Being in the field of plastic surgery is very rewarding.
I get a lot of thank you cards, notes, and gifts from patients who have been very happy with our services. One gift that really stands out was from a 5 year old girl who happened to sustain a cut on her forehead while playing at home.
I saw this young girl in the ER, and fixed the little cut on her forehead. She was very grateful, and said, “Dr., thank you very much for fixing my boo- boo.” She was playing with some Kleenex, and I asked her what she was doing. She said that she had just learned how to make a flower at school, and that when she comes to see me at my office in a few days she’ll make one for me too.
So on our one week follow-up, when she came to see me, she gave me this beautiful white flower made out of Kleenex that was clipped together by a hair pin. It was very touching to receive this thank you from this young girl.
I have it in my office, and I keep it in sight. I thought it was very touching that a 5 year-old girl not only remembered to bring it, but did a very beautiful job. And her presentation was excellent, the way she presented that to me… words cannot describe that moment.
These are the little things in life that really give me a lot of joy and happiness.