A Complete Guide to Rhinoplasty Surgery

Understanding the Rhinoplasty Surgery Process

Capable of permanently transforming the shape, size, or overall appearance of one’s nose, rhinoplasty continues to be a highly sought-after procedure. So much so, that according to the 2017 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 218,924 instances of rhinoplasty surgery were performed that year. This made it the third most popular cosmetic surgery of 2017, and the popularity of rhinoplasty only continues to flourish.

If you are in the Troy, MI area and are interested in how you can join the ranks of thousands who have benefited from rhinoplasty, contact AMAE plastic surgery today for a consultation. In the meantime, dive into this 2-part article on everything a patient needs to know before getting rhinoplasty -as well as links to rhinoplasty before and after photos.

The Rhinoplasty Consultation

Perhaps better known as a “nose job,” rhinoplasty is a form of plastic surgery that both sculpts the shape of the nose’s exterior for aesthetic purposes, and the noses interior to aid with breathing. Successful rhinoplasty surgery provides the patient with a nose that still looks natural, but exists in better harmony and balance with the rest of the face. The general consensus is that the best rhinoplasty results are those where the nose doesn’t look as though it has been so much as touched.

In order to determine if one is a good candidate for rhinoplasty, one must first visit AMAE for a consultation with board certified Troy, MI plastic surgeon Dr. Ali. Patients will be have the opportunity to discuss any and all cosmetic concerns they have going into rhinoplasty. Dr. Ali will also check for any potential breathing issues by carefully examining the inside of the patient’s nose.

During the consultation, rhinoplasty patients frequently shown before-and-after photos of past rhinoplasty patients whose noses are similar in size to their own. This allows patients a better understanding of what they can realistically expect from rhinoplasty. See Rhinoplasty Before & After Photos

AMAE Plastic Surgery is also among the first and only aesthetic practices in Michigan to offer state-of-the-art Vectra 3D facial imaging. This revolutionary imaging system enables Dr. Ali to show you your options and the expected outcomes before your rhinoplasty surgery.

Ideal Rhinoplasty Candidate

Rhinoplasty candidates must first and foremost be of sufficient nasal maturity (usually no younger than 15 years of age.) Rhinoplasty patients must also have the emotional maturity required to completely understand the purpose of rhinoplasty and all risks and implications included therein. Patients should also make sure their goals do not exceed the limitations of the procedure, and go into their rhinoplasty surgery with realistic expectations of the outcome.

Additionally, at AMAE Plastic Surgery in Troy, MI, we strong discourage anyone suffering from body dysmorphia from undergoing rhinoplasty surgery. While everyone experiences a certain element of insecurity from time to time, it is important to us that more intense feelings of physical insecurity not be our rhinoplasty patient’s main motivator.

Conditions Rhinoplasty Treats

At AMAE Plastic Surgery in Troy, MI, we provide rhinoplasty as a method of treating a number of conditions. For starters, rhinoplasty can be used to treat bumps at the bridge of the nose known as Dorsal Humps. Rhinoplasty can also address the width of one’s nose, as well as correct asymmetry in noses that are deviated or twisted.

Rhinoplasty can also correct issues of the nasal airway, such as internal valve collapse or septal deviation, and can also be performed to repair drooping nasal tips. Rhinoplasty is also beneficial in repairing deformities caused by trauma to the nose.

Preparing for Rhinoplasty

Much like all other forms of surgery, being thoroughly prepared is the key to a successful rhinoplasty procedure with a smooth recovery period. Prior to undergoing rhinoplasty, we recommend our patients regularly apply the homeopathic herb arnica to the treatment area. This will help reduce swelling, bruising, and bleeding.

For at least a month prior to rhinoplasty surgery, patients should also avoid consuming caffeine and alcohol. In the month leading up to their surgery, rhinoplasty patients must also refrain from smoking.

The Rhinoplasty Surgery Procedure

At AMAE Plastic Surgery in Troy, MI, most of our rhinoplasty procedures are performed on an outpatient basis. There are two distinct methods of performing the procedure: Open Rhinoplasty and Closed Rhinoplasty. While both methods involve making an incision in the internal nostril region, Open Rhinoplasty also includes an additional, external incision on the tissue dividing the nostrils.

The skin of the nose will then be “undraped,” allowing for visibility of the nose’s inner structures. Open Rhinoplasty allows for substantial changes to be made to the nose, and is most commonly performed either to correct a previous, “botched” procedure, and on patients whose noses have a particularly challenging anatomy.

During Closed Rhinoplasty, on the other hand, no external incisions are made. With them all instead made inside the nose, Open Rhinoplasty is less likely to result in scarring. However, the results of Closed Rhinoplasty are considerably subtler than Open Rhinoplasty.

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali carefully determines the method of rhinoplasty best suited to meet his patients’ needs, and has an outstanding track record performing countless instances of both Open and Closed Rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty Surgery Recovery & Downtime

While no two cases of rhinoplasty are ever the same, most cases of both open and closed rhinoplasty are followed by at least one-to-two weeks of downtime. Most Closed Rhinoplasty patients experience the most rapid period of recovery within 5 to 6 days, after which time they are free to remove the splint from their nose and resume their normal daily routine.

But although rhinoplasty patients usually experience a relatively quick period of initial recovery, their complete healing process can continue for as long as one to three years. Since the skin of the nose requires time to shrink to its new, underlying framework, the total healing process is longer than many other forms of cosmetic surgery.

But while rhinoplasty patients do experience a recovery period longer than other plastic surgery patients, they generally also experience less pain. While rhinoplasty usually results in a fair amount of bruising and swelling, patients routinely report any pain following the procedure to be surprisingly tolerable. To ensure his rhinoplasty patients experience as little pain as possible, board-certified Troy, MI plastic surgeon Dr. Ali gladly recommends and prescribes appropriate pain medications.

Choosing a Rhinoplasty Surgeon

Be it rhinoplasty, open heart surgery, or anything in between, no surgery whatsoever can be successfully performed unless carried out by a skilled, certified, and experienced surgeon.

For anyone in the Troy, MI area looking for the right rhinoplasty surgeon, the choice is simple: board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali. Dr. Ali’s years of experience in the field of cosmetic surgery poise him as the area’s leading provider of rhinoplasty.

Dr. Ali carefully and precisely provides his rhinoplasty patients that both meet their aesthetic goals, and maintain or improve their noses functionality. Choosing the right surgeon is perhaps the most important decision a person must make after deciding to get rhinoplasty. In selecting Dr. Ali, patients are guaranteed to have made the right choice.

Rhinoplasty – Troy, MI Area

When a patient visits AMAE for rhinoplasty, they can take comfort in knowing their experience will be nothing short of exceptional.  At AMAE Plastic Surgery in the Troy, MI area we are thoroughly committed to providing all of our rhinoplasty patients with the best treatment experience possible.

If you live in the greater Troy, MI area – and you’re ready to look and feel great about your nose with rhinoplasty – call AMAE Plastic Surgery today to schedule a consultation.

Troy, MI area Rhinoplasty Consultation: 248-335-7200