facelift surgery detroit

Facelift Surgery

A facelift tightens skin to improve deep cheek folds, remove jowls, eliminate saggy skin around the neck, and make wrinkles disappear – reversing the signs of aging to take years of a person’s appearance. There are many advanced techniques for performing a facelift depending upon the areas of concern. During the operation, loose skin is removed and the tissue around the facial muscles is tightened. Many times liposuction is also employed to get rid of excess fat, which may then be injected elsewhere in the face to fill hollow contours and restore facial youthfulness.

Under many circumstances, facial tissue can be repositioned without any external scars at all. In other cases, scarring is very small and fine and is hidden behind the ears. While a facelift is usually performed on people between the ages of 40-60, men and women in their 70s and 80s have excellent anti aging benefits from a facelift as well!