique situation.

Call Dr. Ali for a Tummy Tuck Consultation: 248-335-7200

Am I a Good Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

Who is a Good Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

There are many ways to get a flatter firmer tummy, including CoolSculpting, liposuction, and mini and full tummy tucks. As a board certified plastic surgeon, I have helped hundreds of women and men determine whether a Tummy Tuck or another procedure is right for them.

While CoolSculpting is non-surgical, and liposuction is minimally invasive surgery (performed with local numbing), a tummy tuck is a serious surgery that is usually performed under general anesthesia.

CoolSculpting and Liposuction remove fat, but do not tighten the skin or muscles of the abdomen. A tummy tuck removes excess skin, and tightens the remaining abdominal skin and muscles.

There are several different types of Tummy Tuck procedures. The type that is best for a person depends on whether they need muscles tightened, skin tightened, fat removed, or any combination of these factors.

What Causes Loose Abdominal Skin

Even people with normal body weight can develop a “tummy” that protrudes or is loose and sagging. The most common causes of a loose or saggy abdomen include:

  • Aging
  • Heredity
  • Pregnancy
  • Significant weight loss

Sometimes the skin alone is loose or saggy. In other cases the problem is the result of stretched or “splayed” muscles.

What Age Can You Get a Tummy Tuck?

At a minimum a person should be 21 years of age to undergo a Tummy Tuck – however it is rarely performed on young woman. Typically a woman should wait until they are finished having children before having a Tummy Tuck, since the skin and muscles may get stretched out again due to pregnancy.

Similarity, If a person is considering (or in the process of) losing weight, they should wait until after they’ve reached their desired weight.  This way the Tummy Tuck can remove all loose skin at once.

There is no maximum age to get a Tummy Tuck, as long as you are in good health. Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of “sexy seniors” get the body they want with a Tummy Tuck.

Health Considerations for a Tummy Tuck

Because a Tummy Tuck is a type of surgery, a person must be in good health and not have any diseases or serious pre-existing medical conditions. If you have epilepsy, diabetes, an autoimmune disorder, a circulatory disorder, or a bleeding disorder, you may not be a good candidate for a Tummy Tuck. Always advise Dr. ALi or your plastic surgeon of any underlying medical conditions you have.

Additionally if you are taking blood thinning medication, or certain other medicines or prescriptions you may need to stop taking them before you are able to undergo Tummy Tuck surgery. Always discuss any medications you are taking with Dr. Ali during your consultation. But never discontinue any medication without the permission of your prescribing physician. Dr. Ali can consult with your personal doctor, if necessary to discuss any medications you may be taking.

Also, oral contraceptives should ideally be stopped a month prior to surgery because “The Pill” can increase the risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis or Pulmonary Embolism (blood clots). However, use some alternative form of effective contraception, as women should not be pregnant during a Tummy Tuck or while healing.

Being in a mentally and emotionally stable place in your life is also important, because recovery from a Tummy Tuck requires patience and stability. Surgical recovery takes time, and there is typically discomfort or pain involved. Post-surgical depression is a real and serious issue, and surgery can aggravate depression and other mental conditions. Having a good support system around you to help you with driving and daily activities while you recover is very important.

Additionally, smokers must stop at least two to three months before the Tummy Tuck, and should not smoke until complete healing has taken place.

Remember, if you are not a good candidate for surgery at this time, there may still be some other non-surgical procedures – such as coolsculpting or laser skin tightening – that may help you attain your appearance goals.

Birmingham’s Best Tummy Tuck Surgery

Birmingham board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women and men obtain the firm flat abdomen they have always wanted with a Tummy Tuck. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Ali, and he will help you determine whether a Tummy Tuck, or another procedure, is right for you.

Call Dr. Ali for a Tummy Tuck Consultation: 248-335-7200

What to Expect after a Tummy Tuck

The Tummy Tuck Recovery Process

Birmingham board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women and men obtain the flat, firm abdomen they desire with a surgical Tummy Tuck procedure. In this article we discuss what to generally expect when you return home, after a Tummy Tuck procedure.

Keep in mind that there are several different types of Tummy Tuck procedures depending upon whether the patient need muscles tightened, skin tightened, fat removed, or any combination of these factors. The healing time and recovery process will depend upon which type of Tummy Tuck was performed.

This information is general in nature – Dr. Ali and his medical staff will explain exactly what to expect in your unique situation. Always follow your plastic surgeon’s specific post-operative instructions after a Tummy Tuck!

Immediately after a Tummy Tuck

A person is usually able to walk immediately after Tummy Tuck surgery. The patient will typically be instructed to take a short walk for a few minutes, three or four times a day. This will help prevent the development of blood clots (Deep Vein Thrombosis or Pulmonary Embolism).

However standing straight may be uncomfortable for several days. The surgeon may instruct the patient to remain bent over a bit for the first 4 to 5 days after surgery.

Patients are generally required to wear an abdominal pressure garment for several weeks – this holds everything in place during healing, and minimizes swelling and the risk of blood clots.

Swelling after a Tummy Tuck

Some swelling and bruising are normal with almost any surgery – and a Tummy Tuck is no exception. As the swelling gradually subsides, you will begin to see your flat, firm, new abdomen. The amount of bruising and swelling will vary from person to person, depending on the type of Tummy Tuck surgery.

An endoscopic or mini Tummy Tuck will swell less than a full abdominoplasty. The person’s skin, age and healing ability will also affect the amount and duration of the swelling.

Approximately 80% of the swelling is typically gone by 8 to 12 weeks after a full Tummy Tuck. However, it typically takes around six months for all of the swelling to disappear. And in cases of more extensive or invasive Tummy Tuck surgery, it can take up to a year for all swelling to completely subside.

It is very important to wear the post operative compression garment for at least two weeks after a Tummy Tuck –  or longer if your plastic surgeon tells you to – to help minimize swelling.

If drains are inserted after a Tummy Tuck, they will usually be removed in anywhere from 4 days to 2 weeks. Again, this depends upon the type of Tummy Tuck. Dr. Ali will thoroughly explain what to expect during your consultation.

Pain after a Tummy Tuck

Similarly, the amount of pain and discomfort after a Tummy Tuck can vary greatly, depending upon the person and the procedure. There will be some pain, as with any surgery. However, some patients report only a moderate amount of discomfort, while others experience more intense pain.

An endoscopic or mini Tummy Tuck will result in less pain than a full abdominoplasty where a large incision was required. The person’s pain tolerance and healing ability will also affect the amount and duration of the discomfort.

In every situation, Dr. Ali will exert every effort to help you manage any pain, including the prescription of safe but strong pain relievers.

Scarring after a Tummy Tuck

Scars range from almost invisible (in an endoscopic tummy tuck) to more extensive in a full abdominoplasty. Scar size will depend upon the amount of skin removed and the technique used – including the size of the necessary incision. The patient’s type of skin, ability to heal and whether they scar well will also affect the amount of scarring.

However, in most Tummy Tuck procedures any scar can be covered by a standard bikini. Dr. Ali is a highly experienced board certified plastic surgeon who is skilled at minimizing and concealing any scarring as much as possible for your type of procedure – while obtaining the best results possible.   Learn More about Tummy Tuck Scarring Here

Work & Activity after a Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty takes a while to heal completely. While the drains are in, a patient should rest in bed or on a couch. Most patients can return to work after two to four weeks – depending upon how extensive the surgery is and what they do for a living.

Walking for a few minutes several times a day should begin immediately. Mild exercise (without straining the abdomen) can begin as soon as two weeks after surgery, if OK-ed by your surgeon. In many cases moderate exercise and activity (including sex) can resume at six weeks, as long as weight is not put on the abdomen.

Keep in mind that these are just general guidelines. Dr. Ali will advise you specifically when you can resume certain activities, depending upon your unique situation.  Learn More about Activity after a Tummy Tuck Here

Birmingham’s Best Tummy Tuck Surgeon

Birmingham board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women and men obtain the firm flat abdomen they have always desired with a Tummy Tuck. When you schedule a consultation with Dr. Ali, he will answer all of your questions – and explain what to expect before, during and after a Tummy Tuck in your unique situation.

Call Dr. Ali for a Tummy Tuck Consultation: 248-335-7200

Medical Benefits of a Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck Medical Benefits: More than a Flat Stomach!

A Tummy Tuck – technically called an “abdominoplasty” – is a common plastic surgery procedure that can tighten the abdominal muscles and remove loose skin, to give a flattened and toned appearance. Women often turn seek out a tummy tuck following pregnancy and childbearing to restore their pre-pregnancy figures. Men and women can also benefit from the procedure if they’ve lost a significant amount of weight, leaving loose skin in the stomach area.

While most people may think tummy tucks are only for cosmetic purposes, that’s not the case says Oakland County plastic surgeon Dr. Ali. “There are wonderful cosmetic benefits to a tummy tuck procedure for sure,” says Dr. Ali. “But there are also important medical benefits that can often be overlooked. And that might be why the procedure saw an 87% increase between 2000 and 2018.”

In this article we discuss three medical benefits of a tummy tuck procedure, in addition to achieving a flatter abs.

Medical Benefits of a Tummy Tuck:

Tummy Tuck Improves Posture

Abdominal muscles (“abs”) can become distended after extreme weight loss or multiple pregnancies. And weakened abdominal muscles not only create a “paunchy” look but also are associated with poor posture. Your ab muscle are part and parcel of the system that help your body stand upright.

Diet and exercise alone simply will never be enough to improve the appearance of stretched  abdominal muscles. If the muscles have been stretched out of shape, “splayed” or separated, they will need to be repaired surgically. During the tummy tuck procedure, the surgeon can actually tighten the abdominal muscles while removing excess skin and fat.

During the tummy tuck surgery the rectus abdominus muscles are then tightened by suturing the separated muscles together.

In addition to giving a more flattened and toned appearance, when the abdominal muscles are tightened, patients may find their posture improves because their spine is better supported.

Tummy Tuck Improves Core

If you have been exercising in an attempt to improve your abdominal area, you have no doubt heard all about the importance of “core” strength.

When the core of your body is weak, your body is less stable. Additionally, poor core strength results in undo gravitational stress on your limbs and joints. All of this can lead to sore calves, aching hips, shoulders & knees, and plantar or achilles problems. 

Tightening your core will improve balance, enhance athletic performance, help reduce aches & pains, and assist in averting the possibility of injury. 

Tummy Tuck Hernia Correction

Significant weight loss or surgeries, such as a C-section, can lead to a condition called a ventral hernia. This type of hernia occurs when the intestine or abdominal tissue pops through the abdominal wall and forms a sack. In addition to being painful, these hernias create visible bulges.

Weakened abdominal muscles are often the cause of ventral hernias. And once you have had a ventral hernia, you may be more susceptible to it reoccurring. An abdominoplasty (“tummy tuck”) in during a hernia repair procedure can strengthen the abdominal wall and prevent a hernia from recurring.

“There are tremendous benefits to abdominoplasty,” says Oakland County tummy tuck surgeon Dr. Ali. “It is not meant to be a weight loss procedure, but rather to help patients who are at or near their ideal weight achieve strengthened abdominal muscles and a flattened, toned look.”

Oakland County’s Best Tummy Tuck Surgeon

Oakland County board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women and men obtain the firm flat abdomen they have always desired with a Tummy Tuck. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Ali, and see if a Tummy Tuck procedure is right for your unique situation.

Call Dr. Ali for a Tummy Tuck Consultation: 248-335-7200