Now’s the Time to Lose Belly Fat with Affordable Liposuction

Liposuction for the Tummy (Stomach, Abdomen, Waist & Belly)

Much has been made of the “quarantine 15” – the weight gain that many of us have experienced after months of inactivity and staying at home watching Netflix. For some people this unwanted fat around the middle is a new phenomenon. But for others, social distancing has just made a bad situation worse, by adding additional inches to an already flabby belly.

For this reason – coupled with the fact that many of us are forced to see ourselves on Zoom cameras everyday – the American Society of Plastic Surgeons has reported that liposuction procedures have actually increased during the past year!

Another reason for the growth in liposuction treatments may also be that NOW is the perfect time to get lipo. If you are already working from home, and not going out socializing much, it is the ideal time to undergo liposuction. You won’t have to take time off work for the recovery period, and no one will even know you’ve had it done! They will just think you look great when they see you again!

Liposuction for the Belly

Although liposuction can now performed on almost every area of the body, it originated as a treatment for removing excess fat from the tummy / belly / abdomen / waist / stomach area. And, in fact, the belly is still the number one requested area for liposuction.

In recent years, liposuction technologies have been refined and improved into procedures that are much more comfortable, safe, and affordable – and offer beautiful results with less downtime.

Tumescent liposuction uses very fine tubes (microcannulas) to “suck out” belly fat. Because they are so small, the incision is miniscule – and requires no stiches and leaves no scarring. Swelling, bruising and pain are also minimized by the use of the extremely thin cannulas.

Once the fat cells are removed from the abdomen they are “gone for good” and will not return. Of course you can still gain weight with improper diet and lack of exercise – but the fat in the liposuction area will not return. And while liposuction is not a weight loss method per se, up to eleven pounds of fat can be removed in a typical single liposuction session!

Benefits of a Skilled Liposuction Surgeon

Liposuction removes those pockets and bulges of abdominal belly fat that diet and exercise don’t touch. You see, your heredity or “DNA” determines where your body will place fat cells – and you are “stuck” with them in that location, no matter how much weight you lose. But liposuction changes the game by removing these excess fat cells!

Contouring the abdomen with liposuction is truly part science and part art. In addition to using state-of-the-art tumescent liposuction technologies to remove inches, a skilled and experienced liposuction surgeon will “sculpt” your fat deposits to give your body the best proportions, “curves,”  and contours.

An experienced liposuction surgeon such as Dr. Ali will approaching the abdomen from multiple angles to prevent irregular removal as well as ensure there is not a “donut” of fat around the navel. It is more than just “removing fat” but rather sculpting different areas of the body, to produce smooth, symmetrical, proportionate, results. A skilled plastic surgeon will also apply the cannula parallel to the skin’s surface, which prevents dimpling and avoids damage to surrounding tissues.

Additionally, the amount of fat removed needs to be assessed in relation to the degree of skin elasticity. Older patients, previous smokers, and some others may have less elasticity.  A more conservative approach to liposuction may need to be taken in these situations to prevent creating an empty skin envelope after liposuction.

Alternatively, for those who are left with excess loose, sagging skin in the belly, liposuction can be combined with a Tummy Tuck or revolutionary new, non-surgical Profound® skin tightening.

In short, abdominal liposuction must be tailored to the specific needs of each patient and must take many factors into account to ensure optimal results.

Circumferential Torso Liposuction

Central abdomen liposuction only addresses the belly. But many patients with excess abdominal fat also have fat deposits in surrounding areas, such as the “flanks” or “love-handles”. For these patients, “circumferential torso liposuction” is beneficial – which addresses the abdomen, flanks and waist – so as to prevent a wide and flat look.

In order to properly deliver circumferential torso liposuction, a patient typically lies on their side with their back straight, giving the plastic surgeon access to the waist, the central abdomen and the flanks. This enables the surgeon to bring proportion, balance and smooth contours to the entire area – rather than just sucking out fat from an isolated spot in the front of the belly.

liposuction west bloomfield

See more photos of Dr. Ali’s amazing liposuction results in our Before & After Gallery.

Best Rochester Hills Area Abdominal / Belly Fat Liposuction

Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women and men in Birmingham, Rochester Hills, Bloomfield Hills, Auburn Hills and across Oakland County and the Detroit area love their bodies with abdominal liposuction of their unwanted “belly fat”. He will be happy to offer you a consultation to help you understand your options. Dr. Ali will consider all aspects of your body proportions, the amount of fat you need to lose, your lifestyle, your age and your goals in order to ensure the best liposuction results for you!

And remember, liposuction financing options are also available!

Rochester Hills Area Liposuction Consultation:248-335-7200

How to Get Thin by the New Year

Give Yourself the Gift of Fat Loss For Christmas– 

Thanksgiving has past, Hanukkah is here, and Christmas is only a few weeks away. And, as always, the goal for the upcoming New Year is to “get thin” – or at least lose the extra fat that many of us accumulated during 2020 and 2021.

But, we all know that dieting and exercise is just not an effective or easy way to “get thin quick” or “lose fat fast.” The good news is that Detroit area board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali offers three highly effective procedures to remove unwanted fat without restricting calories or working out. He has helped hundreds of women and men in the greater Detroit area get the body they want with  a wide variety of procedures to remove fat and inches from almost every area of the body, including: liposuction, CoolSculpting, tummy tucks and more.

In this article we discuss the time-frames of the most popular body sculpting and fat loss procedures available at AMAE Plastic Surgery and Med Spa in the Detroit area.

How Long Do Liposuction Results Take?

Liposuction delivers visible results the “fastest” of the most common body sculpting procedures.

Tumescent liposuction is the newest generation liposuction procedures, which uses a “micro-cannula” (tiny tube) to suck out the fat. Tumescent liposuction only involves one procedure and significantly less swelling and “downtime” than older liposuction techniques.

As the swelling goes down (after the first few days up to about 4 to 6 weeks) the liposuction results become visible. Because the fat has been surgically “sucked out” and does not have to be eliminated by the body, the results are immediate – though only visible post-swelling.

Your recovery period will depend on how extensive the procedure was, how much fat was removed, your age, your general health, etc. But in most cases the swelling will subside, and substantial results will be visible in 4 to 6 weeks.

So, if you are hoping for visible results by New Years, early December is the time to book your liposuction appointment!! Additionally, because liposuction requires a few days to a week or so of downtime, many people find that the Christmas Break is a great time to schedule their liposuction procedure. But hurry, these appointments always go fast!

How Long Do CoolSculpting Results Take?

Like liposuction, CoolSculpting can remove stubborn areas of fat that resist diet and exercise – but it is not a weight loss tool.

CoolSculpting is non-surgical and non-invasive – giving it the advantage of having virtually no “downtime” and no period of recovery. However, CoolSculpting, involves multiple treatments.

Patients typically begin to see results within 4-5 weeks, although it may take 3 to 6 months to deliver complete and final results.

So, while CoolSculpting is less invasive, less uncomfortable, and has less downtime, seeing results takes more treatments – and the results take much longer to be visible.

If you book a CoolSculpting appointment in December, you will likely see some – but not complete – results by New Years day. 

How Long Do Tummy Tuck Results Take?

A tummy tuck (also called abdominoplasty) is a more invasive procedure than liposuction or CoolSculpting. A tummy tuck tightens “flabby” skin and loose muscle, while liposuction or CoolSculpting only remove excess fat.

Immediately following your tummy tuck, loose, sagging skin will be gone – but some swelling will continue. Gradually the swelling decreases over a period of several weeks, revealing the firm, tight skin and muscles.

A tummy tuck typically requires general anesthesia. An incision is made across the lower in order to remove excess abdominal skin and tighten the abdominal muscles. This does result in a longer recovery time and more intense discomfort. So, once again, if your job offers you time off over the holiday, it can be an ideal time to consider a tummy tuck.

Scheduling a tummy tuck in early December will reveal a tighter abdomen by New Years.  But, realistically, because it is a more invasive surgery, it will be late January before complete results of your tummy tuck will be visible. Additionally, if you elect to have a tummy tuck during the holidays – care must be taken not to “overdo it” during your recovery period. Let Santa do the lifting and delivering of packages, while you sit back and sip a hot cocoa!

Best Detroit Area Liposuction Surgeon

Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women and men across the greater Detroit area get the body they want with liposuction, CoolSculpting, tummy tucks, and other non-invasive, minimally-invasive and surgical procedures. He will be happy to offer you a consultation to help you understand your options and results time-frame, so you can choose the best procedure for your goals.

Give yourself the Christmas gift of fat loss and get the body you have always wanted. And remember, financing options are also available!

Detroit Area Liposuction Consultation: 248-335-7200

How to Look Thinner on Zoom (Part 1)

8 Ways to Look Thinner on Zoom (Part 1) – 

There have been many surprising changes to our lifestyles during the pandemic. One of these is that many of us our finding ourselves “on camera” and being videoed for the first time in our life. And, whether we are participants or presenters in Zoom meetings, we are all becoming acutely aware that the old adage is true: “the camera adds ten pounds.”

And while some Zoom meeting just involve a few close colleagues, others are taped for broadcast, watching and re-watching company-wide. Couple this with the fact that many of us have gained a few (or fifteen) extra pounds from the more sedentary stay-at-home lifestyle of the quarantine – and both women and men are becoming increasingly concerned about looking chubby on camera.

The good news is that there are both “camera tricks” and aesthetic treatments that can make you appear slimmer on camera (and off!). In addition to using lighting, highlighting and camera angles to your advantage, Dr. Ali offers the fastest and safest aesthetic procedures for losing the “quarantine fifteen” so you look more like a celebrity – and less like a couch potato on camera.

Camera Tricks to Look Thinner in Zoom Meetings

Let’s first start with some easy “basics” here, to looking thinner on Zoom and other video platforms.

#1. Camera Placement: Make sure your camera is at eye level to look thinner.

If the camera is below you, and angled up, everyone is getting a birds-eye view of the underside of your chin. And, unless you’re a fit twenty-five year old (or George Clooney), looking up at the flesh beneath the chin is rarely a flattering angle.

#2. Body Placement: Sit at a slight angle to the camera to look thinner on Zoom.

Most people sit facing the camera directly…often leaning back slightly. This will make your face and body look wider and more square. Think “side-saddle” when sitting in your office chair, which places your body at a more slimming 45 degree angle to the camera.

And, leaning back accentuates both the belly and (double) chin. So, don’t forget to sit up straight! In addition to making you look more confident and professional, pressing the shoulders back will help elongate the neck and make the face look slimmer, too!

#3. Head Placement: Tilt the forehead slightly forward to look thinner on Zoom.

This is an old photographers’ “trick” that works equally well on Zoom and in videos, as it does in still photos. Tilting the forehead slightly forward will make the face look longer and less round. It also casts a shadow over the chin, concealing any excess fat below the jaw.

#4. Wear Dark, Fitted Clothing: Avoid vertical stripes, loud prints and baggy clothes to look thinner on Zoom.

In person, your colleagues can tell where your clothes end and you begin. But on a smaller video screen wide or loose clothes simply make your body look wide, too. Additionally, anything that draws the eye from side to side – like horizontal stripes – also makes you look bigger. And busy patterns and bright colors also draw the eye’s focus to the body.

#5. Contour with Make-Up or an Angled Beard: this reduces the chin’s appearance in women or men with “shadowing.”

For hundreds of years men have been hiding their double chins with a well-trimmed beard! The sharper the angles of the beard, the squarer the jaw will appear. Women can achieve a similar illusion of a slimmer face by creating subtle shadows around the jawline, along the sides of the face, and under the cheekbones with well-placed contouring. (see illustrations, below).

look thinner on Zoom
Women Look Thinner on Zoom with Contouring

look thinner on Zoom
Men Look Thinner on Zoom with an Angled Beard


Aesthetic Treatments to Look Thinner on Zoom

These “tricks” can certainly help you look thinner when on camera. But the reality is, camera angles can only go so far to disguise unwanted fat on the face and body. Fortunately, there are three fast, affordable and non-invasive or minimally invasive procedures offered at AMAE Med Spa in the Detroit area that can actually permanently get rid of unwanted fat on the face and the body.

CLICK HERE to Read About 3 Fat Loss Treatments to Look Thinner on Zoom

How to Look Thinner on Zoom (Part 2)

8 Ways to Look Thinner on Zoom (Part 2) – 

In Part 1 of this Article we revealed 5 camera “tricks” that can help you look thinner when on camera, whether in Zoom meetings, Facetiming or taking Selfies. But the reality is, camera angles can only go so far to disguise unwanted fat on the face and body. Fortunately, there are three fast, affordable and non-invasive or minimally invasive procedures offered at AMAE Med Spa in the Detroit area that can actually permanently get rid of unwanted fat on the face and the body.

With non-invasive CoolSculpting for body or double chin, Kybella double chin injections, and/or liposuction, you can permanently get rid of unwanted fat so that you look great on camera … and “IRL” when things get back to normal!

Aesthetic Treatments to Look Thinner on Zoom

#1. Kybella Double Chin Injections to Look Thinner on Zoom

Kybella eliminates a double chin through a series of injections under the jaw that “dissolve” the fat cells. The destroyed fat cells are then eliminated by the body’s natural metabolic processes.

Most Kybella patients see a 50 percent fat reduction after just two sessions, and a 70 percent reduction after four Kybella treatments – meaning your face can look 70% thinner in Zoom meetings with Kybella!

kybella before & after
Kybella to Look Thinner on Zoom


#2. CoolSculpting Fat Loss to Look Thinner on Zoom

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment that literally freezes away unwanted fat almost anywhere on the body – including the chin, for which it was recently FDA approved.

Once the fat cells are frozen and destroyed, they are gradually expelled from the body through natural elimination processes and can never come back.

Because it takes a while for the body to absorb and eliminate the frozen fat cells, CoolSculpting results take longer than liposuction to be visible – with results beginning to appear 4 to 5 weeks after treatment, and 3 to 5 months to deliver final results.

coolsculpting before- & after
CoolSculpting to Look Thinner on Zoom


#3. Liposuction to Look Thinner on Zoom (and “IRL”!)

Liposuction offers the largest amount of fat loss with the most rapidly visible results. Liposuction can be used as a body contouring technique – safely removing up to 11 pounds of unwanted fat. It is also an ideal tool for sculpting the face, neck and double chin.

Only local anesthetic is required for modern liposuction, which is less invasive. And, unlike CoolSculpting or Kybella, liposuction requires only one treatment, and the results are visible as soon as swelling subsides!

While there is some downtime after liposuction, many patients have found that it’s an ideal time to come in for lipo – since thy can work-from-home while they are recovering … and no one will even know they had anything done.

liposuction before & after
Liposuction to Look Thinner on Zoom


Aesthetic Treatments to Look Thinner on Zoom

It’s proven that the camera does add 10 pounds to a person’s appearance! And, in addition to being more aware of our appearance on camera thanks to increased Zoom and Facetime, many of us have packed on the “quarantine 15” due to more time snacking a home and less time being active. But whether your motivation to look thinner is Zoom meetings or “real life” board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has the aesthetic fat loss treatments to make your face and body look thinner, younger and more well-proportioned.

Schedule a fat loss consultation with Dr. Ali, in person or via video chat, and see which fat loss treatments will make you look like a star every day!

Aesthetic & Fat Loss Treatments: 248.335.7200

3 Surprising Ways to Get Rid of Back Fat

3 Ways to Get Rid of Back Fat (#3 Will Surprise You!)

If you have unwanted back fat – sometimes called “bra rolls” or “back bulges” – you know that it simply does not respond to diet or exercise. Even women at or near their ideal weight can suffer from dreaded, unsightly back fat – especially as they get older.

Back fat can squeeze out from beneath bra bands and straps, ruining the appearance of t-shirts and other fitted clothing, or apparel made from thin material. And, sadly, back fat can make a woman think twice about even considering a sleeveless wedding dress or evening gown.

The good news is that AMAE Plastic Surgery and Med Spa in the greater Troy, MI area offers three fast, affordable and permanent solutions to back fat. And the third back fat treatment option we offer is sure to surprise most people! Bra roll reduction can be done via liposuction, CoolSculpting, and now by Kybella injection!

What Causes Back Fat

There are two primary causes of back fat. And the first simply can’t be helped: heredity. The placement of fat on our bodies is primarily determined by our genes. That’s why even “thin” people can have stubborn fat deposits on their thighs or their back – no matter how much they work out or how little they eat.

Additionally, as women age, the spine compresses causing a loss of height. According to a report by the AARP, women lose an average two inches in height between the ages of 30 and 70, and by age 80, most women have shrunk a total of three inches.

So, if you put the same amount of hereditary back skin and fat on a smaller frame, it is simply going to “bulge” more as the woman loses inches. Fortunately, all three treatments available at AMAE Plastic Surgery and Med Spa in the Troy, Mi area can get rid of back fat – so you feel confident and sexy in whatever you wear!

#1. Liposuction to Get Rid of Back Fat

The fastest way to remove the largest amount of fat that has accumulated in their upper or lower back is liposuction. Some of the most dramatic results from liposuction can be seen when it is applied to the back.  Patients can lose several ounces or even pounds of fat with lipo. A tube-like device called a cannula is gently inserted into the fat layer of the back and the fat cells are suctioned out. Once the back fat cells are removed, they are gone for good and fat cells can never return in that area!

back fat liposuction troy macomb county area#2. CoolSculpting to Get Rid of Back Fat

CoolSculpting is a less invasive method for getting rid of back fat – killing fat cells by freezing them, after which they are eliminated by the body. CoolSculpting can reduces approximately 20 to 25% percent of the fullness of the “back bulge” during a single 35-minute session – without incisions or surgery. And multiple treatments can remove even more.

A specially designed CoolSculpting applicator called the CoolCurve is specially shaped to target and eliminate unwanted back fat. Results begin to show after a few weeks but will become dramatically visible after several months, as the body continues to flush the frozen and destroyed fat cells. And there is no downtime with CoolSculpting back fat removal.

#3. Kybella to Get Rid of Back Fat

The newest and most surprising way to get rid of back fat is with Kybella injections! Originally approved to destroy and eliminate unwanted submental fat in the “double chin” area, Kybella has more recently proven effective at reducing bra fat rolls. The FDA approved Kybella to get rid of back fat in 2018.

Kybella is an injectable medicine that literally dissolves fat, much in the same way that a detergent can break down grease. A series of “shots” targets and dissolves the fat in the bra roll, and then the body removes the liquified fat through its natural elimination processes.

Kybella typically requires multiple treatments, depending on the amount of back fat being targeted. But on average, 2 or 3 Kybella sessions are all that is needed to get rid of small to moderate-sized “bra bulges”.

Get Rid of Back Fat – Troy, MI

Once back liposuction, CoolSculpting or Kybella remove back rolls and bulges they will never come back. As a result, patients permanently experience a more slender and contoured physique. Your clothes, sleeveless dresses, bathing suits (and lingerie!) will look better. And you will have a new sense of self-esteem and confidence, on the beach, at the banquet, or in the boardroom or the bedroom!

Get Rid of Back Fat Troy, MI Area – 248-335-7200

Get Rid of Stubborn Back Fat with Liposuction

Liposuction for Stubborn Back Fat

The “Quarantine 15” has gotten a lot of press lately – referring to that stubborn fat that has been accumulating during the months of snacking and the decreased activity social distancing. And, unfortunately, many of us are now seeing pockets of fat creeping up on areas like the back, where we never had fat before. One common area of unwanted fat is on the back. These bulges around the bra on women, and fatty lumps on men, can be the result of the inactivity and altered eating habits of the pandemic.

The bad news is that dieting and exercise if often ineffective at reducing back fat. Fat loss experts universally agree that it is impossible to “spot reduce” with diet or exercise. And that is compounded by the fact that once you have fat cells in an area, they will never “go away” with diet or exercise. Fat cells can get bigger with weight gain and smaller with weight loss, but they are never eliminated.

But the good news is that liposuction can both “spot reduce” fat from the back (or almost anywhere else) – AND fat loss from liposuction is permanent!

Liposuction Permanently Removes Back Fat

If you want to to reduce fat that has accumulated in their upper or lower back, the back is actually one of the best areas for liposuction treatment. Some of the most dramatic results from liposuction can be seen when it is applied to the back.  Once back liposuction removes back rolls and bulges they will never come back. As a result, patients experience a more slender and contoured physique, clothes, bathing suits (and lingerie!) look better – and patients have a new sense of self-esteem and confidence.

Who Is a Candidate for Back Fat Liposuction

Back liposuction is an ideal treatment for stubborn pockets of back fat that do not respond to diet or exercise. Many women and men have a hereditary predisposition to developing back fat that is not their fault – and liposuction can be the “miracle” that finally gets rid of it once and for all.

During back liposuction, an experienced surgeon can use a more aggressive approach than they can on breasts or thighs – because there is less concern about excess skin and/or damage to sensitive surrounding tissue on the back. And, while back liposuction is not a weight loss method per se, patients can loose several ounces or even pounds of fat with lipo.  [Note: lipo is not safe or effective for people who are obese.]

How Back Liposuction is Performed

In performing back liposuction, a tube-like device called a cannula is gently inserted into the fat layer of the back. Macomb County area cosmetic surgeon Dr. Ali moves the cannula slowly back and forth to break up the fat cells, which are then sucked out through the cannula. Once the fat cells are gone, they are gone for good and fat cells can never return in that area!

Dr. Ali performs minimally invasive tumescent liposuction procedure, so only local anesthetic is used – and you are not knocked out. This leads to faster healing, less discomfort and better results than older, more invasive forms of liposuction.

Because back skin is thick and prone to drooping the middle and upper back are usually liposuctioned at the same time, as a unit. This enables Dr. Ali to achieve a smooth and proportionate appearance. Dr. Ali approaches the fatty tissue in the back from multiple angles, literally sculpting your body to achieve the most proportionate, smooth, consistent and natural-looking results possible.

Excess skin is typically not a problem after back liposuction. However, for patients who have had larger amounts of fat removed, Dr. Ali also offers amazing Profound Skin tightening. Profound is a groundbreaking new skin tightening procedure that utilizes radiofrequency energy combined with microneedling to contract the skin.

Back Liposuction Before & After

back liposuction macomb county area

Quarantine is a Great Time for Back Liposuction

Although Dr. Ali uses a minimally invasive liposuction technique for the fastest recovery, there is some downtime or recovery period after your back lipo procedure – as there is with any surgical procedure. And swelling can take 3 weeks or longer to subside.

If you are socially distancing and/or working from home, this can be the perfect opportunity to get liposuction, without having to return to the office the next day!

Macomb County area Back Fat Liposuction

Macomb County area plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has years of experience performing liposuction. He considers all of the factors affecting your fat loss, including your skin’s elasticity, the proportions of your entire body, and your appearance goals to achieve results that are not only beautiful, but are 100% uniquely “you”.

There are many things to worry about during the pandemic. But “back fat” does not have to be one of them. Get the shape you’ve always wanted – and look and feel better in your clothes and out of them – with back liposuction. Financing options are also available.

Macomb County area Liposuction Consultation: 248-335-7200

Liposuction for the Quarantine 15

Liposuction for the Quarantine 15 – 

As social distancing is starting to wind down in Oakland County, many of us are looking in the mirror and are frustrated to see that extra fat that has accumulated from several weeks of not doing much but snacking and watching TV. Sometimes dubbed the “Quarantine 15” by the media, the reality is that most people have only gained about 3 to 5 pounds during the coronavirus lockdown.

But whether you have gained an extra 3 pounds or an extra 15 pounds, getting rid of that unwanted fat is probably now a priority. And with summer now upon us, and all of us spending more time outdoors, it’s easy to get discouraged by this frustrating fat on our belly, thighs, love handles, hips and arms.

The good news is that thanks to developments in tumescent liposuction technologies, almost any area of the body can have liposuction, including the face, neck, chin, belly, hips, buttocks, thighs, back, arms, calves, ankles, knees and male breasts. State-of-the-art tumescent liposuction is performed using a very tiny incision and a very fine cannula (tube) to remove the fat. This means that the procedure is very gentle as well as very precise – – enabling Oakland Count plastic surgeon Dr. Ali  to perform it almost anywhere on the body. Only local anesthetic is needed, and patients resume normal activities almost immediately!

Liposuction is ideal for stubborn pockets of fat almost anywhere on the body that simply do not respond to exercise or dieting. Usually this type of fat is hereditary to some degree, and the only way to permanently remove it is with liposuction.

However, while you will lose inches and pounds of fat, remember that liposuction is not a “weight loss” procedure for obese of very overweight individuals.

Listed below are some of the most common areas of the body on which liposuction is performed. Click on any body part to learn more about liposuction for that part of the body!

liposuction oakland county
Arm Liposuction

A woman’s body may deposit fat in the arms – due to heredity, weight gain or age – that no amount of exercise or diet will reduce. For women with excess fat in their upper arms, tumescent liposuction can be a godsend that takes years off of their appearance.
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Back Liposuction

If you want to to remove fat that has accumulated in their upper or lower back, liposuction treatment is for you. Some of the most dramatic results from liposuction can be seen when it is applied to the back. Back liposuction is can remove back rolls, bulges around the bra, and other fatty lumps in the back. 

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liposuction oakland county
Belly Liposuction

Liposuction actually originated as a treatment for removing excess fat from the tummy / belly / abdomen / waist / stomach area. In recent years, liposuction technologies have been refined and improved into procedures that are even more comfortable, safe, affordable – and give, smooth and beautiful results.

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Hips & Saddlebag Liposuction

Any woman with “big hips” will tell you that the hips are one of the hardest places to lose fat. Often times all of the diet and exercise in the world won’t help because hip shape is primarily the result of heredity. But the good news is that liposuction can be done to the hips to dramatically help lose inches and contour the hips.
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Face Liposuction

Our “DNA”  controls how much excess fat we have in our cheeks, chin, and neck. And while diet and exercise can help many areas of the body, it typically does nothing to reduce fatty deposits on the face. Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women and men area get the slimmer, smoother, facial appearance they want with non-invasive tumescent liposuction of the cheeks, neck, jawline or double-chin.

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Ankle, Calf & Leg Liposuction

If you have stubborn pockets of fat on your calves and/or ankles, you know that there is perhaps no tougher area to try and reduce. This is because fat on the calves and ankles it is almost entirely due to genetics – and no amount of dieting or exercise will help. The good news is that thick calves & ankles can now permanently be a thing of the past with calf and ankle liposuction.

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Thigh Liposuction

Our DNA tells our body where to store fat – and fat deposited on the thighs can be extremely stubborn. The good news is that liposuction can dramatically remove inches from the thighs, as well as contour them into a more sleek and attractive shape. 

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Oakland County Liposuction

Thankfully, Dr. Ali at AMAE Plastic Surgery in Oakland County offers state-of-the-art, fast and effective liposuction fat loss treatments to permanently get rid of that “Quarantine 15.” And if you make an appointment for liposuction at our Oakland County office today, you will still be able to fit into those tank tops, swimsuits and and short-shorts with confidence before summer is over.

Oakland County Liposuction Consultation:248-335-7200

4 Ways to Get Thinner Thighs: Fat Loss Without Diet or Exercise (Part 1)

4 Ways to Get Thinner Thighs: Fat Loss Without Diet or Exercise (Part 1)

Frustratingly, the number of fat cells in our bodies becomes fixed in our teenage years and losing or gaining weight does not increase or decrease this number of fat cells. As you gain weight, the fat cells on your body will get bigger – and with dieting and weight loss, the cells may get smaller but the number of fat cells stays the same.

This is why diet and exercise are often powerless to cause fat loss in a woman’s thighs. And, to make matters worse, gravity, fluctuations in weight, and age-related loss of muscle mass and skin elasticity can combine to result in loose saggy skin, or a loss of tone in the thigh area.

Fortunately, Dr. Ali offers the newest, most advanced non-invasive, minimally-invasive and surgical fat loss treatments for getting thinner, tighter, more toned thighs! In this 2 part article we discuss the top 4 fat loss treatments for improving the look and feel of your thighs.

  1. Non-Invasive CoolSculpting Fat Loss for Thinner Thighs

Through CoolSculpting, Detroit-area patients are able to get thinner thighs by physically removing fat from the treatment area itself. A single CoolSculpting fat loss treatment is enough to yield results of up to 25% thinner thighs.

The first step towards thinner thighs with CoolSculpting involves applying a handheld applicator to the treatment area, which uses mild suction to pull bulges of fat into itself. The applicator then lowers the temperature of the treatment area to freezing, causing the fat cells to be permanently destroyed.

Then, through the body’s natural elimination process, the dead fat cells are removed from the body. Since this is a gradual process, it typically takes patients several weeks to notice having significantly thinner thighs. But since the body cannot produce new fat cells, once they’re destroyed, they are gone for good.

For about 5 to 6 months after CoolSculpting fat loss treatment, the body will continue to eliminate dead fat cells, continuously providing Detroit area patients with thinner and thinner thighs.

The best way to maintain results from CoolSculpting is to live a healthy lifestyle and to avoid substantial weight gain. But since CoolSculpting is a permanent procedure, even if additional weight gain does occur, it will not be gained in the treatment area. This means that patients who visit AMAE Med Spa for CoolSculpting can walk away from their procedure with permanently thinner thighs.

2. Minimally-Invasive Liposuction Fat Loss for Thinner Thighs

An alternative means of attaining thinner thighs is through liposuction. Unlike CoolSculpting, which is non-invasive, liposuction is a surgical fat loss procedure.

Most instances of liposuction surgery are performed under local anesthesia. The procedure requires our Detroit area patients to receive a small incision (no larger than 3mm), but patients nonetheless do not require stitches, and are able to attain noticeably thinner thighs without practically any scarring.

While CoolSculpting patients get thinner thighs through the body’s natural elimination process, during liposuction, fat cells are physically sucked out of the body. As a result, liposuction patients typically only require one single procedure to get noticeably thinner thighs.

While there is some downtime that comes along with getting thinner thighs through liposuction, patients are able to return home as early as a half hour after treatment. Additionally, patients usually only have to wait 2 to 7 days before resuming their normal daily routine. And while liposuction patients may experience some mild pain while recovering, any such discomfort is easily treatable with medication, and will gradually begin to dissipate over a 2 to 8 week period.

And while patients may experience some swelling after getting liposuction for thinner thighs, it should go down after 4 – 6 weeks. Once this occurs, results will immediately become visible, with patients able to notice having significantly thinner thighs without having to wait for the body to eliminate destroyed fat cells.

CoolSculpting and liposuction are both effective fat loss treatments to get thinner thighs, each with their own unique benefits. CoolSculpting is non-invasive and requires less downtime than liposuction, while liposuction requires fewer treatments and produces more immediately visible fat loss results. At AMAE Plastic Surgery & Med Spa in the Detroit area, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali helps all of his patients select a fat loss treatment plan that best suits their needs.

CLICK HERE for Part 2 of Thinner Thighs: Fat Loss Without Exercise or Diet

Fat Loss for Thighs – Detroit Area

Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women and men across the Detroit area thinner thighs with CoolSculpting, ThermiSmooth, Liposuction and Thigh Lift Surgery for fat loss. He will be happy to offer you a consultation to help you understand your options and decide which fat loss treatment is right to give you the thighs you love!

Fat Loss for Thighs – Detroit Area: 248.335.7200

Customizing Your Mommy Makeover

Customizing Your Mommy Makeover

A mommy makeover typically consists of three procedures:

  • A tummy tuck to restore abdominal flatness and tightness,
  • A breast lift and/or breast implants to raise sagging breasts and restore lost breast tissue; and;
  • Liposuction to remove unwanted fat and contour the body.

However, every Mom’s post pregnancy body issues are different! At our Oakland County cosmetic surgery practice we customize each Mommy Makeover to include the specific procedures you need to get a body that looks as great (or even better!) than it did before pregnancy.

Take a look at just a few of the Mommy Makeover options we offer. Then schedule a consultation in our Oakland County office to discuss a customized Mommy Mkeover that will give you the body that you love.

Mommy Makeover: Breast Lifts and/or Breast Implants

Many moms, especially those who have breastfed their babies, lose breast volume and/or experience drooping of the breasts after pregnancy and breastfeeding. Women who have had multiple children generally notice even more dramatic breast sagging.

A breast lift tightens the breast skin, lifting up the breasts for a perkier, more youthful chest.  For many women, a breast lift alone is sufficient to restore the pre-pregnancy appearance of the chest.

However, other women may experience a loss of breast tissue after childbirth. For these Mommy Makeover candidates, breast implants can be used to add volume, firmness and shape. It is also an opportunity for women who have always wanted larger breasts to go up a size or two or three!

Mommy Makeover: Types of Tummy Tucks

There are a variety of different tummy tuck procedures – including a full tummy tuck, a partial tummy tuck (dermolipectomy) an endoscopic tummy tuck, and even a “mini-tummy tuck”. Which tummy tuck procedure will be best for a woman will depend upon whether she only has loose or excess skin, just poor abdominal muscle tone, or a combination of both.

Endoscopic abdominoplasty is performed on people having weakened abdominal muscles, and excess abdominal fat, but who still have tight abdominal skin.

Dermolipectomy, is a tummy tuck in which excess skin and fat is removed and the belly button is repositioned. However, there is no muscle tightening.

A “mini-tummy tuck” also removes excess skin and fat, but does not tighten muscles, and is used when the navel does not need to be repositioned.

Full Abdominoplasty is the most extensive type of tummy tuck surgery. It is appropriate for women with very lax muscles, as well as larger amounts of excess loose skin.

Customizing Your Mommy Makeover

When you schedule a Mommy Makeover Consultation at our cosmetic surgery center, we will help you decide which procedures are right for you. Dr. Ali will listen to your appearance goals, answer your questions and thoroughly examine your skin and muscles to determine which Mommy Makeover procedures are right for you.

Busy mothers love a Mommy Makeover, because it’s “one and done” – and the recovery time for multiple procedures is condensed into one single timeframe. And “bundling” multiple cosmetic procedures into one single “Mommy Makeover” will save you a great deal of money (and time!) over scheduling each procedure separately on different days.

Oakland County’s Best Mommy Makeovers

Busy Oakland County mothers love a Mommy Makeover, because it’s “one and done” – and the recovery time for multiple procedures is condensed into one single timeframe. With a Mommy Makeover at AMAE Plastic Surgery you CAN “have it all” with just a single appointment!

If you are a Mommy – or any woman – who would like to experience a “new you” call today to schedule a Mommy Makeover Consultation in our Oakland County office.

Oakland County Mommy Makeover Consultation: 248-335-7200

LipoSuction FAQs: (Part 1) Getting Started

Liposuction FAQs: (Part 1) Getting Started


What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is the process by which excess fat is surgically removed through a cannula, a narrow surgical instrument resembling a straw. The cannula -which is attached to a liposuction machine- is inserted into the skin’s fat layer, and is then manipulated to remove unwanted deposits of fat.

Once the cannulas are inserted, your doctor will make a tiny incision in the surrounding area of treatment. The cannula is then inserted through the incision point and into the layer in fat. With a simple back-and-forth movement, the fat is smoothly removed from the treatment area. This technique allows for minimal bruising and bleeding and leaves you looking and feeling beautiful.

Can liposuction treat other medical conditions?

In addition to fat loss, there are many medical-related applications to liposuction. Liposuction can be applied to non-cosmetic medical conditions, such as non-cosmetic accumulation of fat, including gynecomastia (the enlargement of male breasts), and lipomas (benign fatty tumors). Liposuction can also be used to treat excessive sweating.

Is liposuction safe?

Liposuction is an incredibly safe, minimally invasive procedure that uses a local anesthetic. In Dr. Ali’s career, every single liposuction procedure he has performed has been 100% safe and successful.

Minor side effects that may accompany liposuction include minimal swelling and bruising, and in some cases occasional soreness or numbness. These side effects are, however, all temporary, and in almost all cases are resolved within the first few days following the liposuction procedure.

How much does liposuction cost?

There are many factors that are taken into account when quoting liposuction costs. The degree of difficulty, the amount of fat to be removed, and the number of areas to be treated must all be assessed prior to liposuction, before you can be given a specific quote.

We offer very competitive liposuction rates, and we will explain your costs “up front” very clearly. Keep in mind that at the end of the day liposuction is a surgery, and therefore it is not something you want to “cut corners” on.

Liposuction is permanent and the results will last a lifetime – so you do not want to trust your body to someone who is unskilled, inexperienced or “cut rate.” Investing a little more in a board certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali – who has performed hundreds of successful liposuctions with excellent results – is the best way to ensure beautiful results without complications.

We also offer easy and convenient financing options, so you can afford to get the liposuction you want, right away!

Liposuction – Birmingham, MI

Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women and men get rid of unwanted fat and love their bodies with tumescent liposuction. He will be happy to offer you a consultation at our Birmingham, MI Med Spa and Cosmetic Surgery Office to help you understand your options.

Renowned Birmingham, MI board-certified cosmetic surgeon Dr. Ali will consider all aspects of your body proportions, the amount of fat, your lifestyle, your age and your goals in order to ensure the best liposuction results for you.

And remember, liposuction financing options are also available!

Birmingham, MI Liposuction Consultation: 248-335-7200