Breast Lift Techniques: Donuts, Lollipops, Crescents & Anchors!

Which Breast Lift Surgery Technique is Best for Me?

Breast lift surgery, medically called a “mastopexy”, is a surgical procedure that is used to lift and reshape sagging breasts. There are several different methods of breast lift surgery, and the appropriate technique will depend on the individual patient’s current breast and skin condition, as well as her desired outcome.

Only a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon who specializes in breast lifts, like Dr. Ali at AMAE Plastic Surgery in Birmingham, MI, can help you decide which of the many breast lift surgery techniques will be best for you.

In this article, Birmingham, MI breast lift surgery specialist Dr. Ali explains the most common methods of breast lift surgery.

Types of Breast Lift Surgery

Breast lift surgery techniques are primarily named after the different types and placements of the incision that the plastic surgeon will use when lifting the breast. When reviewing the different breast lift surgery types, you may think you’ve stumbled unto a bakery website, as may breast lift procedures are named after incisions that have “sweet” names like donuts, lollipops, and crescents!

Crescent Breast Lift Surgery

Crescent breast lift surgery is the least invasive. This technique involves making only a small, crescent-shaped incision along the top of the areola (the round dark area surrounding the nipple).

This incision is used to lift the breasts and create a more youthful appearance. Crescent breast lift surgery is typically recommended for patients who have only mild sagging and minimal excess skin. It is popular among younger women as well as women with smaller breasts who want to fight premature signs of breast sagging.

Donut Breast Lift Surgery

Donut breast lift surgery – also known as a peri-areolar breast lift surgery – is a technique that involves making a circular incision around the areola.

This incision is used to remove excess skin and lift the breasts. Donut breast lift surgery is typically recommended for patients who have mild to moderate sagging and minimal excess skin.

Lollipop Breast Lift Surgery

Lollipop breast lift surgery – also known as a vertical breast lift – involves making a circular incision around the areola and a vertical incision down the center of the breast.

This incision is used to remove excess skin and lift the breasts. Lollipop breast lift surgery is typically recommended for patients who have moderate to severe sagging and more excess skin.

Anchor Breast Lift Surgery

Anchor breast lift surgery involves making an incision around the areola, down the center of the breast, and along the inframammary fold (the crease under the breast).

This incision can be used to remove larger amount of excess skin and lift the breasts. The procedure is typically recommended for patients who have severe sagging and a significant amount of excess skin.

Which Breast Lift Surgery Is Right for Me?

As with any plastic surgery the goal is to achieve the best possible results with the least amount of scarring. A skilled and experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali at AMAE Plastic Surgery in Birmingham, MI, will have years of experience creating the finest scars that are well concealed in the body’s natural folds. However, any incision does necessarily come with some scarring.

With crescent breast lift surgery being the least invasive, and anchor breast lifts being reserved for the most extreme cases, most patients fall in the middle and elect for the donut or lollipop technique.

Because the donut breast lift incision goes perfectly around the perimeter of the areola, the scar is barely noticeable when healed. However, the lollipop breast lift uses the same circular incision around the areola, plus a vertical incision down the center of the breast. But the lollipop technique can address more severe sagging and excess skin than the donut method can.

The appropriate procedure for you will depend on the extent of your sagging and excess skin, as well as your desired outcome. AMAE Plastic Surgery is among the first and only aesthetic practices in the Birmingham, MI area to offer state-of-the-art Vectra 3D imaging for breast lift patents. This revolutionary imaging system provides a three-dimensional computerized image of the patient’s breasts from any and every angle – so that Dr. Ali can show them the expected outcomes before their breast lift surgery!

Recovery After Breast Lift Surgery

Recovery after breast lift surgery will depend on the individual patient’s age, skin condition, health, healing process, and the extent of the procedure. In general, patients can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort following the surgery. The surgeon will provide specific instructions for caring for the incision site, including how to manage any swelling or discomfort.

Most patients are able to return to work and other normal activities within a week or two after the surgery. However, it’s important to follow the surgeon’s instructions and avoid strenuous activities or heavy lifting for at least the first few weeks after the breast lift surgery. This will help ensure proper healing and prevent any complications.

The final results of the breast lift surgery may not be fully visible for several weeks or months, as the swelling and bruising gradually resolve. Dr. Ali will schedule follow-up appointments at AMAE Plastic Surgery in Birmingham, MI to monitor the healing process and ensure that the patient is recovering as expected.