Are Breast Implants Safe?
Because very early generation of breast implants were not as rigorously tested and lead to certain complications, many women still have questions about the safety of breast augmentation surgery. However, with the advancements in technology and medical science, the safety profile of modern breast implants has improved significantly. Rigorous testing, ongoing research, and enhanced materials contribute to the safety of contemporary breast implants.
These huge advancements in breast implant technology have not only made today’s implants both more natural looking & feeling, but also much more durable and extremely safe. And regulatory bodies, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States, play a pivotal role in ensuring the safety and efficacy of medical devices, including breast implants. The FDA regularly reviews and evaluates data from clinical trials and post-market surveillance to assess the performance and safety of different implant types.
Top Birmingham, MI board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has performed breast implant surgery on thousands of women with safe and beautiful results. In this article he addresses the history of breast implants, as well as the modern innovations that have made them stronger, safer, and more natural.
History of Silicone Breast Implants
Silicone implants were first used in 1964 with the limited technology of that decade. Over time, some patients experienced complications. So in 1992 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) temporarily recommended that silicone implants be removed from use (except for reconstruction or for congenital deformities), pending further study.
At that time myths, rumors and speculation about silicone implants were widely spread. But exhaustive studies have shown that silicone implants actually have complication rates that are very small – and are the same as, or in some cases lower than, saline implants.
Studies showed that there was no evidence of long-term autoimmune problems in women who underwent augmentation with silicone implants. In 1999, the National Academy Institute of Medicine issued a report that concluded that diseases such as connective tissue disorders, cancer, neurological diseases, or other systemic complaints or conditions “are no more common in women with breast implants than in women without implants.”
In 2006 the FDA lifted its restrictions on silicone breast implants, and cleared them for cosmetic use in women aged 22 and older. By 2010 breast implants were the most popular plastic surgery in the United States – with 62% of implants being silicone.
History of Saline Breast Implants
Saline implants have also been used in the United States since the 1960s. When silicone implants were removed from the market in 1992, saline implants increased in use. At that time, many women felt more comfortable using saline (“salt water”) breast implants, because saline is a natural substance that is safely absorbed into the bloodstream if the breast implant leaks, ruptures or deflates.
However, saline has less “viscosity” (thickness) compared to silicone – making saline breast implants feel somewhat less “natural” than silicone breast implants. Additionally saline implants have about a 10% incidence of “deflation” – whereas silicone implants retain some or all of their shape even if the integrity of the breast implants shell is compromised.
Do Breast Implants Cause Cancer?
Studies have definitively proven that there is no relationship between breast implants and breast cancer. In the United States, approximately 1 out of 9 women (11%) will develop breast cancer. This percentage is the same for women with and without breast implants.
Because of the large number of women having breast implants – and the fact that approximately 11% of all women will unfortunately experience breast cancer in their lifetime – some breast augmentation patients will eventually develop breast cancer. But The National Cancer Institute recently released a study of more than 13,000 women and concluded that there was no significant increase in breast cancer incidence in women with breast implants.
The American Cancer Society also unequivocally states that “women with breast implants do not have a higher risk of breast cancer than women without implants.” And the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continues to monitor the safety of breast implants and also has found no compelling evidence to suggest a cancer link.
And recent studies and data from reputable organizations offer reassuring evidence that they do not significantly increase the risk of developing cancer. Research conducted over decades involving tens of thousands of women with implants supports the conclusion that they do not substantially increase cancer risk. And studies have consistently shown no connection between silicone gel implants and other cancers, including lymphoma and leukemia.
Safe Breast Implants | Birmingham, MI
Both silicone and saline breast implants have undergone extensive testing and are considered safe for use. Silicone implants, filled with cohesive gel, closely mimic the feel of natural breast tissue while being extremely difficult to rupture. Saline implants, filled with sterile saltwater, offer a different look and feel but also offer a well-established safety record. Long-term studies on the safety of breast implants contribute valuable insights. Research has indicated that most women with breast implants do not experience serious complications.
Keep in mind that breast implants are tested, regulated, approved and closely monitored in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration. Since 2006 the FDA has allowed the use of today’s modern generation of silicone breast implants.
In fact, based on data from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery it’s estimated that roughly 1 in every 26 women in the US has breast implants. That means that 4% of US women have improved their appearance with breast implants.
Top Breast Implant Surgeon | Birmingham, MI
Dr. Ali is a board certified Birmingham, MI plastic surgeon who has performed breast implant surgery on thousands of women in Birmingham, Troy, Rochester Hills, West Bloomfield, and across Oakland County and the Detroit area. He utilizes the latest techniques – and state-of-the-art breast implant products, technologies and procedures – to ensure that your results are as safe as they are beautiful.
The safety of modern breast implants is a result of continuous advancements, stringent regulatory oversight, and ongoing research. As technology evolves, so does the ability to provide patients with breast implants that not only achieve aesthetic goals but also prioritize safety and longevity. Individuals considering breast augmentation are encouraged to schedule a consultation with top Birmingham, MI board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali. He is committed to upholding the highest standards of safety and care, ensuring a positive and safe experience for every patient.
Top Birmingham, MI board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali will address your concerns and answer all of your questions to help you make well-informed choices about your breast enhancement journey. Feel beautiful inside and out, with breast implant surgery. And remember, financing options are also available.
Breast Implant Surgeon | Birmingham, MI: 248.335.7200
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9:00 am to 5:00 pm
11:00 am to 7:00 pm
9:00 am to 1:00 pm
One/Month | Call to Confirm
Dr. Ali Plastic Surgery & AMAE Med Spa
353 S. Old Woodward Ave.
Birmingham, MI 48009