Breast Augmentation Frequently Asked Questions

Plastic Surgeon Dr. Ali Answers Breast Augmentation FAQs

Breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic procedure that can enhance breast size, shape, position, and overall appearance. AT AMAE Plastic Surgery in the Troy, MI area, Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women get the beautiful bustline they have always wanted with breast augmentation surgery.

If you’re considering this transformative surgery, you likely have several questions. In this article we answer some of our patients’ most frequently asked questions about breast augmentation with informative answers to guide you through the process.

Of course, the best way to get your personal breast augmentation surgery questions answered is by scheduling a consultation with skilled and experienced board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali at AMAE Plastic Surgery in the Troy, MI area.

What are the different types of breast implants?

There are two main types of breast implants: saline and silicone. Saline implants are filled with sterile saline (salt water) solution and have a rounder more projecting appearance. Silicone implants – sometimes called gummy bear implants – are filled with silicone gel and have a more natural “teardrop appearance.

Both types of implants have their own advantages and disadvantages. You can read more about the differences HERE.

Which type of breast implant is right for me?

The best way to decide which type of breast implant is right for you is to talk to a skilled and experienced board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali at AMAE Plastic Surgery in the Troy, MI area. He will take into account your individual needs, body type, budget, lifestyle, and aesthetic preferences when making a recommendation.

Where is the incision made for breast augmentation surgery?

There are three main incision sites for breast augmentation surgery:

  • Inframammary fold incision: This incision is made in the crease below the breast.
  • Periareolar incision: This incision is made around the edge of the areola (nipple).
  • Transaxillary incision: This incision is made in the armpit.

The incision site that board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali will choose will depend on a number of factors, including the type of implant you choose, your breast shape, and your personal preferences.

Additionally, the implants can be placed over or under the chest muscle. Placement depends on factors such as the patient’s anatomy, implant type, and desired outcome.

Will my breasts look natural after breast augmentation surgery?

Yes, your breasts should look and feel natural after breast augmentation surgery. Dr. Ali will work with you to choose the right implant size and shape for your body. He will also place the implants in a way that will create a natural-looking appearance.

With many breast augmentation surgeons you have to guess or ‘imagine’ what your new breasts will look like. But at AMAE Plastic Surgery in the Troy, MI area DR. Ali offers MAE state-of-the-art Vectra 3D imaging. This revolutionary technology provides a three-dimensional computerized image of your breast enhancement results from every angle – so that Dr. Ali can show you your expected outcomes before your breast augmentation surgery.

Will breast augmentation surgery leave scars?

Scarring is inevitable with any surgery – but skilled and experienced board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali ensures that scars are kept to a minimum, and placed in the least visible location possible.

What is the recovery time for breast augmentation surgery?

Most women are able to return to work and light activities within a week of breast augmentation surgery. However, it is important to avoid strenuous activity for several weeks after surgery.

The surgical team at AMAE Plastic Surgery in the Troy, MI area will provide you with detailed post-operative instructions for your recovery.

How much does breast augmentation surgery cost?

The cost of breast augmentation surgery varies depending on a number of factors, including the type of implant you choose. Generally, saline implants are less expensive that silicone breast implants.

Remember, like anything else in life, you get what you pay for. You are also paying for the surgical center, the anesthesiologist, and your surgeon’s skill and experience. So, while it is important to find a fair price, you shouldn’t simply select a breast augmentation surgeon by who is cheapest. A Corvette costs more than a KIA.

If you are considering breast augmentation surgery, it is important to schedule a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon (not just a ‘cosmetic surgeon’ or ‘general surgeon’) to learn more about the procedure as it applies to you – and to discuss your individual needs, expectations, and costs. Make sure to ask to see the plastic surgeons portfolio of before and after photos, too, to ensure that he or she is capable of delivering safe and beautiful results at a fair price.

Is breast augmentation surgery safe?

Yes, breast augmentation surgery is an extremely safe procedure when performed by an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon. Remember not all doctors who call themselves ‘surgeons’ or ‘cosmetic surgeons’ are actually board-certified plastic surgeons like Dr. Ali.

As with any surgery, there are some risks associated with breast augmentation surgery. These risks are relatively low, and include issues like infection, but it is important to be aware of them before making a decision about surgery. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali will discuss all potential surgical risks with you during your consultation, based on your age, overall health, lifestyle, and type of surgery.

Will breast augmentation surgery affect my ability to breastfeed?

Breast augmentation surgery may affect your ability to breastfeed. This is because the surgery can damage the milk ducts and nerves in the breast. However, many women who have had breast augmentation surgery are still able to breastfeed. If you are considering breast augmentation surgery and you plan to breastfeed in the future, it is important to talk to your plastic surgeon about the risks and benefits of surgery.

How long will my breast implants last?

It’s important to note that breast implants do not come with an expiration date or a shelf life. While breast implants are not designed to last forever, they can last for decades – depending on the type of implant, the patients health and lifestyle, and other factors.

Today’s breast implants last on average anywhere between 10 to 20 years, with many women having their implants beyond 20 years and even for the rest of their life. If you are considering breast augmentation surgery, it is important to talk to Dr. Ali about the risks, benefits, and life expectancy of your breast implant surgery, to discuss your individual needs and expectations.

Top Breast Augmentation Surgery | Troy, MI Area

These are just a few of the many questions asked by our Troy, MI area patients about breast augmentation.

If you would like to know more about the “FAQs” of breast augmentation surgery as it would affect you, schedule a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali in the Troy, MI area – and take the first step to having the beautiful bustline you have always wanted.

Breast Augmentation Surgery | Troy, MI Area: 248.335.7200

Top 10 Tips for the Best Breast Augmentation Results

Plastic Surgeons Share Tips for the Best Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure that enhances the size, shape, and position of a woman’s breasts. This procedure involves the insertion of breast implants under the breast tissue or chest muscles – to increase the fullness and projection of the breasts, lift their position when necessary, and improve the balance and proportions of the woman’s figure.

A well-done breast augmentation can enhance a woman’s self-image, improve her confidence, and make her comfortable in clothes, bathing suits, lingerie – or when undressed.

The popularity of breast augmentation has grown significantly in the last decade, primarily due to advancements in surgical techniques and implant technology. More and more women are exploring breast augmentation as a means to improve their physical appearance and boost their self-esteem – with an estimated 365,000 women getting breast augmentation surgery in 2021.

However, like any surgical procedure, breast augmentation comes with its own set of considerations. Understanding the pre-planning, recovery, and maintenance process, along with having realistic expectations, can help patients enjoy safer, more beautiful, and longer lasting results.

In this article the Detroit area breast augmentation specialist at AMAE Plastic Surgery in Birmingham, MI share their tips for ensuring you get the best results from your breast augmentation surgery.

Common Misconceptions About Breast Augmentation

There are several misconceptions surrounding breast augmentation that can cloud a prospective patient’s judgement. One of the most common fallacies is that breast augmentation is a simple and straightforward procedure. In reality, it is a complex surgery that requires precise surgical skills, in-depth understanding of the female anatomy, and an artistic eye for detail.

Another misconception is that breast augmentation results in an unnatural look. This is far from the truth. A well-performed breast augmentation by a board-certified plastic surgeon can yield very natural-looking results. The key lies in choosing the right surgeon and the right size and type of implant that complements the patient’s body shape and size.

Lastly, many people believe that breast implants need to be replaced every 10 years. In reality, breast implants do not have an expiration date. They only need to be replaced if there are complications or if the patient desires a change in size or shape. At AMAE Plastic Surgery we have many patients with the same implants that were put in more than 20 years ago!

Top 10 Tips for Optimal Breast Augmentation Results

Achieving optimal results from a breast augmentation surgery depends on several factors. Here are our top 10 tips for the best outcome after breast augmentation surgery.

#1. Have Realistic Breast Augmentation Expectations

Understanding that breast augmentation can enhance your figure – but will not make you perfect – is key. Remember, nobody is perfect. Not even celebrities. Your proportions will be more balanced, and your breasts will be bigger and more beautiful, after breast augmentation – but you will still be you!

#2. Choose the Right Breast Augmentation Right Surgeon

Select a board-certified plastic surgeon with skill and experience in breast augmentation. They should have hundreds of before and after pictures of breast augmentation, so you can see their results.

It is important to keep in mind that not all doctors who are ‘cosmetic surgeons’ are actually board-certified plastic surgeons. So always check your surgeon’s board-certifications and other credentials carefully.

#3. Communicate Your Breast Augmentation Goals Clearly

Be clear and specific about your desired Breast Augmentation outcome. A good plastic surgeon will take the time to ask you questions and listen to your appearance goals. Do you want to go big and bold like Cardi B or moderate and natural like Kelly Cuoco (both had had breast augmentation).

#4. Select the Right Breast Implant Size & Shape for Your Body

Dr. Ali can guide you in choosing the best breast implant based on your body type and goals. See some of the guidelines HERE.

Round breast implants are more dramatic while teardrop shaped implants mirror natural breasts more closely. And a medium sized implant may look very large on a woman with a petite frame – but be too small for a larger person.

You need the implants that are just right for your body type and size, and your aesthetic goals.

#5. Choose a Breast Augmentation Surgeon with Vectra 3D Imaging

AMAE plastic surgery is one of the first practices in the Detroit area to offer amazing Vectra 3D computer imaging. This allows you to visualize your expected breast implant results before the surgery, giving you a better idea of how the chosen implants will look in your body.

This technology can help you make the best decision about the ideal breast implants for your body.

#6. Follow Pre-Surgery Breast Augmentation Instructions

Adhering to your surgeon’s pre-operative instructions can help ensure a successful surgery. Our breast augmentation team will give you a list of steps to take leading up to surgery to prepare your body for surgery.

This includes quitting smoking – as tobacco use can interfere with healing, prolonging recovery time, and increasing the risk of complications.

#7. Prepare for Post-Surgery Recovery

Arrange for help with household chores and daily activities post-surgery. You will need to take time off from work, housecleaning, working-out, driving, and other strenuous activities to enable your body to heal.

We will provide you with  a timeline for resuming these activities after your breast augmentation surgery.

And remember, patience is key.  Healing takes time. Be patient and give your body the time it needs to recover and adapt to the new changes.

#8. Follow Post Surgery Instructions

Adhere closely to the post-operative instructions that our breast augmentation team will give you. This is essential to prevent complications and ensure optimal healing. It will include not smoking, avoiding alcohol, wearing your post-surgical garments, changing dressings, etc.

#9. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle after Breast Augmentation

Once you have recovered, regular exercise, a balanced diet, and healthy habits (no smoking, moderate alcohol, etc.) can help maintain the results of your breast augmentation for decades to come. These steps keep your skin and tissues healthy, support your immune system, and stave off inflammation in the body – all of which can help keep you and your breasts in excellent health.

#10. Schedule Regular Follow-Up Visits

Be sure to schedule regular check-ups with Dr. Ali after your breast augmentation surgery to monitor your progress., and ensuring you are healing well.

Top Breast Augmentation Surgeon | Detroit Area

Remember, your journey to breast augmentation excellence is a collaborative effort between you and your surgeon. Following these tips can help ensure the best surgical results, the fastest recovery, and the most beautiful appearance after your breast augmentation surgery.

As a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Ali has the knowledge, skills, and experience to deliver outstanding breast augmentation results. His commitment to patient safety, satisfaction, and care sets him apart in the field of breast augmentation surgery. Dr. Ali takes the time to understand his patients’ goals and desires, creating a personalized treatment plan to meet each individual’s needs. His meticulous surgical technique, artistic eye, and attention to detail ensure beautiful and natural-looking results.

If you live in, or can travel to, the Detroit area, schedule a consultation today and see what breast augmentation surgery at AMAE Plastic Surgery can do for you.

Breast Augmentation | Detroit Area: 248.335.7200



The Fascinating History of Breast Augmentation Surgery

How Breast Augmentation Surgery Has Evolved

From the first-ever attempt at breast augmentation in the 1800s to the technologically advanced procedures of the 21st century, the journey of breast implant surgery has been fascinating.

Today, breast implants are safe and natural looking – and breast augmentation surgery requires less invasive techniques with a more rapid recovery! But this wasn’t always the case.

In this article, the breast augmentation experts at AMAE Plastic Surgery in the Troy, MI area take a look at the interesting past, the current scenario, and the future prospects of breast implants.

The Earliest Breast Augmentation Surgery

The concept of breast augmentation originated in the 1800s, with the first recorded attempt being made by German surgeon Vincenz Czerny in 1895. He transferred a benign fatty lump, also known as a lipoma, from a patient’s back to her breast, aiming to correct asymmetry after removing a breast tumor. Surprisingly, this procedure was relatively successful!

The Early 20th Century Experiments with Breast Augmentation

Shortly thereafter, various substances were experimented with for breast augmentation. In the 1890s, paraffin (a soft wax derived from petroleum or coal), was injected into breasts, but this method led to severe complications, including inflammation and tissue necrosis.

In the 1920s and 1930s, fat from other parts of the body was transferred to the breasts, but the body eventually reabsorbed the fat, rendering the procedure ineffective. In the 1950s, several foreign materials, including polyurethane, sponges, cartilage, and even wood and glass balls were tried as breast implants. These methods, however, were soon abandoned due to the not surprising unfavorable outcomes and complications they produced.

The Advent of Silicone Implants in Breast Augmentation

The era of contemporary breast implant surgery began in the early 1960s when Drs. Frank Gerow and Thomas Cronin invented silicone breast implants. The idea was reportedly inspired when Dr. Gerow squeezed a plastic bag filled with blood and commented on its similarity to the feel of a woman’s breast.

In 1962, a woman named Timmie Jean Lindsey became the first recipient of silicone breast implants. The surgery, performed in Houston, Texas, enhanced her breast size from a B cup to a C cup. The result thrilled Lindsey, who later commented that her augmented breasts felt soft and natural.

The 1980s and 1990s saw a wave of concern about the safety of silicone implants. Critics claimed that the silicone used in the implants was causing autoimmune diseases – although it is now recognized that the studies on this were flawed. However, in response to these concerns, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned the use of silicone implants in primary breast augmentation surgery in 1992. (They were still permitted for breast reconstruction following mastectomy and for replacing existing silicone implants.)

So, during the ban, saline implants filled with a sterile saltwater solution became the only FDA-approved option for breast augmentation. However, after extensive clinical studies conducted over several years, implant manufacturers disproved the theory that silicone causes autoimmune diseases. Consequently, the FDA lifted the ban in 2006, allowing silicone implants back on the market for patients over 22 years old. These implants continue to be popular due to their close resemblance to the look and feel of natural breasts.

While saline implants are “round” or “globe” shaped, silicone implants can be formed into a teardrop shape like that of a human breast – for a more natural appearance.

21st Century Breast Augmentation Advancements

Today, patients have a wide range of choices when it comes to Breast Augmentation. Along with saline and traditional silicone breast implants, there is a new generation of “gummy bear” silicone breast implants. These are a highly cohesive and form-stable silicone implants. The filling material of these implants stays intact even when squeezed or twisted, providing a more natural feel – in addition to preventing leakage!

Today, improved breast implant surface textures have contributed to reduced risks of complications like capsular contracture, enhancing the long-term safety and satisfaction of breast augmentation procedures. And, advancements in surgical techniques, like the use of smaller incisions and precise placement of implants, have led to quicker recovery times and minimized scarring.

Additionally, the technique of autologous fat transfer has been perfected, making “natural breast augmentation” a viable option. This procedure involves enhancing the breasts with the patient’s own fat taken from another part of the body, providing a natural enhancement of about one cup size.

And, the emergence of 3D imaging – such as Vectra 3D computer imaging available in the Troy area at AMAE Plastic Surgery – has revolutionized the breast augmentation process. Surgeons and patients can now visualize the potential outcomes of breast implant surgery BEFORE breast augmentation – aiding in selecting the most beautiful implant size and shape.

Breast Augmentation Surgery |Troy, MI Area

Breast augmentation has come a long way since its inception – in terms of safety and natural looking results. Thanks to e continuous advancements in this field, breast augmentation surgery remains the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure worldwide.

Renowned Troy, MI area plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has helped thousands of women achieve their desired breast size and shape. If you live in the greater Troy, MI area, schedule a consultation today and see what breast augmentation surgery at AMAE Plastic Surgery can do for you.

Breast Augmentation |Troy, MI Area: 248.335.7200



Are Silicone Breast Implants Safe?

Are Silicone Breast Implants Safe?

Huge advancements in breast implant technology have made today’s silicone breast implants both more natural in look and feel, as well as extremely safe. Dr. Ali has used performed breast implant surgery using silicone implants with safe and natural results on thousands of women in Oakland County and across the metro Detroit area.

In this article Detroit area board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali discusses the history and the safety of silicone breast implant surgery.

FDA Approval of Breast Implants

Both saline and silicone breast implants are FDA approved, meaning that the US Food and Drug Administration considers them safe for breast augmentation and breast reconstruction. FDA-approved implants undergo extensive testing before approval to demonstrate reasonable assurance of safety and effectiveness.

The FDA has approved implants for increasing breast size, reconstruction after breast cancer surgery, and to correct or improve developmental defects or the result of a previous surgery. Additionally, research on the safety and effectiveness of both types of breast implants is always ongoing, as well, ensuring that improvements in breast implant technology are continually being made.

History of Silicone Breast Implant Surgery

Silicone implants were first used by breast surgeons in 1964 with new and imperfect technology. So, back then, some patients experienced complications. As a result, in 1992 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) temporarily recommended that silicone implants be removed from use.

However, in 1999, the National Academy Institute of Medicine issued a report stating that diseases such as connective tissue disorders, cancer, neurological diseases, reproductive problems, or other systemic complaints or conditions “are no more common in women with breast implants than in women without implants.” These studies also showed that there was no evidence of long-term autoimmune problems in women who underwent augmentation with silicone breast implants.

And, other exhaustive studies have shown that silicone breast implants actually have complication rates that are the same as, or in some cases lower than, saline implants.

So, in 2006 the FDA cleared silicone breast implants cosmetic use in women aged 22 and older. By 2010 breast implants were the most popular plastic surgery in the United States – with 62% of implants being silicone.

Do Breast Implants Cause Cancer?

Studies by the National Cancer Institute have also proven that there is no relationship between breast implants and breast cancer.

In the United States, approximately 1 out of 9 women (11%) will develop breast cancer. This percentage is the same for women with and without breast implants.

Today’s Silicone Breast Implant Surgery is Safe

Statistics from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery state that roughly 1 in every 26 women in the US has breast implants – meaning that 4% of US women have improved their appearance with breast implants. In fact, about 300,000 women in the United States alone undergo breast implant surgery every year!

Doctor Ali, uses Mentor MemoryShape Gel Breast Implants – known for their natural look, realistic feel and their unparalleled safety record. Mentor Worldwide LLC, the developer of these implants and part of the Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices companies, recently announced the publication of a 10-year clinical study involving 955 breast augmentation patients in the U.S.

That 2018 study  highlighted the safety of MENTOR MemoryShape Gel Breast Implants, reporting:

  • High patient and surgeon satisfaction rates
  • Low capsular contracture, rupture and complications rates
  • No reported cases of breast implant-associated cancer

Complications of Silicone Breast Implant Surgery

As with any surgery, there is always a small risk of complication.  Infection is a risk with any surgery that can be greatly reduced with proper surgical procedures and meticulous aftercare.

Local complications and adverse reactions can also include capsular contracture, reoperation, removal, and implant rupture. However, these risks are very rare when the silicone breast implant surgery is performed by a skilled board certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali.

What Happens When a Breast Implant Breaks (Ruptures)?

Because of today’s improved materials from which breast implants are made, a rupture (break) in the breast implant is a very rare occurrence. However, even when a breast implant “pops” the situation is not immediately dangerous at all. What happens when a breast implant ruptures will depend upon whether the breast implant is saline or silicone.

If a saline breast implant ruptures, the “salt water” that it is filled with will simply leak out – and the implant will rapidly deflate. The body will then absorb the leaked saline solution. Since salt is a natural substance found in the body there are no health risks. However, the woman will need surgery to remove the deflated silicone shell, and replace it with a new implant so that her breasts are the same size.

It is harder to tell if a silicone breast implant ruptures. Patients you might not notice a silicone leak right away — or ever — because it is thick and leaks very slowly. The small amount of free silicone then generally tends to remain trapped in the fibrous tissue (capsule) around the implant.

Despite some “myths” to the contrary, leaking silicone gel does NOT cause disease or illness. Leaking silicone does NOT cause breast cancer, reproductive problems or arthritis. However, if you become aware of a leaking silicone breast implant Dr. Ali will recommend that you have it removed and replaced. This is because, over time, a ruptured silicone breast implant may cause breast pain, breast thickening, or changes in the shape or size of the breast.

Detroit Area’s Top Breast Implant Surgeon

Dr. Ali is a Detroit area double board certified Birmingham breast implant surgeon who has performed breast augmentation surgery on thousands of women in the metro Detroit area, including Birmingham, Troy, Rochester Hills, West Bloomfield, and across Oakland County. He utilizes the latest techniques and best, state-of-the-art breast implant technologies and procedures – to ensure that your results are as safe as they are beautiful. Doctor Ali will be happy to offer you a consultation to answer all of your questions at his Birmingham office.

Feel beautiful inside and out, with breast implant surgery. And remember, financing options are also available.

Detroit Area Breast Implant Surgeon Consultation: 248-335-7200

Which Brand of Breast Implants is Best?

Is One Brand of Breast Implants Better Than Others?

There are several brands of FDA approved breast implants available on the market in the United States. These include the two biggest breast implant manufacturers – Allergan and Mentor – who produce both saline and silicone implants. There are also several smaller breast implant companies – like Sientra and Motiva – that only sell silicone breast implants.

Thanks to decades of ongoing research and significant scientific advancements in breast implant materials and design, today’s generation of FDA-approved breast implants are among the safest and most well-tested medical devices on the market.

But if you are considering breast augmentation surgery, it is natural to wonder if one brand “looks better” or is safer than another. After considerable research and decades of experience, renowned breast augmentation surgeon Dr. Ali at AMAE Plastic Surgery in Birmingham, MI chooses to use Mentor breast implants.  In this article, he explains why Mentor is his choice for safe, beautiful, natural looking breast implants.

All breast implant brands offer a very similar array of sizes and profiles. The materials are also similar but not identical – which is where we get into some differences. However, the reality is that no one will be able to tell which “brand” of breast implants you have just by looking at you.

Of course, the most important factor in achieving beautiful, natural, safe breast implant results is choosing the best breast augmentation surgeon. No matter how good the implants are themselves, an inexperienced or unskilled surgeon will not achieve the placement, symmetry, and hidden scars that a renowned plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali at AMAE Plastic Surgery in Birmingham, MI will create.

That being said, let’s take a look at why Dr. Ali chooses Mentor breast implants for breast augmentation surgery.

Mentor vs. Allegan Breast Implants

Allergan, the largest producer of breast implants, also manufactures many injectables including BOTOX and Juvéderm, and a wide range of non-aesthetic medical devices, as well as the skincare line SkinMedica.  Mentor, on the other hand, is highly specialized and only manufactures breast implants and breast tissue expanders.

Allergan was founded in 2015. Then in 2016, Allergan sold its generic business, Actavis, to Teva Pharmaceuticals. Then in June 2019, the huge U.S. pharmaceutical conglomerate AbbVie announced it had reached an agreement to acquire Allergan for $63 billion.

Mentor, however, has operated continuously under the same name for thirty years, and all Mentor implants sold to the US market are made in the USA.

Many plastic surgeons also favor the Mentor brand of breast implants because they appreciate the level of customer service and technical support provided to medical practices and patients.

Mentor Breast Implants

Mentor offers silicone breast implants under the brand names MemoryGel, MemoryGel Xtra, and MemoryShape, in addition to offering saline implants, including the SPECTRUM implant. Dr. Ali can show you actual implants and discuss their features and differences to help you decide which model is right for your aesthetic goals.

Mentor breast implants are also coated with a special silicone elastomer shell to help reduce the risk of complications such as leakage or rupture.

Here are some of the types and features of Mentor breast implants:

  • Breast Implant Shape

Mentor breast implants are available in two basic shapes, round and anatomic (teardrop). The appropriate shape for you will depend on your individual goals and the recommendations of your surgeon.

  • Breast Implant Size

Mentor breast implants are available in an extremely wide range of sizes to suit the individual needs of patients. The appropriate size for you will depend on your desired volume and your body size or frame.

  • Breast Implant Texture

Mentor breast implants are available in two textures, smooth and textured. Smooth breast implants are more ‘slippery’ and are designed to move naturally within the breast pocket. Textured breast implants have a rough surface that is designed to help the implant stay in place and reduce the risk of complications such as rippling, contracture, or implant displacement.

  • Breast Implant Profile

The profile of an implant refers to how far it projects from the chest wall. Mentor breast implants are available in three profiles, low, moderate, and high. The best breast implant profile for you will depend on your desired appearance – from natural and subtle to super sexy – as well as your body size.

Types of Mentor Breast Implants

  • MemoryShape® Breast Implants

Mentor MemoryShape® Breast Implants have a tapered shape that provides more projection at the lower pole, offering maximum projection where desired. This is sometimes called a teardrop breast implant. MemoryShape® Breast Implants offer a natural breast appearance. And they have been proven to retain shape and projection over time.1

Additionally, MemoryShape Breast Implants are made with SILTEX™ Texture, which has been proven to reduce complications. In fact, Mentor MemoryShape® Breast Implants have the lowest reported risk of key complications in primary breast augmentation at 10 years after surgery!

  • MemoryGel BOOST Breast Implants

MemoryGel® Breast Implants have been used in over 6,000,000 breast implant surgeries worldwide. They offer the natural feel that patients desire, but with more “roundness” that gives them a higher “profile”.  MemoryGel BOOST Breast Implants are available in “Moderate Plus” and “High” profiles.

  • MemoryGel®  Xtra Breast Implants

MemoryGel® Xtra Breast Implants also offer the natural feel that patients desire, but with more “roundness” but with additional benefits in three profile options – “Moderate Plus”, “Moderate High” and “High”. You might say MemoryGel® Xtra offers the most dramatic breast enhancement.

  • Mentor Saline Implants

Mentor also manufacturers the best saline implants currently on the market. These are filled with a natural saltwater solution that is more firm than gel implants, which more closely imitate the feel of body fat. while they feel less like natural breast tissue, the look can be dramatic and they are less expensive than gel implants.

Mentor saline implants offer a round shape, an all-around fuller look, firmer feel and enhanced cleavage. They come in “Moderate”, “Moderate Plus” and “High” profiles. MENTOR® Round Saline Implants also come in a SPECTRUM® Adjustable model, which are the only breast implants that can be adjusted AFTER your surgery, by allowing your plastic surgeon to add or remove saline solution months after your procedure!

Mentor Breast Implant Before & After

You can view actual patient Before & After Photos of Dr. Ali’s breast implant surgeries HERE.

Mentor also has an excellent page that allows you to search for Mentor breast implant Before & After photos by patient, age, cup size, amount of increase and type of breast implant HERE.

The best breast implant for you will depend on the extent of your current breast tissue, your frame and body type, and most importantly your desired outcome. AMAE Plastic Surgery is among the first and only plastic surgery practices in the Birmingham, MI area to offer state-of-the-art Vectra 3D imaging for breast implant patents. This revolutionary imaging system provides a three-dimensional computerized image of the patient’s breasts from any and every angle – so that Dr. Ali can show you what different breast implant sizes and shapes will look like – before you have your breast implant surgery!

Can You Guess Which Celebs Have Had Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Celebrities Who Have Had Breast Augmentation Surgery

Plastic surgery used to be Hollywood’s best kept secret. Up until recently, actresses and A-listers wanted everyone to believe that they were born with perfect bodies. However, today, the stigma surrounding plastic surgery has largely disappeared.

There are many celebrities who have openly admitted to getting breast augmentation surgery. And hundreds more have had breast augmentation but haven’t revealed it (yet!). In this article the breast augmentation specialists at AMAE Plastic Surgery in Birmingham, MI share a few examples of stars whose stunning figures are due to breast augmentation surgery.

Kaley Cuoco Breast Augmentation Surgery

Kaley Cuoco’s tiny frame was perfect for planning John Ritter’s teen daughter until 2003 on “Eight Simple Rules.” But in an interview with Cosmopolitan, Kaley Cuoco revealed that she had breast augmentation surgery in 2004.

Cuoco’s breast augmentation took her from skinny kid to blonde bombshell almost overnight, and in 2005, Kaley was offered a role on The WB’s “Charmed” in its eighth season – and she she didn’t have to audition! In 2007 Kael landed the role of beautiful neighbor Penny whom all of the scientists adored – and the rest is history!

Kaley Cuoco Breast Augmentation Surgery

Kaley Cuoco’s tiny frame was perfect for planning John Ritter’s teen daughter until 2003 on “Eight Simple Rules.” But in an interview with Cosmopolitan, Kaley Cuoco revealed that she had breast augmentation surgery in 2004.

Cuoco’s breast augmentation took her from skinny kid to blonde bombshell almost overnight, and in 2005, Kaley was offered a role on The WB’s “Charmed” in its eighth season – and she she didn’t have to audition! In 2007 Kael landed the role of beautiful neighbor Penny whom all of the scientists adored – and the rest is history!

Carmen Electra Breast Augmentation Surgery

In an interview with People magazine, Carmen Electra revealed that she had breast augmentation surgery in the late 1990s. In that interview, Ms. Electra said she decided to get the surgery because she was unhappy with the size of her breasts and wanted to feel more confident.

Courtney Cox Breast Augmentation Surgery

We all remember beautiful Monica from the hit TV show friends. Now compare Monica’s stunning curves to Courtney’s “tomboy” figure when she appeared in Bruce Springsteen’s 1984 “Dancing in the Dark” music video. In an interview with New Beauty Magazine, Courtney Cox revealed that she had breast augmentation surgery in the mid-1990s because she wanted to feel more feminine.

Cardi B Breast Augmentation

The extremely talented rapper and actress Cardi B has openly discussed her breast augmentation surgery, which she had in 2018. Cardi B has said that she had the surgery for personal reasons and to boost her confidence.

Kardashian Breast Augmentation

Kourtney Kardashian has always been honest about her breast implants, although she now believes 21 was too young to get them. Now age 37years old, Kourtney has never shied away from the topic of her breast implants.

In a recent episode of The Kardashians sister Khloe admitted that she’s been seriously thinking about getting breast augmentation for a “fuller” look. “When you see me in a bikini, I don’t have cleavage like my sisters [who] have this ample cleavage,” she said.

Mom Kris Jenner seemed to be fully on board with the idea of Khloe’s breast implants, even admitting that she’s interested undergoing breast augmentation herself at age 67! “Let’s do it together!” Jenner exclaimed.

More Celebrity Breast Augmentations

Spice Girl, fashion designer, style icon – and wife of sexiest man alive David Beckham –  has openly discussed her breast augmentation surgery, which she had in 1999. Beckham has said that she had the surgery to enhance her career in the entertainment industry.

In an interview with People magazine, Ashlee Simpson revealed that she had breast augmentation surgery in 2006. Simpson said she decided to get the surgery because she was unhappy with the size of her breasts. The following year singer and actress Kelly Rowland underwent breast implant surgery.

Hundreds of other actors, A-listers and influencers have had breast augmentation surgery as well – they just haven’t openly talked about!

Is Breast Augmentation for Me?

Breast augmentation surgery is a very personal decision, and every patient has their own reasons for choosing to undergo the procedure. It’s important to carefully consider all of the risks and benefits and discuss them with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali at AMAE Plastic surgery in Birmingham, MI before making a decision.

AMAE Plastic Surgery is also among the first and only aesthetic practices in the Birmingham, MI area to offer state-of-the-art Vectra 3D imaging for breast augmentation patents. This revolutionary imaging system provides a three-dimensional computerized image of the patient’s breasts from any and every angle – so that Dr. Ali can show them their options and expected outcomes before their breast augmentation surgery!

What to Know Before Plastic Surgery

6 Tips to Get the Best Plastic Surgery Results

Considering plastic surgery is a big decision that can impact the rest of your life! So you need to be sure you’ve carefully thought it through. It’s important that you make your decision carefully, and select the best plastic surgeon –  and don’t just settle on the plastic surgeon who offers rhinoplasty or breast augmentation for the lowest price.

In this article the plastic surgery experts at AMAE in the Detroit area share six tips to ensure that you get the best results from your plastic surgery procedure.

(1.) Choose a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

“Plastic surgery is an art and requires expertise and specialized knowledge,” says Detroit area plastic surgeon Dr. Ali. “You want to be sure your surgeon can provide beautiful, natural looking results, so it’s important to choose one who has the experience you need. That means looking for one who is certified in plastic surgery because he or she will be committed to maintaining the highest standards in the field.”

(2.) Have Realistic Expectations for Plastic Surgery

It’s also important to have realistic expectations when undergoing plastic surgery. Dr. Ali sees many patients who bring along a photo of a favorite celebrity to show him the look they’d like. While Dr. Ali may be able to give you a nose that looks similar to Natalie Portman’s, or a bottom as full as Kim Kardashian’s, he won’t be able to transform you into someone you aren’t. Plastic surgery is meant to enhance your already natural beauty, and not transform you into a different person overnight.

“Patients must have a realistic idea of what plastic surgery can accomplish for them,” says Dr. Ali. “I can enhance your bustline, but I can’t make you into a supermodel. My goal is to help you become the best, most confident version of yourself.”

(3.) Do it for YOU!

Patients should never seek out surgery for anyone but themselves. If patients come to a plastic surgeon because someone else encouraged them or pressured them, the surgeon may decline to perform surgery. Plastic surgery should never be performed because you feel pressured to do so.

“Undergoing plastic surgery won’t automatically repair problems in your life,” says Dr. Ali. “If you and your boyfriend are in a rough patch, getting a liposuction isn’t going to repair that. Surgery can make you more confident and sure of yourself, but it can’t fix all the problems you may have.”

(4.) Be Honest with your Plastic Surgeon

Plastic surgery patients need to be completely honest with their surgeon about their medical history, smoking, alcohol and drug use (even prescription, herbal and over-the-counter medications). Failure to do so can result in complications and side effects. All nicotine products should be stopped at least a month prior to surgery (and for several weeks afterward) as nicotine is a vasoconstrictor that interferes with healing. Alcohol use should stop two weeks before surgery and for several weeks after surgery, as it can interfere with anesthesia and can cause excessive bleeding.

Patients should also be at or near their ideal weight and in good physical health. Underlying health issues such as obesity, high blood pressure, can increase the risks of plastic surgery.

“It’s important to be committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and weight,” says Dr. Ali. “Gaining or losing large amounts of weight after your procedure can alter your results. Before any body contouring surgery, such as a tummy tuck, it’s important to be at a stable weight that you are able to maintain.”

(5.) Follow Your Post Surgery Instructions & Recovery Plan

It is also important that you have a complete understanding of the recovery period following your surgery. Plastic surgery is elective, and may result in a body that make you more confident, but that won’t happen overnight.

“Plastic surgery is like any other surgery, and requires very real recovery time,” says Dr. Ali. “It’s important that you have a complete understanding of what is expected during recovery, and don’t try to rush through. Failing to follow your surgeons post-surgery guidelines can alter your results, and can lead to complications and additional pain and discomfort. Plastic surgery may be elective, but recovery from a procedure like a tummy tuck requires patience.”

(6.) You Get What You Pay for with Plastic Surgery

Dr. Ali also warns that when it comes to plastic surgery, you usually get what you pay for. Because these cosmetic procedures are very complex surgeries, he warns that you should never shop based on price alone.

“When it comes to your health, you shouldn’t bargain hunt,” says Dr. Ali. “If you needed heart surgery, chances are you’d want the most experienced surgeon performing it. It should be the same with plastic surgery. It is an art, and for the best results, choose someone based on their skills, not on their price.”

Plastic surgery can offer patients increased confidence and a renewed outlook on life. But it’s important to choose a well-qualified and skilled, board certified plastic surgeon like Doctor Ali – who has performed thousands of plastic surgeries – to ensure you get the best cosmetic results.

Top Detroit Area Plastic Surgery

If you have questions about what plastic surgery can do for you, please schedule a consultation with award-winning Detroit area plastic surgeon Dr. Ali.

The vast majority of people who choose to get plastic surgery say it has helped them feel more self-confident, feel better about their bodies, and give them a greater feeling of well-being.

Detroit area board certified plastic surgeon Doctor Ali offers a plastic surgery consultation to help you learn about your options and decide what plastic surgeries are a good option for you.

Detroit Area Plastic Surgery Consultation: 248-335-7200

Vectra 3D Imaging: See Your Breast Augmentation Results BEFORE Surgery

Should You Get Breast Augmentation Surgery? Vectra 3D Imaging Helps You Decide!

AMAE Plastic Surgery is among the first and only aesthetic practices in the Detroit area to offer state-of-the-art Vectra 3D imaging for breast augmentation surgery. This revolutionary imaging system provides a three-dimensional computerized image of the patient’s breasts from any and every angle – so that Dr. Ali can show you your breast implant options and the expected outcomes – before you undergo breast augmentation surgery.

The Vectra 3D system even enables Dr. Ali to superimpose the expected results of your breast augmentation surgery over your “pre-op” condition, as well as compare the “before and after” views side-by-side. And, in addition to showing the likely outcome of a single procedure, Dr. Ali can also display the results of combining multiple procedures!

By visualizing your potential outcomes in live 3D you and Dr. Ali know in advance what to expect – so that together you can decide on the best possible treatment plan for your aesthetic goals.

What is Vectra 3D Imaging?

VECTRA 3D imaging is a system of digital cameras that takes photos of the patient’s treatment area from different angles to create a 3D picture. It only takes a few seconds to take the photos, and a couple minutes or two to process the pictures into a 3D representation on the computer.  The patient can then see a 3D image of their breasts from ALL angles – even ones they have never seen before!

Dr. Ali can then manipulate the images to enhance and enlarge your breast right before your eyes – to show you different breast sizes, shapes and positions on your own body.

Dr. Ali is one of only a few doctors who uses the VECTRA system as part of his consultation with you, so you know exactly what to expect from breast augmentation surgery.

And VECTRA 3D imaging is 100% safe and non-invasive – it is not an Xray or CT scan, and it uses NO radiation.  It is simply a state-of-the-art high tech system of digital cameras with revolutionary software – offering pre-surgery peace of mind and absolutely no risks.

What Does Vectra 3D Imaging “See”?

Dr Ali is a Detroit area, board certified plastic surgeon who has performed thousands of breast augmentation surgeries with spectacular results. You can see many of these amazing success stories in his Before and After Gallery HERE.

The Vectra 3D imaging system helps ensure a successful surgery by allowing both the plastic surgeon AND the patient to visual the many nuances of the breast, while providing precise measurement of sizes and differences. Any “guesswork” about the results of breast augmentation surgery is removed with Vetcra 3D imaging!

Breast Augmentation Volume

The Vectra 3D offers multiple ways of looking at breast volume – takes into account the size and shape of the ribcage, as well as accounting for position differences of the breasts. It can reveal, for example, if one breast is larger than the other.

Breast Augmentation Width

Width is a factor that many women don’t think about until they consider breast augmentation surgery. The Vectra 3D will determine whether one breast is wider than the other, or if the chest ribcage asymmetrical.

Breast Augmentation Cleavage

Cleavage is one of the biggest considerations of our Detroit area patients when it comes to breast augmentation surgery. Many patients really want to improve cleavage with a breast augmentation surgery. But even very large breasts can offer little cleavage if they are too far apart.

The Vectra 3D can determine what the natural spacing is between the patient’s breasts. Every woman has unique differences in the cleavage spacing – and Vectra does an analysis of this to show the patient and the surgeon where the natural breast ends, so that maximum cleavage can be obtained with implants.

Breast Augmentation Inframammary Fold

inframammary fold – or “IMF” – is a new term to many breast augmentation patients. This is the term for the bottom of the breast fold. Think of it as where underwire in a bra would go. This is where the breast “starts”. This is very important in breast augmentation surgery because the IMF varies greatly not only from woman to woman, but from breast to breast on the same woman! Indeed, as you can see, the human body – including the breasts – is not nearly as symmetrical as people think when you get down to precise measurements.

Understanding the precise difference in position of the IMF can help ensure that the breasts look unform and symmetrical, and have ideally positioned nipples, after breast augmentation surgery.

Breast Augmentation Nipple Positioning

Nipple position is one of the more noticeable aspects of breast augmentation surgery. It takes years of experience, a great deal of training and skill, and an artistic “eye” for a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali to become a master of beautiful nipple positioning.

Vectra 3D now offers the surgeon an additional tool to take precise measurements and visual expected outcomes – so that the most appealing nipple position can be created during breast augmentation surgery.

Breast Augmentation Size and Shape

Dr. Ali’s Detroit area patients find Vectra 3D very helpful to understand exactly what he is talking about before surgery – because they can see different outcomes in 3D projected on the screen before they decide on their breast implant size and shape.

The Vectra 3D system has the capability to simulate the different implant sizes, as well as different shapes from different implant manufacturers. So for example, while one woman may come in desiring a 36 C cup, when she sees it on her body it may appear too big (if she has a small frame) or even to small if she has a wide rib cage!

Vectra 3D provides realistic visualization of the appearance of your breast enhancement beforehand – so you never have any regrets after the fact!

Vectra 3D Imaging for Breast Augmentation | Detroit Area

If you are considering breast augmentation, you no longer have to leave your results to chance or guesswork. With Vectra 3D imaging you know what your results will be in advance – with no surprises or misunderstandings!

Choose skilled Detroit area board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali, and see your expected results before your breast augmentation with Vectra’s innovative and advanced 3D computerized imaging.

If you are considering breast augmentation surgery and would like to see what your results will look like BEFORE you make your decision, schedule a consultation using Vectra 3D today.

MemoryShape®: the Most Natural Breast Implants

MemoryShape® the Most Natural Breast Implants

It is no surprise that breast implant technology has come a long way since they were first introduced almost 60 years ago! In June 2013, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the some new, advanced types of silicone gel-filled breast implants, bringing the total number of approved products to five in the United States. One of these newly approved products was was the natural looking and feeling MemoryShape breast implant.

Seven years later, Detroit area double board certified plastic surgeon Doctor Ali still typically prefers MemoryShape® Breast Implants for their natural shape, realistic feel, and excellent variety of sizes and silhouettes.

About Mentor Breast Implants

Mentor Worldwide LLC was founded in 1969, and has since grown into the leading manufacturer of supplies for the breast implant surgery market. Mentor works tirelessly to develop, manufacture, and market top-of-the-line breast implants for patients around the world, including Detroit.

Based out of Irvine California and with manufacturing and research facilities in both the United States and the Netherlands, Mentor guarantees to satisfy the needs of patients in the Detroit area and worldwide who are considering breast implant surgery.

With more that 2 million satisfied customers worldwide, Mentor Breast Implants hold the distinction of being among the most reliable in the industry.

Mentor has been a trailblazer of breast implant devices for over two decades. Used in both breast reconstruction and breast augmentation, Mentor breast implants are held to the strictest possible standards of design and testing, resulting in the highest quality breast implants on the market.

What are MemoryShape®? Breast Implants

MENTOR® MemoryShape® Breast Implants have a unique, tapered appearance. They are thinner at the top and gently slope to a fuller “projection” near the implant’s bottom – just like a natural breast.

Earlier generations of breast implants were very round, giving an artificial “globe” or “melon” appearance.  These are the recognizable breast implants that one thinks of on actresses and exotic dancers from from past decades – many of who had artificial looking, oversized breasts.

Today, most women prefer that they do NOT look like they have had “work done”. That is why MENTOR® MemoryShape® Breast Implants are so popular – because they mimic the silhouette of a natural breast. MemoryShape® Breast Implants soft gel silicone also feel very realistic to the touch!

As an additional advantage, The MemoryShape® technology has built in SILTEX® Microtexture imprinting that is designed to help keep implants in place. So they don’t shift over time like older models of breast implants often did.

Why Doctor Ali Uses MemoryShape® Breast Implants

MemoryShape® Breast Implants imitate the silhouette of a natural breast with a teardrop shape. Filled with a uniquely formulated cohesive gel, MemoryShape® Breast Implants provide a youthful firmness and natural silhouette that always retains shape.

Mentor’s silicone gel breast implants perfectly resemble natural breasts in feel, shape, and weight. The Mentor MemoryShape® Breast Implants are specifically designed to provide more volume towards the bottom of the breast and less towards the top, much as is the case with a natural breast.

There are five different MemoryShape® Breast Implants available to Detroit patients, each varying in shape, width, height, and projection measurements.

Detroit Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Ali has undergone the rigorous mandated MENTOR® MemoryShape® Implant Device Training required of all physicians in order to gain access to MENTOR® MemoryShape® Breast Implants, making him the top choice among Detroit patients for all of their breast implant needs.

Another feature we love about MemoryShape® Breast Implants is their Free Lifetime Product Replacement Warranty!

Detroit Area Breast Implant Surgeon

If you have questions about the latest developments in breast implant surgery, please schedule a consultation with award-winning Detroit area plastic surgeon Dr. Ali.

The vast majority of women who choose to get breast implants say that their augmented breast(s) help them feel more self-confident, feel better about their bodies, and/or give them a greater feeling of well-being.

Detroit area board certified plastic surgeon Doctor Ali offers a breast implant consultation to help you learn about your options and decide if breast implants are a good option for you.

Detroit Area Breast Implant Consultation: 248-335-7200

How to Decide if You Should Have Breast Implant Surgery

How to Decide if You Should Have Breast Implant Surgery

If you are one of the millions of women who are dissatisfied with the size, shape, position, symmetry and/or the proportion of their breasts, deciding to get breast implants is an important personal decision.  Detroit area board certified plastic surgeon Doctor Ali has helped thousands of women decide if breast implants are right for them, by carefully explain the pros and cons.

In this article we give you some general information to help you make an informed choice.  However, since every women is different, Dr. Ali offers a  breast implant consultation to help you decide if breast implants are a good option for you.

Benefits Associated With Breast Implants

According to recent clinical and psychological studies, the vast majority of women who have undergone breast implant surgery have universally reported very high levels of satisfaction with their body image and the shape, feel, and size of their implants.

In his Detroit plastic surgery practice, Doctor Ali prefers a type of breast implants called MemoryShape™ Breast Implants. This type of implant is not only more natural looking than older breast implants, but also feels more realistic. MemoryShape™ Breast Implants come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and “profiles” so that they can be matched to the patient’s body – giving her the most beautiful ideal proportions.

In a core study conducted by Mentor, the maker of the MemoryShape™ Breast Implants, 97% of the 373 primary breast augmentation patients who answered a patient satisfaction survey indicated they would make the same decision to have the breast implant surgery!

Breast Implant Statistics

Breast augmentation has continued to be the single most popular cosmetic surgeries in the US since 2006. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons in 2019, there were 299,715 breast augmentation procedures performed across the United States alone. This makes it even more popular in the US than liposuction!

Plastic surgeons believe that there are several reasons breast augmentation continues to be the#1 cosmetic surgery:

#1. New technologies in breast implants have made them safer than ever

#2. The cost of breast implant surgery has become more affordable in recent years

#3. Celebrities & social media have removed the stigma from breast implant surgery

#4. Women feel more empowered to take control of their bodies

#5. New surgical techniques have reduced risk and downtime of breast implant surgery

#6. New breast implant designs look more natural

#7. New breast implant materials feel more realistic

Age and Breast Implants

The FDA does not recommend breast implants for patients under 18, and board-certified plastic surgeons won’t perform breast augmentations on women under 22 since breast tissue isn’t considered fully developed until that time.

But women in good health of all ages of 22 and beyond can enjoy the benefits of breast implant surgery. In fact, approximately 7,000 women over the age of 55 get breast implants every year.

Whether breast augmentation is right for you depends on your overall general health, underlying medical conditions, lifestyle, emotional state, body type, breast size/ shape before surgery, as well as your appearance goals after surgery.

Breast Implant Before & After

One of the best ways to decide if breast implants are right for you, is to see the results beforehand! Dr. Ali now offers advanced Vectra 3D computer imaging that can show you what your implants will look like before you get them!

Additionally, you can look at our extensive gallery of breast augmentation Before & After photos, to see what a big difference in appearance breast implants can make!

Top Detroit Breast Implant Surgeon

The vast majority of women who choose to get breast implants say that their augmented breast(s) help them be more self-confident, feel better about their bodies, and give them a greater feeling of well-being.

Detroit area board certified plastic surgeon Doctor Ali offers a breast implant consultation to help you learn about your options and decide if breast implants are a good option for you.

Detroit Area Breast Implant Consultation: 248-335-7200