What Are the Different Types of Breast Implant Incisions?

How Surgeons Choose the Best Type of Breast Implant Incisions

In addition to choosing the size, shape, material, profile (height), and placement of your breast implants – you and your plastic surgeon must determine the best type of incision for your unique surgery.

Each type of breast implant incision has its own set of advantages and considerations, and the choice depends on factors such as the patient’s anatomy, implant type and size, the surgeon’s preference, the patient’s aesthetic goals, and the overall desired outcome. Consulting with a top board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali in the West Bloomfield area is essential to determine the most suitable incision approach based on your individual needs and goals.

Dr. Ali has performed thousands of breast implants, and he takes every step possible to create the most attractive breast shape with the very least amount of scarring possible. He will strategically place your incisions – while making them as small as possible – to achieve the desired result.

However, keep in mind that because breast implants are a surgery, no matter what technique is used, some degree of scarring is inevitable. Dr. Ali’s goal is to keep any incision as small and inconspicuous as possible – but ultimately the most important decision about your incision size and location is creating the most beautiful breast shape.

Choosing the Right Breast Implant Incisions

Choosing the right incision is an important decision that will be made by your plastic surgeon, based upon many factors including the type and size of implant, the increase in size from your current breasts, the amount of available breast tissue, the amount and condition of the skin, and whether the implant will be placed above or beneath the chest muscle.

Top West Bloomfield area plastic surgeon Dr. Ali will carefully answer your questions and thoroughly explain your incision options during your consultation.

Remember, while everyone’s skin heals differently, breast implant scarring typically fades considerably over time. However, like any surgical scars, they will never goes away completely. The vast majority of women feel that the “trade-off’ of having small scars is worth it, in order to achieve the breast look, size, shape and feel that they desire.

Types of Breast Implant Incisions

There are several types of incisions used in breast implant surgery, each with its own set of advantages and considerations. Here are the most common types of breast implant incisions along with their differences, applications, and advantages:

1. Peri-Areolar Breast Implant Incision

The peri-areolar breast implant incision is sometimes called the “nipple incision”, because it is made right where the darker skin of the areola meets the lighter skin of the breast.  This is one of the most commonly used incisions in breast implant surgery. It is suitable for both silicone gel implants and saline implants, particularly in patients with well-defined areolar borders, and for those requiring areolar resizing or simultaneous breast lift (mastopexy).

Nipple incisions can be used in sub-glandular, sub-pectoral, or sub-muscular placement of the implant. (CLICK HERE to read more about breast implant placement.) The scarring “outlines” the areola, blending-in with the natural change in flesh pigment.  And in the unlikely event of a complication or additional surgery, the implant can be inserted, removed, or adjusted through the same incision.

The advantage of peri-areolar breast implant incision is that it allows for precise placement of the implant while minimizing visible scarring, as the incision blends with the natural color transition of the areola.  This type pf breast implant incision also provides access to the breast pocket for both subglandular and submuscular placement of implants. And it can be combined with areolar (nipple) resizing for improved symmetry and aesthetics.

2. Inframammary Fold Breast Implant Incision

The inframammary fold breast implant incision is made in the crease under the breast. This allows the fullness of the breast to cover any scarring. It is ideal for both saline and silicone gel implants, as well as for primary breast augmentation, revision surgeries, and breast lifts. It is a very common incision used for breast implants, and can be used for sub-glandular, sub-pectoral, or sub-muscular placement of the implant.

The advantage of the inframammary fold breast implant incision is that it provides direct access to the breast pocket, allowing for precise implant placement and adjustment. And, because the incision is concealed within the natural crease of the breast, it minimizes visible scarring.

When increasing breast size considerably, however, the plastic surgeon typically must create a new crease so that the nipple is centered on the new, larger breast. For this reason a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali who has performed thousands of breast augmentations should be chosen, to ensure proper placement of the new crease.

3. Transaxillary Breast Implant Incision

Transaxillary breast implant incisions are made in in the natural crease of the armpit (axilla) – rather than the breast – to achieve no breast scarring at all. This is a much more complex and difficult incision that leaves only a tiny scar in the armpit that is virtually impossible to see.

Once the incision is made in the fold of the armpit, a channel is cut going down to the breast (see image below). The breast implant is inserted into the channel and worked downwards into position. Sometimes an endoscope (a small surgical camera on the end of a tube) will be used by the cosmetic surgeon during this procedure.

However, positioning the breast properly from farther away makes placement more difficult. For this reason a skilled and experienced board certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali should be chosen, to ensure proper positioning of the breast.

The advantages of transaxillary breast implant incisions are the minimizing of visible scarring on the breast itself, as the incision is located in the armpit. This incision also avoids interference with breast tissue, reducing the risk of affecting breastfeeding and nipple sensation.

Transaxillary breast implant incisions primarily used for saline implants placed behind the chest muscle (submuscular), particularly in patients who prefer to avoid breast incisions or who have certain specific anatomical considerations.

The disadvantage to a transaxillary breast implant incision is that if a complication occurs requiring revision or removal, the plastic surgeon will typically have to make a new nipple or crease incision. This is because it’s very rare that a transaxillary incision can be reused.

breast implant birmingham west bloomfield hills

Top Breast Implant Surgeon | West Bloomfield Area 

Each type of breast implant incision has its own set of advantages and considerations, and the choice depends on factors such as your anatomy, implant type and size, available skin and tissue, the plastic surgeon’s preferred technique, and the patient’s appearance goals. Consulting with a board-certified plastic surgeon is essential to determine the most suitable incision approach based on your unique, individual needs and goals.

Dr. Ali is a top board certified plastic surgeon who has performed breast implants on thousands of women in Birmingham, Troy, Rochester Hills, West Bloomfield, Bloomfield Hills and across Oakland County and the Detroit area. He will be happy to offer you a consultation to answer all of your questions, and help you choose the best breast implant size, shape, material, position, and incision type for your body type and appearance goals.

Breast Implant Surgery | West Bloomfield Area: 248-335-7200

Breast Implant Placement: Is Above or Below the Muscle Better?

The Best Breast Implant Placement Depends on Many Factors

In addition to choosing the sizeshape (round or tear drop), material (silicone or saline), and profile (height) of your breast implants, the “placement” of your implants must be considered. Your breast implants may be placed over, under or between the muscles in your chest.

Choosing the right placement is an important decision made by your breast augmentation surgeon, based upon many factors including the type of implant, the increase in size from your current breasts, the amount of available breast tissue, the condition and amount of skin, your size, your lifestyle, and your appearance goals.

Top Troy, MI area plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has helped thousands of women achieve the look and feel they desire with perfectly chosen and expertly “placed” breast implants. In this article we explain the three types of breast implant placement.

Breast Structure & Breast Implant Placement

If you look at the image below you can see that natural breasts are tear-drop shaped, with milk-producing glands that sit below the nipple and above two sets of pectoral muscles that hold everything in place. The rest of the breast is “filled” with a system of fatty tissue (“adipose”) and ligaments that support and protect the structure of the breast.

The size and shape of each woman’s breasts are primarily determined by her hereditary. But other factors can affect breast size including: gaining or losing weight, medications, pregnancy, nursing, hormonal changes, menstruation, menopause. Traumas, injuries, accidents, and diseases such as cancer can also affect breast size and shape.

In this article, we will explore the differences between three common types of breast implant placement: subglandular, subpectoral, and submuscular, along with their applications and advantages.

Three Types of Breast Implant Placement

One of the most important factors in achieving a successful breast implant is selecting the proper placement of the implant. Breast implants can be placed three different ways inside of the woman’s breasts: subglandular, subpectoral, and submuscular.

Choosing the right breast implant placement is a critical aspect of breast augmentation surgery. Dr. Ali, a top board-certified plastic surgeon serving the Troy, MI area, understands the importance of tailoring surgical techniques to each patient’s unique anatomy and goals.

1. Subglandular Breast Implant Placement

Subglandular placement puts the breast implant directly behind the mammary gland, but in front of all the muscle. Subglandular breast implant placement involves the least complicated surgery, and has the quickest recovery time.

The disadvantages of subglandular breast implant placement includes a slightly increased chance for capsular contracture.  Subglandular breast implant placement also means that the implant has less “protection” over it and is also more “visible” under the skin. So, in some cases, if a woman does not have sufficient available breast tissue, the implant may be seen “rippling” through the skin, and/or the implant may be at slightly higher risk of damage.

Subglandular breast implant placement is most suitable for patients with adequate breast tissue and minimal sagging (ptosis). And it is deal for individuals seeking enhanced cleavage and a more prominent appearance.

Advantages of subglandular breast implant placement include a shorter recovery period and less postoperative discomfort compared to submuscular placement. Additionally, it may produce a more natural movement of the breast implant, particularly in athletic individuals. Also, subglandular breast implant placement is often a good option for athletic women, because it prevents well developed chest muscles from interfering with the look of the implant.

Additionally, there is less interference with chest muscle activity, potentially reducing the risk of animation deformity (implant distortion with muscle contraction).

2. Subpectoral Breast Implant Placement

Subpectoral breast implant placement involves positioning the implant under the pectoralis major muscle. But because of the structure of this muscle (see image below), the implant is only partially covered.

This implant placement is preferred for patients with thin breast tissue or mild to moderate ptosis. This method provides additional tissue coverage, especially in patients with minimal natural breast tissue. So, it is a common choice for individuals seeking a more natural-looking outcome with reduced risk of visible implant edges or rippling.

Advantages of subpectoral breast implant placement include offering improved long-term implant support and stability, reducing the risk of implant displacement or bottoming out.
It may also result in a lower risk of capsular contracture (scar tissue formation around the implant) compared to subglandular placement.

But while subpectoral breast implant placement reduces the risk of capsular contracture, and also minimizes any visible implant rippling, the disadvantage is that recovery time from subpectoral breast implant placement is typically longer – and somewhat more painful. This is because the plastic surgeon must manipulate the muscle during surgery. Subpectoral breast implants may also take longer to drop into their natural position after surgery.

Additionally, subpectoral breast implant placement is not a good remedy for lifting sagging breasts- because the implant is only partially covered by the muscle. So the weight of the fluid is not supported, and the implant may droop and/or create bulges.

3. Submuscular Breast Implant Placement

Submuscular breast implant placement positions the implant firmly and completely behind the chest muscle wall. A submuscular breast implant is placed behind the pectoralis major muscle and behind all of the supporting connective tissue (“fascia”) and non-pectoral muscle groups. For this reason they are a better option for women with drooping breasts.

Submuscular breast implants also tend to be the best for mammograms, because the breast implant is completely behind the areas that needs to be examined. This can offer an advantage to women with a family history or other risk factors for breast cancer – since their mammograms will not be impacted by the breast implants at all.

Submuscular placement is recommended for patients with thin skin, limited breast tissue, or a desire for a more conservative breast augmentation. And it is a very common choice by plastic surgeons for breast reconstruction following mastectomy or congenital deformities.

Another advantage of placement completely under the muscle is  that it provides maximum coverage and camouflage of the implant, minimizing the risk of visible rippling or palpability. Additionally it offers enhanced long-term stability and support, particularly in patients with significant ptosis or laxity. There is also the potential for a lower risk of capsular contracture and implant malposition due to improved soft tissue coverage and blood supply.

The disadvantages of submuscular breast implant placement is that there is an even longer – and somewhat more painful – recovery period, because the surgeon must manipulate even more breast muscle and ligaments.

breast implant troy

Top Breast Implant Surgeon | Troy, MI Area

The choice of breast implant placement is a crucial decision that should be made by a highly experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali in the Troy, MI area. Understanding the differences between subglandular, subpectoral, and submuscular placement, along with their respective applications and advantages, allows patients to make informed decisions with their plastic surgeon aligned with their aesthetic goals and anatomical considerations. Dr. Ali’s expertise and personalized approach ensure optimal outcomes tailored to each patient’s unique needs and preferences.

Dr. Ali is a board certified Troy area plastic surgeon who has performed breast implants on thousands of women in Birmingham, Rochester Hills, West Bloomfield, and Troy, MI area. Dr. Ali will be happy to offer you a consultation to answer all of your questions, and help you choose the best breast implant size, shape, material and position for your body type and appearance goals.

Feel beautiful inside and out, with breast implant surgery. And remember, financing options are also available.

Breast Implant Surgery | Troy, MI Area: 248-335-7200


Breast Implant Surgery: Round versus Teardrop Breast Implants

How to Choose Between Round & Teardrop Breast Implants

Choosing the right size and shape of breast implants is a highly personal decision. Every woman has an idea of how they want their body to look. Renowned Birmingham, MI board Certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has helped thousands of women select the perfect breast implants, for a look and feel they love. He will take the time to consult with you and discuss your body type, your frame, your lifestyle and your appearance goal – so you that achieve the look that you love.

In addition to considering “cup size” or “cc’s” when thinking of breast implants – the shape of the breast implant must also be chosen properly to achieve the results you desire. Each type has its own unique characteristics, and understanding the differences between them is crucial for making an informed decision. In this article, we’ll delve into the nuances of round and teardrop implants, comparing and contrasting their appearance, materials, costs, benefits, to help you choose the right shape for your breast implants.

Which Breast Implant Shape is Best?

There are two general categories of breast implant shape: round and contoured or “teardrop”. Round breast implants are typically saline breast implants. They actually have two key components.  The outer shell that is made of high-grade medical-grade silicone, similar to the material used in contact lenses or some medical tubing. The silicone shell is strong, flexible, and biocompatible, meaning it doesn’t cause negative reactions within the body.  The inner filling is primarily composed of sterile saline solution, essentially a highly purified salt water solution similar to what’s used in intravenous (IV) drips. The saline solution adds volume and weight to the implant, mimicking the feel of natural breast tissue.

So, while round saline implants rely on saline solution for their shape and feel, the crucial element ensuring their safety and stability is the strong and biocompatible silicone shell.

Teardrop shape breast implants are typically made of silicone gel – also called “gummy bear” or gel implants.  Similar to saline implants, the outer shell of gummy bear implants is made of high-grade medical-grade silicone. This ensures strength, flexibility, and biocompatibility. But the inner filling is where the difference lies. Instead of saline solution, gummy bear implants are filled with a thicker, cohesive silicone gel.

Within the teardrop category there are several additional variations in shape. Keep in mind that no one type of breast shape is better than the other. Both shapes can look natural and beautiful. The key to achieving the most beautiful results is finding the shape of breast implant that fits your body.

In this article we give you some generally information about the different shapes of breast implants. However, top Birmingham breast implant surgeon Dr. Ali will spend time with you during your consultation discussing your options. He will help you choose the best breast implant shape for you body type and appearance goals..

Round Breast Implants

Round breast implants are the same size in every direction, because they are, indeed, round.

Round breast implants generally produce more fullness in the upper breast. This is called “upper pole” fullness.  Very high-profile round breast implants can create a very noticeable change, and are often selected by women who wish a  may be too large – or “enhanced looking” – for some women.

Generally speaking, round breast implants aren’t considered as “anatomic” as teardrop implants. However, there are some women, for whom round breast implants may create a more natural look. If a round breast implant is well-proportioned for your body and your existing breast tissue, it can be a good choice. Round breast implants may also be a better “fit” for women with a larger “envelope” or “pocket” in which to insert the breast implant.

Round breast implants are typically softer than the teardrop implants. Another advantage to round breast implants is that they have the same shape all over, so there is no concern about them rotating out of place or changing in symmetry in the future.

However, keep in mind, that gravity will eventually affect even round breast implants – and they may become slightly teardrop appearance over the years..

Teardrop Breast Implants

Teardrop breast implants are considered more “anatomic” because a teardrop shape is similar to natural breasts –and are fuller at the bottom.  Teardrop breast implants also feel slightly firmer than round implants. The specific properties of the silicone gel vary depending on the manufacturer and desired implant characteristics.

Because teardrop breast implants are made with highly cohesive silicone, they generally are considered more durable and less likely to rupture than round breast implants. They also generally maintain the breast shape longer compared to round saline implants.

The gel of teardrop breast implants resists movement and maintains its shape even if the outer shell ruptures, unlike saline implants which would deflate. This provides a more natural feel and reduces the risk of visible ripples or distortions over time.

Different gel densities offer options for achieving desired breast firmness and projection. Dense gels provide a fuller, rounder appearance, while less dense gels feel softer and more natural.
The gel’s structure resists tearing and leaking, adding to its safety and longevity.

Additionally, typically teardrop breast implants will be a better fit for women with a tighter “envelope” or pocket in which to insert the implant. Teardrop implants are also often an excellent choice when existing breast tissue coverage is on the thinner side.

Teardrop implants due have a very slight risk of rotating over time, which can result in asymmetrical appearance. This is not common, though, and can be repaired with additional minor surgery.

Vectra 3D: See Your Breast Implants BEFORE Surgery

AMAE Plastic Surgery is among the first and only aesthetic practices in Birmingham, MI and the Detroit area to offer state-of-the-art Vectra 3D imaging before breast implant surgery. This revolutionary imaging system provides a three-dimensional computerized image of your possible breast implant options from any and every angle – so that Dr. Ali can show you your expected outcomes before your breast implant surgery.

The Vectra D system enables Dr. Ali to compare the “before and after” breast implant views side-by-side. By visualizing  different breast implant sizes and shape, you know in advance what to expect – so that together you can decide on the best possible size and shape of breast implants for your aesthetic goals.

If you are considering breast implant surgery, you no longer have to leave your results to guesswork, chance or speculation. With Vectra 3D digital imaging you know what your results will be in advance – with no surprises or misunderstandings! Choose skilled Birmingham, MI board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali, and see your breast implant results before your procedure(s) with Vectra’s innovative and advanced 3D computerized imaging.

Birmingham Michigan’s Top Breast Implant Surgeon

Choosing the right implant type depends on your individual goals, anatomy, and preferences. Consulting with a board-certified plastic surgeon is crucial to understand the pros and cons of each option and determine the best fit for you.

Dr. Ali will be happy to offer you a consultation to answer all of your breast implant surgery questions, and help you select the breast implant shape that is perfect for you. He has helped hundreds of women in Birmingham, Southfield, Troy, Detroit, West Bloomfield, and across Oakland County get the shape they love.

Feel beautiful inside and out, with breast implant surgery. And remember, financing options are also available.

Breast Implant Surgery | Birmingham, MI: 248.335.7200

Choosing The Best Breast Implant “Profile” (Projection) for Your Body

Breast Enhancement Surgery: Choosing a Breast Implant Profile

Choosing the right breast implant for your body is a highly personal decision. Every woman has a different ideal of beauty and different appearance goals. Dr. Ali has helped thousands of women select the right breast implants, for a look and feel they love. He will take the time to consult with you and discuss your body type, your frame, your lifestyle and your end-goal – so you that achieve the perfect results.

Most women think of size when they think of choosing breast implants. But choosing your breast implant involves much more than just choosing a “cup size”. Women wishing to surgically enhance their breasts must also determine the shape and the profile of the new breasts that they desire. The “profile” is the term for the projection of the breast implants – and it must also be chosen with care to achieve the results you desire. In this article we discuss some factors related to choosing the right “profile” or height of your breast implants.

What Is Breast Implant Profile?

If you’re considering breast enlargement surgery, selecting the right breast implant profile is perhaps even more crucial than “cup size” when considering your goals. The profile, or projection, is the height of the top of the breast implant from your chest. In very basic terms, the breast implant profile is how far the breast sticks out from the chest wall.

The higher the profile or depth/height of your implant, the more “projection” your breasts will have. Typically, lower profile implants result in a more natural appearance, while higher profile implants create a more dramatic enhancement.

The terminology varies slightly depending upon the breast implant manufacturer. But the amount of projection is typically referred to as:

  1. Low Profile Breast Implants:
    • Low profile breast implants have a wider base and provide a subtle projection, making them an excellent choice for individuals who desire a more natural look and modest enhancement.
  2. Moderate Profile Breast Implants:
    • Offering a balanced projection, moderate profile breast implants are suitable for those seeking a middle-ground option, providing a noticeable enhancement without an overly prominent appearance.
  3. Moderate Plus / Moderate High Profile Breast Implants:
    • Combining a slightly higher projection with a wider base, moderate plus or moderate high profile breast implants are ideal for patients looking for a more pronounced lift and fullness while maintaining a natural proportion.
  4. High Profile Breast Implants:
    • High profile breast implants have a narrower base and provide a significant projection, making them well-suited for individuals desiring a more dramatic and voluptuous outcome, with increased fullness in the upper portion of the breast.
  5. Ultra High Profile Breast Implants:
    • Ultra high profile breast implants offer the most projection and are designed for patients seeking a striking, dramatic lift, and enhanced fullness. This profile is often chosen by those who prioritize a more prominent and glamorous aesthetic.

Difference Between High & Low Profile Breast Implants

High-profile breast implants typically produce more fullness in the upper breast. This is called “upper pole” fullness.  Very high-profile breast implants create a very noticeable change, and may be too large – or “enhanced looking” – for some women.

High-profile implants, however, may also be recommended for patients who are undergoing breast reconstruction after a mastectomy. They may also be the best solution for women who have very minimal breast tissue of their own, du to other reasons such as breast feeding or aging.

Lower profile breast implants typically produce more fullness in the lower breast – much like a natural breast. This is called “lower pole” fullness.  Lower profile implants are generally used by women who prefer a more subtle, “believable” enhancement.

Considerations in Choosing Your Breast Implant Profile

Dr. Ali will look at a number of factors when recommending the best “projection” for your breast implants, including:

• Your body frame

Generally, a woman with a smaller “frame” will require less projection to achieve dramatic or noticeable results,

• Amount of skin / tissue to cover the breast implant

Increasing breast size too significantly beyond your current size can result in too little “room” under which to place the breast implant. This can result in unnaturally shaped breasts.

• The desired “look” of your breast implants

Ultra-high profile breast implants are typically less realistic or less natural looking than lower projection breast implants. Most women want a very natural look – but some women prefer a more dramatic or “exaggerated” profile.

• Width of your breast area

A big factor in determining the right profile breast implant is the dimension / width of your natural breast tissue. A wider breast area will require a higher projection to achieve “cleavage”, while a narrower breast area may achieve the effect with less projection.

See Your Breast Implant Profile Before Surgery

AMAE Plastic Surgery is among the first and only aesthetic practices in the Rochester Hills area to offer state-of-the-art Vectra 3D imaging before breast implant surgery. This revolutionary imaging system provides a 3D computer image of your breast implant options from every angle – so that you can see how your new breasts will look your breast implant surgery.

The Vectra D system enables Dr. Ali to show you the “before and after” breast implant size, shape and profile views side-by-side before your surgery. This way you can decide on the best possible size, shape, and profile of breast implants for your appearance goals.

If you are undergoing breast implant surgery, you don’t have to leave your results to guesswork. With Vectra 3D digital imaging you know what your results will be before your surgery – with no surprises! 

Top Breast Implant Surgeon | Rochester Hills

The bottom line is that there is no single “best” implant profile. However, there is an ideal profile for you depending on your unique, frame size, anatomy, breast tissue, and appearance goals.

Dr. Ali will be happy to offer you a consultation to answer all of your questions, and help you select the profile that is perfect for you. He has helped hundreds of women in Rochester Hills, Troy, Detroit, West Bloomfield and across Oakland County achieve the look they love. Feel beautiful inside and out, with breast implant surgery. And remember, financing options are also available.

Breast Implant Surgery | Rochester Hills: 248-335-7200

Are Breast Implants Safe?