Are Silicone Breast Implants Safe?

Are Silicone Breast Implants Safe?

Huge advancements in breast implant technology have made today’s silicone breast implants both more natural in look and feel, as well as extremely safe. Dr. Ali has used performed breast implant surgery using silicone implants with safe and natural results on thousands of women in Oakland County and across the metro Detroit area.

In this article Detroit area board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali discusses the history and the safety of silicone breast implant surgery.

FDA Approval of Breast Implants

Both saline and silicone breast implants are FDA approved, meaning that the US Food and Drug Administration considers them safe for breast augmentation and breast reconstruction. FDA-approved implants undergo extensive testing before approval to demonstrate reasonable assurance of safety and effectiveness.

The FDA has approved implants for increasing breast size, reconstruction after breast cancer surgery, and to correct or improve developmental defects or the result of a previous surgery. Additionally, research on the safety and effectiveness of both types of breast implants is always ongoing, as well, ensuring that improvements in breast implant technology are continually being made.

History of Silicone Breast Implant Surgery

Silicone implants were first used by breast surgeons in 1964 with new and imperfect technology. So, back then, some patients experienced complications. As a result, in 1992 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) temporarily recommended that silicone implants be removed from use.

However, in 1999, the National Academy Institute of Medicine issued a report stating that diseases such as connective tissue disorders, cancer, neurological diseases, reproductive problems, or other systemic complaints or conditions “are no more common in women with breast implants than in women without implants.” These studies also showed that there was no evidence of long-term autoimmune problems in women who underwent augmentation with silicone breast implants.

And, other exhaustive studies have shown that silicone breast implants actually have complication rates that are the same as, or in some cases lower than, saline implants.

So, in 2006 the FDA cleared silicone breast implants cosmetic use in women aged 22 and older. By 2010 breast implants were the most popular plastic surgery in the United States – with 62% of implants being silicone.

Do Breast Implants Cause Cancer?

Studies by the National Cancer Institute have also proven that there is no relationship between breast implants and breast cancer.

In the United States, approximately 1 out of 9 women (11%) will develop breast cancer. This percentage is the same for women with and without breast implants.

Today’s Silicone Breast Implant Surgery is Safe

Statistics from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery state that roughly 1 in every 26 women in the US has breast implants – meaning that 4% of US women have improved their appearance with breast implants. In fact, about 300,000 women in the United States alone undergo breast implant surgery every year!

Doctor Ali, uses Mentor MemoryShape Gel Breast Implants – known for their natural look, realistic feel and their unparalleled safety record. Mentor Worldwide LLC, the developer of these implants and part of the Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices companies, recently announced the publication of a 10-year clinical study involving 955 breast augmentation patients in the U.S.

That 2018 study  highlighted the safety of MENTOR MemoryShape Gel Breast Implants, reporting:

  • High patient and surgeon satisfaction rates
  • Low capsular contracture, rupture and complications rates
  • No reported cases of breast implant-associated cancer

Complications of Silicone Breast Implant Surgery

As with any surgery, there is always a small risk of complication.  Infection is a risk with any surgery that can be greatly reduced with proper surgical procedures and meticulous aftercare.

Local complications and adverse reactions can also include capsular contracture, reoperation, removal, and implant rupture. However, these risks are very rare when the silicone breast implant surgery is performed by a skilled board certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali.

What Happens When a Breast Implant Breaks (Ruptures)?

Because of today’s improved materials from which breast implants are made, a rupture (break) in the breast implant is a very rare occurrence. However, even when a breast implant “pops” the situation is not immediately dangerous at all. What happens when a breast implant ruptures will depend upon whether the breast implant is saline or silicone.

If a saline breast implant ruptures, the “salt water” that it is filled with will simply leak out – and the implant will rapidly deflate. The body will then absorb the leaked saline solution. Since salt is a natural substance found in the body there are no health risks. However, the woman will need surgery to remove the deflated silicone shell, and replace it with a new implant so that her breasts are the same size.

It is harder to tell if a silicone breast implant ruptures. Patients you might not notice a silicone leak right away — or ever — because it is thick and leaks very slowly. The small amount of free silicone then generally tends to remain trapped in the fibrous tissue (capsule) around the implant.

Despite some “myths” to the contrary, leaking silicone gel does NOT cause disease or illness. Leaking silicone does NOT cause breast cancer, reproductive problems or arthritis. However, if you become aware of a leaking silicone breast implant Dr. Ali will recommend that you have it removed and replaced. This is because, over time, a ruptured silicone breast implant may cause breast pain, breast thickening, or changes in the shape or size of the breast.

Detroit Area’s Top Breast Implant Surgeon

Dr. Ali is a Detroit area double board certified Birmingham breast implant surgeon who has performed breast augmentation surgery on thousands of women in the metro Detroit area, including Birmingham, Troy, Rochester Hills, West Bloomfield, and across Oakland County. He utilizes the latest techniques and best, state-of-the-art breast implant technologies and procedures – to ensure that your results are as safe as they are beautiful. Doctor Ali will be happy to offer you a consultation to answer all of your questions at his Birmingham office.

Feel beautiful inside and out, with breast implant surgery. And remember, financing options are also available.

Detroit Area Breast Implant Surgeon Consultation: 248-335-7200

Which Brand of Breast Implants is Best?

Is One Brand of Breast Implants Better Than Others?

There are several brands of FDA approved breast implants available on the market in the United States. These include the two biggest breast implant manufacturers – Allergan and Mentor – who produce both saline and silicone implants. There are also several smaller breast implant companies – like Sientra and Motiva – that only sell silicone breast implants.

Thanks to decades of ongoing research and significant scientific advancements in breast implant materials and design, today’s generation of FDA-approved breast implants are among the safest and most well-tested medical devices on the market.

But if you are considering breast augmentation surgery, it is natural to wonder if one brand “looks better” or is safer than another. After considerable research and decades of experience, renowned breast augmentation surgeon Dr. Ali at AMAE Plastic Surgery in Birmingham, MI chooses to use Mentor breast implants.  In this article, he explains why Mentor is his choice for safe, beautiful, natural looking breast implants.

All breast implant brands offer a very similar array of sizes and profiles. The materials are also similar but not identical – which is where we get into some differences. However, the reality is that no one will be able to tell which “brand” of breast implants you have just by looking at you.

Of course, the most important factor in achieving beautiful, natural, safe breast implant results is choosing the best breast augmentation surgeon. No matter how good the implants are themselves, an inexperienced or unskilled surgeon will not achieve the placement, symmetry, and hidden scars that a renowned plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali at AMAE Plastic Surgery in Birmingham, MI will create.

That being said, let’s take a look at why Dr. Ali chooses Mentor breast implants for breast augmentation surgery.

Mentor vs. Allegan Breast Implants

Allergan, the largest producer of breast implants, also manufactures many injectables including BOTOX and Juvéderm, and a wide range of non-aesthetic medical devices, as well as the skincare line SkinMedica.  Mentor, on the other hand, is highly specialized and only manufactures breast implants and breast tissue expanders.

Allergan was founded in 2015. Then in 2016, Allergan sold its generic business, Actavis, to Teva Pharmaceuticals. Then in June 2019, the huge U.S. pharmaceutical conglomerate AbbVie announced it had reached an agreement to acquire Allergan for $63 billion.

Mentor, however, has operated continuously under the same name for thirty years, and all Mentor implants sold to the US market are made in the USA.

Many plastic surgeons also favor the Mentor brand of breast implants because they appreciate the level of customer service and technical support provided to medical practices and patients.

Mentor Breast Implants

Mentor offers silicone breast implants under the brand names MemoryGel, MemoryGel Xtra, and MemoryShape, in addition to offering saline implants, including the SPECTRUM implant. Dr. Ali can show you actual implants and discuss their features and differences to help you decide which model is right for your aesthetic goals.

Mentor breast implants are also coated with a special silicone elastomer shell to help reduce the risk of complications such as leakage or rupture.

Here are some of the types and features of Mentor breast implants:

  • Breast Implant Shape

Mentor breast implants are available in two basic shapes, round and anatomic (teardrop). The appropriate shape for you will depend on your individual goals and the recommendations of your surgeon.

  • Breast Implant Size

Mentor breast implants are available in an extremely wide range of sizes to suit the individual needs of patients. The appropriate size for you will depend on your desired volume and your body size or frame.

  • Breast Implant Texture

Mentor breast implants are available in two textures, smooth and textured. Smooth breast implants are more ‘slippery’ and are designed to move naturally within the breast pocket. Textured breast implants have a rough surface that is designed to help the implant stay in place and reduce the risk of complications such as rippling, contracture, or implant displacement.

  • Breast Implant Profile

The profile of an implant refers to how far it projects from the chest wall. Mentor breast implants are available in three profiles, low, moderate, and high. The best breast implant profile for you will depend on your desired appearance – from natural and subtle to super sexy – as well as your body size.

Types of Mentor Breast Implants

  • MemoryShape® Breast Implants

Mentor MemoryShape® Breast Implants have a tapered shape that provides more projection at the lower pole, offering maximum projection where desired. This is sometimes called a teardrop breast implant. MemoryShape® Breast Implants offer a natural breast appearance. And they have been proven to retain shape and projection over time.1

Additionally, MemoryShape Breast Implants are made with SILTEX™ Texture, which has been proven to reduce complications. In fact, Mentor MemoryShape® Breast Implants have the lowest reported risk of key complications in primary breast augmentation at 10 years after surgery!

  • MemoryGel BOOST Breast Implants

MemoryGel® Breast Implants have been used in over 6,000,000 breast implant surgeries worldwide. They offer the natural feel that patients desire, but with more “roundness” that gives them a higher “profile”.  MemoryGel BOOST Breast Implants are available in “Moderate Plus” and “High” profiles.

  • MemoryGel®  Xtra Breast Implants

MemoryGel® Xtra Breast Implants also offer the natural feel that patients desire, but with more “roundness” but with additional benefits in three profile options – “Moderate Plus”, “Moderate High” and “High”. You might say MemoryGel® Xtra offers the most dramatic breast enhancement.

  • Mentor Saline Implants

Mentor also manufacturers the best saline implants currently on the market. These are filled with a natural saltwater solution that is more firm than gel implants, which more closely imitate the feel of body fat. while they feel less like natural breast tissue, the look can be dramatic and they are less expensive than gel implants.

Mentor saline implants offer a round shape, an all-around fuller look, firmer feel and enhanced cleavage. They come in “Moderate”, “Moderate Plus” and “High” profiles. MENTOR® Round Saline Implants also come in a SPECTRUM® Adjustable model, which are the only breast implants that can be adjusted AFTER your surgery, by allowing your plastic surgeon to add or remove saline solution months after your procedure!

Mentor Breast Implant Before & After

You can view actual patient Before & After Photos of Dr. Ali’s breast implant surgeries HERE.

Mentor also has an excellent page that allows you to search for Mentor breast implant Before & After photos by patient, age, cup size, amount of increase and type of breast implant HERE.

The best breast implant for you will depend on the extent of your current breast tissue, your frame and body type, and most importantly your desired outcome. AMAE Plastic Surgery is among the first and only plastic surgery practices in the Birmingham, MI area to offer state-of-the-art Vectra 3D imaging for breast implant patents. This revolutionary imaging system provides a three-dimensional computerized image of the patient’s breasts from any and every angle – so that Dr. Ali can show you what different breast implant sizes and shapes will look like – before you have your breast implant surgery!

Can You Guess Which Celebs Have Had Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Celebrities Who Have Had Breast Augmentation Surgery

Plastic surgery used to be Hollywood’s best kept secret. Up until recently, actresses and A-listers wanted everyone to believe that they were born with perfect bodies. However, today, the stigma surrounding plastic surgery has largely disappeared.

There are many celebrities who have openly admitted to getting breast augmentation surgery. And hundreds more have had breast augmentation but haven’t revealed it (yet!). In this article the breast augmentation specialists at AMAE Plastic Surgery in Birmingham, MI share a few examples of stars whose stunning figures are due to breast augmentation surgery.

Kaley Cuoco Breast Augmentation Surgery

Kaley Cuoco’s tiny frame was perfect for planning John Ritter’s teen daughter until 2003 on “Eight Simple Rules.” But in an interview with Cosmopolitan, Kaley Cuoco revealed that she had breast augmentation surgery in 2004.

Cuoco’s breast augmentation took her from skinny kid to blonde bombshell almost overnight, and in 2005, Kaley was offered a role on The WB’s “Charmed” in its eighth season – and she she didn’t have to audition! In 2007 Kael landed the role of beautiful neighbor Penny whom all of the scientists adored – and the rest is history!

Kaley Cuoco Breast Augmentation Surgery

Kaley Cuoco’s tiny frame was perfect for planning John Ritter’s teen daughter until 2003 on “Eight Simple Rules.” But in an interview with Cosmopolitan, Kaley Cuoco revealed that she had breast augmentation surgery in 2004.

Cuoco’s breast augmentation took her from skinny kid to blonde bombshell almost overnight, and in 2005, Kaley was offered a role on The WB’s “Charmed” in its eighth season – and she she didn’t have to audition! In 2007 Kael landed the role of beautiful neighbor Penny whom all of the scientists adored – and the rest is history!

Carmen Electra Breast Augmentation Surgery

In an interview with People magazine, Carmen Electra revealed that she had breast augmentation surgery in the late 1990s. In that interview, Ms. Electra said she decided to get the surgery because she was unhappy with the size of her breasts and wanted to feel more confident.

Courtney Cox Breast Augmentation Surgery

We all remember beautiful Monica from the hit TV show friends. Now compare Monica’s stunning curves to Courtney’s “tomboy” figure when she appeared in Bruce Springsteen’s 1984 “Dancing in the Dark” music video. In an interview with New Beauty Magazine, Courtney Cox revealed that she had breast augmentation surgery in the mid-1990s because she wanted to feel more feminine.

Cardi B Breast Augmentation

The extremely talented rapper and actress Cardi B has openly discussed her breast augmentation surgery, which she had in 2018. Cardi B has said that she had the surgery for personal reasons and to boost her confidence.

Kardashian Breast Augmentation

Kourtney Kardashian has always been honest about her breast implants, although she now believes 21 was too young to get them. Now age 37years old, Kourtney has never shied away from the topic of her breast implants.

In a recent episode of The Kardashians sister Khloe admitted that she’s been seriously thinking about getting breast augmentation for a “fuller” look. “When you see me in a bikini, I don’t have cleavage like my sisters [who] have this ample cleavage,” she said.

Mom Kris Jenner seemed to be fully on board with the idea of Khloe’s breast implants, even admitting that she’s interested undergoing breast augmentation herself at age 67! “Let’s do it together!” Jenner exclaimed.

More Celebrity Breast Augmentations

Spice Girl, fashion designer, style icon – and wife of sexiest man alive David Beckham –  has openly discussed her breast augmentation surgery, which she had in 1999. Beckham has said that she had the surgery to enhance her career in the entertainment industry.

In an interview with People magazine, Ashlee Simpson revealed that she had breast augmentation surgery in 2006. Simpson said she decided to get the surgery because she was unhappy with the size of her breasts. The following year singer and actress Kelly Rowland underwent breast implant surgery.

Hundreds of other actors, A-listers and influencers have had breast augmentation surgery as well – they just haven’t openly talked about!

Is Breast Augmentation for Me?

Breast augmentation surgery is a very personal decision, and every patient has their own reasons for choosing to undergo the procedure. It’s important to carefully consider all of the risks and benefits and discuss them with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali at AMAE Plastic surgery in Birmingham, MI before making a decision.

AMAE Plastic Surgery is also among the first and only aesthetic practices in the Birmingham, MI area to offer state-of-the-art Vectra 3D imaging for breast augmentation patents. This revolutionary imaging system provides a three-dimensional computerized image of the patient’s breasts from any and every angle – so that Dr. Ali can show them their options and expected outcomes before their breast augmentation surgery!

The Steps of Breast Implant Removal Surgery

What is Involved in Breast Implant Removal Surgery

While breast implant surgery removal is uncommon, there are certain circumstances when a woman wants or needs to remove previous breast implants. In some cases, this may be simply an aesthetic or a lifestyle choice. In other cases there may be medical reason necessitating implant removal.

Whatever, the reason, it is important to have the procedure performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon with years of experience in breast implant removal, to avoid complications and achieve the most beautiful and natural looking reconstruction of the breast.

Why Patients Have Breast Implants Removed

In a rare number of cases, a woman may no longer wish to have the larger breasts that she desired when she was younger for strictly personal aesthetic reasons. We have seen women who find that they “went too big” when they were younger and that the breast implants are now in the way or a little too ostentatious.

More common are women who desire breast implant removal because a less-than-skilled surgeon previously did not do a good job with their breast augmentation surgery. At AMAE Plastic Surgery in Birmingham, MI we have seen breast implants by other (unskilled) doctors that were uneven, placed too high, asymmetrical, oddly shaped, dropped or otherwise malformed.

New generations of implants are very unlikely to “pop” or “leak.” But some women may need to have older breast implants removed due to leaking or deflation. Other women may be experiencing pain, discomfort or breast hardening due to breast capsule (capsular contraction), which is the scar tissue that forms after the placement of a breast implant.

Breast implant removal surgery may involve replacement with more attractive implants – but can also involve natural reconstruction of the breasts without implants. In either case, the key to successful results is going to a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali in Birmingham, MI.

Breast Implant Removal Step 1 – Anesthesia

Medications, intravenous sedation, and general anesthesia (putting the patient to sleep) are all administered for patient comfort during breast implant removal surgery. The selection of anesthetic will be discussed with you by Dr. Ali during your initial arm lift consultation.

Breast Implant Removal Step 2 – Incision

Typically a breast implant removal involves an incision to be placed along the lower fold of the breast (“inframammary fold”) or an incision around or below the areola.

Dr. Ali will select the best incision placement for optimal results with the least visible scar.

Breast Implant Removal Step 3 – Removal

The removal technique will depend on each patient’s unique needs. In cases of capsular contracture, scar tissue will need to be carefully removed and adhesions that hold tissue together released.

Breast Implant Removal Step 4 – Reconstruction

If the patient has chosen new implants, the breast augmentation procedure will begin. In other patients, Dr. Ali may be able to use their own tissue for breast reconstruction or reshaping of the area – to ensure a nature texture and appearance.

Breast Implant Removal Step 5 – Closing the Incisions

Sutures (stitches), skin adhesives, tapes and/or clips may be used to close the skin incisions. Gauze dressings or bandages will be applied – and thin drains may temporarily be inserted to remove excess blood and fluid in some cases. A support bra, surgical garment, or compression garment may be used to minimize swelling following breast implant removal surgery.

Dr. Ali will provide you with detailed instructions on caring for the incision, removal of the stitches (and drain if applicable), and medications to take for post-operative discomfort and to avoid infection.

It is extremely important that the incisions are not subjected to force, swelling, abrasion or excessive motion during the recovery – and Dr. Ali will explain what you can and can’t do and when you can return to your normal activities.

Most patients can resume work, school and less strenuous normal activities within two weeks. And by six weeks, the majority of patients are able to return to a completely normal activity level.

Remember: the fastest recovery, least pain and least visible scars all depend on following your plastic surgeon’s instructions after your arm lift surgery! Healing will continue for several weeks as swelling decreases – and it may take several months to see full results when all swelling has subsided. And, of course, continue to follow your plastic surgeon’s instructions and attend follow-up visits as scheduled.

Breast Implant Removal Surgery | Birmingham, MI

Top Birmingham board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has provided breast revision surgery for hundreds of women across Oakland County and the greater Detroit area, including: Birmingham, Bloomfield Hills, West Bloomfield, Troy, Southfield, and more.

Because of his expertise, high standard of care, and exceptional results in even the most difficult cases, he is the surgeon that other physicians refer their patients to for breast implant removal and breast revision surgery. With his years of expertise, caring demeanor and modern techniques, Dr. Ali can fix almost any breast implant problem, including: implant rupture, asymmetry, capsular contracture, implant size change, and more.

No matter what problems or issues you are having with your breast implants, board certified breast revision surgeon Dr. Ali will listen to your concerns and help you find the solution.

Breast Implant Removal Surgery | Birmingham, MI:  248-335-7200

MemoryShape®: the Most Natural Breast Implants

MemoryShape® the Most Natural Breast Implants

It is no surprise that breast implant technology has come a long way since they were first introduced almost 60 years ago! In June 2013, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the some new, advanced types of silicone gel-filled breast implants, bringing the total number of approved products to five in the United States. One of these newly approved products was was the natural looking and feeling MemoryShape breast implant.

Seven years later, Detroit area double board certified plastic surgeon Doctor Ali still typically prefers MemoryShape® Breast Implants for their natural shape, realistic feel, and excellent variety of sizes and silhouettes.

About Mentor Breast Implants

Mentor Worldwide LLC was founded in 1969, and has since grown into the leading manufacturer of supplies for the breast implant surgery market. Mentor works tirelessly to develop, manufacture, and market top-of-the-line breast implants for patients around the world, including Detroit.

Based out of Irvine California and with manufacturing and research facilities in both the United States and the Netherlands, Mentor guarantees to satisfy the needs of patients in the Detroit area and worldwide who are considering breast implant surgery.

With more that 2 million satisfied customers worldwide, Mentor Breast Implants hold the distinction of being among the most reliable in the industry.

Mentor has been a trailblazer of breast implant devices for over two decades. Used in both breast reconstruction and breast augmentation, Mentor breast implants are held to the strictest possible standards of design and testing, resulting in the highest quality breast implants on the market.

What are MemoryShape®? Breast Implants

MENTOR® MemoryShape® Breast Implants have a unique, tapered appearance. They are thinner at the top and gently slope to a fuller “projection” near the implant’s bottom – just like a natural breast.

Earlier generations of breast implants were very round, giving an artificial “globe” or “melon” appearance.  These are the recognizable breast implants that one thinks of on actresses and exotic dancers from from past decades – many of who had artificial looking, oversized breasts.

Today, most women prefer that they do NOT look like they have had “work done”. That is why MENTOR® MemoryShape® Breast Implants are so popular – because they mimic the silhouette of a natural breast. MemoryShape® Breast Implants soft gel silicone also feel very realistic to the touch!

As an additional advantage, The MemoryShape® technology has built in SILTEX® Microtexture imprinting that is designed to help keep implants in place. So they don’t shift over time like older models of breast implants often did.

Why Doctor Ali Uses MemoryShape® Breast Implants

MemoryShape® Breast Implants imitate the silhouette of a natural breast with a teardrop shape. Filled with a uniquely formulated cohesive gel, MemoryShape® Breast Implants provide a youthful firmness and natural silhouette that always retains shape.

Mentor’s silicone gel breast implants perfectly resemble natural breasts in feel, shape, and weight. The Mentor MemoryShape® Breast Implants are specifically designed to provide more volume towards the bottom of the breast and less towards the top, much as is the case with a natural breast.

There are five different MemoryShape® Breast Implants available to Detroit patients, each varying in shape, width, height, and projection measurements.

Detroit Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Ali has undergone the rigorous mandated MENTOR® MemoryShape® Implant Device Training required of all physicians in order to gain access to MENTOR® MemoryShape® Breast Implants, making him the top choice among Detroit patients for all of their breast implant needs.

Another feature we love about MemoryShape® Breast Implants is their Free Lifetime Product Replacement Warranty!

Detroit Area Breast Implant Surgeon

If you have questions about the latest developments in breast implant surgery, please schedule a consultation with award-winning Detroit area plastic surgeon Dr. Ali.

The vast majority of women who choose to get breast implants say that their augmented breast(s) help them feel more self-confident, feel better about their bodies, and/or give them a greater feeling of well-being.

Detroit area board certified plastic surgeon Doctor Ali offers a breast implant consultation to help you learn about your options and decide if breast implants are a good option for you.

Detroit Area Breast Implant Consultation: 248-335-7200

How to Decide if You Should Have Breast Implant Surgery

How to Decide if You Should Have Breast Implant Surgery

If you are one of the millions of women who are dissatisfied with the size, shape, position, symmetry and/or the proportion of their breasts, deciding to get breast implants is an important personal decision.  Detroit area board certified plastic surgeon Doctor Ali has helped thousands of women decide if breast implants are right for them, by carefully explain the pros and cons.

In this article we give you some general information to help you make an informed choice.  However, since every women is different, Dr. Ali offers a  breast implant consultation to help you decide if breast implants are a good option for you.

Benefits Associated With Breast Implants

According to recent clinical and psychological studies, the vast majority of women who have undergone breast implant surgery have universally reported very high levels of satisfaction with their body image and the shape, feel, and size of their implants.

In his Detroit plastic surgery practice, Doctor Ali prefers a type of breast implants called MemoryShape™ Breast Implants. This type of implant is not only more natural looking than older breast implants, but also feels more realistic. MemoryShape™ Breast Implants come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and “profiles” so that they can be matched to the patient’s body – giving her the most beautiful ideal proportions.

In a core study conducted by Mentor, the maker of the MemoryShape™ Breast Implants, 97% of the 373 primary breast augmentation patients who answered a patient satisfaction survey indicated they would make the same decision to have the breast implant surgery!

Breast Implant Statistics

Breast augmentation has continued to be the single most popular cosmetic surgeries in the US since 2006. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons in 2019, there were 299,715 breast augmentation procedures performed across the United States alone. This makes it even more popular in the US than liposuction!

Plastic surgeons believe that there are several reasons breast augmentation continues to be the#1 cosmetic surgery:

#1. New technologies in breast implants have made them safer than ever

#2. The cost of breast implant surgery has become more affordable in recent years

#3. Celebrities & social media have removed the stigma from breast implant surgery

#4. Women feel more empowered to take control of their bodies

#5. New surgical techniques have reduced risk and downtime of breast implant surgery

#6. New breast implant designs look more natural

#7. New breast implant materials feel more realistic

Age and Breast Implants

The FDA does not recommend breast implants for patients under 18, and board-certified plastic surgeons won’t perform breast augmentations on women under 22 since breast tissue isn’t considered fully developed until that time.

But women in good health of all ages of 22 and beyond can enjoy the benefits of breast implant surgery. In fact, approximately 7,000 women over the age of 55 get breast implants every year.

Whether breast augmentation is right for you depends on your overall general health, underlying medical conditions, lifestyle, emotional state, body type, breast size/ shape before surgery, as well as your appearance goals after surgery.

Breast Implant Before & After

One of the best ways to decide if breast implants are right for you, is to see the results beforehand! Dr. Ali now offers advanced Vectra 3D computer imaging that can show you what your implants will look like before you get them!

Additionally, you can look at our extensive gallery of breast augmentation Before & After photos, to see what a big difference in appearance breast implants can make!

Top Detroit Breast Implant Surgeon

The vast majority of women who choose to get breast implants say that their augmented breast(s) help them be more self-confident, feel better about their bodies, and give them a greater feeling of well-being.

Detroit area board certified plastic surgeon Doctor Ali offers a breast implant consultation to help you learn about your options and decide if breast implants are a good option for you.

Detroit Area Breast Implant Consultation: 248-335-7200

Breast Implant Surgery Recovery Time-frame

Breast Implant Recovery Time-frame – 

With many women temporarily off of work or working from home, due to the quarantine, it may be an ideal time to schedule that breast implant surgery you have been putting off. As with any surgery, there is some recovery period or “downtime” after a breast augmentation. But modern advancements in surgical techniques have dramatically reduced the time you must take off from work. So, while you’ve got some time at home now might just be the perfect time to consider breast enhancement surgery!

As the Detroit area’s top breast implant surgeon, Dr. Ali is often asked about the recovery time after breast augmentation. In this article he discusses the general time frame of recovery after breast implant surgery, to help you schedule the best time for you. However, every patient heals differently – depending on their age, skin, overall health, and type of procedure – breast augmentation recovery goes through some predictable stages.

This article discusses the “typical” recovery schedule for most breast implant patients. However, the best way to know what to expect after your breast implant surgery is to schedule a consultation with Board Certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali.

He has performed breast augmentation on hundreds of women in the metro Detroit area, and across Oakland County. He will answer your questions and take the time to explain what to expect before, during and after breast augmentation surgery in your unique situation.

Breast Implant Recovery Calendar

Days 1 to 4 after Breast Implant Surgery

This is the inflammatory period, where breasts are swollen, and may feel tight, uncomfortable or even be painful. During this period most patients require some medication to be comfortable. Bruising may start to appear, and fluid retention is also common.

Days 5 to 10 after Breast Implant Surgery

If permitted by your surgeon, it is now generally OK to shower and get the incisions briefly wet.

Pain now tends to occur more at night – typically between 3a.m. to 6 a.m. Usually you will be instructed by your breast implant surgeon to begin breast massages during this period.

Your external sutures will be removed – and/or if the surgeon used tissue glue or tape it will begin to fall off after a week or two. After a week you may even be able to return to work – if approved by your surgeon.

Be aware of signs of bleeding or infection during this time period and alert your surgeon if anything seems amiss.

Days 11 to 21 after Breast Implant Surgery

By now there is very low risk of infection and bleeding. You can typically now increased physical activity, such as low-impact exercises.

The majority of the swelling should begin to subside, however you may still have some occasional pain at night.

In some individuals ‘pins and needles’ sensations in the nipple area may be experienced as the nerves begin to “wake up”. This, along with some areas of skin numbness, is normal – and will gradually subside.

Days 22 to 42 after Breast Implant Surgery

By now you should not require any pain medications – although you can generally take ibuprofen or Tylenol, with your surgeon’s permission. You should be able to transition to higher impact aerobic activities, during this time period, as well.

Day 43 to 9 Months after Breast Implant Surgery

The scar tissue should be relaxing, softening the initial firm and tight feeling of the breast implants. The remaining 5 to 10% of swelling should also subside.

At this point most women will have a good idea of what the final results look like. Although, some women may feel faster or slower than the “norm”.

It is critical to follow your surgeon’s post-op instructions – including wearing compression garments, taking pain medication, and avoiding certain activities. Dr. Ali will explain what you can expect, in your unique situation, regarding the recovery period.

The Detroit Area’s Best Breast Implant Surgery

Dr. Ali is a Detroit Area double board certified plastic surgeon, who has helped thousands of women get the breasts they want with breast implant surgery. He will offer you a consultation so you can understand what the best surgical options are for you. He will take the time to carefully answer all of your questions, and make sure that you have an understanding of the best techniques for achieving your appearance goals.

Detroit Area Breast Implant Surgery Consultation: 248-335-7200

Choosing Your Breast Implant Size & Shape

Choosing Your Breast Implant Size & Shape-

This month, to celebrate the relaxing of social distancing, Dr. Ali is offering special discounts on both silicone and saline breast implants! All that’s left for you to do is choose the size, shape, and implant material! In this article board certified Detroit area plastic surgeon Dr. Ali offer information and tips for choosing the breast implant material and shape that’s best for you.

When it comes to breast augmentation, there’s no such thing as one-size-fits-all breast implants. Depending on a variety of factors including heredity, pregnancies, your body shape and natural contours, breast implants must be individually chosen to match each woman and meet her appearance goals.

There are only three companies that sell breast implants in the U.S. These are Allergan, Mentor and Sientra. And the only silicone implants currently approved for use in the US are made by Mentor and Allergan. (Sientra is still in business after their factory burned down, but their production of breast implants is stopped or limited.)

However, these manufacturers offer a wide range of breast implant sizes, designs, shapes and “profiles”. Only board-certified plastic surgeons like Dri. Ali have access to all the various types of implants. Dr. Ali will help you choose the best type of implant for your body type, individual needs, and appearance goals.

Breast Implant Materials

Saline Breast Implants

Saline breast implants are filled with sterile salt water. They do provide a uniform shape, firmness and feel, but are less popular than silicone implants because they do not feel as “natural”.

Structured saline breast implants contain an inner structure which helps make the breast implant feel more natural.

If the saline filled breast implant shell leaks, it will collapse and the saline will be absorbed and naturally expelled by the body. Saline breast implants also offer the advantage of requiring a smaller incision.

Silicone Breast Implants

Silicone breast implants are filled with silicone gel, which feels remarkably like natural breast tissue. Silicone breast implants are FDA-approved for breast augmentation in women age 22 or older.

Some women are concerned about silicone breast leaks because of inferior breast implant technologies that were in use many years ago. However this should not be a concern. Today’s silicone breast implants are far superior, and in rare cases where a leak occurs, the gel may remain within the implant shell. This means that a leaking implant filled with silicone gel will not collapse. And, all breast implants manufactured for use in the United States come with a lifetime manufacturer’s warranty.

“Gummy bear breast implants” contain a silicone gel inside the implant that is thicker than traditional silicone gel implants. They maintain their shape even if the implant shell is broken. However gummy bear breast implants are firmer than traditional implants, and require a slightly longer incision in the skin.

Breast Implants Shapes

Round Breast Implants

Because round implants are the same shape all over, there is less concern about them rotating out of place. Round breast implants typically make breasts appear fuller than contoured shaped implants.

When very large round implants are chosen they may be slightly less “natural” looking – giving more of a high profile “Hollywood” look. Some women prefer this look, while many women opt for something more natural.

Contoured Breast Implants

Contoured breast implants are shaped like a natural breast and are more anatomically correct. There are a variety of contoured shapes available to match a woman’s frame, body type, and appearance. Contoured breast implants come in different shapes, including: anatomical, teardrop, or bio-dimensional.

Dr. Ali is one of Oakland County’s top breast implant surgeon. He will show you the different shapes that are available, and take exact measurements of your chest and breasts, before recommending the proper breast implant shape and proportions for your frame.

Breast Implant Profiles

The “profile” of a breast implant refers to how far it projects from your chest.

In addition to selecting the size of implant, Dr. Ali will discuss the profile options of your breast implant. Profile types may be high, moderate or low, and should be matched to the width of your chest for the best “fit” for your frame.

High profile implants have more volume in a narrower width, which is often best for women with a narrow ribcage. A lower profile may be better for a more broadly built woman. Dr. Ali will discuss this with you to help you achieve the best aesthetic result.

Smooth vs Textured Breast Implants

Smooth breast implants have the advantage of being the softest feeling – and the most natural in terms of movement. However they may develop some slight rippling under the skin that is visible or palpable to the touch.

Textured breast implants have a slight texturing that helps the body develop scar tissue to hold the breast implant in shape. This makes textured breast implants less likely to move and become re-positioned. Texturing also offers some advantage in diminishing the risk of a tight scar capsule.

Best Oakland County Breast Implant Surgery

As you can see there are many decisions to be made when selecting the best breast implant that is right for you. The only way to truly understand your options is to schedule a consultation with a top Oakland county breast surgeon like Dr. Ali. If you are considering breast implant surgery, he will be happy to offer you a consultation to help you decide the right size, shape and type of implant for you.

Feel beautiful inside and out, with breast implant surgery. And remember, financing options are also available.

Oakland County Breast Implant Surgeon: 248-335-2700

Breast Implants – Why Some Women Go Smaller

Breast Implants: Why Some Women Go Smaller – 

Like many other cosmetic surgeries, breast implants are the subject of countless unfair and inaccurate stereotypes. In the media the phrase “breast implants” is often associated with oversized breasts that are as obviously fake as they are disproportionate. And while the trends of decades prior may have cemented this image in the cultural consciousness, too-large breasts now represent very small percentage of actual breast implant patients.

In fact, in the modern era, women tend to prefer a much more subtle end-result than what is commonly associated with breast implants. Smaller, natural-looking breast implants are an excellent way for a woman to feel more satisfied with her physique without looking like out of proportion or exaggerated. In fact, a number of women have visited our Detroit area practice to “trade in” their older, larger-than-life breast implants for something smaller and subtler.

Breast implants weren’t just invented to provide the largest breasts possible; they were invented to provide women of all sizes and body types with a sense of confidence and comfort in their own skin. And today, for more women than ever, all that takes are breast implants in the B or C cup range.

In this article, we’ll explain why many contemporary women tend to opt for smaller breast implants, and how the team at AMAE Plastic Surgery can provide women from all over the greater Detroit area with precisely the cosmetic results they’re looking for.

Many Reasons for Getting Breast Implants

Breast implants can serve a great many more purposes than most people ever stop to consider. In addition to simply increasing one’s cup size, breast implants can be used to correct breasts that are asymmetrical or deflated in appearance. Breast implants are also a great way to return one’s chest to its pre-pregnancy shape and size, which for many women means something subtle.

At AMAE Plastic Surgery, we proudly serve the Detroit area as the preeminent provider of medical aesthetics. We value our patients’ health and safety above all else, and understand that breast implants – along with every service we offer – means much more to a person than just a cosmetic procedure.

Benefits of Smaller Breast Implants

We aim to perfectly facilitate the exact results our patients hope for, and for many women, that means smaller breast implants. Smaller breast implants come along with a litany of benefits, not just for women with smaller or thinner frames. Smaller breast implants tend to look more natural, and result in a much less substantial change to the patient’s appearance.

Smaller breast implants also subject the tissue of the breast and the surrounding area to less trauma than occurs in larger breast implants. Smaller breast implants also face a much lower risk of nerve damage than their larger counterparts. Furthermore, smaller breast implants mean a shorter, more comfortable recovery period!

Other Advantages of Smaller Breast Implants

Today’s breast implants and breast augmentation surgeries – whether you go big or small – are very safe when performed by an experienced board certified Detroit area plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali. But patients may enjoy some added benefits of choosing smaller breast implants – making a “mini boob job” the more “comfortable” choice.

Unlike larger, heavier breast implants, smaller breast implants face much less potential for sagging over time. With smaller breast implants, gravity is on your side for years to come!

Breast implants that are too large can also sometimes result in diminished sensitivity, including the nipple being prone to loss of sensation. Smaller breast implants, on the other hand, face much less risk. And since smaller breast implants place far less strain on the skin, there is less chance of the implant becoming visible beneath the skin, after years of wear.

Larger breast implants can also interfere with athletics and physical activity such as exercise – and can sometimes be a source of unwanted, disrespectful attention. So some women choose smaller breast implants, to continue enjoying their regular athletic routine without additional physical or emotional stress.

Breast Implants – Detroit Area

At AMAE Plastic Surgery in the Detroit area, we are acutely aware that everyone’s bodies have their own unique needs – and everyone’s aesthetic preferences are different. This means that when it comes to breast implants, bigger is not always better for many women.

If you’re interested in accentuating your frame with breast implants that look as natural as they do flattering – whether you want to go big or go small – call us today for a consultation.

Breast Implant Consultation: 248-335-7200


Jan. Special: $500 Off Gummy Bear Breast Implants

January 2020 Only!


We are pleased to offer $500 off of Breast Augmentation with the popular and natural feeling “Gummy Bear” silicone breast implants. Start the New Year with the beautiful body you’ve always wanted!